
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker's coach (28)


Havanese Style: Got Your Back

Where is our head - no photo of Sebastian leaving today. Gad - he is missed already. Do send photos. Can't wait to see him after he is bonded. There are some that just are so lovie and well, he will have a grand adventure.

Last night the siblings came over - a couple of them and here you can see Sebastian rough housing with Coach as if to say - I got your back, Coachie.

Fiona's a tad bit of an adventurous troublemaker and as you can see, she's up on the table behind John's back trying to get at the flowers on the table and Sassy is checking it out. Wish Nathan had got all of Sassy in that photo but you can get the idea of what was going on.

Havanese can leap tall what have yous in a single bound if they think they can get away with it. I caught Abigail jumping on one of the kitchen table chairs the other day after Risa went into the doghouse on her little table trip and she thought - hmm they are cooking - better get up here and wait. I corrected her and she hasn't done it since but it surely gives you an idea how intelligent they are and how their minds work.

Well, a good time was had by all as you can see on Sebastian's face. He does adore the play - human and canine alike. Wish more photos had come out last night but they were moving so fast many were blurry.

Life is an adventure that takes us down roads for reasons we often don't understand but when we arrive where we can get that one on one attention, feel loved, stimulated and cared for - well we have arrived where we need to be.

More later...


Dog Shows Are Ruff

Well, here I am hanging out in the car as someone sabotaged our tent last night. Yes, you got that right - they cut the cords, stole our tarps and damaged it beyond repair. How nice of someone. I was rather fond of it too as it allowed us extra shade in the backyard and human mommy loves the shade rather than the sun like human daddy. The tent was brand new and I gather we will have to buy another and could use not having to.

Then today, in the ring for Best in Breed, with one other dog, one of the top Havanese in Canada, handled by a professional, they started to run right in front of me and everyone knows we don't run like that in the ring but I thought he was playing the run-like-hell game that I love and I started to run too. Daddy couldn't get me to walk properly after that. People do the darnedest things to win but I guess I should feel good that this handler thought I was competition. One day, soon, I will be. Look behind you, buddy. I'm coming.

On our return home, we stopped at the new Pet Supply House location in Guelph and got a new brush or two. Mommy is always looking for that ultimate brush and she rather likes the ones she got so far. Someone held me and I snuggled with her as I am a dog that can tell when someone likes me. She just adored how soft I was and mommy does too as she is really finding that perfect combo of clarifier, shampoo/conditioner etc that make me look good. It's been a ruff road but she has finally arrived at what is right for me.

Well, I got lots of ribbons today but the only thing I care about is that I have no baths for a bit and I can play my heart out. Coach and Sassy is coming over to play and we will have photos tomorrow. Sebastian is going to his new home tomorrow and he gets to hang out with his siblings tonight. Then we get him back after his transition while his family goes on holidays and he gets to go to Rita's Havanese get together in August. Fun!

Soon we will have Remy sleeping over and Zack and Coco. talk about a Havanese love fest and with no shows it will be relaxing and enjoying life time. Can't wait.

Oh my tons of barking as Coach and Sassy just arrived. Off to have fun!

PS: Saturday we get to see Kat and Lola's pups - can't wait!!


Havanese Crew Grads

Well from left to right, Coach, Fiona and Zack all graduated from obedience. Way to go.

Much fun was to be had with fun and games that I will fill you in on tomorrow.

Be sure to click here for our latest video. We had some real fun with it.

Show time tomorrow!

Look for more info on all of it then!

Catching some serious zzzzzzzs now - I hope!


Zack's New Home, Nails & Life

As you can see, Nathan is outside cutting Wasabi's nails. If you look at Zack and Sassy - you will notice that Wasabi finally needs a bath. But rain is coming so it will wait. hahahahaha Sassy got a bath this morning and looked at me a tad cross-eyed but otherwise behaved as the Sassy Lassy that she is.

If you click on the photo, you can see Fiona - and what a colour mass she is these days.

