
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from February 1, 2021 - February 28, 2021



We had little photos today. It was mighty wet out there. I had everyone brushed out and you would swear I sprayed them with hairspray and blow dried them without brushing. They all look like wild childs. LOL

Here is the mini gallery.

This week I have what is called insane week. I am grooming each day till I drop other than Sunday which I am taking off for my bday though Nathan is dragging his feet about that. We are still carrying the ball - Dennis and I but that's a full week away. He can help with dishes, letting dogs out, cooking etc. starting tomorrow. Doctor said overdue. LOL

In less than 2 weeks we can be whelping litters so lots to do. Exciting times but tiring. Remember if we have night litters I am the one who carries the ball the night before through the next day often having no sleep for 48 hours. So, asking for next Sunday as a birthday present isn't too much to ask. My birthday isn't till the 24th but we need all hands on deck by that date. If I am not proactive Sunday will not happen either.

I am also decorating whelping towels, face cloths, whelping box etc. Dennis and I will be setting up next Saturday - 6 days from now - yikes! I guess I lose my room space again. LOL Time to declutter.

Dogs had fun today. They were not crazy about outside but our house is dog friendly and they have a ton of room to play.

I am playing catch up on walking dead. I am so over that show but Dennis uses the exercise bile to watch and keeps asking me to so we can discuss each show. At least this episode I want t see the next.  I am also watching Wandavision while I groom and Resident Alien. Every now and then I put on something serious.


Best Kisses

For such a little thing she has the longest tongue.

Here is today's gallery.

I only did a few baths today, Nami, Rebel, Truffie and said enough. I think I am burning out from doing too much in a day and no down time but in a few months pool time! My grooming schedule is crazy but soon pups so we do what we need to.

Nami was so delighted to snuggle with her dad today. They all got turns.

Dogs got saturated. Sun did come out. You had to have wading boots on outside but that seems to have settled down. I find dogs do NOT like wading in cold water. Do you blame them?

Harlow has returned to remind me that snow angels are the BEST!

Spirit was bred today. We will have an overlap so no sleep in our own beds or Dennis get into his this time but start of summer and late summer so I am sure people waiting will be delighted with the timing. If Spirits turn out anything like Rebel - I will want to keep them all but I can't - I have her and she's worth everything. Back to many blogs soon.


Warmer But Rain?

Who needs to eat when you can have more fun guarding it, says Roxie.

Here is the gallery.

Long day so I am rather tired. Dogs all had fun. Dallas hasn't been here for a long time so it was good to see her. We had a full house of day/grooming visitors.

Warm weather is coming and rain they say - joy. Why do I bother to wash the dogs? LOL


Play Fun

Here is the gallery.

Ripley has been over for the day and really connected with Stone. It was such a pleasure to have him today. He departs tonight.

We had a doctors appt today with Nathan and he was told he is in really great shape. It seems his arthritis has fused so now he has just aches now and then. He also told him he most likely has 30 plus years with all his recent test results. The doctor kept going on and on how wonderful he is no longer on pain meds and that he did that himself. He said most people live on pain pills the rest of their lives and if he had he wouldn't have realized he hardly has an arthritis issue any longer. I told him he has till Monday till normalcy - chores and all. LOL I need my day off before pups.

Truffie is still crying for the girls but Sage is no longer interested and Spirit - well it's not time yet. I will need a break after this - for sure. I did wash Spirit and Sky today. Both dogs I wash with different shampoos as their hair is different. Spirit hardly needs any conditioner at all. Sky's hair does well with a good quality conditioner. Each dog is different. Sort of like our own hair. We can't all use the same shampoo but that would be easier if we could.

Does anyone have a large ultrasonic machine they want to sell? I am in a need for my grooming stuff.

Also, if anyone has old towels, full size, hand towels and face cloths they were going to heave, I am in need. I need them for the whelping box as most of mine has gone rough from too many washes. If anyone wants to sell baby comforters, I may be interested in that as well. Interesting enough the dogs complain about rough. No lie! We are back in concentrating on pups once again.

