
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese socialization (127)


Off to the Vets

We are off to the vets today through a huge snowstorm that may materialize or may not.

Treasure still thinks she is one of the big guys - go figure.

Rocky loves playing with Fiona and Treasure and Benny is coming tomorrow. Benny is a pup from Risa's last litter that is all grown up now.

Back to wondering where my camera is as Fiona, Treasure and Rocky are playing up a storm while the rest of us watch.

More later.>>


Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>


Havanese: I am Unsure Daddy

Abs went to handling class last night and had a grand time seeing everyone. She seems to get along with everyone.

But then we went to go pick up some things from another dog person for the big Havanese HFC specialty that is happening near Halloween near the airport in Toronto and she saw a 3 legged dog and the tail went down, the hiding started and she just didn't know how to handle it.

The person we went to see, Paula told Nathan to pay attention to the 3 legged dog to get Abs 'getting' that the dog was okay. Then she started telling me and I knew but was rather surprised that she was reacting that way. I was lost in the 'surprise.'

Paula mentioned she had a 3 legged dog and her pack reacted the same at first. She mentioned it was the hopping and that made sense. Paula does rescue and therefore has a great deal of experience with it.

I find this to be interesting. No matter how grounded a dog can be, how socialized - it can still have something that seems to be so unusual to them that they don't know how to react.

I rather wish we had a 3 legged dog that she could get to know but we don't. This was a fair distance from our house but it tells me no matter how much you socialize them - there is always something they can be conditioned to and therefore learn - gain grounding and be a better dog for it.

The point is - keep socializing and pet that dog that your little one is afraid of and ignore your own so they 'get' the idea that this dog is fun and okay. It may not work the first time but keep at it and each time, well that unsure behaviour will dissipate.


Are Two Better than One Havanese?

What you see here looks like a mass of hair and it is. In this photo is Shoshi, Abigail and Fiona.

We started this Havanese journey as our daughter has a Coton du Tulear and we loved to watch her Coton play with our Golden Retriever.

We are truly glad we made the plunge but there are days we check our sanity at the door.

When Shoshi came to us, she was too young, in my opinion and missing what the dam usually teaches those last critical weeks. Shoshi has been playing catch-up on how to be a Havanese since day one. She seems to have finally fully arrived.

Our Golden played with Shoshi wonderfully that first year placing her snout in the snow and throwing a spray of snow at Shoshi and soon Shoshi was doing the same in return. I have pictures of that memory that are truly precious. Terra and Shoshi fast became best pals.

Then we saw Shoshi playing with her sister with that run-like hell game and said - oh we need another. So our journey began to find a playmate that didn't fall on their face when Shoshi stopped on a dime - which often happened with Terra. Terra had longer legs but Shoshi could just outrun her by cutting corners and it was endearing.

Then Risa came into our lives and she just wouldn't play with Shoshi but she took a liking to me and would follow me around like we were connected at the hip. So, although she didn't play with Shoshi, well, she was ours. She is now Nathan's dog through and through since he sat and helped her through her last whelping.

After that, Paris and Wasabi came to visit and Wasabi alone played with Shoshi but with Paris - well Paris was her focus. I loved the antics of both Paris and Wasabi and when it came to picking between both to add another to our home, Wasabi won out due to her play with Shoshi. Paris only wanted Wasabi. But Paris was amazing - so difficult to choose. Paris could jump straight up on my hat box to an amazing height and curl up like a ball to sleep. But after we chose, Wasabi got in a funk without Paris and stopped playing with Shoshi.

Now if you are following this story - we got 2 dogs to play with Shoshi and neither would play with her. Now how did that happen? Then Kat was born in our home and well, he was Risa's and he was the one dog that climbed over everyone saying PICK ME - PICK ME and he took no backseat to his mom or to his grandsire, Mojo. He was one of the very select few that got away with challenging the Moj. Now Fiona also gets that designation, Risa's grand daughter, Mojo's great grand daughter. Something about that line and their personality. In their minds they definitely think they count the most.

