I put up a bunch of Kona, Ty and DJ up as these were being silly monkeys and having so much fun that we had to click. Hope you enjoy. Oh yeah the rest had fun this morning too but they were silly fun. Pepper and Scruffy came later as I heard they played and had snowballs. They could have came with them and I would have done them. DJ so loves the Pepper but she is saying speak to the paw in a funny way as if she is leading him around with her nose. So funny and he doesn't mind - just play with me! Kona says I will play with you.
Ty has departed but the birthday kids had extra snacks and truly had a grand time today!
Kona and DJ played their bodies out this morning and every now and then Ty would join in too.
Look at the play with me paws!

As you can see DJ and Kona played and played then Ty joined in.
Yes, the brothers do play with each other and it is delightful to see. I think the longer Kona comes to visit the more he sees opprtunities. He used to just be smitten with the gals but DJ is a guy and he's wow fun too.
Have to love their play today.
Ty just ran and ran.. such a burst of energy.
Tomorrow I hope to capture Pepper and Scruffy. These photos above was from this morning and then I had blogs to do so hoping to click so never got around to clicking this afternoon and look I am still doing the blog. Got a video and Puppy checklist to finish - oh boy. Well at least everyone got brushed out. :-)
Panda now has her own blog. Spice has hers back up getting updated. Logan was chasing the rabbit - oh boy. Think the rabbit will move on?

Just when we thought it was over off they went running. Then I brushed a great deal this afternoon. Things are normal. Still congested if you can believe. Cold air is not my friend but I have my energy back. I feel very lucky and you can quote me - I will get a flu shot next year. :-)
Leti had class last night and that smartie pants knew where Nathan was keeping the treats.
She has all large dogs in her class and she is doing rather well. It will be good for her to have the exposure for the show.
Next week Adele has Tricks class with a few other Talemaker Havanese and then Leti has her class right after so Thursdays will be long nights as I will be taking care of the dog not in the class and watching. Never did a back to back class. Will I survive? Will Nathan survive?
Scruffy and Pepper are getting a bath tomorrow and going to a Super Bowl Party put on by their humans. Snack time for dawgies too?