
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Talemaker havanese Daycare toronto (33)


New Visitors

Jasper & Chico Chico came to visit us and he happens to be Jasper's brother and then on Saturday, Saki their sister will be visiting. How cool is that?

We also have a couple of more visitors but we will fill you in as they come.

Things are starting to get back to normal. 5.5 hours of sleep vs. none or a couple. It feels good.

The weather is gorgeous and maybe starting tomorrow I wil go back to daily slide shows for you.

Marlee and Jazmyn are wonderful. Marlee falls all over Nathan and Jazmyn snuggles with me the best.

New moms are doing well. Life is unfolding and we are really enjoying the boarders, our crew and the puppies. More tomorrow. 


Boogie Woogie at Talemaker Havanese

Jessie & the CrewHey, that's not a Havanese. No, that's a Jessie! We started taking non-Havanese for boarding and it surely added some fun to the mix. It also helps the rest of the crew to be exposed to a variety of small dogs. Plus we have the 2 Goldens to help the visitors get used to the big dawgs.

This is Jessie a Cavalier King Charles, who is a ball of fun. He loves to snuggle. He runs like the wind and he fits in really well with everyone. He doesn't even mind his grooming.

Check out some of today's photos.

We also have our regulars Zack and Coco here who happen to be friends with Jessie and are rather fond of him. As usual, Zack and Coco really know how to mix it up here and enjoy their holiday.

Tia & Sydney Playing Up a StormWe also have 2 puppies visiting (Tia and Sydney) and it's a sickness, I tell you. They are having so much fun with each other and with Treasure that I go --- oh we need puppies in this house. There is nothing like the rolling around of a pair. They play hard and drink together then start again then take a few zzzzs till they start again.

Everyone is playing retrieve, eating well, snuggling like...ohhh it feels good and the crew at Talemaker is really clicking and having a great time.

Till tomorrow.


Woof! It Snowed

It's been almost a snow-less winter here at Talemaker Havanese. We are really looking forward to puppies come March but we are sad not having mobile pups in lots of snow. It's a fun experience as you can see in some of our videos.

When I took the crew out this morning, there is a bounce of excitement seeing new fallen snow. Me too but we aren't getting enough of it.

This weekend we have some visitors and are we excited. We are hoping we have more snow so we can get the video camera out. There's going to be a whole lot of snuggling going on, I tell you!

Nathan took the crew up to the forest 2 by two first thing this morning ahead of the sand trucks. The dogs stayed sand-less and that makes me happy. Nathan should have taken the video camera as he said a few of them were so delighted over the top to be chasing squirrels after a fresh snow. It makes me wish I had gone too.


New Website is Revealing

We are doing a new website and I found this shot. I had to laugh. Yes, we do sleep with all of the dawgs and the visitors.

Nathan, the English major hates when I use the term DAWGS but in my awful southern drawl - well it just seems right to ME!

Besides, this is mostly my eyes looking at this crazy life we exist in. I tend to expose and he tends to be a tad more reserve in this revealing stuff but by far the most social of us both. It's why we work.

It's also why the dawgs love us both. They get different needs filled by each of us including that son who is caught peeking in at puppies after they are born and just watching them.

The dawgs also appreciate our differences. When an unsure dawg comes to visit, they also choose their person(s) too depending on who they feel the most comfort with but then if they are here for awhile, they learn to get what they need from each human. It's how it works with the dawg crew. It's like going to a party and you don't really know anyone but with our effort, they find the enjoyment and the connection and the fun.

It's really important to us that all dawgs find that fun.

When they are having fun, we are. Now that is what this crazy dawg life is really about.


Escaping Bath Tips

I am the Treasured one and I managed to escape the bath. The key is wear Mommy out by staying out of sight and pretend you don't exist while she washes others.

I am sooooooooooooooo smart!

She washed Wasabi, Abigail, Fiona and Kat today. Fiona was really overdue. Kat, Wasabi and Abigail are off to the vet tomorrow so they got the water and dry treatment - with shampoo and conditioner thrown in, of course.

Mommy is way tired and I keep bugging her to play retrieve. She throws it. I bring it back and then I shake it and throw it with my mouth. I can't figure out why she doesn't retrieve it when I throw it. Is this a one sided game?