Then we were lucky enough to get Abigail, to show and to bring some puppy life around this place. After 2 litters - we were really missing puppy-hood. Abs is an old soul before her time. She has this magic where she calms those around her and unites the pack. She has a delicious unbridled way about her in her play that all the dogs tend to gravitate to. They all want to play with the Abs - perhaps due to her being so accommodating.

Then we added Fiona, who has that 'pick me' attitude that makes you laugh. She also has that pouting thing going on much like Kat - no patience for taking too long and sees nothing wrong with walking up your body to get you to pay attention to her vs. anyone else.

The pups adore each other. To answer the question - are two better than one - absolutely. More work in training but once you get past that - and even while you are in the midst of it - the memories they create are priceless. But you have to invest time in spending one on one time with each so they bond to you not just the other puppy and that has happened here.

As you can see in the photo, due to Abs, Shoshi finally has a play partner that we were looking for when we started this journey. The introduction of the pups has helped Shoshi become the dog she was meant to be.

Shoshi and Abs are now playing wonderfully together. We started this journey for her to get her a playmate. She came to us at 7 weeks โ€“ way too early and it has taken her years to learn how to act like a Havanese from the pack. Itโ€™s hard to explain but she mounted Abs and I celebrated โ€“ not for Abs but that Shoshi finally has some perceived backbone in her mind. Itโ€™s a wonderful relationship Abs and Shoshi are developing and I have Abs to thank for that. Shoshi has made the entire circle to acceptance and becoming a critical part of the pack that has a job. No one should let dogs go at 7 weeks โ€“ as they miss so much learning from the dam.

That Absโ€ฆshe is a heart dog โ€“ a calming force that reels them in and gets others to feel relaxed, loved and wanted. Thatโ€™s a special quality she has.

So, are two dogs better than one... heh - do you now have the answer?


Havanese Play

The Havanese sometimes play in a fashion where they look like they are baring their teeth and they are but it is all in fun. You have to figure out the difference between the fun and games and bite inhibition of puppies. It's an essential learning process that helps them with socialization.

When a puppy is just getting around, it's mom will correct her pup in various ways if it bites too hard. I remember once seeing Kat's head disappear in Risa's mouth as she had enough. She was a very tolerant mom with him but he was a step over the line boy that loved to egg her on. She did what any good mom would do and say - enough. He didn't learn the first time but he did eventually get it or maybe he actually resigned himself to 'get' it.

When you acquire a pup, the canine mom has done a significant amount of training on what will be tolerated in this new world and what won't and so do the humans. This continues after you obtain your little one letting them know the boundaries - the rules by sometimes overemphasizing the reaction. Such as playing too hard, the human would yell louder than necessary to say - ouch or what have you. You can even turn your back and stop play. This is a clear sign that enough is enough. They do learn from this at all ages. Puppies enjoy and need rules, boundaries and some would say - then your love but as a mother of 7 kids, I rather feel rules and boundaries and saying 'no' when they look at you to melt your heart is love too.

When they are doing the right thing, that's when the snuggles and hugs and kisses should come.

You never use negative training but a 'no' and stopping the play is part of development.

If you watch a dam with her puppies, you may think she is too rough but in reality she is quite gentle but direct and straight to the point. She doesn't want to say - joey sit - joey sit - come on joey sit. If a dam was to teach her pup to sit and they don't do that but if they were - they would say it one time and then if they didn't, she would put them into position then give them a signal of what a good boy you are even though she put him into position. As humans we have to follow suit. We say it one time, we place them into position or stop the play and then start again and praise when they do it right.

The first couple of years they are like sponges soaking it up. They can and do continue to learn later on but there's nothing like those first couple of years.

As you can see, Abigail has her teeth bared playing with Fiona. If either was to get too rough, a yelp would be let out and the other would learn that they went too far. If they don't learn, the receiver of such overtures would not play with them till they did 'get' it.

