
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from October 1, 2018 - October 31, 2018


Laughter and Wet

As you know we have girls in heat. Kat has been going loco quite literally and Patches and Radar was trying to comfort him then they had enough and turned their back to him. That's dog speak for enough. It was priceless as I wanted to do the same. One can only handle this whining for so long. It seemed to work as Kat is quieter now.

Here is the gallery.

It has been miserable outdoors today and finally as the evening starts the sun comes out. Everyone needed a comb out and rinse the feet experience. I really hate rain. I used to like rain. 

I am thankful that we have the gazebos as they will go outdoors under them - me too and as they are metal tops they will remain up all winter.

Tomorrow very early we head out to see Dad in Ottawa. So a short blog it will be. I am sure Dennis will take some photos.

Today, among grooming everyone, I got a hall closet cleaned (now that was a joke). I have all the gloves in one basket, all the hats in another and all the scarves in yet another. All the old shoes and coats are gone or put in bags for donation. It was a big job. It shouldn't have been but I have been ignoring it for what feels like years. Just throw more things in and then you can't find a thing. These are the normal things I do not have time for. I also started cleaning my desk and did a ton of laundry - bedding, and all the dogs stuff we use so they will be ready for the next crew. 

I have decided after all that as soon as we have a few days that are dry I am going to mow over the leaves and break them up and not pick them up. It will be natural fertilizer and easier than filling bags. Sometimes we need to look at easy vs. oh my gad all that work.

Buddy is now home. He had but 1 connection with Stormy but it was a long one so I suspect it did the job. No connection with Raven but it is early yet. Poor Nathan gets to do all that and it can be frustrating. 

Oh my Kat is back at it... I really hate heats. 

I am missing the pups but I am getting some things done. I need to find down time too or what I call learning. I have classes online that I bought that have been sitting there waiting for time.... that elusive word.

Well, till tomorrow late... We are hoping dad has a ton of time. I know that is not realistic but still... 6 years ago they said 3 months and they fooled them.


2 Updates Today

It's been a busy day with 2 puppies going home. Tomorrow the Ozzie and Murphy departs and Murphy arrives. LOL Yes, 2 different Murphys. One is a girl and one is a boy. 

Here is today's gallery.

I am now after doing this blog going to play catch-up on grooming everyone. 2 pups going home takes time. LOL So, what you see at the gallery is not what they will be before bedtime. Silly, why not wait till tomorrow? I want to make sure everyone is knot free. 

You never know who you bump into when you are out and about. Sherry and Alene bumped into each other on a walk. We will be seeing Murphy tomorrow! 

Tuesday we head into Ottawa. We will have a very short blog. I will play catch-up on Monday.

Today we took down the xpens on the deck and now the dogs have the entire 2 decks to hang out on. They are happy.

The puppy room - our familyroom - my office is now xpen free and we are waiting for one of our sons to get home to move a couch back in. We washed floors. We put all the items away. Leti knows. She is in a funk but she gets it. 

Time to get grooming.



Wanted to send a shot out of congrats to Moxie for getting her novice and intermediate Tricks Class certificates! Way to go!!!


Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Pepper was playing her heart out and this is what she looks like. I think she will have to get a comb out before she departs. 

Here is the gallery.

It's been a day. We have had a ton of play. Stormy has been whining non stop for the boys. She whined through 2 departures. Oh my. It is tough having girls in heat. You can hear her in several of the departure videos. LOL

Marlie has arrived and is having a total blast! Murphy - well you know Murphy always having fun!

Velvet has been enjoying hiding under this table then jumping out and pouncing on other dogs. She is so funny.

I could go on and on. Everyone is having a blast. Can't wait till tv time!


Cold and Busy

This is Mabel. I just love her so! Velvet is here as well and they are 2 that try tag team 2 on 1. It's a riot!

Here is today's gallery.

The dogs ran around a lot today. I think this cooler weather has made them frisky. We had pups going home and more pups to wash for tomorrow so I didn't click much. Sorry about that!

But fun was had. 

Unfortunately Willow is now in heat. Can they all come in now so we can get it over with? No, Willow is too young to be bred but she still has to be segragated - 3 weeks.

TV time soon!!


Happy birthday to Clarity and her siblings!  Thank you Darlah and Nathan for choosing me to be Clarity's forever family.  She brought life back into my home and joy to my life when there was a lot of sadness.  I will always be grateful. 😍


Wonderful Weather

Ozzie is smittened with the girls. He's been having a blast. A girl goes by and there is Ozzie. Doesn't matter what age either.

Here is today's gallery. I am now going to groom the rest of the crew after the blog. These are busy times as we get ready for pups to go home.

Stormy has a new entry in her blog and Raven now has her own blog. 

Our car is in the shop - no brakes - yikes, broken door, oil, lube and change. Nathan had told me I could get an iphone after the pups go home. Well, it is going to the car. LOL Doesn't this happen to everyone? Can't win.