Squirrel Hunting

Do the squirrels know something we don't know yet?

Is warmer weather coming or the squirrels are just out looking for food that has surfaced from a slight meltdown?

Kat was outside today hunting them up. Oh, he is fast enough to catch them but it's all a game to him.

He does that with a ball as well. You throw it, he has to get it first but touches it and then let's the others carry it back.

Now who is lazy or smarter?

Kat did this watching for oh about 10 minutes and I swear the squirrel was having fun with him then he got bored and said, let's go in, Mommy!

Tomorrow we have day visitors, Hugo and Milo and that will surely be fun. Fiona and Treasure have been honing their play skills to get ready for this duo.

I wonder if Kat will teach them squirrel hunting?


No More Sleeps in January 10 for Saki

Okay, that sounds like no more sleeps at the Talemaker Household but that's not what it is. It's just that Saki has gone home and we feel Saki-less. But she was over the moon to see her humans and that made us feel great!

They are really nice people so it was wonderful to see their eyes light up to see their little gal.

That's what it is about here. We are sucks. We cry when each puppy goes out the door. We miss our boarders and wonder what their day is like. We fall in love. It's a crazy cycle but we are immersed and we definitely love them all. They make it so easy - even the ones that try to make it difficult - well you see beyond that and get them through it and just fall hard.

Tomorrow Rocky is coming overnight. Zack and Coco go home tomorrow and I believe we are down to just our own crew till just before the that LOVE day - Valentine's Day.

Terra, our resident golden who helps us socialize the Havanese puppies and boarders to big dawgs will be going in for her 2nd cruciate operation on Tuesday. Nathan will be carrying her up and down the stairs all 70lbs of her so she can sleep with us. 8 weeks later we hope for success and she goes back to loving and playing with the crew which we are hoping will include lots of puppies. Then she will have to swim at least once a week to build up those muscles even after rehab has stopped. All a golden needs is a body of water and the desire. heh I think our Havanese Kat feels that way too!


Visiting With the Tiger

Hey, this is Tiger Lily and I had visitors at my house today.

My canine mom Fiona came to visit and so did my half sister Saki and of course that human, Nathan. What a great idea.

I showed off my home and backyard and we ran like crazy all over every inch of it. I was able to catch my mom, Fiona, no problem and then she'd take off again. It was way fun but then Saki would come diving in on me from everywhere.

Nathan had to finally pick Saki up to give me a chance to jump on my doggy mom. Fiona wasted not a single second and jumped on her lots. Then I showed Nathan how I run back and forth between my human Mom and Dad and my Marlaina. I was exhausted long before they finally left. I think I'll take a nap now. Nathan took lots of pictures of me and my family so maybe he'll share them. It was way fun playing with Fiona and Saki and I hope to do it again soon.

Affectionately yours,

Tiger Lily

PS: Check out a few of the pictures here.


Lots of Visitors

I can't believe I posted this in the wrong area - but I just moved it and deleted it on Havanese Life. No, we didn't forget a day - I just ooopsed on where. Sorry about that!

Today we did a marathon with visitors. Some were potential boarders, others were puppy people.

Wasabi tolerated her son trying to play dominance games on her until she had enough and corrected him. Treasure tried it out with Risa and Risa being the queen of this establishment said, "I don't think so," All is quite normal when puppies are trying to climb to the boss seat.

But Risa is the boss around here and she has yet to relinquish her role. We are glad as Treasure has much to learn before she gets mature enough to be the 'right' role model/protector.

WE really enjoyed the company but we must admit after the last one went, we all climbed into bed, dawgs and all and had a snooze for a half hour and Treasure laid in my arms the entire time - a rarity. Saki laid up against my leg, Chico up against Saki, Wasabi at my feet and Nathan had a selection of dawgs all over him. Fiona decided to check out long before the last guest went home and crawled into a bed in Nathan's office to take a snooze.

Yes, the dawgs get tired from so much activity.

Then we woke up, (I never actually slept but rested watching and enjoying) and then food time came and now I am typing away at the computer telling you about our day.

I did manage to break up some ice today and got several messages from our friends in Florida telling us about the weather. Must be nice but hey we have the ice, the snow and the dawgs so life is good.

Tomorrow I will cover washing dawgs. Some are under the opinion I wash mine all the time but when you have so many, you do 2 or 3 here and there to get them all done.



