
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from February 1, 2019 - February 28, 2019


Snow Deck and Play

Here is the gallery.

Dogs had a full day. It is interesting who is playing with whom. It switches out. Ali seems to play with all. Dallas seems to like Sky. I could go on and on but everyone is doing really well.

We have a puppy departing so this is a short blog tonight.

Yes, we got a tad bit more of snow and nothing else.Good weather on the way? You tell me!


It's Snowing

Dallas says, really?

Yes, it is snowing! The dogs run, play and then run back in. LOL

Here is the gallery.

They will have many more opportunities to play in the snow but I won't be clicking. I will be playing instead. Forgive me!


The Look and Cold

The melt is now ice and I find myself holding on to things to walk. I am so tired of ice and the dogs are too. But I find the back of the yard is pure snow. You can walk easily on it. they say more snow is coming tomorrow.

Here is the gallery today. 

The dogs are really having fun and even the visitors are enjoying the wee pups.

Stay safe tomorrow, that is if the storm materializes. Our 110km winds didn't here. We are thankful. We had wind and the dogs did well. I am a firm believer in taking them out under the gazebo in a storm. You fear what you do not know and I love storms till they create damage. I think the dogs feed off of me and my enjoyment.


Windy Daze

Here's Shoshi blowing in the wind. It's windy but not as windy as all around us, it seems. From Angela, to Christine the weather is awful and we seem to be in this void of yeah windy but not so bad. Good thing as Dennis couldn't bring in our lights as the solar cords were frozen into the ground.

Here is a gallery. I may add to it later but not now. 

Dogs are all playing with the 2 pups. It is nice. They are back in their xpen now and sleeping. 

Dogs are playing indoors and out but mostly indoors today. It has become bitter cold. 

For those of us that are facing brownouts or blackouts, we are here - no charge in case there is a need.


Can You Play

We had the pups out with the adults. They did really well. You will see a gallery of them and videos on the Raven blog. 

Weather is okay. No 110km winds they have been predicting so far. We did have a pond out front and back due to the warm weather that is about to drop and turn to ice. Dogs got mighty messy. 

Here is the gallery.

I am going to do short blogs again as I am simply exhausted. Still have to bring the younger set upstairs and finish blogs. 

Murphy, Levon, Trigger, Coco and Cody departed. We already miss them. Charlie returned tonight in case the weather gets bad. I don't blame her. Everyone came early, it seems - well almost everyone. 

Till tomorrow!


Very Short No Gallery Day

Marco departed - Charlie too. We had 3 pups go home. I washed 1 pup and 9 dogs today. That's a new record considering we also had the pups departing and me not grooming during that time. I am DEAD... well I feel that way and I have blogs to do.

Dogs have had fun. 

I am doing short blogs across the board. 


Murphy Mess

This is what Murphy looks like after she has napped. Have to laugh.

Today we had 2 pups go home. I also had to wash 3 pups, 3 adult dogs and I am spent but I must get the younger set upstairs.

Here is a small gallery.

Dogs have had fun today. Tomorrow Marco and Charlie depart. Sunday Cody, Coco, Levon and Trigger. Tonight I heard Nathan say - I will see you tomorrow to Tenshi and its Friday. 

The dogs must think we are nuts.

Off to upstairs with the younger set.


Wet and Messy Plus Food

You will see some mighty messy dogs in this gallery. We had a meltdown and the dogs got soaked. Now we have a freeze. Got to love it. 

In this photo you will see them so intent on feeding time. Nathan is creating the dishes and well tonight they had bacon added into their food. 

I am still brushing out dogs as they got to be rather a mess but they had so much fun. Only Murphy is in decent shape. Funny how that worked out. It's an ice rink out there now and there is a shortage of salt for streets etc so drive safe.

Marco goes home on Saturday. He's going to sleep for a week. Cody, Coco, Levon and Trigger depart on Sunday. Pups are also going those days. The play that has been going on with this crew has been amazing. 

Dennis is going to watch the pups so I can have tv time, snuggles and grooming on my lap. 


Testing Live Pictures With Iphone and More

Short blog today. I was up till 4am with Kat. He was insistent on keeping just me up. This morning, he had a massive bowel movement and he seems better. Sorry about being graphic but I am dead. I need sleep so short blogs it is. 

 You can only view the live view action on an ipad or iphone. It makes sense but too bad.
Just testing. This is Marco and Cody. Wanted to see if I could post and have live action.

 These two should get together. The moms would love seeing how well they adore each other. 

Here is the gallery from today.


Sun and Beds

Very bright sun. This is the year of the melt and ice. We have gone through so much to try to make it safe to come to our house and every other day it feels as if we are throwing more salt out so no one falls. 

Here is today's gallery.

This is Amy who was visiting. She had a spruce up.

This is a mega headache day. I had a dematting job and our garage door - well the bottom half stayed in the ice and the top half went up breaking the door. Got to love this luck we have. How much are garage doors? I don't want to know. Nathan is figuring it out.

While Nathan was out food shopping, I had each dog come one by one for hugs and hang outs on my lap. Now that was fun. 

Dogs are playing wonderfully. Charlie, Ty, Amy and Benny went home today or is going home.

Harlow has decided she likes the Casper bed. We got a deal on them due to a rescue sale - 35.00 for a 150. bed. The dogs try to take over this bed and if Harlow gets up they run for it, I guess they like it. But Harlow makes sure she always gets it back. LOL


It's a Day

This is Teddy. He was here for the day. He had a lot of fun and so did we watching Teddy and everyone else.

Here is the gallery.