She seems to have a lot of grey and apricot coming in. It was mostly cream. The ever changing one.

Here's the Miss Abs out on the deck, in the sun just roughin' it in our bed we got from Woodruff. The dawgs all LOVE this bed. They roll around and do all kinds of crazy things in it but all of them get in the act except the larger canines (retrievers)

Zack's gone to his new home today. We are excited for him - sad as we will miss the guy but happy he will have more one on one time. We look forward to seeing photos.

We were supposed to be off to our friends house tomorrow but they are calling for rain so it may not happen till Sunday. That means I may be able to sleep in - exercise late and get ready for 2 weeks in a row of doggie shows with the Miss Abs.

It's called - practice - practice - practice.

Well, work is crazy so I must get stuff done - more later. We are hoping Coach survived his snip/snip and just know Sassy is doing great. She's already found our bed.


Busy Warm Havanese Day

We started the day going to Home Depot to buy some salt for our pool.

Check out Zack (mostly white dog in the photo - and Coach - his sibling next to him).

Zack came along for the ride and got to socialize with lots of people today. He wasn't quite sure where he was going but he is comfie in the car.

Then our good friends Yvonne and Alex came down with Downsey and Lola and Kat really liked that. The Lola was his gal today and he was smitten.

We then had more friends over to check out the dogs and then yet some more that came over with Coachie and the Sass.

See how much the Sass has changed in this photo.

The crew is dead tired and hanging out and so are we and it's only 6pm. hahahaha

The pool is open. We have an amazing gazebo to sit under and the sun is out.

Tomorrow is Mother's day - and I am hoping all mom's around the world have a Havanese special day...

Kids are coming home tomorrow to help clean up the garden and Yvonne is coming down and Ren's may be in the cards with the Zack for more dog socializing time and well maybe some relax time and then that Monday starts again.

The dogs are really enjoying the warm weather. I wonder if I will get lots of doggie kisses for mom's day. I am hoping!

More tomorrow!


Classroom Havanese Antics

Well here I am - the Fiona going to obedience class last night and my hair right now is all over the place so the human mommy put baby barrettes in my hair. Now she doesn't leave these in the hair when I hang out with the other dogs - only when I am going places as another dog could say - yum what is that and swallow them. So, I get this look if I am off to somewhere alone or I am being watched. I get to be stylin' sometimes. Otherwise it's a small soft band to hold it out of the hair, some invisible gel or whatever strikes that crazy human.

I didn't get to go to class with Coach and Zack last night but I did see Coach at class with his humans John and Cheryl (spelling?) and Zack's new owner Ramona. She's going to be taking Zack through his moves next week in class.

Well, last night was fun. I believe in a little attitude or otherwise I wouldn't be the Fiona. Daddy took me through the moves while mommy distracted me over and over again with talking - hrmmm mommy - you are soooo bad. I know you were doing it cause - well we won't go there but you gave that excuse that it was good slow conditioning getting used to distractions. But I heard that human Mommy say - oh, oh that I may be a disaster in the ring.

I do not know what she is talking about. I am P-E-R-F-E-C-T but it was something about kicking my feet in the same way when I get busy and do my business as I thought daddy was too slow giving me treats. They should have corrected me but something about that made them laugh so hard. Oh, oh - I have THEIR number. Even the instructor couldn't believe such attitude. Well - I am the Fiona and my Grannie is Risa. Plus what's this business of walking on my back legs - well those HUMANS do it. What!@# it won't work in the show ring. Oh, my - such stuffiness with these humans - fun - you got to let it go and just go with the flow. HAHAHA The judge will understand - won't they? Yeah - we are all laughing!

You can click on the photos to see a larger view.

Coach did really amazing in class last night. He was truly listening to his human daddy. Usually he stays so focused on Fiona or Zack that he can't see the point of doing it all but that competitive drive came in last night and he was such a pleaser. It was great to see how wonderful he was doing.

