
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese training (17)


Grandkids Played With Havanese Visitors & Our Crew

I washed Kat, Shanty, Louis, Coach and Sassy. Coach and Sassy are going home tomorrow morning and Louis went home tonight.

It was a whole lot of washing. We already miss the Louis.

This afternoon we also had our daughter and the grandkids stop by to play a game or two with the havanese. Do yourself a favour and check out the photos today to see how much the havanese enjoyed the kids. It was a pure delight.

It's their visit and the washing that set me behind in posting but it was worth it.

They will be back on Friday but everyone will be gone except Ripley who comes on Friday too.

It was a delightful and warm day other than that spitting rain this morning. The crew walked and played their hearts out. It will be sad to see more go tomorrow. Ah, it's the life if the Holiday Talemaker Havanese crew. How else could we have so many dogs? When they come to hang out, well our hearts - well it does one good.


Slow Conditioning & Oops of the Mouth

I was sitting back in the recliner actually reading a book, covered with my usual carpet of dogs, when Darlah said something that made me sit up and pay attention.

Shoshi, Abigail, Kat and Fiona bolted off the chair, almost as fast as they'd leapt onto it and me, as I sought to get up. We had been discussing taking two of the dogs, Treasure and Fiona, to the local Pet Smart for a bit of socialization.

Treasure graduated 6 weeks of Obedience training last Thursday but it remains very important to get her out and about. Fiona has a show coming up this weekend and we continue to take every opportunity to get her exposed to noise and commotion. They are both complete pistols within the comfort and security of their own home, pack and family but not as comfortable in a strange environment, with different sounds and echoes and such.

Anyway, I'd asked Darlah when we might be ready to go and she replied "when my hair grows". Now you and I both know that she meant to say "when my hair dries" but what she said is what I have to put up with all these years. It was Valentine's Day yesterday. Darlah, of course, is my Valentine forever. There will be no other especially if I have to wait to go to the store until her hair grows.


Havanese: The Teething Stage

As a Breeder typically our puppies are already in their new homes, loving their new families, long before serious teething stage.

It has been some time since the last little devil actually lived here.

For example, I remember when Fiona ate most of the way through half the wiring in my office. No worries, Treasure took care of the rest of it.

Make no mistake, we love her to pieces BUT I think there should have been a clause in our sales contract holding Beth responsible for all damages incurred during and throughout the teething stage. What am I saying? Never mind. It is on us.

What caused me to take pen in hand today, you ask? The usual thing, spotting some kind of foreign object in Treasure’s mouth. Acting swiftly I caught her and removed it. Hmm, I thought, this looks like a piece of screening. A quick glance at the screen door, unused all winter, confirmed that Treasure has managed to create jagged edges and ripped out sections of a foot of it.

Plants on the floor, no problem, she eats them. Shoes left at the back door, fair game. The wicker basket at the back door filled with dog clothes, a tasty snack.

Stooping over to pick something up off the floor in our bedroom I noticed little specks of something, pieces of wood it turns out. A closer examination made me realize that the little wooden knob, the one matching all the other wooden knobs on my wife’s dresser, was seriously chewed on and partially gone.

I could spend days tracking down a replacement knob for a solid wood dresser we bought 20 years ago. They must exist somewhere. But I’m sure, in time, Treasure will ensure they all match again.

I commented to Darlah about Treasure’s latest antic and she reminded me of our late German Shepherd, Lacie, who once ate a few feet of baseboard. Treasure overheard Darlah’s comment and went right to it. Matching baseboard and then painting it to the correct stain shouldn’t be as hard as finding those knobs.

As many of you know that follow Darlah’s blog, she has been known to sit and watch TV in the evening with a dog in her lap brushing them while she watches. Treasure takes that as an opportunity, of course, to quickly grab, sneak away and eat any brush or comb left unattended for longer than a split second and she doesn’t care whatsoever how much it costs!

Believe it or not the teeth do eventually grow in and they stop eating everything in sight. I’m sure all of you have a similar story. Please share them with us.



Socializing Your Havanese

Has your Havanese started to shake, yawn and/or growl when it was in a situation it is not used to? Perhaps it was meeting a strange dog or going to a new place or getting into a car. These are only a few ways that tell you that your dog hasn't figured out how to cope with a given situation.

Do not jump to the conclusion that there is anything wrong with your Havanese.

Coping skills either come easily or most likely through slow conditioning. That well behaved dog doesn't happen magically. From the moment a pup is mobile, the canine mom is showing her little ones how the world works.