It's our job to foster that development and understand it and not hinder it as they are learning but give them rules and boundaries. They will love you even more for it.

It's rare for a dog to be balanced that lives without rules and boundaries. They are what we put into them.

We are off to shows this entire weekend and not back till Tuesday but we will be posting - investing our time with the dogs and the computer will come 2nd. I won't miss a day but realize our focus is the dogs.

More later...


Havanese Jazzy is a Social Guy

Our friends at Eye on Fashion (cool store in Richmond Hill) take their Havanese to work with them each day. As a single dog family, this works well for Jazzy as he gets to be exposed to all sorts of noises, people and even other dogs.

When we have puppies or want to get our dogs exposed, Jazzy comes here or we come to their store for a little socialization. It really makes a HUGE difference plus its plain fun for you and them to have playmates.

We just adore Jazzy and so do they - and you can tell.

Jazzy loves his visitors and loves his walks. He is quite the character and when you meet him - if you never saw a Havanese before or even if you did - you want one after getting exposed to him.

They all have their own unique personalities and looks and colours but they also all love the run-like-hell game, the mischievous antics that do remind you that they were circus dogs at one time - ready - willing to make you laugh.

We thank the 'Eye on Fashion' folks for allowing us to be in Jazzy's life and sharing these gorgeous photos of him.

I didn't post this to get you to go to their store - but you should. Rather - it was a way to tell you that a Havanese is a social dog that really needs to be socialized so they can be all they can be. The 'Eye on Fashion' people are an excellent example of finding ways to be creative with socialization.

More later...


Havanese Need Friendships

Well, I thought I would put hair ties on the duo and it lasted - oh about 5 seconds. Between Fiona scrunching her head into anything to get it off and Miss Abs playing rambunctious - well it was short lived. We will try again.

There's a lot of theory about the evolution of play, physical, social, cognitive development of the brain. In play, your Havanese learns social etiquette, to play fairly, to meet and greet properly, to respect the space of someone that wants their space, and it trains them for the unexpected such as another dog being uncomfortable and perhaps snapping or growling. Often its not a sign of aggression when a dog barks or snaps but rather - I am uncomfortable - how will I deal.

Play is so very important. It's a very complex serious activity with your Havanese. It could even be the foundation for your dawgs moral decisions. Consider play dates with positive resources. It will help your dog be a better well rounded and balanced Havanese.

Let's talk about Miss Abs. When we first got her, we were going through not socializing until we had all our shots and although she has a built in group to learn from, it's different when the dogs are various sizes and they don't get to know them. On her first handling class, she laid on the floor and said forget about this. She had already gone through an obedience class so one would have thought - why now - she's too old for this but not really. Much happens in that first year that lays the base for the rest. One would assume she was skittish and not ready for such an event but instead of saying - poor thing - we started taking her to Petsmart and to Home Depot daily in that next week. It made a HUGE difference. She met and greeted many dogs and although she didn't play with them, it was a controlled environment and got her slowly conditioned to being close to dogs and people of all sizes.

Last night as she has done since her first week in handling class where she laid down in revolt or was that uncomfortability, she wags her tail - greets the Great Dane, all dogs even if they snap. She's patient with all and doesn't back off but doesn't make a dog that is uneasy as it hasn't been socialized sufficiently uncomfie. She has become balanced but that came with work of daily exposing her. That's not to say that something can't spook her in the future but as far as she is concerned, she has found her comfortability with people be it kids or adults and with dogs of various sizes - friendly and unfriendly.

The point of all this is to realize that slow conditioning does help and play doesn't have to be running around but even practicing walking near another dog can help them gain their confidence. Everything you do counts. Just don't get frustrated if it doesn't work right out of the gate. It didn't for Miss Abs. They feed off your emotion so it is important to keep a level head and focus on the end result vs. the moments that frustrate you. Any of you that have had human kids know all the way through teenage years and then some you can get frustrated but most of your job is done after that first year with a dog that you have invested training, socializing and reinforcing in. They will be that dog you always wanted as they are what you put into them.

