
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from August 1, 2017 - August 31, 2017


Moments Going Into Long Weekend

Trigger and Stormy know how to play!

Farley is a love - look at that kiss!

Tchibo visiting and having a blast. They say he now weighs 7lbs.

Oscar says what is up? That's my fave spot and its blocked. That's okay Oscar, we will put you up there anyways. You see we blocked it as 2 not 1 dog decided the cushion needed to be marked. Got to love it!@ We have a full house due to the long weekend but we have these things happen and we wash and move on and create ways to not duplicate. 

Here is the gallery.

Check out Jeannie's blog. Check out Adele's blog. No one else is in heat but they are due. 

River and Panda are doing well. Tomorrow Panda goes home and early Saturday morning River goes home. Tracy has to pick up her family from the airport. Panda is itchy. River doesn't seem to be. Go figure.

Everyone is having a total blast truly!! The weekend has almost just begun!



Love it when the dogs smile, don't you?

It was a warm but cool day out. It almost looked like it was going to rain but it didn't. Nathan thinks I should give up heating the pool but I persist. I try each day to get 15 minutes or so and well I don't want the summer to go away anytime soon but it will. 

Here is today's gallery.

The dogs were having a running blast out there a few times today. It's much easier on them when its not dreadfully hot so there is that!

It's been a day!


Two Updates Special Notice

Chester and Amy have updates on their 1st birthday blog. Sorry -as I saw them I updated! So nice to see such a grand showing for a 1st birthday!

Also Amy signed up for a Tricks Class but there isn't enough people in it. Think you may want to join them? Here are the details:

From Amy's Dad: We've signed up for the Tricks are for Dogs class at the Ajax Who's Walking Who, starting on September 12--subject to confirmation.  I talked to Gillian, and she said they don't have the requisite minimum number yet.  Do you want to mention this on the blog? PS: Class is 7pm


Sometimes it is Good to Chill

It's exceptionally grand to chill with Grannie Risa. The dogs really like this warm but coolish daze (yeah I meant to spell it that way). I would like it to be a tad warmer. 

We are busy through the long weekend then we are on puppy watch. 

I didn't get to sleep till 4am. I gave Panda pain meds this morning. River didn't get any and she thinks she is all well now. Panda is better than last night. River slept mostly, Panda did not and therefore I did not. Poor thing. I am hoping we all get sleep tonight as I am sort of trashed.

Here is the gallery.

Did you know groomers gladly accept tips especially when dogs are matted. :-) Just saying... I know shut up, Darlah!

I think I am just over tired.

I looked around at my yard today and went oh well....

Fall is coming. Weeds are coming... yuck. Can the dogs sit with me on the recliner and watch tv? 

The daughter is coming over to see Adele and River after work. Then I may find that recliner - and the dogs will find me. 


Yesterday's Update

Amy also sent her photo but late last night. We were in bed. So look at yesterday's entry to see it. It's a great photo!


Two Updates Today

River After Spaying

Panda after spaying

Both are healthy and made it through the spaying well but they do not do pain well. I am in for a long night or two or three.

It's on me to watch them and be there for them tonight/ Hoping they sleep but if not, I am there for them. No more pain meds till tomorrow. Poor Julie came to the door and went what is that. Yes, you could hear them from my office to the front door. Just want to hug them and make the pain disappear. This too shall pass.

Risa had her teeth cleaned without anesthetic. She's okay but she's getting old. Well, she is old. Kat who is also a senior refused to let them do it manually so they did a round of tests and everything came back with flying colours so we have to book a teeth cleaning when we can. Hoping soon but with pups coming and heats and spaying arghh

Muntuno also got his teeth cleaned manually. Bravo Muntuno.

On a happier note doesn't Raven have the nicest smile? It's as if she holds a secret.

Here is today's gallery. It's not much as I have been busy trying to get my own dogs washed before pups. I still have a few to do. I only got Ella, Shoshi and Stormy done plus my usual schedule of dogs for others. 

I wanted to swim but it was bloody cold so why not groom.

Stormy cleans up nicely. 

Got to focus on Panda and River so I am signing off for now. Nathan still has to try to breed Adele. It's been a long day for him s well. Tomorrow morning xrays locally.


Happy First Birthday

Hi, Darlah, Nathan.

When you see the girls next, please wish them Happy 1st Birthday from Chester…and give Saffie a big kiss from her boy.  Here are a couple of pics...I don’t have any cute birthday celebration photos - he was terrified of the hat - LOL!  He did enjoy his very special dinner of basted chicken thighs, however.  You’ve seen him so much this summer, it’s not a mystery how he’s doing.

