
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from April 1, 2016 - April 30, 2016


Grand Day

Charlie LOVES, LOVES, LOVES our grand daughter Danielle. It's a special relationship and she asked if she could sleep with Charlie tonight. How could we say no. So he will be downstairs sleeping with Dani and I get Adele back for a night. :-) Here's today's gallery.

Soon they will be doing tv time/chill time. Some watch, some just snuggle.

Dogs had a grand day but I have pups to feed and a full bath/haircut to do so got to get moving and that means shorter bogs. Sorry.


The Nose Knows It

Crew is having a total blast. Here is today's gallery. They are chillin with Nathan and Dennis while I am blogging inbetween puppy feeding and laundry. It's been a day. We have some fun relationships going on. Maggie I brushed and 2 minutes after it she did a face dive playing. I got everyone brushed out but it took me till 6pm. hahaha Trouble - well she was Trouble. 


No Update Day

We are enjoying visitors but I am blogged out. I hope you understand. Everyone is truly having a blast. Trust me when I tell you. Nathan is actually taking a nap in the tv room with them. I wish I had that. hahaha

But instead I thought I would place up a photo of the 2 Beetles.

It was titled, brotherhood. Seems they are really getting along though George wants to play, play play and well Ringo sometimes wants to rest.


Sunny Day

Alvin and StoneWe managed to get a tad bit more sleep last night so I feel much better. I realized I had posted yesterday's blog but forgot to publish it. It's there now. I guess I was extra tired. I have to blame something. I am still tired but wow Spice being pain free and some sleep sure makes you feel differently. Here is today's gallery.

Dogs really enjoyed the warm weather and hung out a lot with Nathan. Wish I had but the moments with the pups are precious. I did comb everyone out. Tonight I have to fit in doing Trouble as she has class and boy does she need it. She gets to see Havoc. Jon, Tracy and Sarah are going to watch the dogs and Dennis the pups so I can join Nathan with the class.


So Much Fun

It's good to know you can still have fun despite being tired. Nathan had more sleep than me but he is trashed. The phone ran and it was our son. He kept answering with the remote.

Think when Dennis gets up tonight, we are heading to bed between 9 and 930. Tomorrow wake up refreshed and ready to go. heh

Dolly came to play today and I tell you she brings a whole lot of fun. It's nice!

Here's today's gallery


Chasing That Gal

We had mud, mud and more mud this morning and finally it stopped raining and dried out. Now it looks like rain again. That's okay. We still got some running games in as you can see in this photo. Havoc really connected with his momma Panda and his sister Trouble. They had fun, fun, fun. Got muddy. Got rinsed more than you want to know. Wasn't crazy about that aspect but still.... Tonight Toboas and Havoc will go home. Daisy dropped in. Here's today's gallery

Special thanks goes to Sherry Stein for dropping in and bringing us some food. So amazing and I mean that. I have free baths slated for Murphy as my thank you. It's really helps more than you know. Unexpected and so appreciated!

This is going to be short as I have another feeding to do and brushout and combouts of those departing.


Puppy Heaven

Got some pups visiting and the adults and pups are having a total fun fest! See the gallery. Everyone is doing well. Sorry for a short blog but we will do bewtter when we totally play recovery.


Oh my Gad

Inula is in heat. For 3 weeks Inula has to be with just the gals. Fun. Dogs had a blast inside and out. We now have Havoc and Tobias visiting. It's busy but fun. Cooper has departed but had fun before he left.

Dinner is almost done but going to hate cleanup. haha

Here's the gallery.

Really I can't imagine having pups today. Crossing fingers.


Barney is Here

Check out Leti's blog. Barney came for a visit and oh my is he fun!


Getting Warm

Here's a short gallery. We have been out a number of times. Everyone has been combed out. Mickey bathed and trimmed. Mickey departs - sigh. He will be missed. Tonight a Leti pup comes to visit and oh boy will that do Leti's heart good. 

Nathan was out running errands and took Ella up to see Jazzy. I heard Ella ran Jazzy up and down the aisles. I am sorry I missed it.

I am tired - what's new. We have a family gathering the next 2 nights too. 

Dogs are really having a blast but it is time to take the pool cover off. Now to convince Nathan that we can do it now and not turn on the heat. hahahahaha

He says with pups who will be able to swim? Maybe I will visit Christine. hahahaha


Mail Issues

Folks, some of you are not aware but we had our domain expire and Dennis (our son) forgot to renew it. So, our mails were bouncing. If you did not get a response from us, resend the mail PLEASE. It is working now.

I am posting this as someone just sent me mail saying she hadn't heard from us. arrgh


Playtime Fun

I finally got everyone brushed and combed. It took me a bit as I did it between other things. So, some of these photos is before and some after. 

Dogs are enjoying the cooler but dryer weather. They are still doing a deck behind us so we deal with dust and noise but the dogs have adjusted. 

If I had to put a slogan on today, I would have to say, Dawgs Just Want to Have Fun!