Too often a dog will bark when they are not sure of their environment. Zack did this when we went to Rens last week and to Home Depot but soon realized after saying 'no bark' firmly that there really wasn't anything to be concerned about. He soon was saying hi to human and canines alike till we came across an aggressive dog and instead of scaring him, I walked the other way - not in a rush but in a deliberate distraction. It's important when your dog is young to not instill fear in them and to redirect when 'you' read the body of another dog. When they arrive at a place where they can read and feel comfort with their coping skills - well then you can use that dog to calm others - like the Miss Abs seems to do with others.

Our Havanese learn to read other dogs in different time frames. Katsuro was almost 9 months till he could totally tell what another dog was saying. Abs is 6 months and can tell. It's not a sign of intelligence. Think of it as similar to a human trait and if you had 'NO words' and had to read body language - some of us would pick up on it fast and others wouldn't be sure what was being said. All that matters at the end of the day is they figure it out and learn coping skills when things are not the way they desire. This comes with maturity and you being tuned into them.


Talemaker Havanese Memories

Click to play Remember When


Nothing Like More Than One Havanese

We have a returning visitor Gidget having a holiday with us and it gave us an opportunity to capture how Havanese play with each other. One Havanese is great - two are amazing and watch out - they are addicting. They make you laugh and realize that there is much laughter in the world if you just flick off the tube and watch the Havanese. My PVR runneth over. Follow the Talemaker Adventures at


Second Class Down

We have the 2nd class down and the little ones did well. As you can see, Sebastian has that adoration thang - where's that treat down cold. He's so cute. You should have seen him playing with a big dawg after class and having a roaring good time at that. Miss Abs wasn't quite sure about the guy - wanted to play but wasn't sure about all that movement. After her next shot, we will be on a mission of making sure she finishes her socialization list and getting exposed to various people, dawgs so she also has that exhuberence to play with guys of all sizes etc Shots come on Monday.

The duo - Miss Abs and Sebastian needs to work on their stays. Sassy Lassy missed class and will have to play catch-up this week. Miss Abs actually seems to have that 'stay' thing going on. We even did off leash. practice, practice, practice guys as we expect perfection next week. hehehehehe

Here you can see Abs practicing heel - amazing considering she bucked like a bronco the first time we put a collar on her. Give me treats anytime daddy and I will do what you want. She's turning into an amazing dog and catches on quickly.

Did you notice that the ladies in this crew are not in the photos? What does that tell you? We got to sit, watch and critique - an easier job by far. Next week I will be taking Sassy around, I am told so that should be fun. More about that later.


Talemaker's Coach Visits

Miss Abs got a visit from her half brother Coach - one of Wasabi's pups. Wasabi was delighted to see Coach but this photo was taken just before he was going home. The kids were still mucking it up and Wasabi looks as if to say - kids - do they ever stop playing?

You can click on all the photos to see a larger version.

The crew had a wonderful time. Look tomorrow for some priceless photos of the gang in a slideshow.

We hope Coach sleeps tonight. We know Miss Abs and Wasabi will. Thanks, John for bringing him by. It was a real pleasure. Surely made our day!

More tomorrow>>


The Trios First Class, Visit to Yvonne's


Havanese First Class, Yvonne's and More

Well, Miss Abs, C-Bass, and the Sassy Lassy had their first class on Saturday. I heard great things about it but I was out in the car with the rest of the motley crew. Miss Abs was a tad nervous when all the large dogs came in but soon got over that. Daddy knew what to do introducing her around in a way where she got her grounding. We find the Miss Abs gets a tad nervous with new experiences but recovers FAST.

C-Bass and Sassy looked around, did fine with the environment and Sebastian remembered the Miss Abs as a playmate. As you can see in this photo, the trio was having a Havanese sniff-fest.

