
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018


Lousy Day Out

No one wants to go out. I caught a few photos while Nathan was napping with a few dogs. He lets whomever go with him that wants to. So if you do not see your dog in this gallery, it's because a siesta was desired.

Everyone loves Stone. I think it must be his personality. From young to old they gravitate towards him and he indulges all. He truly has an iutstanding personalty for other dogs and humans. 

Louis has an update on the Leti blog.

It's Halloween so we will shut our lights off and hang out in the back of the house. It's too hard for the dogs to contend with the repeated doorbells. We used to get a ton of kids but no longer do. Our entire street almost is dark on a night like this. Dennis is nagging me to buy him candy. I said tomorrow it will be on sale - well maybe. He is a candyholic in a true sense. I never saw someone eat so much candy and never gain an ounce. Must be nice. 

We tried taking the dogs out in-between the rain. They have NO desire but still we do take them out. As soon as they get out they want to come right back in. 

I had quite a bit of grooming to do today. Those with baths won't stay that way long - sorry. 

Adele and River are here during dani's surgery and then some, I imagine.

I thought about putting outfits on the dogs but didn't have the energy to. 

Here is a photo of Jeannie when she was a wee pup!

Happy Halloween everyone! Stay safe!!


Early Evening Outside

Played with dogs today, took naps with them. Nathan some, me some. Me on the couch and ottomon, Nathan headed to bed. His was planned. Mine was a sit on the couch, cuddle with dogs and pass out for 10 minutes till Dennis woke me up saying he didn't realize I was sleeping.

Here are a few photos.

I did brush out dogs. This is recovery day. We also went and got Nathan a suit. He didn't have one. I got black tights to go with a black dress. Nothing has changed but you have to be ready. Nathan's alterations are done by Friday. 

Dani's surgery is actually Thursday. For some reason I thought Friday.

The dogs are wonderful. Brewski is extra cuddly.  Charlie thinks she needs to eat her meals and everyone else's. heh That's okay. Ali has that perception too.


Very Long Day

Sorry - long day. We were visiting Dad. It's a long drive every 5 days or so. Our daughter is coming in from North Carolina on the 8th. It is the soonest she can come. We hope in time. When she comes in, I will not be doing grooming. Dennis will be here so the rest visitors, overnight or day is more than fine. Just a heads up - no grooming from 8th till the 12th. 

Here is the gallery Dennis took.

I am exhausted and feel its more emotional than physical or maybe it is both. 

Dennis said the dogs were great. He had a ton of fun with him despite them barking when he had to go to the door. They were over the top happy to see us. I got hugs, kisses and wriggling bodies. It makes one feel good. 

I need to spend time with the dogs so not much else to say. Though I did brush Truffie when I returned home as he couldn't see. Dennis is amazing but a groomer he is not. LOL We all have our strengths.

I need to try to get water pots emptied and in tomorrow but I have a full day of grooming. We shall see how super human I can become.

Dani's Surgery is set for November 2nd.


Lexi Departs

We will miss the Lexi, Gal. She is a love who plays like silly. 

Here is the gallery.

Velvet and Mabel departs in an hour. Life is getting quieter.

We are off to Ottawa again tomorrow. We will return at night. Will we have a gallery or will we not? It depends on if its dry outside and Dennis feels inclined. 

The next day that I return I play catchup and do all the dogs I juggled as we were going to be away.

Today was wet outside and dogs going home could not go out or the water would wick up them. I know as I already did a round of drying and combing out. Only one safe somewhat is Charlie as she doesn't have any hair per se. 

Good news - I think everyone is done their heats - hooray!

Someone is also stealing a sock at night from my feet while I sleep and chewing it up placing holes in them. I am now down to 2 pairs of socks. Think the next I buy will all be black with no designs. This way the odd sock that doesn't have a match will have one. Does that make sense? I am so tired at night that I don't know who is doing it and maybe they count on that!


Better Late Than Never

This is Charlie from the Spicy crew. Nathan just received it today. Happy 8th birthday, Charlie!!


Happy First Birthday

Happy Birthday, Bonnie. Thank you, Denise for sharing these photos. She looks lovely!! Looks like she had a great time!