Fun Indoors

Indoors can be fun too. Check out this gallery. As you will see Cooper, Pepper, Reggie and Scruffy was having a blast. Sometimes Stone. 

They played their hearts out but the blog is short as I am still needing to play recovery. I need to eat and sleep. Don't always have time for those. 

Our oldest daughter slept with the dogs while we were whelping. It was nice to have the help. Otherwise they would be downstairs with Dennis watching tv even though it was 3am or he would have crawled into bed with them. Dennis is on night duty tonight. Nathan and I play catchup with the sleep and the dog snuggles.


Parler en Français

Oh Coops Nathan has to start talking to you in French. Will you listen?

Here's today's gallery.

Someone is putting in a deck behind us so all we hear is tool noise. Was hoping to be out there with Jeannie for a bit. Maybe after Logan and Panda goes home the trades people will quit. Wait till Lynda sees Panda with Trouble. 


Hmm What's This

Dennis has food and he is a mighty popular guy. It's a mighty warm day. We put a water bowl outside while Dennis hangs out and enjoys. Nathan is taking a nap and I am blogging. Here are a few photos I took. Got a short blog to do as we have so much to do.

I started brushing out and the rest will be done tonight after my return and of course after posting to the blogs.

Now off to pack the car for the vets.


Yeah Warmth

Could they be too hot? I have to laugh. Some played but in the shade. It was as if they have to adjust to this warmth. Me too but I love it! Here's today's gallery. Can you believe according to the Weather app on my ipad its warmer in Huntsville.

Tonight it gets quiet around here. Bella and Bailey have departed and tonight the rest. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

If you look at Roxie on the lounge chair she is in heaven just chillin'. I did place water with ice cubes outside several times a day and they drank it dry in minutes especially after play.

Warm weather will stay but not warm enough to put plants out. Oh well. 

PS: Here's a very short video of Risa jumping for her food. Talked to my usual vet and she said she had to have eaten something to throw off the values. She said if she had cancer she would not have bounced back like she did. Here's hoping. 


Little by Little

This is what happens when you play day in and day out with the Inula - your head hair gets chopped up and disappears. There goes her show career. Hair does grow but for hers to grow she has to stop playing with Inula. Inula does this to no one else except Ella. 

I just NOW finished doing dogs. I had a really, really full day of haircuts, baths etc. I also brushed the rest. I started at 7. Had moments of talking at the door but it was a 12 plus hour day. 

Here is today's gallery.

I had the pleasure of having a number of dogs that I adore that came for the day. One of them was Clarity (huge pleasure) and now that I am resting, I am using a present she gave me - well Clarity's mom gave it to me. What is it? Insta Shiatsu and oh my does it feel good. What a wonderful present. Very unexpected and very appreciated!

Tomorrow is Dennis' birthday and I told him he can do whatever he wants to and I will be doing all the jobs he normally does. I guess tomorrow is busy for me too. They say it will be warm. Hoping to snap some photos and enjoy life and maybe use my Insta Shiatsu.

Monday - xrays...


Warm Day

We feel so excited about the weather this weekend. Last night we got some of our furniture out and this morning I got some of the cushions out. Those that could I swear levitated to the top of the cushions. Everyone human and canine alike is loving this weather.

I even sat outside with my ipad for a bit and clicked photos, played bejeweled and loved up the pups. Nathan got to lay out longer. 

Check out some of the photos I clicked

But I also groomed, cleaned and well that's why the blog is so late. Tomorrow I have a full day of grooming so I am hoping I find the time to also enjoy the weather. We shall see.

We also took dogs out for a walk. Trouble is not impressed with the lead. We will try again tomorrow. 


Fun Sun Day

Here is today's gallery.

Dogs loved the sun today and so did Nathan. Does this mean warm weather is here to stay? We are hoping.

Sunday is Dennis birthday. Tomorrow his sister is taking him out to the aquarium. Nathan and I will hold down the fort and on Sunday we get his fave meal brought in from Lonestar. I am thinking about dehydrating beef so he can share with the dogs on his birthday. hehe Actually he would enjoy doing that.

Things are starting to get green. We are muttering maybe outdoor furniture should make its way outdoors.

The dogs WILL love that as they adore lounging like we do. 

Mr. Coops departed. Thank you Anne and Russell for the bagels. yum!

I am sure the rabbit is now saying ah no one watching me anymore. It was funny to see them both watching each other. Inula seems to not care any longer. For that I am glad.

Will be updating Panda's blog tonight as we have photos to share. Today it will be George as he just departed then Hagia and then Havoc.

We are also busy - well I am trying to figure out my room for the moms to be. There;s no room. hahahaha But we will make it work and I will have less room - not them.


Cheeky Dogs

Can you see Stone sticking his tongue out at Cooper. What a bold one that youngin' is. See the gallery today.

Dogs had a blast as weather was better. 

It was a Cooper enjoying Stone day. 

Reggie departed. Tiny was playing his heart out and will soon depart. 

The dogs are simply having a ball and maybe its simply just celebrating the lack of rain. I am not sure but I will take it. I love them having fun!