
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from August 1, 2008 - August 31, 2008


Havanese Flying & Pups

If you check out Yvonne's site - Chicadoro Havanese you will see our visit this weekend. There's lots of puppy pics from running, to playing to even sticking out their tongue at another. The pups are a riot. Check them out.

Well, the weather is good seeing it's almost the end of the season. Not a raindrop in the sky. Nathan hit the pool with the pups and I went out there with camera in hand and caught Kat jumping in the pool.

Check it out and be sure to click on the pics to see a larger view.

I also managed to get out in the pool after I caught the action.

Can you believe the rain this year? Well, they say NO RAIN this week and that makes Havanese - well our Havanese happy campers.

Have you ever seen a Havanese look at the rain and say - hmm not me - no, I am not going out!

Then there are the kind that adore it. We have both. We force the ones that don't to grin and bear it so to speak. We place them smack, dab in the middle of the grass and tell them to do their duty but it's a riot watching the feet getting lifted as if to say, Daddy - that's wet grass - oooh.

Kat doesn't mind the wet grass. He doesn't mind the rain and he can't get enough of the pool. I guess he's a water dog.

It's as if it's his job. Every dog needs a job.

Well, we got to hang out with visitors, had walks, went swimming - life is good this Labour Day weekend - I tell ya. It's what the entire summer should have been like.

All our visitors have gone home, sniff, sniff.

Still, it's time to regroup - concentrate on us and then get ready for whomever is coming next.

Splash - ready for a cool down? We are...Havanese hitting the water and it's almost the end of summer.

Catch you tomorrow and here at Talemaker, we are hoping you end your long weekend in the company of a Havanese. It couldn't get any better than THAT!


Another Havanese Puppy Fix

Just got back from seeing Lola and Kat's pups and Maggie and Oscars pups. How cool is that?

We had great food, great company and lots of puppies. Abigail thought the pups were great. Kat only wanted Flora and Fiona was miffed the focus wasn't just on her. Dear old Wasabi was fascinated too. Risa - she just chilled out and this particular pup of Wasabi's that has been with us was checking this wee one out.

Fun was had by all. We will be posting lots of puppy pix tomorrow. There's only a couple of pups available from this crew. I am going to miss them.

It was priceless to see one of them toting away a slipper larger than its body. Got to love it!

More tomorrow!


Stop the Presses: Havanese in Action

We open the back door, I sit at the end of the deck and they come running at me so I can point and click.

I look at Risa and wonder if she ever was brushed in her lifetime.

I just adore that natural look.

Oh, she is brushed daily - actually just finished doing the crew, cleaning eyes, checking ears etc but those messy moments - well I treasure them as that is when a dog is being a dog.

There's nothing wrong with those dogs that just hang out but be still my heart when you see one leap or get creative or use their brains to get what they want. That brain, if cultivated is a wonderful thing.

Kat always seems to manage to get out the door first. What is that about? Is he quicker?

Well, perhaps but he is also an alpha who thinks it's all about him. Oh yeah - we have a few of those. He is also the most athletic of the crew so far but the puppies haven't matured yet and I have a feeling he best watch out in that department.

Here's Abs in the middle of the crew looking quite like a bear these days. She's happiest just playing. She doesn't care where she fits in she just has to fit in and they all love her for that.

Funny, even she is showing assertive moments lately. She tends to do tag team stuff with Fiona if it suits her cause - meaning what she is going to get out of it.

Our crew all eats together but we are on diets - most of us except puppies as we had pups then roads we couldn't hike in the winter. Yeah excuses but we are at it again. The humans around here have that attitude so remember they are a reflection of you so they too adopt that - oh we will get to it. We are actually very active even when we can't hike with retrieve and silly games but nothing like a huge romp with some new pals or a long hike to get you downright sleepy and tired and burn those calories.

Well, Fiona was eating extra food as she needs to gain a tad bit of weight. the crew had eaten theirs and was waiting to see if she would leave it. One came up close and she gave him a warning. Abs decided she would also give a warning as that was hers if Fiona was going to walk away. See what I mean...if it suits her.

Don't ever think the Havanese aren't smart. Their little brains are churning thinking up new things. It's better than TV.

Talking about TV, I can't wait till the new shows come on so we can do body hugs together and watch TV. It's those moments I treasure!