Dear Darlah and Nathan,

Here we are celebrating Amy's 1st Birthday with cake.  She wasn't even annoyed with us when we bought the cake for her, but then we ate it all!    Thanks for helping to bring our little angel into this world.  She is such a dear, such a very special little girl.

Love and blessings,

Bob, Beverley and Amy


My human parents putting a party hat on me. (Tenshi)My peanut butter icing birthday cake

Hi Darlah and Nathan

If I'm remembering correctly, I believe today is a birthday for Sadie and her siblings. She is spending this birthday at the cottage and having a grand time. We've been here for a week and will head back home after Labour Day.

I hope all is good with you folks and also hope all of Sadie's siblings have a very happy birthday!




Saffron says: Happy Birthday to Sadie, Chester, Amy, Tenshie and Ollie. Tomorrow you will find out how many siblings by another litter you will be having. So exciting that 1 year ago I had all of you - such amazing pups to love! 


Short Blog

I still have Kat to groom. I just finished everyone a half hour ago and thanks to Sherry I can eat and blog at the same time. Thank you for the Chinese! I actually hadn't eaten today.

It's a crazy day as I had to do Panda, River and Kat (not Risa) for the vet visit tomorrow. Risa stayed perfect. Kat who was washed 2 days ago needs a full bath. Why? We have girls in heat and that means he goes and marks up a storm so to make it sound wonderful - sorry he is a pissy mess so I literally have to use this stuff that sits on his undersides for 30 minutes and then I can wash him. It lifts the yellow off. So just when you thought breeding was fun beyond the howling you have to wash boys daily - at least light shampoo rinse. Kat needs more and he was rinsed this morning. I am so lucky.

Boys that are getting a connection do not do this. So Stone stays clean. Truffie has to be rinsed too. 

So beyond the usual dogs going home that I had to do (no more Sunday grooming unless you are a boarder) I have this to contend with. 

So I washed and cut and groomed and I took a break and went into the pool. You will see my legs. It was only 30 minutes but needed. But now after I type I get to do Kat. Last night I groomed till 930. 

I know - stop complaining. 

Tomorrow night Nathan will return with the dogs and we will have River and Panda to take care of till Friday when they can go home. it's a busy week and I am so trying to get pool time in. Who cares about the weeds. 

Here is today's gallery.

Last night at 930 I sat down on the recliner and Scruffy, Pepper, Teddy and Cinnamon made a bee line for my lap. It felt good.

Now back to grooming.

Everyone is enjoying and its just Dennis and I tomorrow. 

Chewy, Riley and Gracie depart tomorrow. 


Warm But Cool

Scruffy and Rocky are enjoying each other. Love that smile on Scruffy. What a comb out you are going to need tomorrow. hahahahahaha

Miko the TT was over and he was having a blast. Sebastian was looking on as if to say my turn and Sebastian did play with Jesse.

Here is today's gallery.

I finally got everyone combed out or bathed. It's been a long day. We are doing tv time soon but I still have one dog to groom that is not being picked up till late so one show, 1 groom then I drop. hahahahaha

Short blog I know but... better to spend time with the dogs vs typing. :-)


Lots of Good Play

We have had a great summer - not weather wise but fun wise with the dogs and I am thankful for that. It feels so cool out already and I hope this is just momentary but the dogs seem to love it. Me, I want/need more pool. 

Here is today's gallery.

Tchibo goes home tonight. Milo tomorrow. Roxie will miss them immensely. Bissli also went home and he will be missed!

Trigger, Levon and Teddy run to the recliner whenever I enter the tv room. They love that lap time. It makes me feel good. Rocky loves to be a neck warmer on Nathan. hahahaha

Gizmo and Sebastian will depart this weekend. sigh. Holiday seasons (summer) are coming to a close. 

We are almost full for December holidays. Just enough room for 1 or 2. 

September remains busy. We will have Saffron pups. October more pups and we will have to start closing the pool, taking plants in and covering the trug. 

I am busy grooming everyone else's and fitting mine inbetween. 

Monday River and Panda go in for spaying and Kat and Risa goes in for a checkup. Tuesday Saffron gets an x-ray. River and Panda will recuperate here and be able to go home Friday. I will keep them groomed which is even more critical at this stage. It all times out as it is before Saffron has pups. 

I am bracing myself for more heats. They have yet to come but Ella will be bred when hers occurs. It will be a busy winter but hey my middle bed patio didn't happen. So much on my 'to do list' didn't. Maybe I will be better with my indoor to do lists. We shall see.