Belly shots are up on Misty and Raven's blog.


Melting - I'm Melting

This was Benji cooling off after much running. He departed today. He was delightful to have overnight.

Dennis told me I forgot half the photos yesterday. So, I added the rest in to yesterdays gallery and added today's in and here is 2 days worth. LOL

We had Rosey, Benji, Ellie and Daisy here. They have all departed today after grooming. They all had a total blast. Brewer was also watching the cardinals and didn't chase them as he usually does - just followed the movement. I can't blame him. It's actually soaken wet out there despite it looks like we have snow. It's wet, drenching stuff. Out front is almost melted completely.

I have been grooming all day as we had the great meltdown and they got SOAKED.

When and where I can, I bathe my own. This is Ella who was busy making a mess of herself after the bath.

I meant to do belly shots but didn''t get to them. Sorry... tomorrow - tomorrow. :-)


The Play in Wet

The resident Rebel is the player with all new. Today it was Benji.

Here is the gallery.

I am not sure how the dogs are doing it as they literally get SOAKED from the melt then it gets cold and it is icy. Benji is having a great time.

Brewer's dad sent me this photo of Brewer.  He likes to snow dive too. What a riot!

Hate this melt as everyone gets soaked and as I am grooming to depart, I must not let them outside.

Nathan is doing well. He's getting ready for being the whelping nurse for Misty and Raven. See their blogs for dates for xrays. My birthday is on the 24th so I said to him for a present I simply want a full day off before gals whelp as there will not be a day off for many months. I selected the 6th to set up whelping boxes and the 7th for my day off so no grooming that day.

Dennis is trying manual focus on my camera. He is trying to learn. I applaud him as many people never get off autofocus.

Last night I woke up to this damp feeling. I bolted up from the dead of sleep thinking someone peed in the bed. That never happens but your brain goes strange places when you sleep and wake up suddenly. Truffie was crying - which happens when gals are in heat. It's non stop day and night. he is the one who woke me up. I love that boy immensely but during heat he frustrates me but I also get it on a level. This too shall pass. What was the damp I felt? Wet dogs that I didn't dry before bedtime. I sabotaged myself. LOL Brush out began this morning but they are back to a mess. I dream of wind warm blowers throughout teh house to air dry them. LOL


Short Blog

As you can see it is after 830pm and I am just blogging. Here is the gallery.

Harlow just departed. Tia was here and the Tenshi also left us. We miss them already!

In the gallery you will see sopping wet dogs. It snowed. It rained and well it was a mess.

Dennis will take them out again so I can sleep with wet dogs. LOL I am not blow drying them again. I may regret that!

I bought these new treats for dogs that I am told are supposed to be exceedingly good for teeth cleaning but they are not cheap. Anything for the dogs. I only got one package when I really needed 2 so they are sharing here. They are called 

Premium Himalayan Dog Chew sold by BulkBullys and you get them on Amazon. The dogs love them here but they don't love that everyone doesn't have their own. I am told they work but I just got them so we shall see.


A Small Update

Harlow - my gal you are comedy in the making. The expressions - you have to love it.

She goes home tomorrow. She is always missed. If she had a wrist watch, she would tap it to say - dinner, breakfast - what are you waiting for. It makes me laugh!

This is a no gallery day.

Nathan drove me to Shoppers, the bank and Brunos today. Me, I am taking odd moments to relax.

I told Nathan for a birthday present I want a true day off before my birthday in March as on my birthday we will have pups and that means no time off. LOL

Ms Tenshi gal is coming today. Now that is very exciting. Ellie comes tomorrow.

I have a friend that has no water in her home and won't till spring. Can you imagine no water all winter? I so wish I could help her but she is in the states on the wrong side of the country. LOL One wonders how you can gift water.


Ellie and Archie Visit

Here is the gallery.