How can you turn this around? Do you even have to worry about it?

Anything that is not corrected can escalate. But slow conditioning, positive training and showing your Havanese how to gain its coping skills will help with a number of situations in the future.

Now one would think with all the dogs we have and those that visit, socialization is unnecessary. That is not true. So we do obedience classes, train and take trips even when not buying anything to Petsmart - to Global - wherever and in the spring we will be hiking in hopes that we will meet others.

Socialization can make all the difference in the world. get out - say hello to people and bring your little one.

Oh and you single guys - Havanese are amazing 'chick magnets' hahahaha


Who's the Doormat: Havanese Style

I was lying down, minding my own business when Kat decided I was his doormat. The good news was that from his elevated position he was able to hold the other nine dogs at bay. All thought this was a wonderful game. Note that I am not lying on the floor but on an ottoman. Kat teleported himself from the floor onto my back without effort. The rest of the pack came running from every direction. Fun! Fun! My turn daddy. I drew the line when Terra thought she’d emulate her more compact friend.


Family, Moments & Havanese

Today we are watching the melt - well the dogs are and Treasure is the very worst of the crew in coming back in next to Fiona. It's as if she says, 'Talk to the Hand' or 'I can't HEAR you!'

Isn't it wonderful when a dog goes supposedly deaf when it has better things to do? Yes, you can use that keyword, 'treat' and they will come running but they should come when they hear their name and not after you say it 3 times either.

But sometimes you aren't as interesting as what is out there so you have to up the ante and use coercion.

It's sort of necessary when your target is soaken wet like this one and hasn't had any formal training - likes running under decks and playing catch me if you can. But you have to admit she looks cute all wet and everything.

How do we get her inside when a call to her name doesn't work? We either have to go get her or use the treat tactic. School will be in as soon as she gets her next shot and the visitors go home. Training in all sorts of ways are in store for her - in a fun way.

If you want a balanced dog - training truly helps and helps them to be the dog you adore but better yet - that others adore.


Turning an Ooops Into Training

Well, Zack fell into the pool not once but twice in excitement so we taught him how to jump in and how to find his way out.

The point is, we turned it into a positive training process and he LOVES the pool. He is an excellent swimmer too. Though Kat went - hmm I WAS the center of attention - as Kat had been in and now I have competition. heh

Any ooops that you have, if you think about it can lead to a training session that ends positive.

How did we do it? We stayed upbeat - positive and then showed him how to get out over and over and then when he wanted to jump in, we showed him how.

We never just let the dogs out so we are not afraid of them falling in accidentally but we will spend the rest of the week showing him that he doesn't go in unless invited.

We will fill you in as that occurs.

Right now Abs and Zack are playing up a storm and after a good brush out - well he is air drying. More tomorrow....


Havanese Relationships

As you can see, Coach and Sebastian were mixing it up but what you can barely see was Fiona also in the midst of it.

The gang has been going since 5:30 this morning. I think they are laying down for the first time now at almost 2.

Nathan managed to get some video. I have to see what it looks and get that up. I also got a ton of photos but this crew is so fast that I got the back end, the side - the what have you. Those go in the delete bucket.

Nathan was complaining profusely how slow our digital is and thought it was the battery but shhh it really is slow. ROFL. You have to anticipate the move and take it the moment you anticipate. Don't we all know what's going to happen next?

Nathan did walks with all - much to the amazement of his legs. He doesn't do short walks and the dawgies appreciate that. I practiced some 'stand'. I also line combed all the dogs with the exception of Shoshi who gets it tonight when I watch TV.

As the snow dissipates, all sorts of yuck is cropping up and the dogs love it.

Me - I am going to take a nap and will fill you in later - maybe look at the video - something or totally veg but we shall see. I promised the dogs a solid game of retrieve today and I keep my promises.

We are thinking of Sassy and hoping her recovery is fast. She got spayed and had 2 baby teeth yanked out and we hear she hates that plastic conehead. They have to think of a better system. We used onesies - yeah for babies, for Shoshi and she liked it much better. Of course you have to cut out a hole in the flap or take it and pin it up each time they go but much better than that plastic thing around your neck.

Well, the couch and rest is calling me so I can be all I can be, later.


Dirty Sandy Havanese

When I look at this photo, I chastise myself for not putting jackets on the crew. Nathan took them for a walk and they all came back this way. Yes, they NEED the walks. Don't fool yourself. Watch them on a walk and you will understand that they love them so how can you take that away from them but.... My mind thinks about it when they come back looking like this. One person can only clean so many dogs. It's much easier being the walker although the walker may not feel that way.

