Havanese Puppy Changes

Well Sassy had a guest over - Quito - a rather good looking Havanese, I might add. It was only for a short time as it started to snow heavy white flakes and then they left and it stopped - sigh.
Sassy is now sleeping on the bed, curling up to you and if she has to go, she goes down the stairs and goes to her pee pad but last night she was back to sleeping all night but we let her sleep partially each nap and woke her up and played. We found she was sleeping way too much missing the brothers but she's back to being herself. It takes a few days to adjust to big changes.
If anyone is interested in who makes this bed as the Havanese adore it, you can find it at http://www.woodruffforpets.com/funfur.html <-- they make all sorts of beds and you can get anything embroidered on it. We have 'Our Precious Havanese' on ours. They also have tunnel beds and you pick the fabric so its made special for you. They have no clue we are posting this nor do we get anything out of it except to share our experiences and it has been good.
Sassy went out in the snow and got totally soaked. She adores the snow. There's human mommy and daddy's grand kids staying over for another night and then the crew - the dawgs are going to get a bath. They are rather a motley looking crew.
We are reinforcing 'sit' but still finding although when calm Sassy does it always - if she has competition or perceived competition, she can't sit - oh she tries but that bottom wriggles and wraggles so we are sticking with that command through Friday and trying down and then we will video tape both and share.
Sassy is making down the stairs - prefers the foam ones off our bed vs. the wooden ones - yes we have 2 but still won't go down the stairs from upstairs to down but will go up. Down is scarier direction with a perceived open staircase, I imagine.
Coach's parents called - Sassy's sibling and that was way exciting to hear. When he's all settled in we will have to create a play date. We hear he adores his walks. Got to get Sassy back out today.
More later...
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