Today we had silver Ellie and Archie visiting. They had a ton of fun. Bonus you will see Nathan's body playing with them. We kept meaning to run errands but never made it but tomorrow we will attempt. Nathan has been napping with the 3 girls in heat and they are loving it.

Dennis took photos of 2 male cardinals and another bird - not sure who it was. It seems the 2 male cardinals are squawking at each other. He is so trying but he also took photos of the dogs.


Snow Diving

We are known for our dogs diving into the pool but Ellie dives into the snow - no lie and it's hysterical.

She had the best time.

Here is the gallery.

Here she is playing with Nami.

The dogs now all have bones and all separated so no one tries to take theirs. Dennis went to take them out and went oh you gave them something. No way they will leave that to go outside. I said sorry but....

See Sage's blog to see that Truffie finally ate... Stormy is now in heat. We will survive. :-) I am so in love with sour dough bread these days for dipping in stew and soups. I feel like a little kid dipping bread but it's good.

We are in meltdown so I suspect tonight that will bring ice. Stay safe. Walk carefully and hug those dogs - will ya?


Two Updates Today

The young ones know how to entertain the guests. Here is Bailey and Rebel.

Here is Pablo and Nami. They had a blast but someone took out Pablo's elastic. hmmm There is something about crisp air. It invigorates the dogs.

Here is today and yesterday's gallery.

Not much to say other than the dogs had fun and we are expecting more snow. But I am not seeing it yet. Are you in the looking forward to snow zone?


Happy 7th Birthday and Happy 65

Here is a picture of Katie and I celebrating our birthdays. Katie turned 7 yrs yesterday!! Where does the time go? I turned 65 yrs old on the 11th! Can't believe I'm now an official senior citizen! Katie wishes her brother Odin a happy birthday.

Hi Nathan & Darlah,

    Long long long time no chat/see. Like everyone else, we haven't been going away for a long time. I can't believe its Odin's 7th birthday today. Odin would like to say "Happy Birthday" to his big sister. He wants to say "Get well soon" to Nathan too.

    Appending a recent picture of Odin here, he misses u guys....


No Gallery Today

Tomorrow I will double up the photos and have a gallery. Today I need to breathe - if that makes sense.

Dogs were not as thrilled with the snow as they were yesterday. Perhaps with tomorrow's storm they will be.

Misty threw up all over my bed and me last night so I am tired. She was energized after that. I guess morning sickness is not gone.  Isn't that a wonderful visual site? I have walked upstairs 12 times today.

Tomorrow is groom and catch-up day. Time to at least get things organized for pups. I am going to play with the dogs tonight, have a gin and tonic and maybe play a game on the ipad. That is, if things don't get in the way. LOL


Snow Came

The snow arrived. We didn't get as much as they were saying but it was enough to have Dennis shovel, me clean off the car and warm it up for Nathan. Roads were awful this morning. They really didn't get even the main sanded so it was slippery. On the way back the main roads were clear.

Dennis tried an electric shovel that a friend gave us. They bought a snowblower and is never looking back. As this is a cheap one, you can't direct the snow. It just goes forward and when it is windy, your glasses and face gets the brunt which happened to Dennis today. He was so frustrated. I promised him next year a snowblower. He went out at 7am and I fed the dogs as he wanted it all done before Nathan's appointment. We had to leave at 10am. The dog's just looked at Dennis as if he was really nuts. That's okay. they needed some comic relief and they got it.

By the time Ellie and Brewer arrived he had some paths done so Ellie didn't have to do the jump and sink like Rebel did. Rebel puts her whole face in it and Nami does snow angels much like Harlow except she also tunnels through the snow like a shovel.

Here is the gallery. I took photos and Dennis took photos.

I finally got everyone brushed and well they look like I did nothing after Dennis' took them out for a run. I wish Dennis allowed videos or photos of him but it is a bloody riot. He jumps like a pogo stick all over the backyard and the dogs jump and chase and have a grand time. Then they come in for me to comb. I am not done yet so back to it. LOL They truly have a crazy fun time with Dennis. If I hadn't been so busy, I was going to do snow angels with them. Till next time!

