
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019


Happy Halloween

Lola wants to wish everyone a Happy Trick or Treating.

What a cutie!

It's a wet day so not sure how many will come out. The dogs got soaked for the 2nd day in a row.

Here is the gallery.

Yesterday and today I tried human shampoo on Raven and Ella and I liked how their hair came out. I tried dog shampoo on mine and it came out a bit greasy and well dry too. Does that make sense? No dog shampoo for me again. I just wanted to try to see the results. The strange things I do as I am curious.


Wet Rags

Not many photos. The dogs are soaked. It is raining and it is all so futille to keep them clean. I washed Jeannie and Truffie and question my own sanity.

Here is the gallery.

Off to watch tv and let the dogs soak me by laying all over me. Why not. LOL


Visits and the Rest

Rusty was here today. It was a delight to see him. He played his heart out.

Here is the gallery.

You will also see Pablo sucking up to Nathan to try to get some treats at the table. LOL

Henley departed today and he will be missed. The crew is playing and enjoying as they always do. Marco is a maximum play monley.

Soon the furniture will go inside and they will have a wide open space to run like hey!


Indoor Outdoor Always Fun

Pablo is a Cinnamon pup and therefore he is mighty agile. Nathan turned the table sideways as he hosed it off before the boys could bring it inside and he found a way up anyways.

Here is the gallery. I may have put some of yesterday's in but forgive me.

Pippin, and Harlow is departing today and Barney left this morning. They all had such great play this week.

I had a mega amount of grooming to do today. Tomorrow I get to see Rusty for the day. Hooray!

Henley departs tomorrow and he will probably sleep and sleep as he has had a nonstop blast. You know how you recover from a holiday - same goes for them. The play is so good for a dog's soul!

I know this may be unpopular but you know Halloween and dog's? It can be quite confusing and scary for them. If you answer your door, put your dog away, please. They can be frightened by all the masks etc and an escape can occur. In all the years we have been breeding, 1 dog died from an escape that happened on a holiday. One dog - as you know escaped and was never found. Do not take chances and don't overload your dog by forcing them to view strange things. It can have serious consequences. It doesn't sound like much but once is too much. Set your dog up always to succeed and don't flood them with fear.


3 Updates Today: Scroll Down!

Bonnie wants to wish a Happy 2nd Birthday to her littermates, Bailey, Marlie, Thunder and Finn!


Three Updates: Gallery Added

Chloe came for a groom today. She looks like her Momma. Can you guess who that is? 

It's a small gallery day as I want the focus on the Spice and her siblings. Happy 9th. See the blog post below.

Everyone is having a blast but its wet, windy and well Fall. Till tomorrow.


Happy 9th! : New Photos Added

Dear Darlah & Nathan

Our sweet little princess Spicy is turning 9 tomorrow! She wishes all her siblings a wonderful birthday.

I will post a photo album on Miss Spicy's Facebook page tomorrow. Darlah, thank you for the pretty bow. It suits Spicy so well, it's as if it was made just for her.

With love,

Anne & Russell

Hi it is Doozie I would like to wish Spice and all my other brothers and Sisters Happy Birthday.  We are nine today.  Mom took this picture of me,  I have just learned to play Basketball and I am pretty good, 6 baskets out of 8 tries.  "I am Northish."


Carol and Doozie

Dear Darlah, I hope you are all very well. Today our little guys turn 9! Time has gone so fast. Pacho is doing great, he keeps being a very happy puppy (;) Happy birthday to all his siblings.

Best regards,

Rocio F.


Playing on a Saturday

We run. We play. We have a grand time - just as it should be. They say rain tonight. A lot of rain, I may add is forecast from tonight till Monday early morn. The pool shack is paint dry - hooray! We worried about paint run off due to the rain.

We play inside but its not like playing outdoors. Outdoors is lots of room to run like banshees.

Here is the gallery.

But now we have lots of TV room and upstairs hall play. That was the goal of the tv room expansion. It worked!

Rain means less leaves inside. It means the plants go hooray. Then we also get that fresh cool air. So, we do like it. I just hate the grooming it brings due to it. Tomorrow wil be busy.

Off to feed dogs. We feed at 430pm here.


Play Day For Sure

Dance, dance - Marco and Ollie till there's no tomorrow. LOL

We had quite a few dogs here today. I had a ton of grooming for day visitors. Dogs are still departing but I kept taking breaks to watch the play and oh boy we had a lot.

Here is the gallery.

It was a fun day for all.

Pool house painting is finished. We pray no rain till tomorrow. Next week I am going to create some shelves to store stuff on. This way even the pool shack will be organized.

It was a day - a fun day! Other than the work - it was splendid! But I am late on the puppy blogs... next...


No Gallery Day Today

Barney says we are having a blast but the pool shack is getting painted so we go out often but have to come back in as the human here is not sure if she can get paint out of a dog's coat. LOL We are hoping by tomorrow it is completely done.

Jon wants to park his car in the garage so I told him that is fine with me but you must clean it. I think that is a fair deal.

I did get a floor lamp and I like ir quite a bit. Cheap too. Dennis doesn't like it as he likes the one in the tv room as it goes down very low. Dennis likes dark. I like to see. Such a conflict.

The dogs have really adapted to more room in the tv room quite well. We still have stuff to do in there but maybe after pups.