I will let Nathan (daddy) fill you in on the rest as I was hanging out with the other canines. Next week it will just be us and the Abs and maybe I will get to see the Talemaker crew for a tad longer. Gad that enthusiasm of C-Bass and oops that bark like Miss Abs and that strut of Miss Sassy. Boy does she strut and prance with an air of - 'I am all THAT - you know'. Shh - C-Bass knows she's a gal and let's her believe she is. ROFL! Wise guy!

Then we went off to Yvonne's and had a sleepover. The crew knew where they were going other than Miss Abs who walked in the house - went hmm where am I and fell in playing with Flora Dora. Here she is in this photo trying to find Flora. They ran around this chair jumping on each other that one can't help but laugh and laugh.

You can always click on any of these photos to see a larger view.

Then they would catch up with each other and play and play and play. Miss Abs ended up downright exhausted.

The best part of Yvonne's house is first their company but also the heavy amount of socialization the dogs get. Our Shoshi was a timid dog and no longer is. We owe that to not just letting her nervousness be and the amount of socialization she has had. it really works in giving your Havanese a balanced and secure feeling with new things when they have had positive exposures.

Talking about exhaustion, Whitney, Terra, Katsuro, Shoshi, Wasabi and Risa all got their full play in. We have a ton of photos that I am hoping to put in a slide show. We also saw puppies and Miss Abs got to play with them too and loved it! It was great to see.

As you can see, Wasabi was totally exhausted and wet from all that snow. She was drying all cozy like in a blanket in total comfort.

When a new pup comes into your home, there is always a period of adjustment between the humans, the pups the other dogs etc. Miss Abs has been continually getting more and more comfort to the point that she is looking forward to new events and the dogs are really connecting with her. She has found her place in the pack and they have accepted her as a part of it. There is a difference from day one to now and it is nice how it evolved - naturally with all. She's won our hearts even with that wolf howl - just like the C-Bass but his is a tad different sound. Still - puppies sometimes like hearing their voices. As long as we direct it to using it for things you want to and not use it when you don't, it all works. we are a work in progress in this regard.

Now we went through a period of Risa being withdrawn when her pack left and Wasabi was starting to do the same and not totally ignoring but not connecting with Miss Abs and she has made that bridge with her - doing 'run like hell games' under the deck and just a few minutes ago, snuggled up against each other on the blanket next to my desk. she has also used her charm to get to Katsuro, Shoshi, Risa, Terra and Whitney.

It's nice to see Miss Wasabi Woo (as we so fondly call her) getting connected again with puppies as she adores them. I tell you, she was so excited to see C-Bass and Sassy Lassy that it did our heart good! We were too. :-)

The usual exhausted stance these days is a snuggle in the arms, on the couch, on the legs - wherever she can get close and enjoy being with you - nice!

Well, seeing we were on holidays, the dawgs got wet, messy and just plain had fun and we also get wet, messy and had our own fun. Good food, good friends and puppies and our dogs having a grand time. How can it get any better?

We have a video that we are hoping to convert and put up in the next day or two. Please be patient as we are exhausted from our trip. We are chillin' watching TV, relaxin' and playing catchup. More later....


Sassy Lassy Antics

Sebastian says - "I have the toy so what are you going to do, Sassy Lassy? Oh - you think you can get it but I will show you who gets to keep it this time!"

Oh, the antics of these two have been precious this week. They have truly bonded even deeper - if that can be imagined. Sebastian even goes to look for her when he deigns to get his ahem out of bed. Sassy Lassy decides if I am getting up - so is she. The thing is, she has no clue about this exercise business and is keyed into my timing. If I am late getting up, that's when she gets up. If I am early - that's her as well. She's really tuned into the rhythms of the human pack. That's nice.

Today I did an hour stretch program that was almost impossible as Sassy Lassy thought that was an invitation to lick my face all over, crawl all over my chest and stomach when I laid down and have a grand old time with my feet.

For those that wondered who got the toy, well that Sassy Lassy plucked it from Sebastian and ran into his bed cave that he has here. She's a mighty creative one in how she accomplishes things. Her mind is always working at ways to have fun and its obvious that these 2 really enjoy each other.