I have also decided that I think Fever Tree Tonic water is the best tonic water there is. 


Pool Time

It was rather cool but for the second time Gizmo has decided to go for a swim. So two times he has had a blow dry. Have to love him. I thought it was too cold today but he didn't.

Here is today's gallery.

We had a full day. 

Tomorrow Panda will get a bath as she is getting spayed on Monday and so is River. Risa and Kat will go in for checkups. We also have to make an xray date for Saffron but do not want her stressed with going all day so perhaps we will do it locally. Check out her blog. I had fun taking photos of her. 

Nathan is home around 8ish tonight and he will try Adele again.

The pups are having a blast. Check out Roxie's blog. 

I am tired. I give up on weeds. I did do the neighbors but mine - too tired. Hoping for more warm days. 

Anyone going to the CNE that can pick up something for me?

My house needs cleaning. My plants need watering. I am not doing laundry today. I am going to snuggle with the dogs - so there!


Got You

Gizmo and Magic was playing off and on all day. See today's gallery.

All the dogs really are enjoying themselves. Magic, and Leo depart tomorrow. Bissli on Friday. Teddy arrived today and Tchibo arrives tonight. Nathan has been at the show since 630am and doesn't get back to 7ish tonight and he is back at it tomorrow.

Interesting Levon really likes the Stone. 

Our next door neighbours are actually coming back tonight vs. tomorrow the daughter told me so no run tonight for the dogs. I missed the window but I did take them this morning but didn't take photso as I was weeding and watering their garden. Oh well - it was fun while it lasted. When the pool cover goes on they will have the crazy running room. 

I didn't comb out anyone today except those going home. I am playing recovery. Tomorrow a full grooming day and combouts. It has been busy and an early start today. I may go to bed at 930pm tonight vs 10 as we have a very early day again. 7 is early enough for me. The dogs are saying the same!

Going to be fun to see the siblings Milo and Tchibo reunion!


I Went and Came

No blog today and just a few photos I took before I departed this morning.. It rained and rained here and Jeannie is now in heat. Nathan is at a show for the next 2 days ring stewarding. He is getting ready now as he has to depart at 6am and that means we all get up then. 

This is Murphy, Kat's littermate (brother) playing with Stormy.

I was at the CNE and my legs are burning. Tells me I need more exercise but if I get leg cramps I may scream. 

I bought mini locking hemostats (for whelping) and ate gross greasy or sugar laden food. I am eating Tums tonight. 

Bought Dennis chocolate fudge as he loves chocolate. 

Watched Super Dogs. 

Tomorrow grooming, feeding and hopefully feeling alive.


This Is How We Do It

I watched the dogs and Dennis watched the dogs and not once even with planes flying over did they look up at the sky or sun. I guess I am not an eclipse chaser and neither are they. I kept them inside during the time just in case but ....

Here is today's gallery.

Skylar and the puppy Milo really enjoy each other. They hung out quite a bit. Milo also hung out with Tenshi.

Ziggy departed and thought this lack of pool day was not fun. He had to have a mud free morning so he could go home halfway clean. heh Got to love him!

The dogs had fun today.

I am off to the Ex tomorrow so its Nathan and the son here. That means I do Skylar before I depart and the blog will be lean. 

They say 90% rain so I guess we are getting wet. 

Crossing my fingers the daughter gets the job she wants. That means no California trip but if its the right job....


Dirt and Runs

Oh Ziggy what a game you play. He is a water dog. He gets soaked then rolls in the dirt. He departs tomorrow and I may be giving him an extra whitening shampoo to get the mud totally out of him and keeping him away from the dirt. As you can see the mud is seeping off of him into the pool.

Each day once or twice and sometimes 3 times a day either Dennis or Nathan runs with the dogs. They LOVE it! Today a few departed and tomorrow a few more depart. 

Come mid week Nathan is working at a show and on Tuesday I am going to the CNE with the daughter so no grooming on Tuesday. After this marathon I need a break. Hope you understand. Last time I went to the CNE I went wit the grandkids from North Carolina and they were tired from the drive and young at that stage so they cried almost the whole time we were there. I think it will be quieter this year.

Nathan says what do you want to do at the CNE. I said I got to get out to do SOMETHING this summer. I thought I had August. Weeds are growing - to do list growing - oh well.

Dogs had fun today. I was on grooming overload. Tomorrow another heavy bath and haircut day. 

Amy's dad sent picnic photos. I will add tomorrow. Today I am fading.

