Here is today's gallery.
Dogs loved the sun today and so did Nathan. Does this mean warm weather is here to stay? We are hoping.
Sunday is Dennis birthday. Tomorrow his sister is taking him out to the aquarium. Nathan and I will hold down the fort and on Sunday we get his fave meal brought in from Lonestar. I am thinking about dehydrating beef so he can share with the dogs on his birthday. hehe Actually he would enjoy doing that.
Things are starting to get green. We are muttering maybe outdoor furniture should make its way outdoors.
The dogs WILL love that as they adore lounging like we do.
Mr. Coops departed. Thank you Anne and Russell for the bagels. yum!
I am sure the rabbit is now saying ah no one watching me anymore. It was funny to see them both watching each other. Inula seems to not care any longer. For that I am glad.
Will be updating Panda's blog tonight as we have photos to share. Today it will be George as he just departed then Hagia and then Havoc.
We are also busy - well I am trying to figure out my room for the moms to be. There;s no room. hahahaha But we will make it work and I will have less room - not them.