
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from January 1, 2014 - January 31, 2014


Puppy Check List Updated

Sorry it has taken so long. I hate it that vendors change links,  drop lines and often give you less quality but I tried to find what I have used that I know that works. Check out the latest here. See the next entry. Two updates today.


Do They Play

I put up a bunch of Kona, Ty and DJ up as these were being silly monkeys and having so much fun that we had to click. Hope you enjoy. Oh yeah the rest had fun this morning too but they were silly fun. Pepper and Scruffy came later as I heard they played and had snowballs. They could have came with them and I would have done them. DJ so loves the Pepper but she is saying speak to the paw in a funny way as if she is leading him around with her nose. So funny and he doesn't mind - just play with me! Kona says I will play with you.

Ty has departed but the birthday kids had extra snacks and truly had a grand time today!

Kona and DJ played their bodies out this morning and every now and then Ty would join in too.

Look at the play with me paws!

As you can see DJ and Kona played and played then Ty joined in.

Yes, the brothers do play with each other and it is delightful to see. I think the longer Kona comes to visit the more he sees opprtunities. He used to just be smitten with the gals but DJ is a guy and he's wow fun too.

Have to love their play today.

Ty just ran and ran.. such a burst of energy.

Tomorrow I hope to capture Pepper and Scruffy. These photos above was from this morning and then I had blogs to do so hoping to click so never got around to clicking this afternoon and look I am still doing the blog. Got a video and Puppy checklist to finish - oh boy. Well at least everyone got brushed out. :-)

Panda now has her own blog. Spice has hers back up getting updated. Logan was chasing the rabbit - oh boy. Think the rabbit will move on?

Just when we thought it was over off they went running. Then I brushed a great deal this afternoon. Things are normal. Still congested if you can believe. Cold air is not my friend but I have my energy back. I feel very lucky and you can quote me - I will get a flu shot next year. :-)

Leti had class last night and that smartie pants knew where Nathan was keeping the treats.

She has all large dogs in her class and she is doing rather well. It will be good for her to have the exposure for the show.

Next week Adele has Tricks class with a few other Talemaker Havanese and then Leti has her class right after so Thursdays will be long nights as I will be taking care of the dog not in the class and watching. Never did a back to back class. Will I survive? Will Nathan survive?

Scruffy and Pepper are getting a bath tomorrow and going to a Super Bowl Party put on by their humans. Snack time for dawgies too?


Happy 3rd Birthday

Click on Photo for Larger View

It's the 3rd birthday for Kona, Ty and Sophie. Huge happy birthday. We are rather lucky as we have 2 of the trio here. But Dennis and I spent a great deal of time trying to get them sitting close and looking up and it was IMPOSSIBLE. I have to laugh. I tried giving them dehydrated beef that I did myself. Kona was over the top excited. Ty said, I don't think so. Kona was so excited he couldn't stay still. Sounds like Leti and Adele. :-)

The duo is so different but has the same mannerisms. It's wonderful to watch.

I then tried chicken strips that I dehydrated and well guess who loved it like I just gave him the best meal - Kona of course but Ty rather munched one and said more please. So I gave them each another while the others said what the hey? That's okay as Nathan bought lamb and will cook that up to add and everyone will celebrate with an extra delish meal.

I wonder if the duo will sleep next to each other tonight.

Good news its warmer - not greatly but I can go outside without coughing and coughing. Bad news the grand daughter is back in the hospital and her specialist says this is beyond her scope. Now doesn't that make you feel comfie.

So great celebrations - special gift from Lynda yesterday a WOW gift that had me sleeping little as I was having so much fun and then fun trying to get the duo to sit with each other with one wanting treats more than the other and one saying oh hum bring the better stuff will ya?

Then the news of Danielle. Poor thing... Such highs and lows but without the highs well not fun.

I am also going to start a blog for Panda as I really think more chance she is than not. I am still sitting on the fence with Roxie but time will tell.

We have class tonight with Leti and she is not ready. Oh well the fun of winging it. :-)



I know the photos are different sizes and I truly looked for a photo of the sisters together but when you subtract color you can actually see they are sisters. The beauty of a litter is they can come in all sorts of colours and still in the same litter you can see the similarities especially in Abigail pups as they all look to some degree like Miss Abs.

I am not doing an update today as I am too busy with other things. We also had puppy people here tonight so I am sorely behind.

Today we had Magic here - what a wonderful Miss Abs pup she is! Tomorrow DJ and Ty comes to visit us. Tomorrow will be a fun day.

Dennis sat and looked at Kona today and said I really like that dog. I smiled! Dennis really loves the dogs.