We need the car for a number of reasons but on Tuesday after pups go home we are in to see dad for the day. Blogs will be extremely short that day. Chester and Marco are coming that day but Dennis will be here. Let's just say time is running out to see him so we must. We will depart at 6am and come back by 8pm. 

Dogs had a blast today - quite literally as it was lovely outside. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be as warm but not cold. Friday the deep plunge and we have pups going home. After a grooming marathon today - yes I still have to do some more, I ate lunch outside and soaked in the rays. I surely wish this weather remained and looking at the dogs, they do too. 


2 Updates Today

This is Clarity and Farley. They are not here but Christine sent me a photo for Thanksgiving and I wanted to share as it was so adorable. So much love from these 2.

Here is today's gallery.

Barney went home. He will be missed! Abigail and Bentley arrived. They are here till tomorrow. Mr. Ozzie also arrived. I may not have clicked everyone. I thought I was over this acid indigestion but its back and its curtailing my taking photos. Sorry. I know I didn't click Ozzie as he came in the afternoon. Tomorrow...

It was an incredibly warm day. It made it up to 28c here. Oh my. I put shorts on and wished the pool was open. Another warm one tomorrow and then the deep plunge. Glad I got my plants in as i wouldn't want to do them now and may just let the lot die. Still have some that will die outside but got the majority in.

The dogs loved lazing in the sun. Abigail was highly interested in the puppies and their toys. 

Sky and Ali had puppy drop in last night and they had their rabies shots too. They are faring well though a bit sleepy.

Dogs are still loving the outside as I type. It's like us - trying to catch those last warm moments. Interesting enough not many were out in the neighborhood. 


Happy 3rd Birthday

Radar (photo above), Alvin, Mickey and Stone - did I get all of you? Hope you have a fabulous birthday!


Very Fast Blog

Doing short blogs. I was up till 4am as I had the worse case of acid indigestion. So I took a nap for an hour or so. 3 hours sleep is not sufficient.

Here is the gallery.

We have to fo puppy drop in. Not up for it but we will try to have fun.

Teddy departed today. Murphy departed today - miss them already and now I need to depart. Harper will depart when we are gone.



This is Mickey. He is Stone's brother - the only black and white in that litter. He was here for a bath and a trim. He is such a good natured soul. I really enjoyed having him here.

Here is a small gallery.

The dogs don't want to go outside so we are changing pads frequently. When they do go out, they get soaked. 

The dogs got some extra turkey tonight. They were in heaven. I tried to do some mass sits, down etc. It was a riot. 

Everything is drying out. The gopro is dead. One lens is still having a heart attack. That spill really did some damage. Printer still has issues and Dennis has this grand idea he can fix it. I need it this week so I will give him till Monday night. I did all the troubleshooting that HP said to. Oh well.... It is frustrating to lose so many big ticket items. It's all on me.

I groomed quite a bit today due to the dogs going outside and my usual schedule. Tomorrow is mega busy. We are supposed to be doing a drop in at Whos Walking Who tomorrow night with Sage and Ali. Nathan is in bed sick we think due to iritis meds as they are having him blitz it 6 times a day. Poor guy. Hoping he is better tomorrow. 

May tomorrow be sunny - please! May Nathan be well! May I get tons of snuggles tonight!


Messy Times

Harlow goes out but like some others she says really when it is raining. I can't blame her. Harlow and I are real pals. She is a gal after my own heart.

Here is the gallery.

Kona departed. I was upstairs combing out wet and mucky dogs while watching the puppies when Kathy arrived. It's called multi-tasking. LOL

As you will see in the gallery everyone looks downright unkept. Dennis said to me, have you washed Bria yet? I said no, that's tomorrow. He said good. Come look at her. She was a wet, black leggy thing with a grin on her face. It's a hopeless cause.

We are cooking turkey and all the dogs will have their turkey too. They have been sniffing near the stove. The ones that remember knows what this smell is about. Poor Kona was also staying near the food area. Too bad he doesn't live closer. I would bring Kathy and him some food.

I am still getting everything ready for pups to depart this week. My printer died - a 329 dollar all in one. It's now on sale for 259. Still too pricey but we use it all the time and did I get an extended warranty? NO. While I was trying to figure out why it was putting streaks over everything, I knocked a glass over that went all over everything. I had a grooming schedule that was insane. Yes, I was also juggling grooming and dogs while Nathan and Dennis was out. My desk looks like a war zone. I have no time to clean and dry out important things but I am. It's all hanging everywhere. Then I also had files I needed disappear. There was much, much more but its a better day today. I just said whatever will be will be. I am using a black and white printer. It will have to do. The paper and electronics will dry and it will work or it won't and if it won't I suppose I will cry then gain perspective. It's called life. My gopro may be dead in the water quite literally but we shall see. It's old. There is a new one out but maybe for next years birthday. 

Pups are going on Friday till Sunday and I suppose I am bummed. Don't get me wrong. I am happy for them but going to miss them. 

No connection with either Stormy or Raven but too early for both. 

