Trigger, Keeper and Chewie News

Hi Darlah and Nathan,
Darlah, I mentioned the boys had been sleeping closer since coming back - that actually means Levon is using Trigger as a pillow. lol. I guess little brothers aren't so bad after all. ;)
Keeper is now on Instagram. :-)
My heart just about melted as I watched Keeper and Lu race and chase in the back yard. It was exactly a dream come true of a perfect homecoming!
We'll see how the night progresses. Just couldn't resist sending this video along! Keeper goes from bed to bed in true goldilocks style trying out all of Lucy's toys and Lucy hasn't put down the Cookie Monster!
So so happy!
This is how chewie acts very time we drive to pick Samantha up at school
I think Chewie adores Stephanie. They have really grown up with each other. It is so nice to see how they have developed such a great relationship. He is surely attached to her!
Reader Comments (7)
So sweet for Keeper and Lucy getting along so well already.
I love that video of Chewie.....the excitement :)
Nice to hear that Keeper is settling in to his new home.
I could not view the video.
Nice that Lucie shares all her toys and bed with her new bro.
Love seeing all the Duo's loving being with each other!
Cute video of the Keeper and Lucie. Happy that he is settling in nicely.
WOW!!! I'm impressed w/ how well Keeper fit in and so quickly. Paula must have done some great conditioning - a well adjusted little guy.
Had to laugh at Chewie. I took a similar video last week of Laci waiting at the door for her nieces and nephews to arrive.
Keeper was actually at our friends Tracy's house. They co-owned them. He was getting conditioned for showing and he is older - almost 8 months. He is having a bit of a problem with the city noises but I am sure that will work its way out. When we took Spice and Adele to Kensington market I was surprised at all the sounds, activity, manholes, police on horses. Spice was oblivious but Adele was not but she fed off of Spice's plowing on demeanor.
Keeper was a country dog that moved to the burbs and now to the city. So he is getting along great with Lucy - just needs to get used to the city sounds. I almost want to sit on a busy street with pups before they go home if they are going to the city just to get them conditioned ahead of time but that wouldn't be a safe thing to do. They do get used to it just like a dog moving to the country and those sounds has to. Ask Anne and now Shannon.
The dogs are continually getting conditioned much like we are if you think about it.
Funny about Laci - some of them surely get attached to the smaller set.
Funny, my daughters were concerned about switching days the kids come over b/c they know Laci "waits for those days." I just told them it's good for Laci to learn to adjust. She was disappointed yesterday but diversion helped (car ride) and somehow she knew to wait for them today. She always knows (and my other two dogs did as well) to look out the window minutes before family arrive home. Now how do they know when they're not far from home (since the times vary)? Is it keen sense of smell or ESP? LOL