
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from June 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017


Pre Canada Day

We got a photo from Dusrty's mom and thought we would share. Happy Canada's Day everyone and Happy 4th to our friends and family down south.

Dogs been having a blast considering we are doing the back yard weeding and all sorts of things. Everyone got to sniff the pups. Going to make this short as I have to pressure wash around the pool as Dennis has dirt all over it from pulling out weeds. It's going to take me a bit. I figure and hour or so. Best get to it.

Here is today's gallery. You can also see some of them in the puppy gallery too.

I managed to wash Roxie, groom everyone with a comb and do some others that I had scheduled. After the puppy visit I have 2 to do full grooms on as they will be departing. 

The long weekend is here!!


Before the Groom Play

It's going to be a short blog today. I weeded, I had a lot of grooming and well now I need to take the pups out as the son is weeding around the pool. It is so needed and he said shall I take the pups out? I said NO, I will and you weed. heh

Tenshi and Moxie played with the pups today. Both are great with them. Roxie won't let Rocco or Barney near her pups. Perhaps she figures they are too young. She also felt that way about Leti then she said ok. Neither feels very interested so perhaps that is why.

Here is the gallery.

Dogs played up a storm today! It rained. It stopped, it was muddy - joy - you get the picture. So much work today. Next week I will dig down 3 to 4 inches in the middle bed and so it begins. I must be nuts. 

Saffron and Stone are starting to do the dance but its still very early. I figure in the next few days. She is not prime yet. Stone also growls at Kat. So, we are keeping them apart till teh heat is done. <sigh> When she is prime we will start taking him daily to tucker him out and redirect his mind. Next week will be swim, swim, swim Kat!


Hey I Know You

Winston was here and had a bath and trim and found the pups fascinating. Roxie says  I know you!

Ella went swimming today but no one else. It wasn't that warm and Nathan took a fast dip after his nap. I weeded and weeded and then jumped in the pool. 

You can now walk in the back gate and down the path without getting swatted with bushes and trees. It's a miracle. hahahaha

I was in body ache mode today so I left the middle bed alone for today. I imagine I will be back at it tomorrow in-between pups, grooming and everything else. I only have tomorrow as Friday Roxie and her boys get baths. Then Sunday or Monday we have visitors depending on the weather so swimming is in the cards. Gardening between then.

Rocco keeps looking at the deck closed off as if to say - hey why can't we go in there? So we put toys out on the upper deck and all was happy. Can't have those puppies having all those toys and we only have a few.

Here is today's gallery.

Everyone is having a great deal of fun!


I Weeded vs. Photos

But here is Moxie nose to nose with the pups and you will see a few more in the gallery.  Dogs had a low key day. they played. they hung out with me while I weeded. they found this weeding fun. I would make piles and they would jump in it and drag them all over. Yes, I am laughing but it was frustrating. 

Moxie is great with the pups. So is Raven but Stormy tends to be too physical with no understanding of what is too much but she will get it. She is still a puppy.each gets it on their own timeline.

Rocco arrives tonight. Moxie arrived earlier. It's a fun house tonight but me - I am so very tired.


Rain, Ice and Sun

Between the ice, the rain, the sun we had our time out and indoors. Is this really summer?

See the gallery.

Cosmo, Pixie, Leo departed. Logan and Panda too. A dear friends mom died so Nathan is heading out tonight to be with everyone. I have to hold down the fort. We have had 2 people die that we know - offline - long-term. We have to remind ourselves that what we say could be the last thing we say to people. So, it has been a week not so good with many moments - and that's what life is about - moments. 

But the dogs get us by. They make you laugh and they make you savour the yearning to swim but mother nature has something else in mind. You will see in the gallery the hail we got today for the 2nd day in a row.

We also got the adirondack chair - a red one and Dennis is screaming about building it. Had to replace the one that is falling apart before someone sits in it and falls down. Dennis says - its perfectly okay. Yeah if you sit on it the right way. Now you wonder why I laugh....

Looks like Moxie and Rocco comes tomorrow. fun - fun - fun!


Rain and Hail

We had sun then rain and no one got to swim. Now it's cold - well colder. I had a sweatshirt on when I was outdoors with the dogs. Here is today's gallery.