Saki joined us today in the afternoon and she had the snip/snip (spaying) last week.

Her owners ordered a 'no bite' collar but it came too late to use.

If interested, we are selling it for them for their cost. It's not available up here (Canada), only in the states. Let us know. We have it here and they got us one that we bought for Terra when her next leg is done. It will make the banging into the walls stuff non existent as those lovely cone heads you get at the vets.

Saki and Treasure have been playing up a storm. We just got a few photos today as it is simply too ^%$# cold outside though we did take a walk with the dogs. Saki walked with a purpose just like her dad side by side. It was a riot to watch them.

We found out that when Kit Kat came over, Jazzy really loves and I mean really loves puppies. It was wonderful to watch.

Wasabi and Abigail is over their heat and we are on - wait till ultrasound count down on Feb 8th.

I took our portable humidifier downstairs and will take it up each night. The dawgs are getting static in their hair and it's important for their skin, sinus' and yours too to have that extra moisture pumped in. Think about getting one.

Well, off to the couch to snuggle with the Havs and watch American Idol. Too bad Ellen isn't on yet. That reminds me, Jazzy loves to bark at all those animals on those nature programs the son likes to watch. hahahaha


Visitors and Fun

Today we had Kit Kat and Hannah and Val over for a visit. She is a genuine friend and helped me clean up the pads of the dawgs and clean up Jazzy's hairdo. You can check out Jazzy in today's photos.

It was a joy to have Hannah and Kit Kat here and Jazzy well he is a dream dawg that was playing up a storm with the crew as you can see in this photo and in the slide show.

Well, we hear Twiggy is now fondly called Jazzy and how cool is that to know of two Jazzys now.
Check out today's photos.

If you haven't cleaned up the pads of your dawgs, do so now. It's painful to have snowballs stuck in their pads or slip and slide due to excess hair.

If you are anywhere near the downtown area of Toronto, well check Val's Dawg Salon out called 'Simply the Best' and you will be glad you did. You can find the info in the right hand column. Plus you will get to see Kit Kat - another Havanese. How fun will that be?

Well Saki is coming this week and Chico will be visiting at the same time as his sister. Now that is exciting. Can't wait to laugh with these two.

Jazzy will be going home and we will miss him greatly. I think he is smitten with Treasure...hehe


Well Balanced

Jazzy is a well balanced boy and that's what you want to achieve. It comes with training, conditioning and trust.

His parents board him so he gains exposure to other dawgs and they have a fab clothing store called 'Eye on Fashion' in Richmond Hill where many a buyer of their merchandise comes in and says hello to Jazzy and sometimes they bring their own Havanese to say hello to him.

This is great socialization.

Jazzy has been hanging out at Talemaker and this will be the first day he won't be walking. The wind chill is sitting at -25 and we take the dawgs out for short stints and have to get them in right away after doing their business.

This winter we have had really cold weather so we have had to watch the dawgs closely. I put bag balm on the feet to make sure their pads do not crack and we watch them closely. Sometimes the dawgs think it's okay to hang out longer than it is safe.

It's called the crazy kid mentality - called having too much fun.

Many of you have probably experienced it if you have kids. They think they can stay out despite they are shivering cause it's fun mom and dad... Well some dawgs will do the same.

Treasure is one of those types of dawgs. She climbs all over Jazzy and he tries to climb back but she doesn't let him.

For her it is partly dominance games as she is a young thing trying everything but Jazzy just placates her as he knows she's a youngster and besides, he rather likes her. She likes him too.

That's what we mean about well balanced - an understanding of other dawgs allowing them to play in such a way to have patience and enjoyment all in one.

Today we are playing games inside. Dawgs are all groomed and snuggling and enjoying warmth.

The key is slow conditioning your dawgs always throughout their lives to get them to be all they are meant to be. Plus love we do with our hearts and souls.


December 25th at Talemaker Havanese

Looks like a snowy day today and yep - the snow was there on the ground but the rain came late in the day. What we will end up with tomorrow - who knows. I am hoping it's not too icy.

We had a full day today that started at 545am.