Playing Catch Up

I may be able to do the puppy video tomorrow. You see I played catch-up and everyone is bathed though I had to think hard about it.  But it feels better that it is done. Tomorrow everyone has to only get brushed.

I am still being rude I guess not getting too close to people. I know I am not contagious but not taking chances as this is hanging on. But wow I am better than last week. Just look forward to going out with the dogs and not coughing uncontrollably. Maybe when its not so cold? Here is hoping... They say -37c tonight - geez.

Kona had a bath today though taking a photo was highly interesting as I had him so perfect and then he rolled, play bowed and well made himself a mess. I kept trying to brush and then gave up.

The Molly was also over for a bath and so was Dusty. Didn't get a photo of Dusty that came out. Not sure who was taking photos of her but they were all blurry. :-( Molly and Dusty played with the pups. Only got Molly with the pups.

Trigger and Levon departed with mom and I think she is going to stay in till next Monday. I don't blame her... brrr They were happy to see her! We already miss them.

I do not think Roxie is pregnant (think she is in full blown false pregnancy) so that means she will get bred with Jeannie around April/May. But I am sitting on the fence about Panda. Its looking more likely that she is than not so that will means Panda pups when Spice has hers. I am glad she will have company of the canine persuasion to help her if needed.

Nathan is doing a show in February on Saturday/Sunday and Monday. Then days later Spice and perhaps Panda will be due. Great timing, Nathan.

Sounds like we have Muntuno in the Tricks class so there are at least 3 havanese. Leti is going to be a challenge. I think she is the toughest dog I have ever trained. She's better than yesterday but all she cares about is the treat - rather like Adele. They get so excited its as if they lose their brain and can't contain themselves. Class and the show will be interesting. Nathan trained her after my session this morning and she was at least semi doing what she should. Stay, finish - ARE YOU KIDDING - I did it for half a second - now treat me please. We do not treat her unless she does it correctly. She is rather beside herself with that reality.

Some dogs you can't have the treat in your hand. Leti is indeed that type of a dog but fun... oh yes she is!


No Baths But 1

Could only muster 1 bath today and brush the rest. I still have to finish but I figure rest today, tomorrow a better day and Wednesday too. I am hoping to be done by Wednesday. Our son Jon shovelled - hooray and thanks!

But still the dogs had a ton of fun today. I even have chicken feet thawing so I can dehydrate. This ought to be interesting.

As you can see we woke up to more snow. What a winter this has been. Can it be over yet?

Kona was intently watching Leti to see when he could come out and pounce and he did. It was a riot! Glad I can watch this from my window while Dennis has the fun. Still my lungs say not yet for the cold air.

I love how the dogs run as if they are part of a team.

I call it snow running. They have a blast and all participate!

Levon, Trigger, Brewer and Kona was playing this catch me if you can game.

Most times you see a snow blur. But I will tell you despite the cold they have these bursts, come in, dry off and then want to do it again. Maybe they are adjusting to this cold better than us humans?


No Photos Today

I had a number of baths so this is a no photo day. Tomorrow I have Shoshi, Abigail and Kona to do and I am done for a bit. I also have Zoe. But this was Fiona who was done today and oh boy we had a lot of work with her. Actually a lot with everyone as I play catch-up after being ill. Still got the cough and congestion but much better.

I believe Fiona's smile was - wow thank gad that's done. I never have this amount of work as I tend to stay on top of it but get a few weeks of illness and oh boy.

While we were sick I did visitors but couldn't strum up anything else for my own and I was sort of wishing Nathan did. He did a brush here and there but not on everyone and Fiona well she was a total nightmare. All I can say is good thing she has a lot of hair or she may have ended up bald. :-)

Well, glad that is over and hope to never be in that position again. I can't imagine how bad it would have been if I hadn't been on top of it before being ill. 5 minutes of brushing each night or 10 minutes every other day. You can do it while watching tv. Even every 3 days will make a huge difference. Come summer I am going to start showing techniques for dematting for those that like longer hair. I am still thinking it through.

So, no photos but we did have a ton of fun today inside and out.

I am also halfway through my supplies list. :-) Too many things - so little time.



Dennis kept telling me it was warmer. I can't seem to stand out there as the cold air tends to make me cough in an uncontrollable fashion. But they were running and having fun today.

Nathan brushed Cali today. I brushed everyone else. I noticed her beard is getting longer.

Kona tends to truly like the falling snow. He comes in mostly white. Dennis too. :-)

Gracie is here flying up a storm. Gracie is like family - not bred here but comes to chase her energy out. :-) I call her Crazy Gracie - not crazy in a bad way - crazy fun way.

