
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from March 1, 2022 - March 31, 2022


Warm Day

Tiger had a moment or 2 or 3 or 4 with his mom Sage and he knew her. We haven't seen him since he departed. Be still my heart at how excited he was. Then he went crazy for the humans but canine mom - well he was so excited! He also lives with 3 other havanese and they are also visiting. They are settling in nicely. It's a fun house.

Here is the gallery.

Magic was here for a spruce up for the holidays. Miss Lucky is departing shortly. It was a warm day but too wet to sit outside. 

I want to thank Pablos mom for gin and tonic - strawberry. Never had strawberry gin. I am usually a purist but as soon as Nathan gets some fresh strawberries and raspberries, I am going to mix them in, put ice in it, the gin and the fever tree she brought. Sounds like a summer day indulgence. 

As I am typing, we have barking for supper going on. hmmmm Dennis usually feeds at 430 and it is now 530 so they are telling him. IMAGINE THAT! Dogs that can tell time.

The dogs enjoyed. Dennis is going to take them out for a run after supper. He usually does that before supper. Then I imagine they will do tv time as they will all be tuckered out. That run of excitement like he does it surely tuckers them out. It will be interesting to see who will snuggle with whom during tv time.


Snow End of March

Here is the gallery.

What can I say to snow. Yes, it can snow in April too but the dogs do not mind. Ms Murphy, Ollie and Pablo departs today and Lucky departs tomorrow. Will the non stop play get less once they have departed? We shall see. 

This cold seems to invigorate the dogs. I wish it did that to me.


Some Come Some Go

Here is the gallery.

Thank you, Bailey and Pippa for the wonderful flowers!! I am glad you had so much fun today!!

The dogs had an amazing time. 

Dennis is making dinner tonight. Not sure what it is but I think it's spicy. That means no leftovers for you doggies!

Mr. Pablo has been playing like crazy. Miss Murphy has been on watch and seems to be enjoying outdoors. Ollie departs tomorrow and Mr. Shlomo has had a bath a couple of days ago but already looks like he has been rolling around all over and he has. LOL 

It is TV time and well not sure why as not all watch vbut some do. They relish this down time all together in a huge way. It is a routine, I suppose that they know comes each day. Sort of like it is 10pm. Why are you not in bed YET!


Brr It's Cold

Sometimes it is so much fun you just fly and fly. 

Here is the gallery.

Tenshi was here and brought my pistachios and and orchid. Okay, her mom and dad did but if Tenshi could be a personal havanese shopper, she perfected the skill. I love orchids. I love pistachios. It's a sickness.

Today I was having to reassure the moms that the pups were not here. I do such a great job of getting them to love the experience and some is just plain their own heart that they do miss them. It is a crazy process. Both moms snuggle with me madly amd Nathan thinks I have stolen them from him.

He does such a great hjob of making sure the visitors want to nap and cuddle with him that all is fair. Sure the visitors snuggle with me too at night but listening to nathan, I swear they don't. Yes, I am teasing and laughing. 

It was a cold day but a good day! Dennis even played his VR game!


Cold Day

Although Shlomo goes outside I think today he was saying really - white stuff?

Yes, we go out in that white stuff but really - its cold today!

Here is the gallery.

Dennis took photos before Tenshi and Murphy arrived plus they opted for nap time with him. Can you blame them? 

This is called cold snuggle day! We are getting cozy!


Cool But Fun Play

Here is the small gallery.

It is cooler than it was but the dogs do not seem to mind.

Watching Winter on Fire on Netflix. What they went through to gain freedom only to have a war come to try to take it away.

I am grooming one dog at a time on my lap as I watch and then realized I had a blog to do. 

It is wonderful to have dogs laying on your lap. Kisses and snuggles are the best. Even if you do not feel good, or you are cold or just whatever emotion you have - well the dogs make you feel better. Thay are amazing human like beings - don't you think so? 


Playing Today

Here is the gallery. 

Don't you love how they stand on their back legs and play? 

Charlie, Bria, Nava, Bonham and Amy departed today. Some just for a playday - some for groom and some from the end of their holiday. Tomorrow Meadow, Jasper and Kiki is coming. It's going to be a truly fun day!

Bonham's momma gave me to die for homemade cookies and I mean to die for plus a gift card for my birthday. Thank you. I tried to steal them all and Dennis complained about just having 2. I have to laugh.

Dogs are doing hide a treat tonight. It's one of their best fun games!

Have to say missing the pups...crazy - I know. Not missing the work but the pups yes!


Got to Play

Here is the gallery.

Thank you to all that sent Happy Birthdays. It means the world to me, truly! The dogs gave me a ton of kisses. Oakley's mom gave me a chocolate mousse cheesecake - profound thanks! Sherry gave me presents that was very useful and needed. Ty's mom offered to make me something - wow thank you and I got something yesterday's from Butch's family that was chewy but not sure what it is. :-) Dennis has been sneaking it.

The dogs - well they make everything possible including the hubby and good friends so thank you!

It's been a no groom day - a day of must rest and the dogs snuggled with me. The dogs are quieter today. A couple of more dogs depart tomorrow - Charlie and Bria. It's getting quiet and no pups to run the halls with.

Busy day tomorrow - quiet today. 

You will notice in the gallery that the dogs are playing!!


Rainy Icy Day

Inbetween the dogs get to go out but its a lazy chill day when the ice is pelting here and can you blame them? Mt Brewer is here playing. It's not so often that he comes and so when he does, he is downright happy.

Here is the gallery.

This is a 2 blog day as we also have a happy birthday. Scroll down to see. 

Not many photos due to the weather but they are still managing fun!


Happy 7th Birthday!

Here's wishing all Murphy's siblings a very happy birthday.

