Roof and Play

We like to bark at the handyman doing our roof. Dennis is helping him. Nathan is helping him. I am not. I have done enough projects. Mabel just watches. Sky barks her fool head off with Inula. So, even though they like being inside, each time they do - inside they go.
Here is the gallery. I have not groomed yet. Recovery has been hard this round maybe as we had a break this summer. Was that a break?
We did not get the garage done. Oh well. Nathan can brush the snow off and melt the ice.
Ollie visited today and he is a true play monkey. It is a delight! Pippin also got into the play in the kitchen. Outside, they run and play and watch. It is truly nice!
Reader Comments (4)
I’m glad to hear Pippin is having fun. Hugs to Pippin & many thanks for the photos Darlah.
Karen: That he is. You will see in the gallery. :-)
Ollie been sleeping since he got home
There is truly no day like a talemaker day for him. He must have been non stop. He’s too tired to even eat his dinner lol. Thank you!!!
Ollie had a blast!