Sand does not come out easily and I will tell you how to handle it, if faced with the same predicament. Rinsing does not sufficiently get the sand out. You will find it in carpets, all over floors and even your grooming table if you have it.

This is my trick, that I used yesterday but I still had a partially sandy bed as I ran out of steam. We use our laundry room tub to wash our dogs that has a sprayer that we screw in.

Use conditioner first then rinse thoroughly brushing as you go. The conditioner tends to let it glide off. If you have a spray on conditioner, all the better. Use a brush as you are cleaning and then a comb. It will stop the knots and help the sand to come off.

Poor Kat is the worse at the moment as he is blowing his coat. His hair is not conducive to many washes but sand - well he was the worse. It stuck to every nook and cranny. I almost wanted to cry. I conditioned heavily, brushed in through, washed then lightly conditioned again. I do believe I got all the sand out of him. I know I didn't with Risa as I rinsed not washed her and partially washed (just the under carriage on Shoshi. They will need to be washed in teh near future.

There will be no more walks without cover-ups here till there is no more muck. After having to wash 4 Havanese and rinse/partially clean the rest, my arm/hand is screaming, I was physically and mentally exhausted. The point of all this is - I tote the tote and say put something on them and here I forgot. Taught me a huge lesson. Can I go to sleep now?

Nah, as Miss Abs has her last class. She finally does 'down' somewhat. She does the rest like a star and then some but get her in class - well - we will see. She is an AMAZING and I mean amazing jumper. I am in awe at how high, how far she can jump even with her roundish tummy. She also has a special quality. She takes shy dogs and she persists, and persists till they give in and then they play. Nice.

By the way, the reason we put up the video of Nathan training was not to show how Miss Abs was doing a 'down' on her own time but rather the laughter that it created. If you have the right mindset and laugh as you go and not get frustrated, it all comes together. Some dogs beat to their own drums and therefore are more difficult to get there but they are also the ones that tend to be so interesting and fun in the end. They are not people pleasers but rather dawgs that will do it out of love but you have to give them a reason to do it. Our German shepherd was like that. highly intelligent, stubborn streak but amazingly gentle and loving to the kids. So each bring their own uniqueness to the home. Embrace that and love it and they will give back to you ten fold.

Well we will report how class goes later.
Nathan said...
For the record ... The issue is that the sidewalks are covered in salt and sand. It is completely disgusting for those of us walking dogs. Combined with the melting snowbanks getting the dogs dirty is inevitable. I first took Risa and Kat. We went about a mile and a half down the street, over to the school, down a few more streets and back home, a large circle. Risa needs the walk more than I do. Then I took Abigail and Wasabi. We walked about 3/4's of a mile although Abigail could probably go farther. I hesitate to overdo it with her yet. Then I took Terra and Shoshi and went back up to maybe a mile and a half. Yes, I spent a few hours walking the dogs yesterday. Yes, they came back filthy. But they needed it and they loved it and truth be told, I could use the exercise too. Of course my legs aren't as tired as Darlah's arm but they, my legs, told me this morning that I did a lot of walking yesterday. :-) Nathan
March 15, 2008 10:04 AM


Havanese Need a Job

Here Fiona is trying her live Havanese Furminator job on Whitney. She thinks her job in life is to eat hair? Argh...Whitney's hair, my hair - anyone's hair. We are working on that but Whitney is so passive, she doesn't mind a bit.

She also climbs up, balances on the big dawg's backs and has a roaring grand time.

If you can think of another JOB we can give her that is more productive, let us know but until then, we will be correcting, doing more training today and getting the lil' one to be a star.

We all need to have some goal in life and eating hair - well it can't be THAT!

Here the duo is sitting under my desk in the bed together. I thought they would curl up and sleep - nah...

They are a pitter patter duo of real trouble. Oh No! More later.>>


Training Creates an Amazing Bond

So What's Your Motivation?
Well, each of us can think up a million excuses why we shouldn't but by training your dog, you will create a bond like none other. Your dog will listen to you, be well behaved and your friends will be in awe at how smart your dog is. Everyone loves a well behaved dog. It's really worth it to invest the time as what you get back will make you truly proud and give you a relationship with your dog that is strong and if allowed - amazing!

Dogs are failthful. They give their hearts to you and Havanese are natural people pleasers. Use that natural ability to have fun with it and you will like the results as long as you are relatively consistent with it.