You will also see Reggie. I didn't cut his front legs. A groomer downtown did. No one has time to deal with knots, it seems. 

Everyone has been playing like crazy. You will see some in the gallery. 

But this is a short blog again as - well I have 2 more blogs to do, galleries to build then all my chores. LOL

We had these litters as we didn't want everyone to wait so long and then we had them and some chose to wait anyways. We can't win but never will we go through this craziness again. I will not cut corners for dog care and puppy care. So what goes? The tv, relax time, sleep. LOL

Dennis looked at me and said we really need to get the Cinnamon pups upstairs to play. 

How old are they? LOL

I do so love the dogs. I mean that from the depths of my soul.


Fun Was Had

This is Benny, Kat's brother. He is visiting us. He is a wonderful love!

Here is the gallery.

The past few days Marco and Cody have been playing up s a storm but I finally had a camera on hand when they were in mid action. You will also see many of the others playing like crazy.

It's been a day of huge fun for all. 

Nathan is taking a nap with those that wanted to go. When we have a busy day he takes one late. The dogs enjoy the naps too!


3 Updates Today

The Ozzie departed today. Lexi Departed. Charlie departed. Benny, Dolly and Trouble arrived. It's been a busy but fun day!

I am running out of steam though.

Here is the gallery.

I am updating way too many blogs and each night I am finishing just before sleep so blogs will be short till further notice.

Besides, I need to cuddle with dogs, play with dogs and I am sure you get that!

Now I need to clean the puppy pens, wash all the water dishes and on and on. :-0


Happy 5th Birthday

Katie and Odin are now 5 years old - wow!

This was one of my most fave photo of them with their mom. I liked it so much, it hangs on my wall!

Outside tie - didn't expect for her to get pregnant without a connection - our first time. Was going to breed her next heat. This is Abigail's daughter. She's a tiny gal - pups were 7.4oz and 6.5 oz at birth. Vet thought c-section. Not a peep just panting and she had precious beings. Sire is our Kat. 

We have 2 birthdays today. This one 5 years ago and the one below 8 years ago. Special date, I say!


Happy 8th Birthday

Happy birthday to Cody, Lady Abs, Sadie and Truffie.

Cody is visiting us so can I say steak tonight for dinner? 

We called this the Ultimate Truffle Gang!


Some Do Some Don't

Here is a video of Clarity and Farley watching the talemaker videos on the IPAD.

Sorry folks - very short blog - no gallery. It's been a really crazy day as we had puppy potentials here and in a few minutes a puppy departs. I have not eaten yet so blogs will be short. I will play catch-up tomorrow but till them enjoy Farley and Clarity. 

Tomorrow brings birthdays!


In and Out Play

This is Marco, Stormy's brother. 

The dogs have been playing in and out today. 

Here is a gallery.

It's a crazy ball of fun group. 

We have had an insanely busy day today. Tomorrow wil be just as busy so we are short blogging it tonight!


There are Days

Everyone deserves a bad hair day and Sky seems to be preoccupied with them. She has class tomorrow - yep on Valentine's Day. Nathan promised me a lobster sandwich from the Good Catch to make up for it. We have a gift certificate and after this month - its all we can do. I love their lobster sandwiches so that's okay. 

Here is the gallery.

The dogs played outside a great deal today but we didn't get the snow they predicted. Looks like Montreal got more than us. Anne made amazing high paths for the dogs to run down - a maze at her home. Us, we didn't even shovel.

Can you believe we still have not found Charlie's birthday present. It must be buried deep out back.

Dogs had their dental chews. I dried out chicken strips so after their comb-out they got that. They are happy campers despite the brushing. LOL

Christine also sent me a video. I have to figure out how to save it to share. Her two are watching our videos on the ipad. What fun!


Lots of Photos

Here is Jeannie and her baby Willow. I have to tell you they have been playing and playing. 

Here is the large gallery.

I do believe the dogs like the snow. I am hoping it doesn't turn to ice as they have predicted.

I do not believe it will be a huge storm though it is supposed to snow till tomorrow night. We shall see.

Dogs are quiet inside. Sure they play but lately they have been noisy so Dennis doesn't get much sleep. He does fade out in the recliner at night now that the pups are older. He looks forward to having a couch back here. 

Last dogs in from outside always is Inula and Sky without fail. They think this weather is a gift. Even Charlie and Ty are enjoying the white stuff. Now if it will remain white stuff - well that's okay with us here.


Cooling Play

Some dogs truly like to chill in the snow. Willow is one of THOSE dogs. Wait if the snow materializes how much fun she will have.

Here is the gallery.

Marco has arrived. Silliness has ensued. He is just like his sister Stormy!

Poor Nathan has puppy potentials coming and he ran out of his meds so he is not doing well. His doctor made him come in to get a renewal. We need a good pharmacy other than Shoppers that has truly gone downhill. We have been with them since oh 30 years. Nathan is loyal. They always forget to fax the doctor unless you nag them and for a fee they will give you a day of pills to get you by. Poor Nathan trudged off to the doctor and they blame Shoppers and Shoppers blames the doctor but it has happened so much that we don't care who is at fault. He has pills he is not supposed to skip and he has been without all weekend. The dogs have known something is wrong as they have been snuggling him to a point that borders ridiculous. Interesting how dogs are intuitive.

Dogs have been out to play many times. Nathan picked up steak for the moms on his way back from the doctors. He grinds up some for all the dogs. The dogs are spoiled. Kat slept all night. Nathan not so much. He will be better now.

If it snows starting tomorrow, let it be a huge one. I want to make tunnels for the dogs. But don't remind me if it is a HUGE one that I asked for it. hahahahaha