Laughter and Wet

As you know we have girls in heat. Kat has been going loco quite literally and Patches and Radar was trying to comfort him then they had enough and turned their back to him. That's dog speak for enough. It was priceless as I wanted to do the same. One can only handle this whining for so long. It seemed to work as Kat is quieter now.
It has been miserable outdoors today and finally as the evening starts the sun comes out. Everyone needed a comb out and rinse the feet experience. I really hate rain. I used to like rain.
I am thankful that we have the gazebos as they will go outdoors under them - me too and as they are metal tops they will remain up all winter.
Tomorrow very early we head out to see Dad in Ottawa. So a short blog it will be. I am sure Dennis will take some photos.
Today, among grooming everyone, I got a hall closet cleaned (now that was a joke). I have all the gloves in one basket, all the hats in another and all the scarves in yet another. All the old shoes and coats are gone or put in bags for donation. It was a big job. It shouldn't have been but I have been ignoring it for what feels like years. Just throw more things in and then you can't find a thing. These are the normal things I do not have time for. I also started cleaning my desk and did a ton of laundry - bedding, and all the dogs stuff we use so they will be ready for the next crew.
I have decided after all that as soon as we have a few days that are dry I am going to mow over the leaves and break them up and not pick them up. It will be natural fertilizer and easier than filling bags. Sometimes we need to look at easy vs. oh my gad all that work.
Buddy is now home. He had but 1 connection with Stormy but it was a long one so I suspect it did the job. No connection with Raven but it is early yet. Poor Nathan gets to do all that and it can be frustrating.
Oh my Kat is back at it... I really hate heats.
I am missing the pups but I am getting some things done. I need to find down time too or what I call learning. I have classes online that I bought that have been sitting there waiting for time.... that elusive word.
Well, till tomorrow late... We are hoping dad has a ton of time. I know that is not realistic but still... 6 years ago they said 3 months and they fooled them.