
Logan was acquired from Yvonne Poole who is a dear friend to us. He lives with Panda, Roxie's sister.
We had a mystery as Logan wasn't himself and then the mystery unfolded. Lynda his owner wrote about it. I thought you may enjoy!
PS: Logan was playing up a storm today with Fiona and I mean crazy play. Nathan was diligently taking a video but my guess he forgot to push the record button or had it on playback mode or something. arrrgh
Now on to Lynda's mystery...
How Nana’s Logan became the Chow Hound
A Dog Fairy Tale
Once upon a time (yes, that is how it starts), a lovely little sable puppy was brought home to live with the Tam clan. The intention was that the little puppy would be wonderful company for Nana, a sprightly eighty-eight year old senior. The puppy was registered as Chicadoro’s Nana’s Logan, or Logan for short. The “Nana” part is very important because Logan loved his Nana and sat by her chair and played with her and scurried after her around the house.
One day, Nana decided she would like to try living in a retirement home and make some new, two-footed friends. After a few months, she decided all the old folks were just too old and crabby and she moved back home with the Tam clan. In the meantime, Logan had found a new daytime home away from home visiting his dear friends Nathan and Darlah and their little band of Havanese (and Terra, of course, the big, retriever). Whenever Logan had a chance to visit with them, he was thrilled to go and couldn’t wait to get in the car.
When Nana came home, Logan was very happy, and after a little while, he didn’t seem so eager to leave when he had the chance to visit his Havanese friends. In fact, he was sooooo reluctant, he would plank himself in Nana’s chair and the six foot seven inch young Jonathan Tam had to pick him up and put him in the car. Soon, this was happening every single time Logan was going to visit his furry friends at Nathan and Darlah’s. The Tam clan was stumped and asked Nathan and Darlah what could be wrong with Logan. Nathan and Darlah were also stumped. Logan was one of the happiest little Havanese they had every met and he had such a jolly time each time he visited his little band.
Nathan, being a very wise man, thought he had figured it out. He said that the only thing that had changed in Logan’s little life, was the return of Nana. Perhaps, suggested Nathan, Logan felt he should never leave Nana’s side, even for a really fun time. Darlah agreed and so did the Tam clan. “What a loyal dog Logan is”, they all said.
That night, now that the mystery had been solved, Logan came home and ran, as usual, right up to Nana’s chair. Lynda Tam told Nana how the mystery had been solved and that Logan was obviously sooooo devoted to Nana.
Then, a funny thing happened. Lynda Tam noticed that Logan, sitting at Nana’s feet, seemed to be focused on her big telephone on the table beside her. Lynda asked Nana if she was feeding Logan treats. At first, Nana said that she wasn’t, but then gave in and said that she had a little stash of treats under her phone which she gave to Logan every night. No wonder Logan would sit on her chair and rest his chin on the arm within inches of the phone every morning! No wonder he would have to be torn away from the chair to go to visit his furry friends! Shocking!
Ah, so Logan is not really devoted to Nana after all. He is devoted to treats. He has become a chow hound!!!