Dennis already is starting a list at what we can accomplished in chores when we don't have pups. Can you imagine? He knows it will be just him and I. I have a closet that the sliding doors need fixing. I haven't a clue how to do it and I need to empty it and get rid of things that we never use. 

But it's Thanksgiving weekend. The dogs are dirty, messy and wet. One has to pause, give thanks and laugh at it all. I hope you can do it as well with whatever is going on in your life. Nathan's dad is still alive. I smell turkey and so do the dogs. It will be a feast tonight then I have 2 dogs to wash - yes really as if I do them too early I will just have to do them again. 

I think on the 16th, I may take the day off. That seems like a long time off. 


Bad Day

Kona goes home tomorrow. I started doing Kona and said not tonight. I will take him shorter tomorrow. As tomorrow is get ready for family and Turkey day, I thought I was up to doing him all today and just wash tomorrow. Who knew what today would bring.

I had a really, really stress filled day. Not my usual but it happens and it hasn't stopped. Each thing I undertake comes with issues so I wish it was tomorrow with less headaches but I am afraid this is it till pup stuff is ready and the other stuff fades.

Dogs are still having fun. Buddy has arrived and although Stormy stood for him he did not connect. Kona sure loves Stormy as you will see in the gallery.

Dogs went nuts - well boys did when Buddy arrived. They know.

Raven is now in heat. Roxie and Jeannie may be too. No, we are not breeding Jeannie and Roxie - just Raven and Stormy. Boys are howling. Girls are whining - okay only Stormy - go figure and I need a stiff drink. 

There's more but I am not up to it. Cooking a turkey tomorrow - I must be nuts.

Yes, Magic was here too for a spruce up. I had several others too. Long day...


Long Weekend

Here is today's gallery.

Miko was visiting for the day. It was funny to see the reactions then they got over it. Miko is a good boy. He is a tibetan terrier.

Nathan has been spending a great deal of time outside. 

The boys have been spending too much time curious over Roxie who has had her last litter. This means Nathan will have to take the girls into the gest room and I will get the boys. I will probably get Shoshi too. 

It's been a quiet couple of days. Tomorrow we start to get busy due to the holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We are - well I am cooking a turkey Saturday. The dogs all get a treat of turkey when we do this above and beyond their usual. It won't be done till evening as our son is working and I have too much on my plate to do it at lunch.

Nathan and Dennis has the dentist tomorrow. That means its me and the dogs. I have a full day of grooming so I will start at 7am till they depart at 930 then start in again when they return. Kona is coming for an overnight and will miss the turkey feast - sigh.

Wish he lived close enough so I could give him some leftovers.


Cover Play Time

The pool cover is on. The dogs were madly running on it. See the video.

Am I happy with the cover... NO. I don't want to talk about it and 3 screws are not functioning properly so they need to come back and fix in a couple of weeks. It is safe just not as tight as when it will be when fixed. Dogs can still run on it and Nathan tested it by walking all over it. 

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are in heaven as you will see in the gallery and video. They are happy. I wish it was still warm but it is delightful to watch them playing.

Ali ran across the cover without any hesitancy. Sky looked at it as if to say - not me then watched Ella run across so she did as well. Then she was in heaven.

I also did training with Ali and Sky. The way I approach them has to be different. Sky is so treat motivated that she almost eats my hand so I close my hand till she calms down. Doing beside me she kept wriggling and wriggling with excitement. It was impossible so we will try it again tomorrow. When I was training leave it - she was amazing. Ali couldn't contain herself with leave it. Beside me was easy for Ali. But why is Sky better at leave it when she goes crazy for treats? They are different dogs but it will all come together. I will persevere. They will enjoy and figure out how they get that treat. LOL They will have fun with the training - me too!


Two Updates Today

It is so wet and messy out. It's beyond ridiculous to keep them dry and combed out. Tomorrow is a new day.

Here is the gallery.

Adele is now in heat. I figured that out as she came to stay for the day and the boys went crazy. She is not being bred. The daughter needs to get her spayed. So she will be staying home for the next 3 weeks. Now that she has departed they are not going crazy. It seems she must be further along than Stormy. 

Ali and Sky went to class last night. Sky was actually better than Sly. I was on Sky. Nathan was on Ali. My back is killing me though as I was bending over treating her. Not good. But she loves me. Must be the treats!


Therapy Dog

Hi to both of you!

I wanted to share this pic of Spicy. Her "personalized vest" arrived last week so I thought you might like a photo for the blog. She is a wonderful therapy dog and loved by all!

(Thanks to Anne and Spicy for all the hard work. You are an amazing team!)


Bitter Cold Times

I think the weather has become downright cold and the dogs get this do not like it - me neither.

I call this goodbye cannas. You had your time outside till 2019.

Heres a mini gallery.

Clarity and Farley are here. We are so excited. 

I was thinking who is my all time most fave havanese? I thought hard and realized it is ALL OF THEM!! Such a greedy attitide I guess. LOL

We are off to puppy drop in tonight with Ali and Sky.

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