Roxie managed to get into the running play too.

Pepper always tries this maneuver to get the best of Scruffy where she runs under him. I have never seen anyone do that before except the wee pups so its fascinating watching how she can still manage to do it. Cali can still fit through the gates so Spice's pups are mighty agile with their bodies.

When you can't win you try to overpower? hahahaha

I call this the running of the dogs. They love to chase each other.

Kona found the rabbits and now each time he goes out he's looking for them with such intent. He is indeed fascinated by them.

They ran so much today that I am positive they are going to sleep the dead sleep.

DJ is having a total blast. He gets bathed tomorrow and off he goes home.

Yes, DJ and Adele are siblings.

Received a story about Logan and wanted to share it with you. I meant to do so yesterday but I am not totally healthy.

Here it is:
We have a long Indian cord with brass bells that Logan has learned to nudge when he wants to go out.  Panda is happy for him to be the bell ringer.  Last night for some reason, Logan was going in and out like a crazy dog and Gallan had had enough with the bell ringing.  So...Gallan wrapped the bells out of reach around the door handle.  About ten minutes went by and all of sudden, there was the Logster on his hind legs ringing that damn bell like Notre Dame.  We laughed so much and Gallan says "He is a genius dog and deserves to go out."  There was Miss P right behind, so proud of Cousin Logi.  What a guy!


Hope that made you smile like it did me. Now you see the only issue with those bells. :-)



Shout Out and More

Big shout out from the Talemaker crew and Kona to his human Momma. It's her birthday today! Glad its warmer there than here. Kona decided today 1 treat was not enough after his brushing so I indulged and he got two as he can celebrate Momma's birthday too. :-) Well that's my story and I am sticking to it!

We went to class last night. Something about cold and my lungs had me coughing and coughing and it was too cold to sit outside so I went inside and took a few photos.

Lighting is really bad for photo taking but you can still get the idea. I think it was a mistake to go but I survived. Leti is in class with all big dogs including a very rambunctious doodle. At first the tail went down and then soon went back up. She did really well. But as we missed last week's class we have training to do. It was also her first time she had a lead on so I was impressed.

Next week Adele is in class with Bailey in Tricks class and then we get to hang out with Leti. It's going to make  for a long night each Thursday.

Bentley, Adele's brother was over for a bath.

His human mom I think wants Abigail. :-) DJ the other brother is here too for a couple of days. He now has a short hairdo and adores the pups. You will have to see the puppy blog to see that.

Risa and Kat also had a bath but we never clicked Kat. It was a chore getting Nathan to click Risa. I heard him mumbling how many things do you want me to do? Well, if I am working still somewhat sick and playing catch-up then he has to do that end if I am bathing. We also ended up throwing a bunch of food away (scratching my head about that one) but it seems I was sick and no one paid attention to dates OR FREEZING THINGS? Oh well the little things I am responsible for - who knew? Playing grooming catch-up is not fun and I am not finished. Still got Shoshi, Wasabi, Abigail and Fiona. I figure by Monday I am done on mine or maybe Tuesday. If Nathan had only surprised me and washed dogs. Yes, I am laughing.

Miss Molly's mom brought us something to munch on yesterday - deepest gratitude. How timely as we had room in the fridge but now its almost gone. I think I had 1 bite. heh

It's too cold for walks. I think Dennis is 100%. Nathan is saying he still has a cold. I am about 80% to 85% depending on the time of the day. We are getting there.


More Baths

Okay I did wash Spice but didn't snap a photo. By the time I got to Jeannie I said she is clean - not doing a finishing brushout. Tomorrow Bentley, Risa and Truffie. I comb out the rest other than Logan, Panda and Brewer in the recliner. The 3 mentioned here get the table job. :-)

Roxie looks so much like Logan. She also looks like Lacie in longer coat. :-)

Spice already has an obvious tummy not just a tummy that says I have been eating extra. :-)

Just before I took this photo Jeannie rolled her face all over the floor. If I felt better I would have taken a Mason Pearson to her and finished her and click another that was more attractive but I am still tuckered out, coughing and well it tells you about her personality.

I am done for today. It's not fun playing catch-up. I am considering sitting in class to watch Leti. She missed last weeks class but still not sure I am up to it. I may end up cuddling with a blanket and sleeping in the van. What is the sense of that. :-)

Everyone has been doing a lot of playing indoors. It really is cold outside.