Next week, with Ramona with Zack, we should get Cheryl (spelling?) in with Coach so he knows both are in charge and that human Nathan in with Fiona as he has to go in the show ring with him so mommy gets to take photos and crack jokes - ooops she won't do that again.

Well, Zack is recovering. Read all about it below. The day is just beginning - well for the rest of you and everyone is sleeping but me at 6:46 - even the dawgs!

More later.>>


Another Wet Havanese Day

Well, Chico, Coach and Fiona had class last night and Coach's dad drove. I think they all did really great in class but that Chico got everything fast and then got distracted and Teddy - the instructor gave me natural balance for a treat and suddenly - hmm okay I will focus - really I will and he did. We even got to demonstrate stay and going around with keeping a stay and he didn't do it before class and wow and got it. Coach was beside me and this human next time will be across the room as she tends to be too vocal when a dog is doing what they should be and poor Coach - although he was doing it all - he kept looking at what I was doing. That's my bad and i wish I had caught on to it before I did.

The crew was saying not another wet day. Chico has already had his morning training and so did Fiona. Miss Abs had some table work and later we will do it all again. The more you do it, the easier it will be to just have it happen but it does take work. All it takes is 5 or 10 minutes once or twice a day. Keep at it and you will love the results.

More later....


Catching Up With Talemaker Life

This was a fun weekend with lots of people, dogs etc and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Coach, Sassy and their human dad and mom and shall I say human sibling came over yesterday and hung out - gave Chico some human interaction.

Here you can see Coach nose to nose with Chico along with Kat and Abigail. The dogs had a wonderful time.

It was nice to relax with John and his family and the dawgs before we had company in the evening, cooking, food, and all the fun that comes with a dinner. The dawgs kept sniffing for their share.

It's going to be fun going to class with John and Coach.

Then we had our 2 grand kids come over with our daughter and hubby and Chico just ADORES kids. I guess some of his best moments have been with the kids he lived with for the last 4 months. It shows as we had kids here today as well and he just lights up with the kids. He's a tad shy with the adult humans at first but once you pet him, well he warms up. Kids - no warming up - he's just excited to see them.

Chico starts classes this Thursday and tomorrow I am going to start working on sit, come, and stay to help him get a head start on class. This way, if he is not sure of the environment, knowing the commands even if he is not doing them perfect will help him make the transition to class is fun. Plus he will be in class with Fiona and Coach.

Sebastian's mom comes tomorrow so Sebastian won't get a bath till tomorrow morning so he can look GORGEOUS. We are going to miss him.

Here you can see Linda (who came to visit) lovin' him up.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger view.

I thought about washing Sebastian today but figured with the way he loves to play, tomorrow is a better day.

I am going to fluff and dry him then take a photo so you can see him all so handsome and all!

We got to see Coco again and she remembered me - gave me lots of kisses and snuggles and that was really nice. There is nothing like kisses from puppies and I got them from Yvonne's Downsey too.

Here you can see some of Coco's family. Thanks to Yvonne for bringing her here so we could see her again.

Well 4 days till Abigail's show debut. Got to get that grooming bag ready. ROFL. Got to get busy - ooops that's Nathan has to get busy.


Training: The Stubborn Havanese Stand

Well, lots of posts today so scroll on down.

Let's see how this human's life went today and I will be filling you in on the DAWGS!

First thing just before breakfast I clean their eyes. They all get a treat and all it takes is a squirt of cleaner on a face comb and comb the sleep goobers out and that's it and they get rewarded for allowing it. The first time you do it though, they think the comb is going to go into their eyes so they move in a strange fashion but they soon get that it's harmless and they get rewarded at the end. We also do this just before supper too. Yes - everyday!

We also had our brushing in but its wet out so it wasn't a line combing but just a quick brush.

As you will see below, we also played games today. I didn't take as many photos but hey - we were busy.