Till later!


Havanese Attitude

Havanese can have attitude. Each have their very own unique personality but some are born with that 'look at me' desire that I adore. Not everyone appreciates or even likes this attitude. Fiona has it going over the top.

What do you do when they buck the system - so to speak? You ask what do you mean by that?

Well, Fiona was laying on the bed with her Daddy and I came strolling upstairs. She didn't know who I was so she did a low-based grrr. Daddy - I am protecting you but also - this bed is mine.
Fiona has an attitude that makes you laugh at things like that but that's when you can get in trouble. If allowed, a dog like her will escalate and suddenly what you think is cute is no longer. It's best to nip it in the bud. They need boundaries just like that creative, challenging human kind.

I corrected her. She did the submissive roll to me. It wasn't me that was the target but rather what she can and can't control. She's a puppy and she is learning that life is about others - not just her. Some humans have an issue with that so why not dogs?

She will take a tad more work than say an Abigail who tends to comply and not step over the line but if you keep at it, she will be the dog you can't forget.

It's all in the way you handle it.

Interesting enough, I have found that a dog in my home may act different in another home and act even different in yet another home. How can that be? Are they wishy, washy or are they people pleasers? It's the latter and they will, even the most strongest personalities learn from you.

Remember, your dogs are what you put into it and what emotion you send down the lead. It's difficult to get into that mindset but that strong-willed dog needs you to be a calm assertive but so does that dog that is timid.

If your spouse or someone important to you is in a &^%$ mood, doesn't it affect you? Most will say yes. It's the same for the dog but you can't talk it out with the dog like you should with the human.

Fiona may always be a challenge all her life but not in a negative way but one who will try new things. Her brain is always ticking but she's also an emotional one and needs to understand that the world is not just about her. She's getting there but nothing is born perfect.

Again, they are what we put into them and if you are consistent and keep at it, you will have a truly amazing companion and wonder how you ever did without them.

I know I wouldn't trade any of my dogs for anything. They each bring something different to my life and I treasure that!

--Darlah at Talemaker


More Havanese Picnic Photos: Thanks, Jean!

Thanks to Jean, we have a number of new photos added to the slideshow. Her photos are noted with her name next to the filename.

Check them out.

Here's a photo Jean captured of Nathan getting his doggie lovin' in.

Would you expect anything else? Enjoy!


Be Still My Heart: Havanese Living & Enjoying Life

Hey guys, I am Risa - the black dog with white feet. That's why my champion name is Whitesox. I tend to manage the crew here but the humans here just won't stop till we are all having fun.

That human daddy was getting me going and at first the rest of the crew went - dare we play with the 'boss'? But play they did.

We just uploaded a video from the picnic hoping you will enjoy. What has become abundantly clear is we like to play no matter where we are. Maybe it's that Abs that won't stop or those humans or...but forgive us as we tend to be all over that video as we were the ones moving our ahems off and crashing on the way home.

Oh, there are plenty of the others human and canine alike but like we said - we are used to having CRAZY fun. Enjoy!

PS: Disregard the jerky nature. That human daddy is still learning. We all have to do that for the rest of our lives. HA!


What a Havanese Day

Have you ever seen a growl and a grrr and a roll and a totally wrestlemania rough-house experience with your dogs?

We had guests over that assumed they were going to kill each other but they were having fun.

It's important to distinguish between play and aggression. There is a huge difference but perhaps not to a person that hasn't seen both in action.

Puppies play as if they are going to gnaw each others tail, hair, ears or what have you off but they know how hard to bite down and if one was to go yelp, the other would stop and then continue and lessen the impact. They don't want to end the play and if they don't 'get' it, well they won't have anyone to play with.

If you ever saw your dog growling or barking at others when they are a puppy, often its due to their inexperience in reading another dog's language and them being not sure if the other is receptive to play. They will 'get' that. Some get it earlier than others but if you socialize - and do it often, they will get it earlier.

Just like us, they learn from their experiences - good and bad. We have to guide them down that right path of being totally amazing!


Rita & Yvonne's Havanese Picnic '08


Havanese Fiona's Shag Look

Fiona Says:

Daddy thinks I am a sheep dog. They say I am supposed to show natural but I can't see a thing. Oh the hair stays back and then I give it a shake and watch out!

