Wet, Muggy and Steamy Now

What a day. It started out hotter than hot then we had tornado watches and pelting loud banging thunderstorms. No one reacted, Bravo. No one wanted to go out either. They went out, got soaked and I actually had each and every one of them combed out by 11am Then they went out in the rain and then refused to go out, heh
Tomorrow is Father's Day and I want to wish all of you with human and or canine kids a very happy father's day! We are celebrating with Chinese takeout. We had hoped to swim but looks like a day of heavy rain. I hope they are wrong.
We all bought Nathan a BBQ for his birthday and father's day. The daughter is sending him a shirt he really, really wants. Jon cleaned out a cabinet that had all our plastic storage containers and organized it. Nathan couldn't stand it. Is that a gift? I think so but does Nathan?
Today I made him a lobster roll on a toasted challah roll. Yum and he loves it so.
The daughter's birthday is on Tuesday and her guy is spoiling her silly from a table to a tablet to going out to eat. We are getting her a special rose she wants. Maybe each year she will look at it and think about how much we love her.
We have a change coming up this week in this week. More when that happens and no, I am not telling.
Life is always changing but now we are going to take the pups out in the hallway. It's simply too wet outdoors. Will fill you in on their blog after we have the experience.
The dogs are truly loving each other's company. Wherever Scruffy goes Pepper follows. Murphy and Saffron as tight as ever.
Levon laid on the tv room table and stretched out saying it's all mine and it was. They thought about disturbing him but they didn't.
Reader Comments (7)
Have a wonderful day tomorrow celebrating Fathers.. canine and human!! Marco went out today but only for a short walk... I think he only likes to go out to socialize anyway.... he only looks for people and dogs and if there are none, he's happy to come home! He has a new friend named Duke... Duke is a Great Dane and the sweetest boy... I'll get a picture next time of Marco and Duke!
Hope Nathan has a great Father's Day tomorrow and enjoys all the goodies he received. I think cleaning an area is a great gift. Evan said he will weed our garden for Sam. I like that gift. I think Sam will too. You always have surprises for us. Hope this is another good one like the puppies.
Hope everyone enjoys Father's Day tomorrow.
It's Levon's world, we just live in it. ;)
Happy Father's Day to Nathan and all the Talemaker dads! Hope you have a great day!
Do we get a prize if we guess what the surprise is?
Patricia, One of my previous dogs, Toby, had a Dane as his best buddy. They met at 3 maths and remained best friends for life. One of my fav memories is watching them as they entered a grassy field from different ends and ran to great each other - one galloping and the other flying through the air until they met in a bundle of joy. Toby was another small dog at 15 pounds.
What a nice blog and great photos. Happy Father's Day to Nathan and all Talemaker dads! Hope they all have a wonderful day with their special pooch. I know Russell will be loved silly by Cooper.
Wonderful gallery Darlah, as always! We're wishing Nathan's a Happy Father's Day filled with peace, happiness and joy!
Tell him please, that his legendary call is heard by Ines with so much enthusiasm!!!
Many kisses from Ines for both of you, also.