Then we did training. I took each dog into our kitchen and worked on heeling and standing. What - standing is so natural. Well it is but not after you learn to 'sit'. Sitting is simply more comfie. So, as you can see here, Miss Abs was standing but her tail was half down and everytime I used the clicker, she sat. So did Sebastian. So did Katsuro. argh. But we made progress with each and either I will be doing this daily or Nathan. They actually ADORE the training - seriously! Risa and Coach were so excited about it that it was almost difficult to get them to calm down.

With Coach, he has classes with Fiona on the 24th - we think. We just got our confirmation. He will be learning to 'sit' at first so that is what we worked on. He kept jumping on me. I kept moving back and each time he sat that clicker went off and I treated him. He LOVED the training.

By the way, no issue getting Sebastian's attention. He just didn't get that I only wanted him to stand and heel. Click - down - oh you don't want down - okay sit - what not that either?

You have to have a positive attitude and know that you are helping your dog, stimulating their minds and helping that dog be a dog that everyone adores.

We are going to bypass the 'sit' command with Fiona till after she is finished showing. To undo a 'sit' is time consuming and can be difficult but like I said, we are making progress. We will be doing all commands in stand position.

Tomorrow we will line comb all the dogs - start bathing if it is actually warm - a couple of dogs here and there but if I hear rain is coming, well - I will wait and just brush. It makes NO SENSE to wash to only have them a mess the day after.

Tomorrow I may play 'hide the treat'. We shall see how that goes. It depends on sleep tonight - mine of course. hahahaha dawgs recover faster than us humans and manage to get dog naps whenever they feel the need. We need to learn from that.

Read more of today below in the next 2 posts.


Sassy & Coach & Snow

Fiona says: Hey, we had Miss Super Sassy and Coach over when the snow just started. We had tons of fun. We have to do it again. Check out the video of this crew and watch Miss Abigail jump in delight.

We also have a rumour that we will be seeing Louis overnight and Katsuro's brother Benny soon. Wow!

I am the only brains around this place. This was the start of the storm that just kept coming and coming and although I am in a small part, I did sit on the snowbanks to survey all and I mixed it up with that Lass Super Sassy but hey just being 4lbs - you get cold - you know. The rest of the dawgs are crazy dawgs as they just didn't care that this white stuff was over my head.

We hope you enjoy our fun.

More later>>


Huge Winter Storm, Coach & Sassy Visit

We had a wonderful visit from Coach, Sassy & Their Human Dad, John. We are working on a video but here are some precious moments inside and outside of the stormy weather.

Click to play Snow, Coach, Sassy Visit
When all was said and done, the crew here crawled on to the couch to veg. Too much snow shoveling - I tell you. Till later - maybe we will make the Orangeville show tomorrow.


Havanese Let Down (Video is UPDATED)

Our wild and crazy day video is up now (updated - it was cut off at the end)

It's quiet today. Sure mommy and daddy hears the pitter patter of tiny feet running like the dickens but something about visitors that does our heart and bodies good. It's sort of like a holiday like those humans take - fun and then nice to get back to it and then we start dreaming of the next time.

Well, mommy has the video done of our fun event yesterday.

It's updated as the end was cut off with Sebastian and his human crew. We had so many moments that we had to cut so if Sebastian's mom wants an unedited version - my human mommy will burn it for class next week. It's over 15 minutes long and we had so many moments the camera wasn't out. It's always like that. The Chico video was unrecoverable and we are heartsick. That disk is in the trash now. Got to plan another sleepover. We miss the guy already.

We wonder how Remy's classes are going. We hope the Sassy and Coach and livin' it up and not driving their humans crazy. But hey - such is a dawgs life that fills you with tales you can talk about for years to come.

Here is what we said about the video in the description at YouTube.

Sebastian came to visit after class and found all the nooks and crannies we set up to make our house dawg friendly. Enjoy the antics of this crew and how even a well behaved trained dawg can give you paw vs. listening.


Havanese Ball of Fun

This fine early morning, Gidget, Abs and Fiona joining in had the hair flying all around and went on for over an hour. Can anyone ever do aerobics that long without thinking - is this OVER and wow we are still having a ton of fun! I think not. Perhaps we need to learn from the dawgs.

