
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in slow conditioning havanese (8)


Well Balanced

Jazzy is a well balanced boy and that's what you want to achieve. It comes with training, conditioning and trust.

His parents board him so he gains exposure to other dawgs and they have a fab clothing store called 'Eye on Fashion' in Richmond Hill where many a buyer of their merchandise comes in and says hello to Jazzy and sometimes they bring their own Havanese to say hello to him.

This is great socialization.

Jazzy has been hanging out at Talemaker and this will be the first day he won't be walking. The wind chill is sitting at -25 and we take the dawgs out for short stints and have to get them in right away after doing their business.

This winter we have had really cold weather so we have had to watch the dawgs closely. I put bag balm on the feet to make sure their pads do not crack and we watch them closely. Sometimes the dawgs think it's okay to hang out longer than it is safe.

It's called the crazy kid mentality - called having too much fun.

Many of you have probably experienced it if you have kids. They think they can stay out despite they are shivering cause it's fun mom and dad... Well some dawgs will do the same.

Treasure is one of those types of dawgs. She climbs all over Jazzy and he tries to climb back but she doesn't let him.

For her it is partly dominance games as she is a young thing trying everything but Jazzy just placates her as he knows she's a youngster and besides, he rather likes her. She likes him too.

That's what we mean about well balanced - an understanding of other dawgs allowing them to play in such a way to have patience and enjoyment all in one.

Today we are playing games inside. Dawgs are all groomed and snuggling and enjoying warmth.

The key is slow conditioning your dawgs always throughout their lives to get them to be all they are meant to be. Plus love we do with our hearts and souls.


Tricks, Daddy and Handling Classes

It's time for the canines to talk. That human mommy just blabs and blabs and blabs exposing us like we are the TMZ of the Havanese world.

Fiona: I will let that thing standing next to me talk first or she will never give me any rest if I don't. I used to control the lay of the land and sometimes I still do but this thing that mommy Treasures and competes with my daddy time doesn't allow it. Okay, Treasure let it all out so I can tell it like it 'really' is.

Treasure: Well, I am told that mommy set eyes on me and fell in love. I was supposed to be her dawg but I rather like the guy in this house. You see I live my life by he/she who treats me MUST love me the best cause I am a food hound. I even try to take Fiona's food away but she doesn't let me but I get her to chase me then Abigail gets it. I wonder if she notices. Mommy and Daddy sure do.

They have us going to this thing called handling class tonight - Fiona and I. I was at handling class last night with Kat and we had fun. My social hour is getting oh so busy and I hear we are going to see Sebastian in 'Games' class this week. Am I excited or what!

Fiona: I know why they take me along with the red pipsqueak. I have a show this weekend and they think I will show her how it is done but no one is like the Fiona and her scat, scat. They expect me to show her my secrets - yeah right. Secrets are secrets - right?

Well, that human daddy better give me Filet Mignon if he thinks I will cooperate and spill the beans. So, daddy are you upping the ante?

Off to class - what about you? What have you done with your Havanese today?


Slow Conditioning & Oops of the Mouth

I was sitting back in the recliner actually reading a book, covered with my usual carpet of dogs, when Darlah said something that made me sit up and pay attention.

Shoshi, Abigail, Kat and Fiona bolted off the chair, almost as fast as they'd leapt onto it and me, as I sought to get up. We had been discussing taking two of the dogs, Treasure and Fiona, to the local Pet Smart for a bit of socialization.

Treasure graduated 6 weeks of Obedience training last Thursday but it remains very important to get her out and about. Fiona has a show coming up this weekend and we continue to take every opportunity to get her exposed to noise and commotion. They are both complete pistols within the comfort and security of their own home, pack and family but not as comfortable in a strange environment, with different sounds and echoes and such.

Anyway, I'd asked Darlah when we might be ready to go and she replied "when my hair grows". Now you and I both know that she meant to say "when my hair dries" but what she said is what I have to put up with all these years. It was Valentine's Day yesterday. Darlah, of course, is my Valentine forever. There will be no other especially if I have to wait to go to the store until her hair grows.


Life Happens: Havanese Style

Well, the human mom still has the flu and she best get well soon as that human daddy is away with his friends from Thursday till late Sunday night. So any tips on chasing that crud away - send them to that human.

