Havanese Style: Got Your Back

Where is our head - no photo of Sebastian leaving today. Gad - he is missed already. Do send photos. Can't wait to see him after he is bonded. There are some that just are so lovie and well, he will have a grand adventure.
Last night the siblings came over - a couple of them and here you can see Sebastian rough housing with Coach as if to say - I got your back, Coachie.
Fiona's a tad bit of an adventurous troublemaker and as you can see, she's up on the table behind John's back trying to get at the flowers on the table and Sassy is checking it out. Wish Nathan had got all of Sassy in that photo but you can get the idea of what was going on.
Havanese can leap tall what have yous in a single bound if they think they can get away with it. I caught Abigail jumping on one of the kitchen table chairs the other day after Risa went into the doghouse on her little table trip and she thought - hmm they are cooking - better get up here and wait. I corrected her and she hasn't done it since but it surely gives you an idea how intelligent they are and how their minds work.
Well, a good time was had by all as you can see on Sebastian's face. He does adore the play - human and canine alike. Wish more photos had come out last night but they were moving so fast many were blurry.
Life is an adventure that takes us down roads for reasons we often don't understand but when we arrive where we can get that one on one attention, feel loved, stimulated and cared for - well we have arrived where we need to be.
More later...