Now I know why Gidget likes to sleep in like our Risa - she needs the energy to deal with the puppy duo. They are relentless in play and then they drop. I should have had a video camera going but I promise - I will when Yvonne's crew is here - it will be a dawgie crazy house indeed!

Our son Dennis is going to watch the crew while we eat out and the verdict is out on if he will ever be the same. We will fill you in. How many dawgies will there be? 13 - 14 or? hahahahahaha

The duo is making a plan on how best to deak Gidget out. Will they succeed or won't they? It's amazing how their minds think and how good they are at finding solutions and making that 'interesting' plan.

More later as the day develops. The point of all this is enjoy those special Havanese moments.

We are thinking of the Sassy and Coach duo and what fun they are formulating. Amazing having Havanese pals - I tell you - for the humans and the dawgies alike!

Click to play Havanese Play Session


Coach Came to Visit

Coach came to visit and as you can see if you click on this photo, Fiona was checking him out from the safety of the bed with Whitney. Heh and then they were playing soon after.

Coach was antsy to get home as he has a forever surprise that we will announce as soon as we have a photo.

It was great to see the guy but he certainly has bonded to John and perked up when a certain name was mentioned.

Thanks...nice!! More later!


Dangerous Places for Havanese

Fiona makes it a habit to try to get as close as possible to me and seeing that I work at my desk, she plops herself up on a wheel but dangerous if you don't realize so I found a solution.

I placed a rubber maid box that we store dog toys in and placed it under my desk with a bed on top and placed Fiona in it. You will also notice that I have a gate running next to my desk to protect the cords to my computer. Although most of them are up in a wired weaved holder that keeps them off the floor, some still remain so with teething pups - guess this is the smartest way to go although it looks like - hehe...

We had company over yesterday - our grand kids, our son Joe from Japan, his new wife, daughter and her hubby and all those dawgs.

Here is our youngest grand daughter Danielle with Abigail. She just adores the dawgs and she can be so enthusiastic that sometimes the dawgs don't know what to think but this didn't even bother Miss Abigail or Fiona. They loved the attention.

This Friday we have Yvonne and her dawgs coming for a visit so we are going down to a smaller bed (moving the bed back for the weekend). They are coming in to visit, go out to eat with us and go to the Markham show. We are going to even have Fiona's sister as Yvonne still has one small and simply gorgeous gal left. The colours that are coming in on her are simply GORGEOUS. It will be fun to see the two together.

We are also getting a sleepover with Chico and in the midst of this, Nathan will be doing Abs class without me so he will be seeing Sebastian and I won't.

Tonight we get to see Coach and his dad. What exciting times and in among this - we have to train Abs and Fiona. Got to find the time...that elusive thing that we all think we don't have enough of.

More later....


Talemaker Havanese Secrets

Hey - okay I am no longer the youngest one. I was for a week but now that FI-OH-NO is. I have been teaching her all sorts of fun things like eating wood from in front of the fireplace (human mom and dad spoil the fun though) to eating all sorts of frozen plants in the back. I simply need more frozen things to chew on. Mommy and Daddy clean up the poo and cover the pee spots every single time so we don't even get to sniff. I tell you - they are joining the OCD group of dog care. ROFL! I better hide now or that mommy will brush and comb me. Seeing we are dealing with icy rain, why bother, mom. I just adore getting sopping wet so you can spin your wheels drying dawgs and cleaning us up.

What To Get the Dog That Has Everything?
Okay, I am NOT a Havanese but hey I can be brushed less and so what if I shed. I am big, friendly and a huge sap. I try to play with the little ones and they don't get it but lately that FIONA and ABIGAIL climb up my body and they try to lick my face. What is THAT about? I like these long-haired type but shhh don't tell those humans. I know - they got them ALL for me. But what is this thang about them getting to sleep on the back of the couch or on top of a chair. Huh...what type of equality is that? It doesn't matter that I am slightly larger and I may hang over. Heck, you should see me travelin' in the car where I sit my rump in the seats and hang my paws on the window rest. Can a Havanese do THAT?