Well, the human daddy thought he would get a group photo of the crew seeing it's ever so warm but that human mom has yet to groom them.

There are times it's just not feasible so relax. Tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to brusha, brusha, brush. ROFL

The photo at top isn't a great photo and great photos just happen - rarely are they staged and not look like they are. This morning, the human dad took a photo of Abigail in action - not posing and although it can be perfected (he's learning the camera) it's more natural looking.

Today, the human mom is walking around in slippers and she sounds different - so different that Fiona starts barking as she is not sure who is coming and even made a grr sound under her breath. The human mom never walks around in slippers so she doesn't know that sound but even when she got up close to Fiona, she didn't look up to see it was the human mommy. It tells me that they rely on sound quite a bit. Be mindful of that if you get a reaction with something new. Now the human mommy will shuffle even more to condition her to a new sound.

Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving. This human is back to the couch after some work. Yep - she's working today.


Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>


Havanese: Stress & Fun

How can you tell your Havanese is under stress?

There are many signals through which you may spot this condition before it becomes out of hand or critical to performance.

Common things that can indicate stress are:
-Sleeping Too Long
-Arching the Back
-Tense body
-Runny bowels

Why am I mentioning this? It is normal for humans and dogs when exposed to unknown events or things to feel some stress. It's our job as a human to enable them to find their coping skills.

How can you do this? By slow conditioning NOT avoidance.

Slow conditioning is exposing your little one to things that they feel uncomfie with consistently till it is not an issue.

Recently, we had our roof done and one of our pups started growling at the men on the roof. This was foreign to them and anything lauding over them so high up is perceived as something in charge but also not touchable or attainable. Instead of keeping this particular dog in, I kept taking her out over and over in small doses and correcting and saying a keyword which is 'silly girl or silly boy' and I say it in a really silly voice as if to say - gee there really isn't something to be afraid of. If your dog trusts you, the key words will help. How do you gain trust? You have to be consistent, give rules and boundaries and you must not give them the idea that their behavior is valid. Never hug when reacting this way no matter how much you want to feel you need to. Hug when they sit, calm down - whatever positive coping skill they use - reward BIG time and eventually that is what they will rely on when faced with an unknown.

You are their teacher - their pal, their leader of the pack and the reason they attain a balanced state of mind. Don't get frustrated. Stop and get your emotions in check if you do.

Here's a photo of Fiona who did her first show. She showed minor stress by yawning and sleeping. But as she keeps getting exposed to so many people and dogs and people prodding her - that will disapate. Between shows we will take her to handling class and get her 'slow conditioned'.

Fiona got 2nd place in her first show. She did well. She is an alpha dog through and through but even alpha dogs can feel stress.

Pay attention to your dog and act accordingly. You will reach an amazing relationship with your dog when you do always!


Training: The Stubborn Havanese Stand

Well, lots of posts today so scroll on down.

Let's see how this human's life went today and I will be filling you in on the DAWGS!

First thing just before breakfast I clean their eyes. They all get a treat and all it takes is a squirt of cleaner on a face comb and comb the sleep goobers out and that's it and they get rewarded for allowing it. The first time you do it though, they think the comb is going to go into their eyes so they move in a strange fashion but they soon get that it's harmless and they get rewarded at the end. We also do this just before supper too. Yes - everyday!

We also had our brushing in but its wet out so it wasn't a line combing but just a quick brush.

As you will see below, we also played games today. I didn't take as many photos but hey - we were busy.

Then we did training. I took each dog into our kitchen and worked on heeling and standing. What - standing is so natural. Well it is but not after you learn to 'sit'. Sitting is simply more comfie. So, as you can see here, Miss Abs was standing but her tail was half down and everytime I used the clicker, she sat. So did Sebastian. So did Katsuro. argh. But we made progress with each and either I will be doing this daily or Nathan. They actually ADORE the training - seriously! Risa and Coach were so excited about it that it was almost difficult to get them to calm down.

With Coach, he has classes with Fiona on the 24th - we think. We just got our confirmation. He will be learning to 'sit' at first so that is what we worked on. He kept jumping on me. I kept moving back and each time he sat that clicker went off and I treated him. He LOVED the training.

