
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker sassy lassy (8)


Paradise Havanese Style

It can't get better than this. The humans brought us in the pool, laid out towels on the chairs for us and we don't even have hair enough to warrant a brush other than our ears and tail.

If you simply have an active lifestyle - well cut them down. They will always grow back. This is Sassy and Coach enjoying the backyard and Sebastians over too.

We hear Louis may be coming to play too. Oh my - lots of fun dawgies to play with.

That's dawgie paradise!


Home Week at Talemaker Havanese

It's been a fun day, today. Here's Abs, Fiona, Sassy and Coach hanging out at the pool waiting for Sebastian to show up.

Sassy is off to the vets tomorrow so she was hanging out, playing and having fun before she needs to rest for a few days. We also managed to give Coach and her a bath and wow do they look good.

We started the bath late but Sassy went out and headed for the mud so I got to do her under carriage, feet and neck again. Now we have them going out on leads to do their business so they don't get dirty just so they can look all so cute for their human packmates.

Check out the Sass after her bath - all spiffy for the vets tomorrow. I fed her treats, gave her kisses and made her feel great about the experience. That is what it is all about. If they relate the experience to a good one, then the next time it will get easier and easier.

Gad, she has such soft and white, white hair. I just adore putting my fingers through it and I hope her human packmates love it too.

The Coach got a bath next and he's a dog that looks great scruffy.

There are some dogs that do and this crew - Wasabi's pups - well that 'just let the hair fall where it goes' looks so great but groom them up and wow!

But Coach decided he was getting off the table. He kept shaking his head for the camera so what you see is what you get. Here he is looking at the camera as if he was saying - are you done YET?

I gave him hugs, kisses and much love but when it came to doing his stomach on his back - watch out but we managed to do it and he looks so boo-ti-full! Yes, I mean beautiful - handsome.

Still, well worth it and each time it gets easier when you groom them - wow, a handsome guy all brushed up but as you can tell, he is not smiling.

You take him off the table and the smile creeps in and he's ready for play.

It's as if he said, okay, I am done and ready to P-A-R-T-Y!

The crew loved the get together and so did Momma Wasabi. She gets right back into that mode of playing, protecting and teaching. She gets way excited to see them too.

As you can see, the crew was ready to go out in the back but Sassy and Coach had their bath so we had to put leads on them and lead them to the snow to do their business.

That worked great. You can tell that they are walked as they did really great on a lead.

Well, we are back again. Coach and Sassy was just picked up. I was in the middle of brushing Sebastian.

It's rather mucky out there so he was rolling around with the best of them but we hear there is rain for tomorrow so his bath will have to wait till sun and dryness arrives.

Sebastian is staying with us for a bit and he is mixing it up big-time with Fiona and Abigail. They are going to sleep tonight. He's so excited, it's as if someone put a battery in him and wound him up and the gals LOVE it!

Coach comes back for a couple of days starting tomorrow morning and Chico may be visiting on Saturday.

I will fill you in more on the antics of the crew but they are having such a roaring grand time that I want to watch so maybe tomorrow the video camera will have to come out. I am charging the camera.

Catch you all tomorrow!


Havanese Day Has Just Begun

It's almost 7am - let's stretch it and they are doing WHAT!? They are playing their hearts out as if they just found each other AGAIN! Can I ever sleep in? Guess not as Fiona and Miss Abs will go down stairs to go out in the morning with Nathan but the rest wait till I move it or they won't. What's that about?

Then Risa and Gidget sleep in. Nathan crawls back to bed and pretends to and I wake up and can't go back to sleep.

A dawgs start of a day. More later >> It's only JUST begun!


Nothing Like More Than One Havanese

We have a returning visitor Gidget having a holiday with us and it gave us an opportunity to capture how Havanese play with each other. One Havanese is great - two are amazing and watch out - they are addicting. They make you laugh and realize that there is much laughter in the world if you just flick off the tube and watch the Havanese. My PVR runneth over. Follow the Talemaker Adventures at


Talemaker Havanese: Happy Valentine's Day

If you click on this photo (you will see a larger version - my quickie photoshop job - really I am capable of better but it's early), the theme of this is - snow isn't the only thing you need to protect your little ones from but on this Valentine's Day, when chocolate abound, be sure to heed this warning.