We had a play session outside and then came in and ate. After eating, that human groomed us all and back outside we went and here are some of the photos from today. I have many more but I just grab a chunk and resize and put them in a slide show. I hope when I do, I get everyone and I do try. I just don't have the hours in the day to post them all due to needing to resize all the photos. Check them out here.

Well, the crew also got their presents today and they had yum chew bones. They loved them and we enjoy it when they enjoy.

The crew played hard and seemed like they were never going to stop until the rain came. Then we came inside, played with Tiger Lily who is about to go home any second and cuddled and hugged and enjoyed.

A crazy game of retrieve is always played and Zack, Fred, Cesar, Treasure and Abigail is the - I will always play and the rest join in when they desire.

Sorry to make this short but we are tuckered out and we have a few more visitors coming tomorrow. It will surely be a ton of fun. Catch you tomorrow.


Exciting Day Today!

First thing this morning, Fred came to visit. I was busy grooming dawgs so when I was done the crew, Fred went up on the table and got a thorough brushing and complete comb out. I groom the crew daily - visitors and my own crew.

I like a knot free dawg and the dawgs seem to like that too. Though some like grooming more than others - they do like the hugs, snuggles and kisses but most of all the treat at the end.

Late today Zack and Cocoa came. Their grooming comes before they head to bed. We had play and walks - yep they all walked and puppies visiting. We had a full day of play and fun.

Check out some of the photos from today and if you want to see more, soon I will be posting puppy pics on Havanese Life.

Fred fits in really well - playing with all but really loves playing with Bailey and Cesar. They muck it up bigtime.

Zack and Cocoa are hanging out and playing with Abigail, Fiona an Risa.

What a full day we have.

Due to Wasabi being in heat, we are splitting up the crew. Some will be sleeping with Nathan and some with me. Usually we are in the same room but she's being bred to someone other than Kat so it is what it is. We are hoping this brings in Abigail. Miss Abs will be bred to Kat. It's starting to look that way...stay tuned.

Ah..the life of crazy dawg breeders that love the dawgs and thank gad the humans share this passion as it is way crazy!

More tomorrow.


Wow Such Fun Indeed!

Who do we have here today...well Saki and Missy.

We also have Bailey who came yesterday and Max who came today and Cesar who has been here for awhile.

The crew is really meshing and playing well.

Bailey was hesitant her first night but she slept next to me in her bed with her head nudging mine. It was so sweet. She also hung out on my lap and got the lay of the land but today - well she is playing up a storm. With whom? Max, Cesar, Fiona (she really likes Fiona), Abigail and Kat.

Cesar has become way comfie and eats in his shiny bowl daily. He is a regular play monster and has decided if you are not playing - well I will get you to.

Max is playing with Cesar and Bailey tonight or maybe refereeing. Missy is also getting into the fun. The night has just begun!

The crew has been on walks - outside and inside a million and a half times and yes we go out with them. How do you think we get these pictures and besides who would want to miss the moments - not I.

If you want to see a glimpse of today, check out these photos.


Time With Friends/Family

Good friends - dawgs, family - what more do you want...well okay there is more but today we got lost in this and it was a great adventure.

We tend to get lost in the dawgs all the time.

PS: We have a puppy coming tomorrow for boarding. Are we excited or what! Of course KitKat will go home and she wil be missed but puppy fun is still in our lives. How lucky we are!

Treasure just had an amazing amount of time today and one would swear she was posing in all sorts of model stances.

She makes it fun to capture the moments.

KitKat also was exposed to Yvonne's crew for the first time and we got to enjoy her 6 week puppy who is still available to that truly special home. This pup is delicious. She's bold and fun. She reminds me of our litters of late and she has such hair - thick and curly.

Check out the slide show below if you want to see her play with KitKat.

Now we are wondering how we ever gave up any of them. :-)

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Hey It's Snowing!!!

Wasabi says, can you believe this?

The snow is here and now these crazy humans will have to dig out paths so we can whip around the backyard like the crazy Talemaker dawgs that we are.

Okay, it's not snowing THAT much but they say it's coming.

Mommy vowed to outdo herself with the paths this year as she needs the exercise.

Maybe she will even do one across the pool cover or maybe that crazy Daddy will do it as he is the one that walks all over it like us.

Treasure and Daisy didn't care that the temperature was dropping like a lead balloon.