Dogs were wonderful. Benji, Frannie, Tiger Lily and Murphy departed. Tomorrow Cosmo, Pixie and Leo depart. 

Tomorrow we are doing a Costco run. Dennis will hold down the for the short visit out. It's called the no food in the house syndrome.

We are adjusting to the Spice being gone especially seeing the photos and how happy she is.

Let's hope for sun tomorrow. I want to swim and maybe bring some doggies and hey maybe I won't break out in hives. hahahahaha


Very Short Update

Think I got some sun posioning today so this blog will be extra short. I have a headache. I am exhausted and I was weed pulling and transplanting then I jumped in the pool myself. Broke out in hives. I was mighty itchy and had to go get benedryl. But not sure if its the sun or the benedryl or both but I need to lay down to play recovery.

Here is the gallery.

Dogs have been wonderful. Benji, Pixie and Leo showed up today.  As you can see with Ella Stormy is still up to her, grab the hair tie antics. More tomorrow!


Yikes: Updated

Saffron is in heat. I thought we had till next month. She's the one who started it all the last heat cycle.

Only have a few photos. 

This is Cosmo. For some reason he likes to walk the rails literally. He's the visiting squirrel hunter. 

It rained really really hard today. So, hardly any photos. Risa walked out in the rain and got drenched. She didn't seem to care but everyone else did. when will this rain go?

We have been hearing how Spicy is doing. All good.... including those mad kisses she does. they will have to get used to that. There is no curing her mad kissing love.


What a Day

Cosmo and Murphy arrived. Tenshi, Cooper and Spice departed. Dallas was also here and I had a full day of grooming. Yesterday Nathan bonked his head on the metal piece on the back door of the van. It looks nasty and he complains of a headache but I think he is okay as he has already had a nap.

Here is the small gallery.

I hear that Spice is settling in. I look forward to the stories.

I am having a gin and tonic with a twist of lime. :-)

I need to get to bed at 10. The dogs need me to get to bed at 10. We shall see what happens.

PS: Poor Truffie has a partial mohawk due to Stormy. Oh boy...

Tenshi's parents came back from Japan and brought some beautiful bows for the dogs and a cooling pad. Have not figured out if you put the cooling pad in the freezer or you wet it. Thank you truly for the fun dog gifts. Now the dogs have bows for stylin at the picnic this year. 



Look who dropped in - Anne and Russell. Spicy is going to take the journey tomorrow to Montreal with them to follow a different journey that they can give her. It was a very, very hard decision but when it's about them it is easier. I always imagined Spice living here forever. Spice is a wonderful dog who loves everyone with her waggy, waggy tail and kisses. I will miss her kisses and her wriggles but knowing she is getting that extra special attention - well it's about her not us.

She is also mega agile and she runs with grace. It's hard to explain but we look forward to hearing about her journey and having her visit when they go on holidays. 

We have had so many changes from Trouble to Sadie (Thyme) to now Spice. Do not ask about Roxie, please. She will remain. Why? Well no one has asked yet so don't. :-)

I should have taken video of Anne running with Spice and marvelling at how very fast she is. She is so fast she can catch a squirrel but she will never do anything when she does grab the tail. She just wants to know she can. 

So please wish Anne, Russell, Cooper and Spice a safe journey tomorrow morning. We love this couple and the fit is right, I believe.

On another note, Tenshi departs tomorrow, Levon and Trigger departed today. Magic came for the day and kept digging at the ice in the water that I placed her beard hair up and still she soaked herself. It was funny.

Here is today's gallery. It's a small one.


Happy 6th Birthday

Hi Darlah and Nathan, look who's 6 today. She is my little angel. Happy birthday to all her litter mates.

The photo above is Stella. Happy Birthday to Molly, Jenkins, Murphy and Mia

We wish you a huge happy birthday. How did 6 years go by in a blink of an eye. It certainly feels that way.

No further update today. I have 3 dogs to wash tonight so 2 nights in a row of a very late sleep and too little sleep I can't do.

Scruffy and Pepper are 2 of the dogs I have to wash as they are going home tonight. 

Muntuno was here for a clip and shape up. It was great to see him and his human Mom. 