If you want to know how to reduce the snowpiles on extra wet snowy days, put on a jacket that covers the under carriage. If you don't, place them in a sink. Have someone else hold them. You pour warm - not hot water on them and brush. The brushing part is important as it will reduce any knots. You will be glad you went the extra mile here.

We, at Talemaker's are going to have a low key day. Sassy is off for an adventure tonight on the long weekend. After she is gone, the dawgs, human mommy and daddy are going candlelight (yes those candles will be out of harm's way) and watching some sappy movie, eating, lovin' and spending time with the furry pack. They make any adversity we face easier -I tell you!

Have a very Happy Valentine's Day and give your fur pals extra hugs. They deserve it even when they drive you C-R-A-Z-Y!


Valetine's Day & Relationships

Last night Sassy was at Coach's playing and watching the Westminister Dog Show and a Havanese placed. Way to go!

I only hear snippets but I hear Coach and Sassy are having a grand time and as we know, Sassy likes to muck it up sometimes even more than the boys. She's a tomboy at heart. She used to have to deal with 5 brothers - you know.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I bring this up as some of you may not be aware of the potential hazards.

I have to give a couple of the dogs baths today and may get to the little ones as well. I want to see how 'gold on gold' works on Abigail and Fiona and we already know how 'white on white' works on Sassy, wasabi and Shoshi.

Gidget crawled up in a ball and went to sleep on the bed last night. Wasabi and Risa still claimed the extra bed.

There's more snow on the ground and the dawgs love that! Me - I may take a nap before the day starts - heh - oh what it already started? More later...


Brrr Havanese Cold Warning

It's really cold outside in the Toronto area and I mean really cold.

You should be aware that at the moment it is really too cold for the young pups and even your adult dogs - especially the older crew to be out for an extended period. Our Fiona we bring her out, say 'get busy' and get her right back in. Sassy and Miss Abs don't even clue in that its too cold and you have to get them interested in coming back in and playing tug inside like they are this fine morning. Also, catch Fiona, Miss Abs, Wasabi and Miss Sassy playing yesterday. Plus be sure to watch Talemaker's Sassy, Remy and Chico enjoying their visit - even Shoshi got into the ball play. They had more fun times inside but it was hard to take photos and time was invested in dawgs vs. camera.

Things to Think About in This Cold:
- Do check paw pads for small cuts and cracks. Consider dog boots for Havanese that react negatively to walking on ice and snow - especially Havanese that react to snow removal products. Use safe products to reduce slippage vs. salt. Clean their paws when they come inside or during the walk. There are many paw protectors on teh market but even bag balm will help and its not expensive and has many uses. It's always good to have on hand.

- Do check your Havanese's ears, tail and feet for frostbite. Just as dogs are sensitive to hot summer sidewalks, cold winter walkways may cause pain or contribute to frostbite. A dog that continually lifts individual legs off the ground during a winter walk may feel the effects of frostbite. Frostbitten skin may appear red or gray. If you suspect frostbite, wrap your dog's feet in a blanket or towels to gradually warm them and contact your veterinarian.

- Do invest in a sweater or a coat for your Havanese (we sometimes multi-layer - sweater then coat on top which works better than one alone when it is really cold). Watch for telltale signs that your Havanese is cold. Like us, Havanese will shiver in response to being chilled. A coat that has coverage on their stomach will also keep their snow balls from forming on their stomach when the snow is wet.

- Do keep your Havanese on a leash - especially during bad weather or snowstorms even in off leash parks when they can lose their ability to find their way by smell.

- Do clean up antifreeze spills immediately. Many dogs like the sweet smell and taste and, unfortunately, even very small amounts can be lethal to them.

- When you bathe your Havanese, be sure to dry his coat thoroughly before allowing him outside. Plus brush your dog before shampooing you will have to deal with mats.

- Don't leave your Havanese alone in cars during cold weather months. When the engine is off, a car can act as a refrigerator, holding in the cold.

Be wise - be safe and treasure your little one. They are worth it!

More later as the day unfolds. We have Gidget (Paris) coming tomorrow. Such fun!


Talemaker Sibling Get Together 17 Weeks

Part of Wasabi's pups were over for a visit and Nathan had a hard time following them with the camera. He was able to get Chico, Sassy and part of our crew (Shoshi with the ball) plus Remy for a bit. We think Remy was schmoozing with the new gals at our home. We can't blame him.