
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from August 1, 2022 - August 31, 2022


As We Age

Here is the gallery.

This is Benny from Risa's 1st litter. He is over 16. He actually seems to be doing a bit better. I wanted to bath him but I will wait till he goes home. I do not want to stress him out. Nathan babies him like he is an old man and I guess he is. Dennis does too. I snuggle him too but he sees me as the grooming person and so when I took him to the table to groom today, his tail went down and he showed me he was mighty unhappy so I said - Benny that's okay. We will try tomorrow. I may just put him in my lap and do him.

We also have Oreo the senior guy too. He is doing well and claims his spots that he has claimed over the years. He's always treated like the prince he is.

Today Stone was kissing puppies through the xpen. Truffies was kissing them as I walked by with one. 

We had a lot of play with everyone today. 


Barking for the Supper

Here is the gallery.

Much rain today so everytime it stopped we went outside. When it rained, back in. Needless to say we spent more time in that out. I hope tomorrow is better weather.

Now we have Pingo and Benny barking for their food as I type. They do have distinct voices. Dennis - Nathan - why are you so slow. We smell the fresh cooked topping. Are you trying to tease me?

I am short blogging today. I had an exceedingly painful night last night and the knee has not calmed down. It was so painful you could hear me screaming when I turned or a dog laid on my leg. It was not a fun night. Today, Dennis had laundry on the floor - about 6 inches and I realized I couldn't climb over. His hand is not better. I am tired of this. I can no longer sit on the floor with the pups. Oh well - enough complaining. I am so done with it.


Not Super Human

I am going to reduce the galleries. Dennis is falling down on the job in clicking the adults and I am doing blogs late at night and never having down time so I can't sacrifice what we do with the dogs and pups so the blogs are the reduction I must undertake. 

I will be doing 1 gallery for here and 1 gallery for the pups. I hope you can tell which pups are whose. I will put up special galleries if something unique comes up. 

Benny is back with us as his human's mom's dad died and they are sitting shiva. 

Ruth is back in hospital - not sure how long for and Katie is with us. 

I am grooming a lot and my knee was in through the roof agony today. I am taking pain pills so it is now at the dull stage. 

Spicy and Cooper depart tomorrow. They will get their final teeth cleaning and comb out by me 1st thing in the morning. They will be missed. I keep meaning to put them on a rug as a present and I just am not finding the time. I am frustrated about that.

Summer is winding down. Next week will be quieter but still doing the gallery solution. Sorry.

Dogs had a wonderful day.


Insane Schedule Today

Here is the gallery.

I just finished grooming my last dogs - Cooper and Spicy and each day I put that gorgeous bow back in her hair. This is the 1st day that Cooper didn't try to go in the pool. 

I need serious weeding in the back but it will have to wait till next year. It is what it is. Dennis can't weed around the pool due to his hand that he keeps hurting. I want to kill him. I am grooming and well Nathan doesn't groom but he may have to cut some of the path so you can walk down it. So laughing. We have people coming on Wednesday and well you can only do what you can do.

We have Katie here as her mom is in emergency. So Nathan had to go get Katie. Then he had to go to Rens as my clippers died. Hand scissoring is - well it takes a long time. I like to finish with scissors. I also dislike doing pads with scissors. 

I have lots of grooming tomorrow so it will be late blogging again. It's almost labour day and then we will get semi quiet. 

Sorry for the lateness. Everyone had a splendid day today. Weather was PERFECT!


Fun Times

Here is the gallery.

I had a lot of grooming to do today so I am late. This is Misty's Ollie who departed tonight. The family was excited and so was Ollie. Nothing like family. It is wonderful to see. Cooper and Spicy are visiting and well Cooper keeps trying for that pool. I have to laugh.

Dennis played the run game tonight. Pingo won but Pippin did a shortcut and almost won. so funny - they are so like kids.

Dennis hand still is not in good shape so I have to hurry here so I can do bed changes and dishes. I do not stop till bedtime - no lie.


Nice Day Out

We are coming up to the last hurrah of summer. Come school times, many will arrive home and settle in till the winter break. 

Here is the gallery.

Misty had a big chunk of her hair chewed off from a playmate visitor and nathan wanted to take her for a swim soo I shaved her down. I haven't finished her yet but wanted her to end the summer jumping in and she did.

Mr Cooper decided he wanted to go in but as a freshly bathed soul, we said no, no, no Cooper and he just got his feet wet. I am so laughing.

Benny seems to be doing okay at home.

Pingo decided to lay on my legs today. Then Tempie and on and on. 