Happy Birthday shout out to her siblings, Finn, Marlie, Thunder and Bailey! Your mom Adele is here and she sends love to all her babies!


3 Updates Today

We had that white stuff fly around early then disappear but we got a few shots before that occured. See the gallery.

Dogs have been busy playing in and outside. 

Levon and Trigger departed. Daisy departs any moment. Scruffy and Pepper departs tonight. I will miss their fun... till next time.

Be sure to see the 8th birthday celebration before. Scroll down!


Happy 8th Birthday: More Photos Added

This is the year of the 8s. Happy 8th birthday dear Spicy

Happy birthday to all your siblings too! Marlee Sue, Pacho, Spicy, Doozie, Gracie and the late Baxter who passed away due to an accident. Hope I got them all! If not, yell at me!

This is Marlee Sue. I will add any sibling photos when received. 

Hello Darlah and Nathan,

I hope you and the family, including the doggies are all well.

This is to send a happy birthday wish to Pacho's siblings on their eighth year. Our Pachito is great bringing us joy everyday. Today he is sleeping in on his birthday, but he can do what he wants today, actually everyday :)

Best regards to all,


Happy, Happy one!

Darlah and Nathan,

Hi it is my birthday and I am eight.  I am doing hurrah  in a prop from my last performance iris an antique hat box .  Birthday greetings to Spice and my other siblings.




Fall Day With the Dogs

Such fun watching laughter. That is indeed what is happening in this photo.

Here is today's gallery.

They have been playing all day long.

Here is a short video of a few that Dennis took. Mabel was a riot!

Lexi is in the thick of things. She is the sable that is Ali's sister. She holds her own with Ali and then some. She is such a fun dog. 

Winston, Brewer, Tenshi, Cha Cha, Satch and Ty came for a day visit. It was a busy household with a ton of fun. 

Charlie is coming late tonight. She is a Saffron pup - Sage sister. We are looking forward to it!

Raven is out of heat. Hooray - now we wait for Willow. Soon....

Velvet has decided the recliner is HERS and hers alone. LOL TV time and we shall see how that goes!


Happy 8th Wow

Happy 8th birthday, Chinook, Sierra (Frannie) and Sparky! (Darlah)

Hi Darlah and Nathan

Just sending you pics of our Birthday boy today on the beach.  We can’t believe he is 8 already.   Chinook and Breeze had such great runs on the beach today when we got here, as was sunny and no wind and long walks together.  We can’t thank you enough for being such amazing people and breeders as we are so thankful to have our duo.  I could go on about their amazing personalities but you already know how smart and fun the Havanese are. He got some albacore tuna for a treat at lunch as he loves that and Breeze says it is okay, but she would rather roll in fish at the For dinner they got filet of beef with their kibble and they both loved that.

Not sending this so you will post, just want you to know we couldn’t love these two more, they are our life, make us laugh each day and have so much love together each day. 

We so enjoy your blogs so we can keep up with you and your crew.

Shelley, Al, Breeze and Chinook🐶🐶😍

Here's a video of Chinook and Summer Breeze on the beach!


Lazy Day

We met Gracie at a Whos Walking Who class when they had classes in Markham and I always called her Crazy Gracie. She was the most over the top havanese I ever did see. But she has calmed down since those classes. It happens. I rather like her!

Here is today's gallery.

I took a lazy day. I did a few baths and cuts but I didn't comb anyone out, I needed one day to regroup. I combed them out last night when I arrived home. Today they are a bloody mess and well they are enjoying themselves and that is okay. Tomorrow I go back to combing them out. 

We may be going back to Ottawa Monday. Dad is highly itchy and that's a sign of his liver failing. There are other things including the cancer but one more thing added on and he fell. He also sleeps now for part of the visit. He is tired.  He is mighty depressed today so that makes it tough especially for someone who has a high sense of humour. Oh well so I took a semi day off. 

As you will see Mabel is still smittened with Stone. Velvet watches and then gets in the middle as if to say - she's mine. They are so funny. 

Levon and Trigger are not jealous of each other this stay. Harlow is running her fool head off enjoying. We have a great crew here.

Tomorrow starts a new day!


Dennis and the Dogs

Here is the gallery.

Not a huge blog today as we were in Ottawa. Dennis took some wonderful photos for you to enjoy!