The judge on Thursday didn't like Fiona's 'cheeky' attitude but today's did. She just has to gain a tad bit of weight and get fat - ROFL. So, the Fiona is on a high protein diet starting tomorrow and eating frozen raw chicken necks. We will see what that does. We may have to hold her in place to get her to stop expelling so much energy. Oh that human wishes she had that metabolism.

Well, we are still working on picnic photos. Some were corrupted due to a virus but we are recovering what we can. Look for them soon.


Katsuro & All Those Gals


If you don't know me - bear with me and I will tell you a story...I am a boy dog and I was invited to Rita & Yvonne's picnic and there were so many gal dogs that my tongue was hanging out of my mouth.

My name is Kat and I wouldn't leave Abigail alone or anyone else that gave me a wink. My human says I need to get a life but Rita just had girls in heat in that yard and then if that wasn't bad enough, I went to Yvonne's to see my kids - yeah I get to have all the fun and Lola gets all the work. I know - you will say typical guy but give me a break. Did she ask me to help? ha!

I get to Yvonne's and I am banished from the house as Flora is flirting with me. See - it's not ALL MY FAULT!

Well, the humans met a lot of great people but the human mom was behind the camera too much. Next year when she has her own, she is going to do it with a photographer like she did last year. We wanted to do our own puppy picnic again this year but exhibiting at dog shows and watching dogs stopped life but we adore the dogs is WORTH IT!

The human mom wishes she had more time with everyone and there are so many new dogs and many missing dogs from years past. Precious little ones.

We saw amazing dogs that were worth watching like the Moj - my grandpa, soaking in a pail of ice meant to cool the drinks (it was bloody hot). Such a smart dog. Many were trying out the agility stuff. Plus the run-like-hell game was a tradition that was practiced over and over.

Fiona thought she could protect the water bowls even trying to keep the Moj away from them but that human said - uh uh. Abs was leading the pack at times saying 'catch me.' No wonder she doesn't have her top hair - silly gal but fun she was having and to those humans - well that's how they like it.

On the way home the crew slept like they hadn't slept for a week. Nothing like expeling energy.

To all the people we met and all the ones we didn't have enough time to chat with - deepest apologies but we are hoping we managed to catch some of your dogs. Do try to connect with us sometime and visit us when you are around our neck of the woods.

Watch for the slideshow tomorrow after our show. Yep - we have a show in the morning.


Picnic = Bath or Does it?

They say there's a Havanese picnic tomorrow and I am going with 8 of my favourite friends or so those humans tell me.

If I don't play too hard - maybe I will get away without a bath. I will let you know when I know.

Photos to come after the picnic. Mommy promised LOTS!


Havanese Messy Stylin!

It's one of those days that daddy got mommy a polarized lens cover and a hood for her camera and what does she do - take a photo of my disheveled face.

I think I smash my face up against the ground just to give her texturized hair. ha! Well - it's a good line where that human is concerned.

I have 3 kids here visiting and I am having a great time - that is until Coachie thinks he thinks he is. A mom's work is never done.

Saturday is picnic time at Rita's house. Are you coming? I know I am just to see who I can play with. Hope to see you there.

PS: If that Fiona, Biona or whatever that human mommy calls her dares to scat and get in my way...well the hair will fly! ROFL! I am still quicker than that little thing.


Havanese: Leave It - Drop It!

I compare a dogs mouth to a toddler's hands and mouth. You can't keep a thing out of it. You have to take it out, teach leave it and still - the lure of that stick seems so great that they will try to step over the line if allowed.

As humans - sometimes we can't help just allowing as its so cute but watch out - when you do, they may take a mile. Be sure you can live with it. A stick my dissolve in most cases but not necessarily and the damage it can do to bowels - well we won't go there so practice - 'leave it' or 'drop it' and see how many times you have to practice to get there.


Achieving Happiness With Your Havanese

One would think this was about YOU achieving happiness but its about your Havanese achieving happiness.

We went into this venture with our original dog, Shoshi. She had the coat from hell (doesn't any longer). I learned a great deal from her. I learned if Nathan got up every 2 hours, the dog would be totally house trained or is that Nathan that would be?