Everyone had a chicken jerky treat that I made. They wanted more. I will have to make more. Not today!

Been fighting something every day. Not sure what but I get a headache and am very tired. Need a nap but nathan is napping. Maybe to bed early? I know, have to do cleanup before I go so I guess not.

Here's to pool house completion and sleep and dogs making me laugh!~


Looking for Winter Snowsuits?


Play Mid Week

The dogs had fun playing today. They really had a complete blast. Perfect weather! Even though the forecast was for 30% rain, it didn't happen. It did get windy.

Here is the gallery.

I am tired. We had the police here after 11pm. It seems election night Jon's company car was broken into and his backpack stolen in our driveway. He had just finished a project and hadn't backed it up yet and voila his laptop is gone. We got a knock on the door and a ringing of the bell. The dogs were not happy and I was yelling get the door. It was not pretty. They found his backpack minus the laptop. Needless to say we are all tired.

Willow and Rocky was here for baths and play. They had a blast. Bria departed. Marco arrived and Barney comes tonight.

Good news with Lynda - some sign of great progress cancer wise. We are happy!


No Gallery Day

This is Amy - Saffron's sister. She was playing with me. This is her semi playbow. Murphy is Saffron's sister.

This is Marcie, Saffron's baby. I laid on the floor to play with her and this is the look she gave me. I had to laugh.

It's been rainy today so photos were - well they are a mess so I spent more time cleaning and no time taking photos. Sorry - it happens. We will play catch up tomorrow though I am now playing grooming catchup with everyone so balancing the blogs etc - well sometimes I need a no gallery day but I suspect for those that have dogs here, that's not fun for you. So - apologies.

Everyone is thoroughly enjoying themselves maybe too much so as they are getting into the grunge look.

Thank you goes to Patt, Sadie and Marlee's mom for a cute blanket for the pups. Most appreciated!


What a Day

For a fall day, it is prett spectacular. The leaves are falling - well not fun doing that cleanup. The weather is not cold, not hot. The dogs feel invigorated. The play is wonderful!

Here is the gallery.

A number of dogs departed today, more tomorrow. We will have a lull in November before the holiday.

The dogs were really excited I was back in bed all night. Now that feels good. I am still tired but getting there. If I could stop looking at the ipad at 3am just to check. LOL

Tomorrow we start painting the pool shack. Slow progress but at least before the snow falls.


Sunday Fun

We play....

Then we chill and nap. 

We then do it all over again all day long.

Here is the gallery.

All these photos were taken before grooming. I am actually doing a dog here and there. I am tired but I may be done by bedtime. I sorely need to play recovery but 3 have to be washed when Nathan gets up and cut as they are departing. I cancelled all scheduled groomings that were not boarding here. In a few days I will be human again!

We are making progress on the pool house. Tuesday - if no rain, painting will begin. 

I so wish I could take a nap. But can't. Got groomings. LOL


Having a Fun Saturday

Bonnie and Spirit having a blast. All the dogs did. Wait till you see the gallery.

Raven's temps have dropped. So this is a short blog. I do believe the dogs love the cooler weather. Me, not so much. When they are happy, I am happy!


Making Progress

Still a work in progress but making headway. The pool house itself will be painted a Cape Cod Gray. The roof is metal.


Roof and Play

We like to bark at the handyman doing our roof. Dennis is helping him. Nathan is helping him. I am not. I have done enough projects. Mabel just watches. Sky barks her fool head off with Inula. So, even though they like being inside, each time they do - inside they go.

Here is the gallery. I have not groomed yet. Recovery has been hard this round maybe as we had a break this summer. Was that a break?

We did not get the garage done. Oh well. Nathan can brush the snow off and melt the ice.

Ollie visited today and he is a true play monkey. It is a delight! Pippin also got into the play in the kitchen. Outside, they run and play and watch. It is truly nice!


Not Much Today

Like to have more photos but I do not. I have a few but I will add it to tomorrow's gallery. As you can see the pool shack is getting a new roof. It will be stained a grey when it is done.

We had our vet here. We had checkups and new meds for Kat. Plus we had an ultrasound for Raven.

Dennis was up most of the day so he is off to bed soon till 10. This means I have to do all the things he usually does - dishes, pads, floors and all the fun stuff we do daily.

The pool shack is a progress in action.

The vet asked if Cinnamon was available after this litter. LOL She just LOVES, LOVES LOVES her waggy tail, body swaying happiness.

The dogs had fun chasing squirrels. It is a gloomy day. We still have to find someone to fix the eaves troughs before the white stuff.

Can you imagine puppies in snow? Watch, it won't snow till after they depart. LOL


Play Indoors

Sadie and Tenshi Indoor PlayMost of the dogs have decided indoor play is much better than outdoor today. They go out and come in mighty messy.

Here is a gallery.

We look forward to dryer times.

They play. They rest. They play, they rest. Sometimes its just fun watching.

It's more difficult taking action shots when indoors especially when you have the wrong lens on but who has time to change lenses? They will simply stop playing then. LOL

Looking for a floor lamp - used or not. It's for this room with the pups. Mine just zapped. It had a spark come out, make a sound and its black. Changing another bulb, same thing. I think it is time to put it to rest. Every 25 years or so... hahahaha