Looks like Nami is holding her colour. I thinj she is darker than her mom.


Snow Coming?

Leave it to Rebel who knows how to have fun. We are waiting for the big storm that is coming overnight. Let's see if it materializes. They say freezing rain in the morning about the time I need to go out.

Here is the gallery.

Dogs really have a full day. They play and play. Murphy and Brewer departed today. Ellie may or may not come depending on the weather. If we really get a lot of snow, we may have some fun paths and tunnels for the dogs.

It sucks for those that need to drive but wonderful for the dogs as cold means the snow won't stick to their hair. Hooray!!


Happy Valentine's Day

Here is the 2 day gallery.

Short blog today but the dawgs are having fun. Hope you all are enjoying the day! Tomorrow I get back to grooming.

I want to say a special thank you to Glory and Louis mom and dad for sending over a heart friendly meal so I didn't have to cook for one meal. Nathan eats lately like he is starved. Who eats that much and doesn't gain. LOL Not I.

We have xray dates for the gals. I will post on their blog. I need to do a calendar but haven't had the time. Lately I feel like I am falling down on the job. i will get better. :-)

We had a dusting of snow last night and Dennis had them out running. It was fun to watch.


No Gallery Day

Sorry folks, I tried and tried and we have an issue with the gallery uploading. I am taking it as a sign. LOL

Shady, Nora and George was new in the house. George is now home and Shady and Nora add a new element to the house. Both are playing. George and Shady are pictured above.

I was supposed to ship out books for Nathan and the club and I just missed the closure today and looks like they are not open till Tuesday. WTG Darlah but I had grooming on a timeframe that had to be met. It is what it is.

I am still hoping for snow. I need more Pet Safe deicer junk for the front. It's been too cold to snow and mega ice in my front. I use and use and use it and it doesn't make a dent.

I am waiting for Nathan's Valentine's Day present from me that is supposed to arrive by 10pm tonight. My present will be no grooming for the day and I will play catch up on Monday.

I also have grocery gateway delivering tonight and the only time slot I could get is 7 to 9pm. That's okay. Nathan is eating so much fruit that I am having to replenish.

May everyone have an amazing Valentine's Day. If you are alone, treat yourself. You deserve it!!


Play Times

Shlomo was over and had a great time playing. Usually we do not catch him as by the time you go get the camera, he's done but today he played and played and played.

Here is the gallery.

Sage is in heat so the boys are all going crazy. No one else yet. Sorry but oh my gad such timing. I have to start updating Misty and Raven's blogs. I have just had so much on my plate as you can see I am updating this blog at 840pm. I will try to get with it. LOL

Tenshi departed tonight and she always has a blast. Reggie can now see as I trimmed his face.

Till tomorrow....


Late in the House

Leo and Rebel had an amazing time today as pups should. LOL Leo plays with everyone just like Rebel does. You can see it in the gallery.

Murphy and Misty enjoy each other's company but tonight as Nathan is downstairs taking over my tv (rare treat) Saffron and Murphy are spooning at his feet.

Rebel is still coming through the bars as she can't help but to see them.

I find I have a crazy day. My bed has bedding on top waiting to be made. I am blogging and its 850 at night. Nathan is eating so much and still not gaining. It's an insane amount of food.

Dennis is learning the camera and as of late all the photos are his including the mid air ones.

Tomorrow is a very full day. On Sunday I will toast a day off. :-)


Visitors in the House

Daisy was here and she couldn't stop playing as you will see in the gallery. I wonder if she is tired tonight. :-) Gucci was here but not many photos of her as she was groomed then off she went. She had fun before she departed though!

Magic was being a cheeky thing playing with me after she was groomed. She was having fun and so was I.

Short blog tonight as blogging is getting later and later but there are lots of photos. :-0