All the dawgs went on their usual walk with enthusiasm without a thing on them except Fiona who is 9 lbs soaking wet and needs the coverage and the humans - well that Mom who had a sweat shirt, hat, coat down to the ground - well it looks that way and a hat and gloves. One would think it's hardcore winter already.

A good tip is get some Bag Balm and use it on our pads. It will prevent any cracking and soothe the bottom of our feet.

When we get cold we shake and we lift our feet often one at a time to tell you our feet are hurting from the cold. If this happens, pick us up. If we are a wee pup, put us in your coat, warm us up. Get the snow out from between our pads and let us walk again.

For many of you, it will be your first winter and oh boy are you in for some great wet fun.

We want to see photos, videos and anything else you can share.

Holidays are coming soon and we have Cesar coming this Sunday and a few more visitors after Christmas. Are we going to have fun or what. That human will have the video and camera going non stop. Hope you will too.


Feel Good Havanese

Kat and Wasabi are really close.

Well, Wasabi would like to be real close but Kat's not always game. Sometimes he enjoys laying by oneself and chillin'. He's such a guy!

Did you know that Havanese ownership may be an effective tailored intervention among adults for promoting physical activity?

Want to do something else with your Havanese?

Havanese offer a means of therapeutic visits to the sick, elderly, shut-ins and other populations in need of companionship and acceptance, so often missed among humans. Havanese show no judgment, no prejudice to race, color, religion or anything. They reach out and want to be happy and make others happy. A tail wagging can carry a powerful healing messages, more powerful than any drug. Wags equal smiles to humans, initiating smiles in return, extremely healing with many conditions: childhood leukemia, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, serious burns, and many, many other conditions and afflictions.

Have you thought about therapy? If you do not have the time, what about the healing powers your Havanese can have with your own family?


Dog Butts..and All That Havanese Stuff

You never know who you are going to meet at handling class. Last class we got to see Havanese puppies from someone we know that kept them in her car for safety. She just wanted us to have a look see and we appreciated it.

As the crew went around to practice their stuff, I kept capturing our small ones and all big dawgs. If it wasn't for us, it would be a big dawg class.

Treasure has to be going through a fear period. Oh, it's not your typical and they all go through it so you have to still get them out there and socialize. But...she started growling at the big dawgs..not in a bad way - more of a vocal chorus to let the others know who is in charge. This can happen when there is a sea of large dogs and one or two small dogs. It's how you handle it that matters. Exposure - conditioning and correcting if their response is inappropriate and proper meeting and greeting. Not all dogs are meant to get up close and personal with your little ones so it is enough for your little one to have its comfort just walking close by as you do in handling classes. To be able to walk in a sea of huge things is good enough and not all dogs in handling class want to play with your little one. One may see your small dog as prey especially if it starts to get into a game of run-like-hell.

You have to assess each situation despite what the owner says and either allow the meet and greet or allow a close proximity without the meet and greet. Both are fine and how YOU react matters. If you are fearful, your dogs will pick up on it and go into protection mode. Then you are left wondering why your dog is not friendly. You have to figure out what emotion you are sending down the lead.

Not all dogs are meant to be your little one's best of pals friend. Some - if you pay attention are sending out signals that are anything but friendly. You must learn what other dogs are saying. Not all owners understand that the reason dogs are reacting to it is what their own dog is saying to others and how you are feeling about the situation. Despite it being fun to 'get' what the other dogs are saying to yours, it's a wise thing to learn.

Think about it..would you be comfortable with everyone invading your personal space?


Havanese Fiona: Placates That Human

Fiona says: My sister Downsey tells me that at their house they are in puppy heaven and 3 puppies are still available to the 'right' home.

I am not sure about all those little things but Abs just adored them. Me, I want Abs to myself. Would you? Ha Ha!

Well, a storm is coming in. There goes those lovely walks or that human mom will have to put us in rain jackets or brush us when we come back.

The daddy has come back from that thing called busy-ness meeting. He made up for it by running around like a banshee pretending he could run faster than us. Think about it and it may conjure up an amusing visualization. We just placate him and pretend he can run fast too.

If it pours all weekend, mommy is going to snuggle with us on the couch and watch TV and relax for the first time in a long time. Hope you get some havanese lovin' in too. Those humans - at least here think there's nothing better.

More later.>>