Looks like Levon and Trigger was in the muck of things and so were the rest!

Sorry - emotionally and physically exhausted and I need to spend time with the dogs other than just in bed. :-)


No Gallery Day

Marlie said goodbye....she's off to cottage country. I am very busy cleaning dogs. It's rather mucky out there. 

Harlow arrived!

Shlomo also departed. We will miss them!

Ali and Sky went to puppy drop in last night. Our duo had to tell another puppy, no I do not like you mounting me. This is unusual but on the otherhand they learned to communicate in an effective but not nasty way - enough. I am proud of them. This is why we bring them. If you have a puppy and you live around the Ajax location of Whos Walking Who, you should let them know you want to come. 

Today it has been raining off and on. 

I am out tonight with our daughter. Tomorrow we are heading to Ottawa. 

That's it. 


Play and Class

We had a ton of play. Despite my desire to run over the leaves, Dennis insisted on raking them up so the dogs had a blast messing up his progress. I told ya!

Here is the gallery.

Trigger is an exceptionally happy boy these days. Oh he is always happy but he is exceedingly happy. Maybe its the smell of the girls.

Tonight we head to puppy drop in with Ali and Sky. They had a bath today. Sky could care less. Ali was only behaving if she was plied with treats. hmmmm

PS: We are off but leaves are everywhere. Piles are gone. Dogs are laughing. 

Will do a Leti puppy update when we return. 

Shlomo and Marlie depart tomorrow. We will miss them. 


It's Sunday

I had a marathon grooming as we had a number of dogs departing. We had visitors. Nathan entertained. I groomed - not my dogs but everyone else's. I played catch up on mine tonight.

Here is the gallery. 

We head into Ottawa on Wednesday again. Dennis will hold down the fort and we will go extra early and come back the same night. This will be our new norm. It's hard when they do not live locally. 

Dani gets her surgery November 2nd. Dennis is getting migraine after migraine and I think it must be related to the closed doors and lack of fresh air but maybe that's not true. My neck still hurts but I am getting used to sleeping sitting up and it is helping. Everyone that is coming to the door is dealing with upheaval - family issues to health issues. I wish I had a magic wand.

The dogs are wonderful. No matter what is going on, they make you smile. They are medicine in a hairy body.

Politics is driving me crazy. I hate the celebration of attacks, excuses for a murder, women's rights fading etc. Most times I shut off the tv. Singing on a trip to Ottawa is better than listening to the latest on Trump. One has to be proactive. I am a Canadian and an American so I want to tune out but if I do will I be responsible by not trying to create a change? Enough politics.

I have a long distant friend - we have been friends for a very long time - back when atari came out with a computer lol  - well she had to put down her cat. I think about how I felt about Risa and I feel so genuinely sorry for her being in this position. Our animals should live longer. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were able to just send vibes that would eliminate emotional pain? 

The photo above is Spirit - Leti's daughter. She is an amazing dog. Those of you with multiple dogs get the reality that each dog brings something different. If you tap into their passion - well the memories pile up. One of our passions is swimming and till next year we will dream about warm weather. But we so try to make that white stuff fun for the dogs. Shovelling those paths though is a struggle. LOL

Happy Monday everyone tomorrow...


Crazy Weekend

Okay Stone had a bath. Raven had but 2 connections - well almost 2 and she says I am done. He's a bit miffed. He thought he was getting a bath for the girl.

We still have girls in heat till November 2.

Here is the gallery.

Between today and tomorrow I have an exceedingly busy grooming schedule. That is why the blog is so late. Marco departed this morning and I was so busy grooming I didn't get to see them. Tonight Oreo departed. Tomorrow Chester, Rosie and Charlie depart. 

Dogs had a blast. I am wanting to crawl in bed as I have another busy day. 


It's a Day

Messy Stone - who loves to play so.... He has seen better days but when I am away the dogs get a grooming reprieve. LOL Lucky them!

Murphy and Mabel hanging out. It's a miracle as Mable is all over Stone every chance she can get. Velvet seems confused at all that attention she is giving that boy. He is a popular one. Every girl likes him. He is massively popular and playful with the pups too. 

Here is the mini gallery.

