
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker coach (8)


Paradise Havanese Style

It can't get better than this. The humans brought us in the pool, laid out towels on the chairs for us and we don't even have hair enough to warrant a brush other than our ears and tail.

If you simply have an active lifestyle - well cut them down. They will always grow back. This is Sassy and Coach enjoying the backyard and Sebastians over too.

We hear Louis may be coming to play too. Oh my - lots of fun dawgies to play with.

That's dawgie paradise!


Havanese Visitors Before the Storm

Oh, we had a bit of fun tonight when Sassy and Coach came by. Coach was getting groomed a bit so you don't see him here. Nathan was at the camera, I was at the grooming table and never the two will meet. ROFL.

Still, Coach did manage to have a roaring grand time too. Nathan tried posing all of them but was soon figuring out that this is rather fruitless. Dogs will be dogs and not statues. But it sure did look like Fiona was posing for him.

Click on the photo to see an upclose view.

Well, we are getting ready for an outside dog show and they say rain and more rain in Orono. If you want a laugh of watching us squish through the field - do come to see us.

I will be washing Abigail tomorrow as I am rather tired tonight just in time for the rain. Got to remember raincoats. Dear old Abs is having fun just being a dog with our visitors and it does my heart good.

Thought she does look a tad tuckered out. I guess full out play does that for you. Or could it be she is looking forward to the show so much - well that could be so. She does love that one on one time. There's nothing like it!

I just adore the dogs. It's better than TV by far. Ooops that PVR is filling up fast. I guess Fiona and I will have to watch our favourite shows. She needs her alone time too.

Catch you tomorrow and do wish us well. I will let you know tomorrow if Nathan's shoes go squish, squish.


Show, Last Night & Today Havanese Style

We do not have time but will later. We have a show to get ready for, work and the update will come today - later.

We will try to get a slide show of last night's obedience class and tell you how Zack slid into home run to win. Gad - where is the video camera when you need one.

Let's not forget Coach who really improved amazingly since that first night - wow!

For now, enjoy Fiona in class last night so in tuned to Nathan or was that the treat or both?

She was a complete circus clown last night but she wouldn't be her otherwise.


Dreary Havanese Day

It's a dreary day outside waiting to rain and this human mommy was going to wash a couple of dogs as she has the day off thanks to Memorial day but instead, we thinking we will comb/brush etc

Miss Fiona had her first knot after not brushing her over the weekend. It was minor so a brush/pull apart removed it. Still, that gal thinks I am killing her when I brush out the back legs. We are being persistent so she gets over it.

The pair is happy just to be playing with each other. Us, we are back at handling classes Tuesday and Wednesday this week and another show over the weekend but its local. No 4am washings. We are at our last obedience class for Fiona and then handling for her. It will be a busy - busy week.

We heard Sassy and Coach went into the pool yesterday. This is WAY exciting for us as we have some swimmers here. Katsuro was itching to do so - got to get better photos of him jumping in but our pool is still sitting at 68F. Oh well, next heat wave of a day or so we will crank it up. It doesn't look like that date is coming anytime soon though. Mother nature - got to love it!

Yesterday we hung out and slept on the chairs outside (we were exhausted) and the puppies who had never done so - well they thought mommy and daddy hanging out was cool. They snuggled and slept too. At the same time we had Yvonne in our thoughts having to drive an extra bit home and worried as she didn't sleep so well. Show life...gad...

More later...


Chico's Settling In

Chico is a pup from Wasabi and had an accident this past week. It seems he swallowed a knee high nylon and had to have an operation.

Luckily it was in the stomach so he won't have any issues with his bowels but he will have this cone head for bit.

We were hoping that he would be able to sleep with our son Jonathan but he has huge tests in university so it looks like the guest room for one of us. heh

We are going to strive to get Chico to be all he can be till we find him that 'right' forever home. It doesn't look like we have too much of a job and that's nice.

Usually when you get a dawg back, you wonder if there was something else beyond what they tell you so it is hard to understand. You want to understand so you can help the dog be all they can be. For Chico, his family never owned a dog and between this operation and feeling guilty that he was home while they both worked and the kids went to school - well now we are looking for a new home for him. Chico thankfully had the stocking in his stomach vs. the bowels.

But first, we will be allowing him to heal, (no medical issues will remain from this except learn from it all) getting his staples out, taking him to obedience (yes we signed him up to be in Coach's and Fiona's class. ) and we will be sprucing his coat up and enjoying him.

What I can tell you is he is very people, kids and dog friendly. He is adapting to this cone head but our little ones reacted way funny as if he was from outer space. It's good conditioning for them as they learn to accept something they are unfamiliar with. Coco really couldn't figure it out at first but it all worked out, as you can see.