I have decided that Kona is a ladie's man. He has Ty his brother over and they are like opposites. Ty just tries to engage where Kona just flirts. hehehehe


Need To Do List

Cali just had a bath. I didn't do her pads or trim her feet which sorely needs it but I have time. With visitors it is a must. I don't have time to do it later. :-) I usually do it at the same time but I am pacing myself. Cha Cha is next and then I will figure out if I can do a 3rd.

I need to redo my should buy list for puppy people. I do have my faves and the store I bought from - lovely gentlemen seems to not be carrying it any longer.

So, if I was to get brushes Rens has some 'decent' ones but some not worth the price or you get what you pay for ones. I will create a new list. Just give me a day or two. I will also offer other sources as well. I also have a new source for Panegenics spray which is truly the best with OMG running a close 2nd and I will include that. So many things we are able to get at shows. Why some companies one year carry x and not the next, I can only assume to know why.

Also someone pointed out to Nathan that they went back and looked at all of Fiona and Abigail's pups weights at 8 weeks old. This is how weights work:

Each line is different. Some grow fast, some grow slow and you get surprises. Each stops at different ages. You must know your lines. Some, like Spice have a mixed size range. Why? Wasabi, her mom and Risa have large in their lines but over the years we have managed to downsize - for us actually not intentionally. Wasabi's smallest pup in adulthood has been 6.5lbs. Spice always seems to throw a couple of small ones. With Truffie, who knows. Just like humans you can have surprises but Abigail has never thrown huge. Wasabi with one sire (not our own) threw large the entire litter. It seems we doubled up on the large and thus produced large.

Havanese used to be larger. Many have downsized their lines as it is popular to have pocket dogs but its a dangerous thing to do. We shoot for standard not tiny. They are hearty companion dogs. They are intelligent and so far we have been able to avoid the nasal passage issues of some breeds that decided to go the downsizing route. You can destroy a breed if you go the 'popular' route. That includes colour. I will tell you my Shoshi who is not show quality, has the coat of hell (pigs tail) has an amazingly pretty face and makes my heart skip a beat just watching her. If allowed, if you let it all unfold, these dogs are amazing. They each bring something unique and similar to the table and for me I like that they aren't a plastic mold pup. They are unique.

But yes, I have different lines that grow at different rates.

This time we are mixing Fiona's line with Wasabi's with SpicexTruffie. Will that mean more small or large as you can get throw backs. We will find out but by looking at structure you can usually tell. I do not mind surprises. It makes life interesting. Now off to wash Cha Cha.


Different Degrees?

Today I washed Logan, Panda and Leti. It was a mistake but my mind says I am well my body goes oh boy. Lynda (how I treasure her) offered to come and help me. Nathan really needs to in case I am unable to. I do love freshly washed dogs. The offer was beyond nice! I am pacing myself. Tomorrow I have Cha Cha and 2 of my own. If I keep at it spaced out I will be done my crew. If I can't, I cant.

After Leti's bath she got to do a bit of training.

I tried getting Logan perfectly groomed but he decided to roll. Instead of fixing him up again I said it is what it is. Panda is a princess and she just stays for hours looking perfect. :-) Panda looks like her mom so much. If you were able to turn her apricot they would be twins.

Leti seems to have a hard time containing herself. I need her energy. Oh a treat - oh my and she turns into an unfocused being - well focused on the treat and not listening to anything else.

The title of this blog is Different Degrees. I think when one says they are sick it means different things to different people. When you sit like a catatonic object watching pups at an 8 week visit then have to go lay down cause truly your desire is there but your body is not up to it, well you are sick and I was better than I was. But 8 week visits with new owners to be means a great deal so I did what I had to. In reality I should have stayed in bed. But to miss yet another thing is hard. This ones on me.

I am better than I was last week. I want to say all better but I am not. I washed and crashed. I have a fever. I am still sick.

So when people that aren't on the list for this crew but are for a future litter are demanding to see this crew whether I am sick or not this week, I can only assume they don't get this 'degree' business.

Nathan will be contacting people when we can entertain but it won't be at the cost of my health.

I know I don't count much in the equation as you don't see what I do. I prefer to stay out of the limelight and do. But I am a critical element for all the dogs. I need to be allowed to get well.

Enough biaching!


Pacing Oneself

Yeah there are eyes somewhere. Brewer had a bath. Tomorrow Logan, next day Panda - we shall see how that goes.

I look around and say who is THAT! What I mean is gee you look like a total mess. I am playing catch-up. My mind says you are ready to just blitz the crew and reality sets in and says I don't think so. Leti looks like an absolute mess. Let's not even talk about Adele who I did brush out. Everyone needs baths but I will do 1 here and there and get it done. This is life and life happens. I am not invincible after all. :-(

Leti got her rabies shot. She missed class last week as we were not up to it. Leti is now 6lbs 8 ounces.

