Sassy & Coach & Snow

Fiona says: Hey, we had Miss Super Sassy and Coach over when the snow just started. We had tons of fun. We have to do it again. Check out the video of this crew and watch Miss Abigail jump in delight.
We also have a rumour that we will be seeing Louis overnight and Katsuro's brother Benny soon. Wow!
I am the only brains around this place. This was the start of the storm that just kept coming and coming and although I am in a small part, I did sit on the snowbanks to survey all and I mixed it up with that Lass Super Sassy but hey just being 4lbs - you get cold - you know. The rest of the dawgs are crazy dawgs as they just didn't care that this white stuff was over my head.
We hope you enjoy our fun.
More later>>
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