I am waiting till he settles totally in and then will be grooming him up, giving him tons of snuggles and in a few days maybe he will get to meet Coach and Sassy again. We shall see. He already has Sebastian here so it's almost like a reunion.

Yes - it's less than 2 weeks and Nathan has to whip Abs to 'just perfect' state but we will love her even if she can't get over her exuberance on a heel. Handling classes for her tomorrow and training today for her and the rest of the gang. Will I fit in a shower...ROFL Yeah when Nathan gets home. Crazy dawg life but how can you help but love them.


Video: 2 of Wasabi Pups, Let's Go Crazy

My does time fly when you are having so much fun. Two of Wasabi's pups have been visiting our resident crew of 6 havanese and 2 retrievers. Check them out in action on this video and see how much they have grown.

They are now 6 months old. It's hard for even us to believe. Gad - we just adore the pups. We must have done something right to have them in our life! Take a look....

You should see how Wasabi lights up when they come. Hey - they all do!


Bloody Gad! Havanese, Snow in April

It's April, folks - can you say that and understand that we had wet, damp, snow coming down on the Havanese crew. Here they are saying LET ME IN!

The photo quality is poor. I was too tired to have the right setting and although it was dark - it appears light but also grainy. So, sorry.

I think Miss Abs is jealous of Sebastian but also smitten with him. What a ball of fur and confusion.

Coach came by today. His pack mate Sassy is off to get the fix at the vet. We send her much love. He'll be staying here for a couple of days so she gets a chance to heal without his help.

The crew has been playing non-stop for hours. It almost boggles my mind how energized they can be but I am waiting for the dry weather and will start filming their craziness and I do mean their craziness.

You can often see them practicing their version of 'Dancing With the Stars'. I do believe they have the moves down. Care to name the dance?

Well - will fill you in later. I may take a nap with the crew but I think if I did, I may feel the pitter, patter of little feet all over my body. Want to put the $$ down on that?


Home Week at Talemaker Havanese

It's been a fun day, today. Here's Abs, Fiona, Sassy and Coach hanging out at the pool waiting for Sebastian to show up.

Sassy is off to the vets tomorrow so she was hanging out, playing and having fun before she needs to rest for a few days. We also managed to give Coach and her a bath and wow do they look good.

We started the bath late but Sassy went out and headed for the mud so I got to do her under carriage, feet and neck again. Now we have them going out on leads to do their business so they don't get dirty just so they can look all so cute for their human packmates.

Check out the Sass after her bath - all spiffy for the vets tomorrow. I fed her treats, gave her kisses and made her feel great about the experience. That is what it is all about. If they relate the experience to a good one, then the next time it will get easier and easier.

Gad, she has such soft and white, white hair. I just adore putting my fingers through it and I hope her human packmates love it too.

The Coach got a bath next and he's a dog that looks great scruffy.

There are some dogs that do and this crew - Wasabi's pups - well that 'just let the hair fall where it goes' looks so great but groom them up and wow!

But Coach decided he was getting off the table. He kept shaking his head for the camera so what you see is what you get. Here he is looking at the camera as if he was saying - are you done YET?

I gave him hugs, kisses and much love but when it came to doing his stomach on his back - watch out but we managed to do it and he looks so boo-ti-full! Yes, I mean beautiful - handsome.

Still, well worth it and each time it gets easier when you groom them - wow, a handsome guy all brushed up but as you can tell, he is not smiling.

You take him off the table and the smile creeps in and he's ready for play.

It's as if he said, okay, I am done and ready to P-A-R-T-Y!

The crew loved the get together and so did Momma Wasabi. She gets right back into that mode of playing, protecting and teaching. She gets way excited to see them too.

As you can see, the crew was ready to go out in the back but Sassy and Coach had their bath so we had to put leads on them and lead them to the snow to do their business.

That worked great. You can tell that they are walked as they did really great on a lead.

Well, we are back again. Coach and Sassy was just picked up. I was in the middle of brushing Sebastian.

It's rather mucky out there so he was rolling around with the best of them but we hear there is rain for tomorrow so his bath will have to wait till sun and dryness arrives.

Sebastian is staying with us for a bit and he is mixing it up big-time with Fiona and Abigail. They are going to sleep tonight. He's so excited, it's as if someone put a battery in him and wound him up and the gals LOVE it!

Coach comes back for a couple of days starting tomorrow morning and Chico may be visiting on Saturday.

I will fill you in more on the antics of the crew but they are having such a roaring grand time that I want to watch so maybe tomorrow the video camera will have to come out. I am charging the camera.

Catch you all tomorrow!