I can't believe, Ollie, Ollie - yes 2 Ollie's, Opus, Shlomo are all going home this weekend. Lots of grooming and party goers departing. Come the 4th - life gets quiet again and the pups are more active. LOL

Let's hope for a summer that extends. I know I need it. 


Need a Break Today

I will try to get a gallery up but its been raining most of the day. I had a lot of grooming. Benny departed for the vets. As a 16 plus year old dog, well what can I say. We managed to turn his loose stools around. He was eating - barking for his meals. He showed improvement. The 1st day we thought we would lose him. 

Despite his rallying, after running tests, he is not doing well. They pick him up at 7pm and will make him comfortable. I am deeply sad. I know they can't live forever and over 16 is a good life but why can't they have a longer one?

I have one more dog to groom. I have blogs to do. I hardly took photos as news came in. So short blogs across the table. 

My knee is in agony but Nathan is home. The dogs are enjoying tv time - that they thoroughly adore. No Benny barking for their supper - just Harlow who we thoroughly adore to pieces. Many of you that follow the puppy videos heard Benny barking. As much as it drove me crazy - it is missed. 

Rainy day - what can I say. Hard time for the family. My heart goes out to them. 

Please understand the short blogs. 

I believe Riley goes home tomorrow. She had the time of her life and will be missed.

Here is the gallery.


Quiet Today

No rain today so there is a lot of sniffing going on. Benny is on the right. He's over 16 and he's the dog you hear barking in the videos. He barks for his food. He barks to go in or out. He's just a vocal guy. He wasn't eating at home but he is eating here. I hope it continues at home. He departs tomorrow.

Here is the gallery.

Nathan is at a dog show and won't be home till 830pmish. So, it is just Dennis and I. 

Dennis is about to take the dogs out again. They had tv time in the afternoon today. I think that confused them. LOL It is good to mix things up. 

Miss Olive departed this morning. Her fave dog was Riley. Riley and Pepper were also best pals. 

I think because I have been sick, I am finding the galleries - 5 of them too much so I am looking forward to when they are all together. We shall see how that goes.

Kinsey really loves the Tempie pups but she loves all dogs - but especially the puppies. 

Miss Murphy was combed out and looked at me as if to say really? All the dogs are funny - really comb out again? 

It's been a day - a good day! I am not whole but better.

Dennis is throwing beds, blankets, toys etc in the laundryroom. He does this often to make sure everything is fresh. I am now on load 10. Really? 


Rain Really?

Here is the gallery.

The dogs had a ton of fun. Me, not so much. I have been sick since last night - stomach issues so I was in bed at 6pm and was trying to work through it today. Nathan was at a show and he will be there tomorrow. So, I did laundry, puppies, grooming and I am about to crash again.

Dogs had a run game with Dennis. His hand is still swollen. He can't do dishes so that's on me. 

I can not believe that people have the luxury of being sick and not carrying a load. 

If I am late on mail or messages etc - I apologize. Just trying to get it all done. Hoping tomorrow I am 100%.

Dogs are happy. 



There are no photos today. It's been a day. It was raining all day and Dennis accidently formatted the stick. Apologies.

Dogs had fun. I was extra busy and I suspect I will be for the next 2 days as Nathan works a show. 

Dogs had fun mostly indoors. 

Me - I have an upset tummy that won't quit so short blogs tonight. Everyone is well and enjoying - 'cept me - I think. 


Keep on Raining

Here is the gallery.

Inside outside - rain and not then rain. What a day. It was a no swim day of complete mugginess. 

Dogs had fun or shall I say still are. Dennis is limited in what his hand can do. 

Lots of play going on. The hide and seek game was really fun for the dogs. That is what it is about.



Some dogs love to pose - I guess like humans too. Not me - get that camera away from ME!

Here is the gallery.

It has been a day. Let's start with the good - it was hot and I swam. LOL. The dogs laid out and watched me and no one wanted to swim too. I actually wish they had. Did finally get them all combed out. 

I just laid on the raft and then the sun went away but oh boy it was muggy as hey. Dogs enjoyed it despite the heat. We put out huge plant saucers with water in it and a few decided to stand in it. 

We had a rabbit come out and oh boy some of the dogs thought that game was fun - the chase game. 

Now the not so good. Dennis was watering plants and tripped over the diving board. He fell on his tailbone and as he was falling clothes and all into the pool, he tried to break the fall and ended up with a swollen wrist that blew up. I now have to do the dishes. It is his right hand. He is bruised rather badly. I said ice but did he listen? Sigh

We also had changes that I had to do all myself with pups. I am so behind as I have extra on my plate. 

I think I am going to change our name to the Klutz family. 