Well more later. Forgive us but we are going to spend as much time with the crew as time allows and then when the Sassy is gone (our last one) - please do continue to read along as there will be tales to tell at Talemakers Havanese.


Havanese Sibling Socialization

The siblings had a meet and greet session yesterday that was an amazing amount of fun and we wonder if Coach slept afterwards. Sassy crawled into bed upstairs after he left and said enough is enough - I need my sleep. She was completely exhausted. Sebastian decided to stay downstairs and nibble on Terra's ear trying to get her to play. He was wide awake until after 11pm.

They all slept well last night and had no jockeying for position but Sebastian still had Risa's pillow at the top of the bed for a portion of the night- imagine that. He laid across the pillow with his body stretched out and up against Nathan's head. All was fine in his world getting top dawg position for the 2nd night in a row. Katsuro snuggled then decided the floor was cooler. Sassy doesn't seem to get preoccupied with proving any of that stuff - rather like Risa, so one wonders if they remained in the same house who would be true alpha. Only time would tell. Personally, I think a submissive position is easier than controlling the universe.

Interesting enough, Coach is also an alpha want to be - so 3 alpha want to be's getting together to play - it was actually fun. They wrestled and play growled and rolled around and ran and had a roaring grand time. Here's Sassy yanking on her brother to get him out of the tunnel. Hey - you can't escape me - you just think you can.

This get together was great. It was great distraction for us. Thanks, John!

Here's a photo of Coach and Sassy and I am putting this up as Sassy was shaking her head midstream while I was taking this photo trying to dust herself off from the antics of her siblings. It looks a tad funny but that's what she was indeed doing.

Sassy was the target at times but she held her own and then some - but it was all in fun. If it wasn't, we would have ceased the behaviour but she kept going back for more and playing with all comers.

You can click on any of the photos in this site to see a larger version.

I remember when the dogs couldn't reach this water dish and had to put their paws up to drink. My, times have changed. They have really grown. Rockhurst's Buster and Wasabi really made nice pups and Wasabi and her body structure, balanced nature and Buster and his - wow. I can't say enough and they remain ahead of schedule, smart as ever and pretty dawgs. Ok, we aren't supposed to say pretty about the males but they are...rather nice features and everyone says that. They have this cuteness factor thang going on.

The siblings had a blast. I have yet to find time to look at the video but it was a futile attempt to capture. They were running and running with excitement. But - maybe - something. We will find out later and if so, we will upload. Our still photos were just as bad. Amazing how fast with excitement they were moving. We must do this again.


Havanese Morning Stroll

This is Sebastian and Sassy coming in from their morning stroll out back. They love the layer of snow and Sebastian hasn't stopped making that tweety sound yet with that stick we can't find anywhere. I may hide that toy and Sassy wants it back.

Off to do breakfast. Boy are they full of it this fine morning.

More later...


Two Talemaker Havanese Siblings Reunite

We had approx 2.5 hours of copy and had to cut out a ton but we hope what you enjoy the reunion of these Havanese siblings after 2 weeks. It was wild, crazy and amazingly fun. No, they are not killing each other. They're having a gloriously fun time. This is how Havanese play - especially sibling mates. Thanks goes to Sebastian's mom, Maryanne for bringing him to visit. It's these moments that make this all worth it! The other sibling, Sassy gal and she is Sassy as you will see, goes to her new home soon and will be playing with Sebastian from time to time. What more could we hope for!

Can you imagine what we cut? It was great copy - all 2.5 hours worth with minor camera issues but still a great memory. Thanks!!


What Makes an Outstanding Havanese?

This morning, Sassy was relentless with Katsuro. He wanted to sleep - she insisted that she wanted to snuggle. It was as if Katsuro wanted to say - 'will you just leave me alone?'