Here is the gallery.

I did update Roxie, Saffron and Adele's blog. Check them out.


Picnic Fun: Gallery Added

First and foremost thank you to Yvonne and Alex for opening their yard up to this craziness.

Thanks to Holly and her sister for taking these shots.

It was a grand day! No rain. Lots of people and dogs. Dennis at the home front didn't take photos so the picnic ones will have to do.

Look for the gallery in a bit. I am working on it. It will be tonight.

Tomorrow we go back to clicking the dogs. 

Here is the picnic gallery.



On a given day relationships are created and changed. Let me explain that. One day x dog will really play with x and the next day they still are playing with x or they have moved on to another to play with. It's interesting. Today Skylar, Gizmo and Bissli were as thick as thieves in a fun way. They just enjoy each other's company and did so all day long. 

But they weren't the only ones. It was like a school yard play ground and running, hanging and enjoying.

Check out the gallery. Dennis took these photos so I may not have everyone in it but rest assured they had a great time and when I was taking a break between grooming, I wanted to play with the dogs not click. Sorry.

 I was grooming a great deal today. Plus we have a picnic to get ready for. 

The dogs - well they had fun all day and are still playing. They will sleep tonight.


Wet and More Wet: Update

Skylar is rather enjoying herself. She is a Rowan puppy. It doesn't matter if they are outside or in they still manage to have fun. Due to rain and lots of grooming I didn't click much. Sorry. Here is what I did click.

Brewer is one of the dogs that got a full bath, clip and blow dry and he's still smiling. hahahaha Now Mike is going to have a heck of a time trying to keep him looking good for the picnic. 

Molly is another that got a full bath and clip. 

I also had a few others that I needed to get done and of course I have the ones I am taking to do tomorrow plus Amy. It best not rain tomorrow. I have had lots of feet to clean.

Today we have a 3rd birthday celebration. Be sure to look at Jeannie's blog to see the update. We also have a Roxie pup visiting so be sure to check out Roxie's blog. Plus follow Saffron's blog. I have shaved her tummy. Was going to give her a bath today but said why with this rain.

The daughter is also bringing over Adele as she thinks she is in heat. Oh boy - it begins and yes we plan to breed her for her last litter. Not fair for Dani to have to give her up for a pregnancy and delivery till they go home. But this was the agreement and we think the Stone and Adele combo was amazing. I was hoping no heats till after the picnic. Maybe she is wrong but she is bringing her over tonight so we shall soon know. We may have the grand daughter hanging out here for months. We shall see. I certainly will see them more. heh

Adele is still in our names and we had only had planned on River going but then it all played out the way it did and I do so love my grand daughters. 

Stay tuned.

Yes, Adele is in heat. See her blog.



Leo has adjusted so nicely and seems to be really enjoying himself. That is always a goal. We always seem to manage it. Tucker and Buddy departed. Poor parenst are on Italian time. Hope the dogs are sleeping with them. They did get tuckered out this morning.

Skylar arrived and is fitting in really nicely. She loves running with Dennis and sitting on Nathan's lap and when I am using my ipad and she is sitting on my lap, it is as if she is reading it too. She is fascinated by the pool cleaner.

Ziggy decided it was hot enough and went for a swim. We are always there but the last few days he has been edging up to the edge even when no one is around him and looking and looking and today he said - why not! So we took him in again and he swam and swam. Ziggy has a lot of energy so the swimming is good for him. He is so excited about life. He makes me laugh.

Here is today's gallery. We didn't take that many photos but sometimes we have to just play, help new ones get adjusted and you can't do that with a camera in your hands. Now it is time to feed. 

Tomorrow and Friday I wash and wash for the picnic. Miss Molly who is loving the runs wil get a bath tomorrow and depart. She is one of many that I have to get ready for their owners. :-)


Extreme Heat or Rain

I give up. I tried to get some great photos but we would go out it would rain not drizzle, pounding rain then it woudl get so hot it would take your breath away then it did it again. 

Here is the small gallery. Really they had fun but really drizzle they like. rain drops fine but pekting down rain - NOT.

Miko the TT was over and Murphy the havanese had a walk in step thing going on and trul;y enjoyed themselves. Miko played with everyone but today the guys connected.

Sun is shining. I shoukd go swimming but I think I just want to snuggle with the dogs and relax. I have a lot of grooming going on starting tomorrow. 

I also have a video I am posting on Roxie's blog of Tuesday. 

Not sure why but it took Roxie quite a bit of time to get past the no puppy thing but she is better now. I hope the picnic perks her up.