That's it for today!


Sorry So Late

Sorry Dennis held down the fort and we went to Wonder Woman. It was fun. We sat in the cheap seats and had popcorn and water for dinner. It was last minute. 

I have had a heck of a day. I was hunting for something that I couldn't find. I was cleaning off Nathan's desk as I was doing so and realize that was a hopeless cause as he will say where is x.

I am not having fun trying to get the galleries done and I may have to upload them tomorrow as I keep getting errors. As it's so late you probably won't even notice. If Roxie's gallery actually uploads i will come back and do this one.

Everyone is having a great time. Barney departed and so did Elvis who went swimming.

Smarty pants Stormy keeps ripping out hair ties and you will see what she has done to some. I now send her alone in the tv room and it works - she stops at least for a big period of time. She tends to leave Raven's alone. hmm I wonder why.

Here is the gallery. It finally made it without errors.


Happy Father's Day

Here is today's gallery. It's hot, muggy and well we have some of the family coming over so this blog will be short today. Everyone is having a blast but the dogs really do not like the mugginess. Who can blame them.

Hope all the father's out there do what you want to do today. 

Dennis is preparing food for the dogs and I will be helping him serve. then it is Chinese food time.

Enjoy everyone!


Wet, Muggy and Steamy Now

What a day. It started out hotter than hot then we had tornado watches and pelting loud banging thunderstorms. No one reacted, Bravo. No one wanted to go out either. They went out, got soaked and I actually had each and every one of them combed out by 11am Then they went out in the rain and then refused to go out, heh

Here is today's gallery.

Tomorrow is Father's Day and I want to wish all of you with human and or canine kids a very happy father's day! We are celebrating with Chinese takeout. We had hoped to swim but looks like a day of heavy rain. I hope they are wrong. 

We all bought Nathan a BBQ for his birthday and father's day. The daughter is sending him a shirt he really, really wants. Jon cleaned out a cabinet that had all our plastic storage containers and organized it. Nathan couldn't stand it. Is that a gift? I think so but does Nathan?

Today I made him a lobster roll on a toasted challah roll. Yum and he loves it so.

The daughter's birthday is on Tuesday and her guy is spoiling her silly from a table to a tablet to going out to eat. We are getting her a special rose she wants. Maybe each year she will look at it and think about how much we love her. 

We have a change coming up this week in this week. More when that happens and no, I am not telling. 

Life is always changing but now we are going to take the pups out in the hallway. It's simply too wet outdoors. Will fill you in on their blog after we have the experience.

The dogs are truly loving each other's company. Wherever Scruffy goes Pepper follows. Murphy and Saffron as tight as ever. 

Levon laid on the tv room table and stretched out saying it's all mine and it was. They thought about disturbing him but they didn't.


Hot and Behavior

Can you believe Raven gets a hair band in her hair and it's now night and it remains? Oh Stormy tried. Nathan corrected with a firm no. So instead she went after Jeannie's hair but left Raven alone. Got to love it.

Here is today's gallery.

It's a cooling trying day today. Everyone is heated up. But they love that air conditioner. We keep taking them out like a revolving door for short bits but that is all they want to be out for. That's okay. No one swam. I need to finish grooming. it's one of THOSE days.


Recovery and Fun

Thought I would share a photo of Sadie in her onesie. She is doing well after her spaying. She even wants to go for her walks.

Here is a gallery in transition of the dog grooming today. Some are groomed already and some awaiting. I am totally miffed at Stormy. You see each hair band I placed on to a dog she removed with the exception of Spice...hmmm

It was too cool to swim today. I instead felt unproductive but I managed to wash a number of dogs and brusha - brusha brush. Some napped with Nathan on his afternoon nap and some stayed with me or Dennis. Dennis was out looking to see if the rabbits were okay. 

We also have some tomato eating dogs. if I catch them grabbing the ripe tomatoes.... They keep making their way into the dog beds mostly eaten.

Feel like I am getting blogs done too late and i am as I end up with no down time except when I go to bed. 

PS: Longos tomorrow and Saturday has Lobster cooked and uncooked from the Maritimes. We had it last year for Father's Day and it was so good. Nathan likes my lobster rolls so the tradition continues.