I learned what unconditional love was really about and how a little dog can figure out what you need and fill that spot. Shoshi's person is Nathan but make no mistake, she appeases me to no end and when I fell last winter, she was the first to lick my face and she is the first to see what's wrong if I bang myself and scream an ear curdling sound - that is next to Katsuro.

I also learned to take a photo of a dark haired dog and see their face. I also figured out that messy has more character than just combed but that doesn't mean you should neglect combing but rather that you enjoy that they smoosh their face 2 minutes after you brush them.

As we added dogs, I also understood that each has their very own personality and job within the pack - that is if the pack is a balanced - functioning one. I also figured out if it is not, the visitors overnight would not work. I am thankful that although they have their quirks, they are indeed that.

I also learned that it took a puppy - Abigail to get Shoshi playing fully with back feet planted on the ground and paws up as if she is dancing. Shoshi has learned a great deal from the pack and they have helped her find her spot, her balance and her play. Yes, even a puppy can do that.

If you pay attention to your dogs - you can learn a great deal.


Paradise Havanese Style

It can't get better than this. The humans brought us in the pool, laid out towels on the chairs for us and we don't even have hair enough to warrant a brush other than our ears and tail.

If you simply have an active lifestyle - well cut them down. They will always grow back. This is Sassy and Coach enjoying the backyard and Sebastians over too.

We hear Louis may be coming to play too. Oh my - lots of fun dawgies to play with.

That's dawgie paradise!


Havanese Puppies Photos Are Here

Today, Risa and grandson got to check each other out.

We just got back from seeing Lola and Katsuro's puppies and Maggie and Oscar's pups. Check out some of the photos we took. If interested, do send mail. A few of the pups look like Katsuro did when he was a puppy and Kat was cute - still is. hahahaha

Well, at least HE thinks so! Enjoy!


Havanese Puppy Fix Coming Soon

I have a secret - I have Sassy and Coach over for a visit this week and I hear tell that Sebastian is coming back for a bit this Monday.

Tomorrow we are heading out to Yvonne's so mommy can enjoy good company - oh yeah daddy too - besides he better as he is my person these days.

We are going to take a ton of puppy photos to share.

The pups are mobile and we imagine quite cute. We will find out and you will too if the camera works.

When we go swimming these days, the Abs takes haven under a chair.

It's her fave spot to fade into oblivion hoping daddy doesn't notice.

Oh, she loves it once she gets in but I swear she's thinking about the brushing/shampoo that came today after she was done.

Abs swam bigtime with the daddy today and then had a shampoo and blow dry. That's the part she's not all that crazy about but isn't it worth it, Abs?

Sassy for once is on top of the situation tonight and Fiona looks as if she is trying to figure this one out and Coch - well he was standing waiting to see if he was needed but they ended up doing full body play and having a grand time of it. They are going to love it at Yvonne and Alex's and so are we.

Puppy photos coming...just watch here Sunday night or Monday...


Identify That Dog!

Every now and then we are lucky enough to receive email attachments containing photos of one of our puppies. I think I'll post this one up and see how many of you can recognize him. There is no prize at the end. There will be no test. Just for fun, guess who this is.



Havanese Dog Play or Aggressiveness?

This is Abigail and Zack. Zack and Coco was visiting tonight and Zack decided to swim.

Anyone who has had a Havanese wet knows that they get really excited and full of it when wet. One wonders why.

Do you think Abigail is getting ready to chomp down on Zack or tell him off or is this play?

It's hard to figure out when you don't know the players but it's indeed fun play. It's also why Abigail's hair won't grow as she believes in full body contact play - all in the name of fun and the boys - well they love it!


Time for a Bath?

How can I tell it's time for a bath?

When your dog has that greasy look and they are knotting on touch - or so it seems - it's time to bath. It's time for the Fiona today.

First you must always get all the knots out first then bathe. It will make your life easier and theirs.

Be sure to use a detangler to help you take out the knots and a soft slicker if your dog is a pet - not a show.

She has started to blow her coat and they seem to only do that once so knots - knots and more knots - sigh. But if you brush daily - well less. :-)

Here's Fiona's after bath look. Even with a fast camera, it's tough keeping her in one position to get anything but a blur.

A little birdie told me that her sister may be visiting with her humans. Hmm anytime now - just in time to get that mussed in - just played my heart out look.

With the Havanese, you have to get used to that look.