I am still getting used to the shorn look of Trigger and Levon - more Trigger as its the first time. I like longer hair - that's just me but this is just too bloody easy so I get it! I also look at this face and go he's such a pretty boy he can pull it off. He's cute. He has such perfect markings - well they both look like little lambs - black and white lambs.

Kona's hair is at the length that it is easy care too. He has silvery brown with copper all mixed in. He is such a pretty boy. He stood and waited for his grooming and when I forgot to treat him he reminded me. hehehe The doorbell rang and I was distracted but he wasn't. Lady, are you losing your mind?

Well, that's it for today. Time for my nap. Yes, a nap as that is how I am getting well.



I sit on the couch and fall asleep. My body is still healing. This process is crazy. But as I am sick life does go on. I groom a dog on my lap 1 here and there and stop when I can't.

We had a dusting outside so it gave the dogs traction. That traction was required with the ice underneath. This has been a heck of a 2014 so far weather and health wise. I can only think it will get better as we go.

Mabel and Cali played so full of life. It was almost mesmerizing to watch them together full out in play. Mabel is now home.

Hugo and Milo are here as mom has had a hip replacement and Hugo tends to be an active, go, go boy so that is exactly what he is doing here till human mom can handle his exuberance. They are having a ton of fun.

Kona I watched - really watched today and he is confident, agile and playing his heart out. He had no adjustment. He is a happy, happy boy. He also thinks at bedtime his spot is Roxie's spot and his desire is winning out. He's doing it intelligently. He's doing it the right way. Bravo, Kona. As you mature you are using your brains vs. your emotions. You have learned - bravo!



No matter how bad I feel Ms. Risa always does things like this to make me smile.

And another duo that brings a smile to my face is Coco and Doozie who is departing any moment. They make me smile - and thank you for that!

Reward time: Kona for leaping from the back of the couch to the recliner without missing a beat. Never saw a dog so agile and precise.

All I can do. Am out of energy. Still sick, I am afraid.


New Harcut

Trigger and Levon are strutting a new hardo. :-)


No Update

Want to but can't. Nathan has class with Leti. I also have to figure out how to get everything ready for Nathan to take pups to the vets tomorrow as I am the one who organizes all. Am hoping tomorrow is a good day.


Clicked a Few

Nathan clicked a few photos but each time I look at any of these photos it is painful for me as it means I need to brush, brush. I brush visitors but not my own as I run out of steam. Many are overdue for baths now too so hoping by weeks end I can get them done. Here I had hoped Nathan would. I watch tv, I groom. I rest.

Kona thinks the smell of Miss Abifgail is special.

Wherever she goes he goes. ;-)

Despite it being icy the dogs seem to find their fun.

Coco gets combed out daily. When it is tv time she finds my lap. Wish I could groom standing up.

The running still occurs off and on all day.

Roxie is often found grooming Doozie. It's an interesting sight. Maybe Roxie thinks she is helping me.

And Logan - he sees me and gives me massive body hugs. He rather misses me.

I make sure I spend time with all but its better when you are feeling better. So here is to a better day tomorrow and a magic wand of grooming as its not going to be Nathan that surprises me. <sigh>


Photos Limited

Its strange what takes energy - walking upstairs, taking photos, all ways you assume are ordinary functions till they aren't or you aren't able to truly do them like you usually do. So till I get better I will do them in spurts and if my body says I am overdoing I will not do it.

We have Kona coming to visit us today. We are excited. I am hoping by weeks end that I will be more normal than not. I am better than yesterday but I have to pace myself and rest between. Bedtime will come early again tonight. Still not up to baths, blow dries etc. That isn't even remotely possible but hoping not too long.

Adele and Coco are best pals in such a delightful way. Doozie plays with most everyone.

The dogs are running around but not to the usual degree outside as its so icy out there. Look forward to being able to run with them again.


Gone, Gone, Gone

Nathan gave me Adele as she had knots and well all that - sort of feeling better is gone and then some.

The photo of this puppy next to Leti is a pup that Nathan spent the night at the airport to get for Paula and Tracy. 3 plus hours Dennis held down the fort while I was in bed. I tried helping but couldn't. Think everyone thinks I can. His name is Newton and he is getting picked up soon. Me, I am crawling on to the couch so I can gain energy to walk up the stairs. Yes, it's that hard to walk the stairs. Personally, I am weary of this.

The duo - her from Prague. him from the states look awfully similar but Leti - that expression. :-) I am biased even when ill. :-) Must be love!~