Can't believe she is 7 already!



Safi says happy birthday siblings!

Hi Nathan and Darlah 

Today is my 7th birthday! My family is spoiling me of course!

I had a great time with you and am pooped! 

Thank you for everything - you are the best. 

Love Olive

Hi Nathan and Darlah!

PJ wanted to wish all his litter mates a happy birthday! Wow 7 already!



After Today

Until we get permission to post photos, we will just be updating this blog. Tomorrow we have the last pup to depart. 

I had a CRAZY and I mean crazy day of grooming. I spent lap time with the puppy. We had a wasp in my grooming room and can't figure out how that happened - yes alive.

Thursday is the birthday and its a day off. Dennis slept in today till 8am today. It's been a long time since we have had a day off. Thursday is mine. 

Rain tomorrow - really or snow?

Here is today's gallery.

We had two Stormy puppy brothers here - Ozzie and Ollie. I believe we have a video of it.  The brothers had a love fest play session going on today. Reese got some love in with Butch Cassidy. Shlomo and Ozzie was playing up a storm. Miss Olive, Ozzie and Ollie departed and so did Mr. Benjamin. Tonight Miss Mia departs. 

It's getting quiet.... Will I get popcorn from the movie theater on Thursday? I won't see one of the sons. Looks like another trick ski accident. How many times does it need to happen before... Okay the birthday is coming - only good things. LOL What can I watch on tv now that I have a day off? You tell me... something good... not scary - not depressing... something fascinating. Got any ideas? Maybe I will just snuggle with the dogs in bed all day. Yeah...

Thank you to Sherry for the fabulous gifts.  

The dogs get us by.... and I hope they do for you too!


Busy But Fun

Here is today's gallery.

We had a blast today. Mr. Shlomo will get a bath in a couple of days. Miss Olive will be departing. Tomorrow Ollie comes and Ozzie departs. It's fun times and Puppy Elvis was here today playing with Knuckles and crew. It was a fun day!


Laze and Play

Here is the gallery.

They play. They nap they play again. lol

Dogs are departing and it is getting quiet. That's okay too. Ms Marcie was the last to depart today. Nathan is taking his nap with some. The rest are enjoying this nice weather. Dennis is playing as I type with some.

So, 2 pups will have their baths when he gets up and then we will be down to 1 till Wednesday. 

It was a strange day today. Not a fun one but it's a day. The dogs - they are having fun!.


Short Update

Mr. Oz and Tenshi hanging together....

Here is the gallery.

It really is too wet to get decent photos and each time they go out, I am rinsing and drying undercarriages so as they say - it is what it is. I still have a dog to do as soon as I finish the blogs.

It is a late night tonight. Nathan is watching tv with the dogs. me - well I am working but the dogs are enjoying tv time. A door knock om the tv and they sounded the alert. LOL If course they did!

I also still have videos to upload.


Crazy Busy Day

Here is the gallery.

I had a lot of dogs to wash, do haircuts on etc so here I am finally doing the blogs. I need to do more stuff and may have a gin and tonic so bear with me being so short.

Dogs are having a blast. Ice is still there despite the warmer weather. The dogs are running so it is more slushy than solid ice. 

Just know the dogs are having a total blast!

We have a pup going home tomorrow and I have 5 dogs to groom to go home so Dennis is talking about staying up till midnight to clean. I am so thoroughly laughing. It's not that it's so dirty. But tonight? I think I need that gin and tonic after all!


Boots and Update

I am posting early to ask what boots do you use, if any and why. Sherry is using the balloon ones and they are irritating Murphy's feet. We do not use boots so I can't offer her an oponion. 

I call this - got to fly! It is an exceedingly busy day today and Nathan goes to class with Kinsey tonight. 

Here is the gallery.

Dogs are running, playing and now singing for their suppoer. It's a dog day fun day today!


Got to Play and Play

Dennis doesn't always capture everyone playing as sometimes he would have to be carrying the camera with him always. That doesn't work but every now and then he gets moments like the above with Jersey and Pepper. 

Here is the gallery.

It is truly special to be a part of the dog's life = creating memories and smiling. This is priceless. These may be very busy times but you need smiles. As I am extra busy, Dennis is carrying more of a weight so if he didn't capture your dog - huge apologies. We are trying. But be assured they are all playing. They also all have blankets that I am warming up for the tv room when they come in from all that wet. It is so wet out there. That means drying one by one quite literally!


Wet Play

Here is the gallery.

Opus departs today so after I do the blogs - around 2pm, he gets spruced up and boy he needs it the way he plays. All the dogs are playing but soaking floors, bodies, dryers, combouts - my day and I had lovely mac and cheese today. It is what it is. 

As I was getting the treats ready for the pups departing starting this week, I had all eyes on me. I wonder what they want. It can't be they just want me. LOL

This inbetween snow is - well a mess. Blankets galore in the TV room till I get to each and then it starts again when they go out.

On another note, we have quite a few Ukranians and Russian owners of our dogs. Be kind - help where you can. Each day I read and my heart sinks deeper. It's a sad time for the world. 


Monday Monday

Well with meltdown some cleanup but inbetween that you see Dennis running around like a maniac as the dogs chase him. It's a sight for sore eyes and then he slips - ouch. He's okay - just a bit sore and all the dogs jumped all over him kissing him. They so love his fun!

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are truly having a blast despite the wetness and they say on the 17th it will be the warmest in 10 years. We shall see. 


Happy 1st

Wishing Phoenix’s siblings a very happy  1st birthday!!!

Wow 1 year old already!

Happy 1st Birthday Phoenix and Coco! Love Benjamin Bridge aka Benji.

Coco is here for her 1st birthday having a blast. She wishes her siblings a wonderful birthday!