What a Mess

This was the before grooming of this trio. In the gallery you will see I eventually got them done. Spice is smiling and smiling in this gallery. Have to laugh. Maybe she is glad the spaying business is done. 

I did manage to get into the pool while Nathan napped. Dennis also pulled out weeds. That was extra nice though it doesn't look like progress there is progress. 

I can't believe Teddy is going home tomorrow. What a riot he has been. Now he wants to eat everyone's meals. Dogs went through the plants and got those bloody seeds all over them so that was interesting to get out. Thought they didn't seed for a few weeks and we had time to pull. Oh well...

Dogs really want the air. It wasn't all that hot out but each time I took them out they went to the door saying let me back in. Of course Spice and Cinnamon will bake out there despite how hot it is or not. They really like the pool float perhaps due to the reality it is cushy to lay on. Tenshi also seems to really like outdoors but today she liked inside more. 

Think we have June bugs as we have a massive patch out in the grass. Anyone with some good treatment ideas?

Now Nathan is saying TV time to the dogs and they are loving it but when the pups wake up they need to outdoors. Can't relax too much.


So Trying

Nathan managed to get into the pool for a short time. Me, I cut down willow branches that are hanging on our side from the neighbours and the dogs had fun with those branches. It was scary as I hate balancing on the top of a ladder up high and leaning over. But we got through it.

Got everyone brushed but it took me till 6pm. I did one here and there between the rest of what I had to do. As I type, it's late. I am blogging and I have a dryer full to fold. Will it get done? heh

Here is today's gallery.

Nathan is so funny. He goes from chair to chair and the dogs follow him and pounce on him but still he managed to read. Tried to get Levon and Trigger into the pool and they were having none of it. Actually only Ella and Kat was interested. It happens. They were having way too much fun driving Nathan crazy. I have to admit I laughed too. 

It was a good day but feels sort of unproductive. You do and do and do and feel like nothing gets done. Oh to be a dawg!


Way Too Hot

It's a short blog today as we are going to Terry Mosher's book signing downtown today. They own one of our dogs. Plus he is a great political cartoonist. 

It was way too hot to be outside. the dogs told me over and over.

Here is a small gallery before I got to groom them. well, Pepper got groomed but doesn't look like she did. hahaha

Did get a water pot done. I got the plants watered. I got the dogs groomed finally. I also spray painted a table that looked quite rough. I finally got two coats on it. We also had the pups out. The laundry is done.

The dogs appreciate the air conditioning and we so appreciate we have it. Harper and Tenshi so enjoy each other and Tenshi will miss him when he goes tomorrow. 

Nathan was wrapped in dogs last night. He is taking a nap (daily) as he gets no sleep. I sleep cause I am exhausted. 

Dogs are wonderful. They are getting a special feast tonight before we depart and Teddy dances when nathan brings the food. I laugh and wow does that feel good to watch!

Oh and levon wants Triggers food too. 


What a Day

Sorry - had things on my plate that were not expected. Working on photos now but having a heck of a time importing them. Well got that done now I am trying to get the blogs done. heh I am also every other sentence uploading puppy videos. Oh boy... 6 minutes from now it is bed time. Guess I will be late.

Tenshi is her usual self playing like crazy with everyone. She is such a playful dog. Had her sister Amy here but didn't get to take a photo. Have Levon, Trigger, Scruffy and Pepper too and didn't get a photo. They are playing though! Wish Dennis would take more photos when I am busy. It's been one of THOSE days and here I am blogging at this hour and eating. Wow...

Here is today's gallery.

You will also see that Roxie jumped in the pool today and guess what I brushed her out at 930 tonight. It was my first chance as I had a dematting that took longer than expected and also had Kat to brushout as he also went in the pool. 

I am so tired I am probably not making any sense. 

Dennis tells me Saffron chased the rabbits out of the pot and Dennis said they were hopping all over and mom was there. Dennis built a ramp so they could go back in their pot. oh boy...

Nathan and I weeded around the daylillies. I watered plants. I brushed out everyone. My water pot is not done and well I have to end this blog and start again tomorrow. Hope you understand!