The Play in Wet

The resident Rebel is the player with all new. Today it was Benji.
I am not sure how the dogs are doing it as they literally get SOAKED from the melt then it gets cold and it is icy. Benji is having a great time.
Brewer's dad sent me this photo of Brewer. He likes to snow dive too. What a riot!
Hate this melt as everyone gets soaked and as I am grooming to depart, I must not let them outside.
Nathan is doing well. He's getting ready for being the whelping nurse for Misty and Raven. See their blogs for dates for xrays. My birthday is on the 24th so I said to him for a present I simply want a full day off before gals whelp as there will not be a day off for many months. I selected the 6th to set up whelping boxes and the 7th for my day off so no grooming that day.
Dennis is trying manual focus on my camera. He is trying to learn. I applaud him as many people never get off autofocus.
Last night I woke up to this damp feeling. I bolted up from the dead of sleep thinking someone peed in the bed. That never happens but your brain goes strange places when you sleep and wake up suddenly. Truffie was crying - which happens when gals are in heat. It's non stop day and night. he is the one who woke me up. I love that boy immensely but during heat he frustrates me but I also get it on a level. This too shall pass. What was the damp I felt? Wet dogs that I didn't dry before bedtime. I sabotaged myself. LOL Brush out began this morning but they are back to a mess. I dream of wind warm blowers throughout teh house to air dry them. LOL
Reader Comments (2)
Thank you for the great news that Nathan is doing well! And I'm a few hours early, but Happy Birthday!
Ozzie loves the snow, too, but thankfully he does not dive into it. He just wants to be out in it, constantly.
So glad to hear Nathan is doing well. Looks like Benji is having tons of fun, as expected! We're excited to eventually have one of our own, and a regular playmate for Benji!