We started training the pups and started trianing the older ones and even though it had been a long time since they had a daily regiment of five or ten minutes here and there of a refresher, it was amazing how good they still are in responding to hand and voice commands.

You should find ways to introduce all learned commands into daily living and that way you reinforce the commands throughout their lives.

This is a worthwhile journey to take and all it takes is 5 to 10 minutes a day and one on one bonding time with your Havanese.

Take a class and learn all sorts of tricks to get your Havanese to do what you need them to and follow along here and watch our journey with our pups.

Here's what we are doing with our Havanese pups. What are you doing?


The Havanese Tell Secrets

That daddy, letting who know who get on the bed...tsk tsk but we had an early afternoon nap and I had every single dawg on the bed with the exception of Whitney who no longer can do the stairs. That's alright cause anyone who has 19+ old sons in the house knows they don't sleep the same hours we do.

Seeing it's simply a dawg place around here, we are going to let the dawgs talk today. We will let them tell you about THEIR day.

If I didn't think it was a crazy dawg house around here, I do now. They are going to let ME (Gidget) talk first. Shh, they don't know but do I have secrets to tell!

That Katsuro - he thinks he's all that but I have his number! He pees (outside) and I pee right on top of him. Who's the queen biach around this place?

The puppies are confused. They think size somehow tells them the age of a dawg but do they have something to learn. The way they play with me, I swear they think I am a puppy. They even try to duplicate my flirting with Katsuro. Oh, but having had my own pawprint little ones, I have lots of patience and even indugle and engage them in much play. I even have them making a mad dash under the couch - all in fun, you know.

Last night I snuggled up to the female human here and she just snuggled and caressed me with her hand and face all night long off and on. How can a dawg get a decent sleep around this place?

I'm the Shosh and if I have to hear that paw in the light socket story again - I will whine my fool head off.

I used to not have my voice until daddy created a game with the ducks and he taught me that my job now is to alert the pack and I 'get' that but they certainly don't. Why is it okay to bark and tell the pack that ducks are in the pool but not let the pups know my best treat is not up for sharing.

I had a sulking session when mommy made me share with those little ones. Oh, just because Risa's on a diet doesn't mean we all have to get that svelte look.

Risa, you can do it but give me your portion you are missing - will ya? Crazy humans wanting us to be healthy. They need to start with themselves. Shhh...really mommy..I didn't say that but when's the last time I saw you exercising? Tsk, tsk

Okay, it's my turn. Really, I don't mind a house-full of females but you keep inviting boys over so all the girls see what else is out there.

What kind of human parents are you? I mean haven't you taken the class of 'harem 101'?

What - you say you do it so I learn to control myself and gain some manners around all those boys that want my gals? Is this a test?

First you bring Benny my brother over and that was fun and it was too long since the last time he came but then the Oats also came to visit and you know how he feels. He just loves to tease me. But once I 'got' that, I decided the best way to proceed is to play 'top dawg' games back. My heart was racing, my mind was racing and I do adore the Oats but when he went home, I smiled and laid down and went - now Otis - who has the gals now? It's tough competing with such a Don Juan.

I'm the littlest one around here and they expect me to go public with all the secrets around this place? As Jack, Nicholson once said, "You can't handle the truth."

Let's see - they think size matters - and who else climbs up a couch and plops down on the back of the couch? Now who is really top dawg around this place?

They think I shut my eyes to get some needed sleep but I am just resting, thinking and figuring up a new way to create trouble and with my best friend, Abigail - well that's surely is easy. So what if we like eating the wood from the woodpile in front of the fireplace or making a mad dash to jump on the retrievers? Why do those silly humans care what I have in my mouth? It's just a hair ribbon silly. You did put it in Wasabi's hair so I could pull it out, didn't you? come on, find your fun humans!

My big secret is I love to eat and they aren't feeding me enough so I try most anything for food. Here's what I have learned.

1. If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you'll get what you want.

2. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it.

3. Leave room in your schedule for a good nap.

Now if you don't know who I am - well I am the Queen Biach around this place. I control EVERYTHING except the food....sigh.

On that note..the rest will have to spill the secrets another day...till later...


Havanese Lovefest

Last night we had a Havanese get together with 2 siblings and 1 half sibling. The siblings and the rest of the crew including momma Wasabi got along fabulously. It's good to see those that didn't have total grounding, 'getting' it. Comfort, and grounding takes time with changes but with some investment with us human types, it all comes together.