This was the beginning of their social interaction today. Each day it varies on what she learns from each. It's a huge bonus for her to remain with many dogs as she will learn a bit from each and it will help her learn important communication skills. It's hard for us as we bond with them. But as we found in the past and with Sebastian yesterday, when a pup comes to visit and enjoys and is comfie in our home, it means they have good imprints from where they began. Then when they are done playing, show that their new owners are their person, and they go home, it also shows us that this learning, security and love has continued and that lends us comfort as it's all about the dawgs to us more than you can ever know!

To continue on what happened this morning - Then as time went on, they just fell asleep together. Relationships at this critical stage are important as they lay the base for how they will react as adults unless you intervene and immerse them in slow conditioning but why start with baggage? It's best to expose in safe environments to give the best result. Easier said then done at times and things do happen and you 'can' recover.

What that means is it is important to expose them to dogs you know that will give them positive reactions to help them learn how to interact. That's not to say that the growl from Risa as one is getting too close is not a good thing. It is but when no altercation exists but rather communication, the puppy learns.

You can click on any photos in this blog to get a larger view.

Today we are working on a video with Sebastian to show you how siblings react to each other. It's a joy - a true one. But I need to find the time to edit and we have much to do today - am shooting for tonight at the latest to post.

To elaborate on what makes a dog balanced, secure, even temperament and all that you want it to be - is it genetics? I will take a piece out of Kathryn Braunds book, The Joyous Havanese (I suggest you buy this book) that tells what makes a dog be all they can be.

"Your dog is 50% dam, 50% sire however both dam and sire are a product of generations of genes. Each canine mom imprints her puppies with habits she has and the way she responds to their and her human's guardians every action. " (My note: with multi dogs - that includes all the dogs that interact with the pups)

"Ingredients in making a dog be all they can be:

1. Interactions with siblings (other dogs in home)
2. Interaction with the breeder
3. Permanent socialization from 8 to 20 weeks
4. The final touch covers adolescent from 12 to 15 months. Socialization during this period cements all past genetic and environmental happenings in the not so closed brain.

Note that many genes do not come into play unless they are utilized early on such as retrieving. It is why you should be teaching your dog as much as he can by 15 months. It doesn't mean learning ceases after this age but the brain is more receptive till this age."

Puppy relationships start in the whelping box. You as a potential owner should be asking what the breeder does in regards to socialization, relationships etc.

Here, we take it very serious and invest our whole heart and soul in it but it's a learning process and once you stop and become stagnant, it's not good. Life is changing so learning should never end. From 4 weeks to 16 weeks is a very critical stage.

"Let's see what makes a Havanese tick. We already know the Havanese have genes honed into them through centuries of rearing, which makes him loving, exceptionally happy and bouncy. His stereotype is of a sensitive, willing, attention seeking, charming athletic dog.

However each Havanese is an individual and each has been gifted or denied by nature and environment with certain talents above and beyond the breed's basic characteristics., just as humans are. Each Havanese will develop different emotional responses to experiences he meets in life."

It's good to know that the Havanese you own (or will) completes his personality development and his uniqueness through interaction with you and your family.


New Years Havanese Slideshow

With so much snow, we got to spend New Years with our friends Yvonne and Alex from Chicadoro Havanese. We had a roaring good time and these are only some of the photos. We hope Yvonne does a slideshow on her site as there are so many more photos with her beautiful litter.


Visitors and Perfecting Running

We have Louis visiting. He's the black Havanese in this photo. We adore Louis as he is one of the most agile havanese we know walking across the top of the agility tunnel last picnic we had. Everyone else walked or ran through - not him on top just like his mom Gidget formally named Paris. Black Havanese are hard to photograph and you have to have a technique - called get them up close that I didn't have here. :-) Sorry...

As you can see, Sassy is running across our safety cover towards Louis. She's been having a blast today. She also had a golden visitor called Casey that was rather cool to have over. We love Golden's around this place.

Tomorrow Sassy gets her next set of shots. She's in for a treat seeing Lex as she likes him and more surprises tomorrow coming her way.