More later as we deal with freezing rain, crazy playing outside (which we did), Just imagine us looking as if we are starved when mommy and daddy have Chinese food.

We are missing the Sass and hoping she's having a grand adventure with Coach. Train, train, train today daddy...Miss Abs..and now let's start with Miss Fiona - the Ever-ready battery. Good luck!

More later...


Havanese Day Has Just Begun

It's almost 7am - let's stretch it and they are doing WHAT!? They are playing their hearts out as if they just found each other AGAIN! Can I ever sleep in? Guess not as Fiona and Miss Abs will go down stairs to go out in the morning with Nathan but the rest wait till I move it or they won't. What's that about?

Then Risa and Gidget sleep in. Nathan crawls back to bed and pretends to and I wake up and can't go back to sleep.

A dawgs start of a day. More later >> It's only JUST begun!


Talemaker Havanese: Happy Valentine's Day

If you click on this photo (you will see a larger version - my quickie photoshop job - really I am capable of better but it's early), the theme of this is - snow isn't the only thing you need to protect your little ones from but on this Valentine's Day, when chocolate abound, be sure to heed this warning.

If you want to know how to reduce the snowpiles on extra wet snowy days, put on a jacket that covers the under carriage. If you don't, place them in a sink. Have someone else hold them. You pour warm - not hot water on them and brush. The brushing part is important as it will reduce any knots. You will be glad you went the extra mile here.

We, at Talemaker's are going to have a low key day. Sassy is off for an adventure tonight on the long weekend. After she is gone, the dawgs, human mommy and daddy are going candlelight (yes those candles will be out of harm's way) and watching some sappy movie, eating, lovin' and spending time with the furry pack. They make any adversity we face easier -I tell you!

Have a very Happy Valentine's Day and give your fur pals extra hugs. They deserve it even when they drive you C-R-A-Z-Y!


Valetine's Day & Relationships

Last night Sassy was at Coach's playing and watching the Westminister Dog Show and a Havanese placed. Way to go!

I only hear snippets but I hear Coach and Sassy are having a grand time and as we know, Sassy likes to muck it up sometimes even more than the boys. She's a tomboy at heart. She used to have to deal with 5 brothers - you know.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I bring this up as some of you may not be aware of the potential hazards.

I have to give a couple of the dogs baths today and may get to the little ones as well. I want to see how 'gold on gold' works on Abigail and Fiona and we already know how 'white on white' works on Sassy, wasabi and Shoshi.

Gidget crawled up in a ball and went to sleep on the bed last night. Wasabi and Risa still claimed the extra bed.

There's more snow on the ground and the dawgs love that! Me - I may take a nap before the day starts - heh - oh what it already started? More later...


Havanese Nights

Hey - daddy went out with Sassy tonight to go play with Coach at his house. Daddy didn't get any great photos but here he is after getting home pretending to exercise. What - you don't believe it? They were all exercising. Exercising what? Their best stare- hahahaha

Dear old Abs gets comfie in the best spot - on high.

The crew is upstairs so I have to finish this off. Usually some of them wait for me but tonight it's only the Shoshi. I guess that means that the crew is way tired. Sassy came back and played her heart out with Fiona and Miss Abs. She sort of had no choice as they decided 'tag' she was it. I imagine now she is fast asleep. One wonders if Coach is flaking out too. Watch - I will go upstairs and she is playing with Abs...heh

This is the lone photo that Nathan got of the two playing. I can hardly tell who is who. They surely look like siblings. Can't wait to hear all about the adventures tomorrow unless the Sassy deigns to whisper in my ear tonight and tell me all about it. Wouldn't it be nice if they could? I certainly think so.

Well Westminister is on tonight and tomorrow on OLN they say. I missed tonight so can't wait to hear the news. Hope the Havanese are showing well. Let's hope for the miracle....yes Beth's miracle. :-)