By the way, no issue getting Sebastian's attention. He just didn't get that I only wanted him to stand and heel. Click - down - oh you don't want down - okay sit - what not that either?

You have to have a positive attitude and know that you are helping your dog, stimulating their minds and helping that dog be a dog that everyone adores.

We are going to bypass the 'sit' command with Fiona till after she is finished showing. To undo a 'sit' is time consuming and can be difficult but like I said, we are making progress. We will be doing all commands in stand position.

Tomorrow we will line comb all the dogs - start bathing if it is actually warm - a couple of dogs here and there but if I hear rain is coming, well - I will wait and just brush. It makes NO SENSE to wash to only have them a mess the day after.

Tomorrow I may play 'hide the treat'. We shall see how that goes. It depends on sleep tonight - mine of course. hahahaha dawgs recover faster than us humans and manage to get dog naps whenever they feel the need. We need to learn from that.

Read more of today below in the next 2 posts.


Exercise for Your Havanese

Sassy went for a walk today with Wasabi, Katsuro and Risa. Then we took Louis (a visiting dog), Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. We also did a great play session out in the back.

This brings up a point that Sassy hates getting dressed. and she could go ala natural for short walks but for a bit longer while its cold, the sweater or jacket helps when young. A good sign that it's getting too cold is when they are lifting their paws/and or shaking but they can lift their paws from salt, sand and ice piles in-between their toes. Just brush it out and continue unless it is a continual issue then its a red flag to get home. When it comes to clothes, brushing, anything - new that is something that needs to be done - the term - just get him to deal comes to mind. If they are fighting you, as Sassy has tried when I put a sweater on, I just hold her, put it on and then continue to get her ready to go. If I coddled her or let her win when it is something she needs - guess what - you set her up to buck the system and she will know that she can get away with it sometimes if she acts up enough. This is a dangerous precedent to create with a toddler and the same with your pup. I don't yell - nor make it a terrible experience - just do it and reward the correct behavior. Eventually that struggle will cease.

I am often asked how often do you wash your Havanese? It all depends on the elements. I can go 3 or 4 weeks in the summer before I can't stand it but even then, you can use a waterless bath, brush them line by line with it and then they look almost as good as a bath. So, it really depends on you. You can also just wash feet or bums or whatever the need.

If you look at the picture (you can click on it for a larger view), this is Terra, our retriever and Sassy doing her - 'I am relaxed look' and mommy Wasabi laying next. Now notice that Wasabi's hair is still shiny as she is what we would consider a silky Havanese and that's a good thing as her hair stays shiny even when dirty and tends to not mat - a double coat but not a thick double coat but she is getting a bath today. She hasn't yet had a comb out and she 'may' look better then but her hair will tend to become shiny greasy looking when I think its dirty and I believe she has arrived at that point. For some she may not. It's been a few weeks and I tend to groom and brush and clean mine more than others. Yvonne (good Havanese breeder friend) would say - more than ANY others but this gives you a perspective. Each of us have a different standard to what we expect and what we will tolerate. My dogs sleep in our bed so they get that comb out daily with a spray on conditioner and the waterless bath and I never experience 'doggy' odor like I do with the retrievers that always have it. :-)

So baths today, play sessions, walks all help stimulate their minds and body and that is a 'good' thing. If you can't walk due to the ice and cold, start teaching retrieve. This is a critical window for teaching it easily. Find a hallway with one way in and only one way out and you sit at the way out and throw the item down the hall. Use a keyword, stop the game when they refuse to bring it to you, praise when they do and you will have a Havanese that retrieves better than a retriever. When teaching it later, it's more difficult and by teaching it earlier, you give them the ability to exercise their bodies, expel that energy without you moving a thing. You will be glad you introduced this game if you ever get sick and can't walk but if you can, still walk your dog as retrieve is not a replacement but rather an additional avenue for exercise. Your dog needs to see new surroundings. If you were stuck in the house 24/7 think of how you would feel about the world outside and how depression may set in by being so limited.

You have an intelligent breed that needs their minds stimulated. Use that and you will gain great things from it. They are what you put into it.