Socializing is the key in a balanced dog. Click on the link and learn how we took a dog like Shoshi who hid under a chair her first class to the dog she is today, playing and enjoying all friendly dogs and people. She has learned to read other dogs and become balanced. As your dog learns what the other dogs are saying, their grounding and knowledge of what to do is perfected. Each positive social interaction is a building stone to a confident dog. Classes help this process tremendously and positive exposures on a regular basis do as well.

We are off to class with Sassy, Abigail and Sebastian today and see who remembers what. Sassy missed a class last week so she is behind but we will see if she can play catchup. If not this week, next. When you miss a class, it does set them behind a tad but they do recover. It's really important to make them all, if possible but its not always doable.

Then we are back home for some dawg fun and then on Sunday we have Remy and Chico perhaps and on Tuesday Gidget (Paris) comes to stay for 2 weeks. Wasabi will be thrilled as she adores (Gidget) Paris. They were the best of pals. With a bigger bed, larger crew - fun times are in our near future.

More later - after class.


The Big & Small: Eating Together

Sometimes things are better with friends - even eating.

We had a full day today. Beth Obrecht came to visit to see her Miss Abs and visit for a bit.

We also did training with pups. Oh all I can say is class will be interesting. We are getting there but C-Bass best be ready for the gals to rule! Heh

Mommy is heard screaming this primal scream that makes dawg barks seem like gentle raindrops as she keeps crashing. She's working on that dog show video and I gather its too large for YouTube. She'll keep trying.

We played a game of retrieve the toy and they all got into that. That human son of my parents - Joe - well he was hanging out here. He loves the dogs so.

Two more days till Miss Fiona gets here. Crazy dawg house at Talemakers - and we can't wait!

All you Wasabi pups - practice, practice, practice. Stardom can be yours - just get that stay down.


Havanese First Class, Yvonne's and More

Well, Miss Abs, C-Bass, and the Sassy Lassy had their first class on Saturday. I heard great things about it but I was out in the car with the rest of the motley crew. Miss Abs was a tad nervous when all the large dogs came in but soon got over that. Daddy knew what to do introducing her around in a way where she got her grounding. We find the Miss Abs gets a tad nervous with new experiences but recovers FAST.

C-Bass and Sassy looked around, did fine with the environment and Sebastian remembered the Miss Abs as a playmate. As you can see in this photo, the trio was having a Havanese sniff-fest.

I will let Nathan (daddy) fill you in on the rest as I was hanging out with the other canines. Next week it will just be us and the Abs and maybe I will get to see the Talemaker crew for a tad longer. Gad that enthusiasm of C-Bass and oops that bark like Miss Abs and that strut of Miss Sassy. Boy does she strut and prance with an air of - 'I am all THAT - you know'. Shh - C-Bass knows she's a gal and let's her believe she is. ROFL! Wise guy!

Then we went off to Yvonne's and had a sleepover. The crew knew where they were going other than Miss Abs who walked in the house - went hmm where am I and fell in playing with Flora Dora. Here she is in this photo trying to find Flora. They ran around this chair jumping on each other that one can't help but laugh and laugh.

You can always click on any of these photos to see a larger view.

Then they would catch up with each other and play and play and play. Miss Abs ended up downright exhausted.

The best part of Yvonne's house is first their company but also the heavy amount of socialization the dogs get. Our Shoshi was a timid dog and no longer is. We owe that to not just letting her nervousness be and the amount of socialization she has had. it really works in giving your Havanese a balanced and secure feeling with new things when they have had positive exposures.

Talking about exhaustion, Whitney, Terra, Katsuro, Shoshi, Wasabi and Risa all got their full play in. We have a ton of photos that I am hoping to put in a slide show. We also saw puppies and Miss Abs got to play with them too and loved it! It was great to see.

As you can see, Wasabi was totally exhausted and wet from all that snow. She was drying all cozy like in a blanket in total comfort.

When a new pup comes into your home, there is always a period of adjustment between the humans, the pups the other dogs etc. Miss Abs has been continually getting more and more comfort to the point that she is looking forward to new events and the dogs are really connecting with her. She has found her place in the pack and they have accepted her as a part of it. There is a difference from day one to now and it is nice how it evolved - naturally with all. She's won our hearts even with that wolf howl - just like the C-Bass but his is a tad different sound. Still - puppies sometimes like hearing their voices. As long as we direct it to using it for things you want to and not use it when you don't, it all works. we are a work in progress in this regard.

