Melting - I'm Melting

This was Benji cooling off after much running. He departed today. He was delightful to have overnight.
Dennis told me I forgot half the photos yesterday. So, I added the rest in to yesterdays gallery and added today's in and here is 2 days worth. LOL
We had Rosey, Benji, Ellie and Daisy here. They have all departed today after grooming. They all had a total blast. Brewer was also watching the cardinals and didn't chase them as he usually does - just followed the movement. I can't blame him. It's actually soaken wet out there despite it looks like we have snow. It's wet, drenching stuff. Out front is almost melted completely.
I have been grooming all day as we had the great meltdown and they got SOAKED.
When and where I can, I bathe my own. This is Ella who was busy making a mess of herself after the bath.
I meant to do belly shots but didn''t get to them. Sorry... tomorrow - tomorrow. :-)
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