On a good note the dogs LOVE LOVE Dennis so they knew he was hurt so they tried to kiss him up. Aren't dogs wonderful? They genuinely care. 

We had a ton of play today but no more run game for a bit. Dennis said he is going to try hide and seek. We shall see how that goes. He is like me. He can be down for the count but keeps going. It's interesting how Butch and Olive was so attentive to Dennis after the fall. Sure all the dogs congregated around him but those 2 were very attentive.

It was a day... yes a day. It's not over but we need to learn something from the dogs. They always manage to have fun!


The Dance

Here is the gallery.

There are some dogs that walk in the door and well they dance. Butch and Teddy and Oh many others do too but they have been doing the dance off and on all day long since arrival. 

I have had a full day of grooming and have a bit more to do but want to climb into the recliner and relax. I am tired at 445pm. That's ridiculous. I am walking around with a bathrobe and socks on as Nathan has this ridiculous idea that he needs it cold upstairs so he turns the air up or is that down? I think anything in the 60s inside is well cold. The dogs do not mind it though. 

The dogs have been playing inside, outside and well inside again when it rains. Rain is just enough to interrupt your normal activities. The dogs make the most of all areas to play cause they can.


Truncated Blog

Riley had her brother over - Mr. Bean. He departs tomorrow. They are enjoying each other.

Here is the gallery.

I am late doing blogs. I had a particularly bad day today so here I begin. Tomorrow will be the same. I still have 4 more blogs to do. Yikes... then dishes, then pens then - on and on so bear with me. I will find a groove but not the next 2 days.

Dogs had a blast today - thank you Dennis. No matter how bad things are - the dogs always have fun.


2 Blogs Today: Happy 8th

Hello everyone, (sorry if you get this twice it bounced back)

We wanted to say hi as it Max's birthday along with Abby and Patches today.

Max is doing great and is the love of our life.  He is super attached to my husband as he is home with him and takes him up north where he has 3 cousin doggies.

Max is healthy and his favourite snacks are still red pepper, orange, eggs and cheese.

I hope you are all doing great and all the furry faces in your life are happy and healthy.

All the very best,

Kerry, Bill and Hannah

Here is Ms. Patches

Here is Ms. Abby

Happy birthday to all 3 of you. So happy to see photos of you. It does my heart good!


Heat, Rain and Then Heat

Here is the gallery.

As a whole most dogs do not like the rain and well there is always inside. Me, I like to sit under the gazebo and watch the storm. 

As soon as it dries out, they go outside again. 

It's like the wild west out in the back. So many weeds - a knee that won't do. I try to weed but I give up and besides - who cares. The dogs love the wild west and well there is next year with a knee that works, hopefully!

I now groom with a leg up on a chair sitting on another chair and it works. 

Today I laid out on my outside couch and the dogs were my blanket. It was a riot. Life is better with dogs. They are amazing beings!


Perfect Weather

Here is the gallery.

Dogs really enjoyed the weather. It was truly an outstanding day. We have wasps that are a mighty irritant if you have food outside so we put our netting on the lower deck gazebo so we can enjoy eating outside. It's only day 1 but so far it is working. 

They do not seem to bother the adult dogs but they really dive bombed the pups so a solution had to be found.

It was cloudy enough that the weather made Dennis' runs enjoyable for all. 

It was a good day for the dogs!


Monday Monday

Here is a mini gallery.

Riley is tuckered out after doing the run game with Dennis. Here she is settling in for her afternoon nap before dinner time. 

Tonight is the addition of ground up steak added to their food. Yum - no one refuses that!

If I added up what we spend on extras on the dogs, I could probably buy a ---- well fill in the blank. But they are so worth it and everyone eats!


It's Sunday

Here is the gallery.

Sometimes when you have the best intentions, time simply flies. I had a lot of groomings plus we changed 2 pens which actually takes a lot of time. We won't talk about laundry. 

So, I have very few photos in the gallery. We had a number of dogs departing so it was groom and snuggles and well who had time for photos? 

It's TV time as I type. This is my last blog. I need to start changing pens, fresh water, washing dishes and well crawl into that bed. I need that bed tonight and to be surrounded by all those dogs - okay Nathan too but those dogs... LOL


Having Fun

Here is the gallery.

We are having fun today. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just right - I dare say and the dogs loved it - us too. 

Nathan even caught Riley and Louis playing in the tv room. I swear the tv room is their fave room in the house as it has reclining sectional, recliners and well crates that are open and even stairs up to it all. We try to make it extra cozy for the dogs. 

Most of our daylillies are no longer flowering.  No more smashing flowers for the dogs. Yes, they trample through them often. 

Dennis says time to play the run game. So - we are done blogs...