Now we went through a period of Risa being withdrawn when her pack left and Wasabi was starting to do the same and not totally ignoring but not connecting with Miss Abs and she has made that bridge with her - doing 'run like hell games' under the deck and just a few minutes ago, snuggled up against each other on the blanket next to my desk. she has also used her charm to get to Katsuro, Shoshi, Risa, Terra and Whitney.

It's nice to see Miss Wasabi Woo (as we so fondly call her) getting connected again with puppies as she adores them. I tell you, she was so excited to see C-Bass and Sassy Lassy that it did our heart good! We were too. :-)

The usual exhausted stance these days is a snuggle in the arms, on the couch, on the legs - wherever she can get close and enjoy being with you - nice!

Well, seeing we were on holidays, the dawgs got wet, messy and just plain had fun and we also get wet, messy and had our own fun. Good food, good friends and puppies and our dogs having a grand time. How can it get any better?

We have a video that we are hoping to convert and put up in the next day or two. Please be patient as we are exhausted from our trip. We are chillin' watching TV, relaxin' and playing catchup. More later....


Havanese Puppy Changes

Well Sassy had a guest over - Quito - a rather good looking Havanese, I might add. It was only for a short time as it started to snow heavy white flakes and then they left and it stopped - sigh.

Sassy is now sleeping on the bed, curling up to you and if she has to go, she goes down the stairs and goes to her pee pad but last night she was back to sleeping all night but we let her sleep partially each nap and woke her up and played. We found she was sleeping way too much missing the brothers but she's back to being herself. It takes a few days to adjust to big changes.

If anyone is interested in who makes this bed as the Havanese adore it, you can find it at <-- they make all sorts of beds and you can get anything embroidered on it. We have 'Our Precious Havanese' on ours. They also have tunnel beds and you pick the fabric so its made special for you. They have no clue we are posting this nor do we get anything out of it except to share our experiences and it has been good.

Sassy went out in the snow and got totally soaked. She adores the snow. There's human mommy and daddy's grand kids staying over for another night and then the crew - the dawgs are going to get a bath. They are rather a motley looking crew.

We are reinforcing 'sit' but still finding although when calm Sassy does it always - if she has competition or perceived competition, she can't sit - oh she tries but that bottom wriggles and wraggles so we are sticking with that command through Friday and trying down and then we will video tape both and share.

Sassy is making down the stairs - prefers the foam ones off our bed vs. the wooden ones - yes we have 2 but still won't go down the stairs from upstairs to down but will go up. Down is scarier direction with a perceived open staircase, I imagine.

Coach's parents called - Sassy's sibling and that was way exciting to hear. When he's all settled in we will have to create a play date. We hear he adores his walks. Got to get Sassy back out today.

More later...


Havanese Bed Shenanigans & New Day

Well, Sassy slept on the bed last night. She was a tad confused on what was what but she's decided human daddy is her security - her thang - she moved around - slept up against Risa and Risa allowed for part of it - wow but realize they do look to one at first and then bond to the others but last night - daddy was it.

We had the usual stuff in bed. I ended up with Shoshi as she was miffed that her spot was taken. The Sassy gal took over but she will get over it. Then Risa did her usual grumpy thang - another on the bed - oh no! Katsuro was on and off the bed snuggling with both of us and Wasabi said forget this and went to the bench at the foot of our bed - its like an extension of the bed but way comfie.

We left our closet light on as we forgot we had given the pups a night light but we were too tired and lazy to get one so the closet light worked.

Today she's not back to her usual but she's better. Human daddy was teaching her retrieve and she's starting to get it. All of you new puppy owners - start NOW as there is a window for easy learning and this is it. Plus those with kids - it's an excellent way to bond. Shoshi is the best retriever in our house and that's due to us teaching her when she was young. It gives her exercise and she adores the game. Your little one will too. Sassy brought it back about 70% of the time and when she didn't, the game ends. They get that if they want to play, you will only play as long as they bring it back.

We also worked on sit but when Sassy is too excited for the treat - well her sit goes out the door so we are reinforcing that by not giving her the treat till she gets it. We find when she is tired, it's much easier to get her to do it immediately and hold it.

I want to start getting motivated to do some videos on the training but taking a break and just enjoying the dogs. Their lives from their usual gets put on hold, to a point when you have puppies as you have to be concerned with exposures for health reasons but as soon as sassy gal gets another shot, we are starting serious walks even if she ends up in our coat as we want to introduce her to our local school, the forest, the trails as we did with Shoshi.

If it warms up - maybe today will be the day for that walk around the block and if its not too icy, I may video tape it. If it's too icy, walking backwards might not be wise to do.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. More later...on the Talemaker crew.