As I was out today, I did not get my usual grooming and photo taking done. 

I will also have to make sure I update the Leti blog but not tonight. I am tired. 

The dogs, I am told had a ton of fun. Sherry and I had our fun. We ate food too spicy and I know I am paying for it. I hope Sherry is okay. Tomorrow afternoon Nathan and I run out to Helen and Suzie's house. But before that I have to groom - baths, haircuts etc. Then back to grooming in a big way. Sunday is a nightmare of a busy day so we shall see what happens blog wise there. 

I slept sitting up last night. Neck is better but sore. I have more movement than yesterday. On pills etc Trying to do exercises. Anything is better than the 1st night when all I could do is cry each time I moved. I am convinced its due to how I was sleeping. I am going to try to pick up a water pillow tomorrow on our way back. Sitting up is not a longterm sleep solution. But dogs slept on my legs last night and I felt like I had a weighted blanket. You would laugh. How can anyone sleep like that but gad I feel loved by them!


It's a Brisk One

This is Chloe, Ali's sister. She looks a lot like Sky due to the colouring. She has just as much enthusiasm as Ali dies. She's just had a bath and a trim. 

Here is today's gallery.

We have a bunch of fun dogs here. Dennis was out using the leaf blower (it only lasts 10 minutes) and the dogs were jumping through everything he did. I said use the mower but he has to do it his way. That's okay. As long as its not me and the dogs think it is great fun. Nothing like creating a pile of leaves so the dogs can redistribute them.

I did not have a great night and woke the dogs and Nathan up around 2am. He had his annual physical so was not pleased to not have sleep. Me, I had none. Nathan is napping as he says the physical was draining. I bet it was. Me, I could fall asleep if I sat on the couch. But I will wait for tonight. 

He asked who wanted to go up with him and Ella decided it was me and this room she wanted to be in. I will never hear the end of it as he says Ella is his. LOL Murphy decided to go, Oreo, Marlie, Chester and Mabel. Velvet decided to stay with me. I got everyone groomed except Kat and Jeannie. 

The dogs are back out in the cold windy day having a blast.

Raven has been bred to Stone. Stormy still likes the tv room with the gals. LOL

Tomorrow afternoon, I am out so short blog, I suspect.


Paradise: Another Yucky Day

Oreo was playing up a storm. For an older dog this was delightful. It was wet outside and everyone was getting damp, dirty so we played a great deal indoors.

Here is the gallery.

We think Stormy is out of heat - hooray. I will be glad when everyone is done. I will also be glad when the sun is out. Got to take the gazebo curtains down and wash them, put them away till spring. It means all those clips to hold them up also has to be taken off. 

As I am typing, it is pouring out. No way that job can be done and thankfully the dogs went out before the latest downpour. 

Marco is having a complete blast. I think he thinks he is in a treat store. He seems to be pals with every single dog. It is nice. 

Chloe is here - Ali's sister and boy do they play to the point of exhausted. She goes home tomorrow and Ali will miss her greatly - so will Cinnamon. 

Shlomo looks like a wet rag as he does like the rain. But he grows weary of all my comb-outs. I can't blame him.

Chester is his usual play monkey. He is extremely playful. He truly knows how to party!

Velvet and Mabel are allergic to the rain. LOL - Well that's okay. I am too when it is cold and windy.

Friday I am heading out with Sherry to go eat and shop. I am looking forward to it immensely! The things you can do with less dogs and no pups. 

I have update the Leti blog and will continue to do with photos people have sent! Everyone seems to be doing well.


Long Day Short Blog

I heard that the dogs had a blast with Dennis and looking at the photos it had to be true.

Here is the gallery.

He may have missed someone but hes not great in saying I clicked this or that so I need to click this one. He just does it when he has time. Still, there are some fun photos in this gallery.

It was a long day for many reasons. Dad is sleeping a lot. We did get him to laugh and he so wishes he could have a party for his birthday in January but knows its not likely. 

We are looking for a good quality tempur padding, If he sits up he gets sores as his bones are sticking out next to his skin and it hurts to sit. So - ideas. He has a cheap one but its not helping. Maybe nothing will but we are determined to try to find something for him. 

Till tomorrow. Just too exhausted and I need to reconnect fully with the dogs.