
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018


Wet But Not Soaked

I only had to brush the dogs once today. No soaking despite it was wet outdoors.

Here is today's gallery.

We got our alarm thing figured out. They add a piece and no worries. So the reducing phones is plowing ahead. It will be strange to not have a house phone but now you can reach me on the cell phone and you can text me. Our phone numbers will be the same. You can still messenger us or use sms on messages or however you send sms.

Dogs took a nap. Me not! The phone kept ringing as I was stupid and was checking out other alarm companies. When I say stupid - oh boy!

I think this phone was the least learning curve even though it doesn't have a home button and I almost have it the way that I want. I have a live photo of Saffron on my cell phone home screen and now all I have to do is touch it and she moves. Yes, I leapt over and kept falling to the dark side of madly in love with all the dogs. Nathan last night noticed Raven wasn't up against him and he was saying Raven where are you. This was just before midnight. He so loves these hairy beings.

Dogs walked around outside but they more than not was in slow mode not due to a lack of wanting fun but there were too many puddles. I have the allergic to puddles crew. They instead played inside bouncing into chairs and couches and not even noticing. It was great to watch.

Tonight we are off to meet Paula. The weekend is a fun but busy one. I am truly looking forward to tomorrow with Sherry!


Long Day Short Blog

Today was a fun cold and mild day all at once with the dogs.

Here is the gallery.

Nathan surprised me with an iphone. But he couldn't surprise me. It is an anniversary/holiday gift. Our phone services is or was in my name alone so after 2.5 hours we finally got it handled and then he had to drive to a store where they said they had it and only to find out they only had the bigger version. Then although we learned about activation costs and 2 year plans after having no plan for 4 years. He did settle on the larger one. In his words - I have to truly love you to go through this today. Now that made it special. It was truly a nightmare. 

We are getting rid of our house phone. That number by Sunday night will be on my new phone. Right now we have a temporary number. Dennis is freaking as he is not sure how dog people will contact him. I said they will contact me and I will send you a message or they can contact you directly. It is 35 dollars cheaper to get rid of the house phone and share data so it makes sense but I am sure we will have blips but the house phone will be my phone. My cell phone will be Nathans permanently instead of having to share. It drove him crazy. When we were in a store he could not just message me and say where the hey are you?

To add to the craziness Nathan had the new phone (wishful thinking) set up as his phone so when he handed it to me everything was in his name so I had to redo icloud and so much more. It was not fun and Dennis was drooling out of the side of his mouth so he left it to me muttering why didn't he just call with your password so it was set up right? 

But he brought me back Shawarma and laffa bread and the dogs got handouts - tsk tsk me - I know. But they so loved me not him today. Yes, I am laughing.

I combed out everyone. We snuggled. We played. We had a yummy treat. We played hide and seek. I sadly failed as they always found me and everything. They are improving!

Nathan took a nap with some as after today he sadly needed it. Me, I am having a gin and tonic and signing out. Time to play with the phone and snuggle with dogs. Maybe Nathan too. LOL



It doesn't matter if it is cold the dogs always manage to find play. Maybe us humans need to.

Here is the gallery.

Today we bought a 12x16 piece of linoleum. We had 2 pieces protecting the family room overlapping each other, 2 different designs which I would trip over. We need to protect the wood so we use it for this purpose. Now I have one solid piece that I won't trip over. Dennis had a fit. What you want me to remove what is there, move all the furniture and put it down? I said yes. He was none too pleased. I said call it my holiday present. LOL I love him but gee I will help him. It can't be that bad - I hope. Let's see how many days it takes. It just has to be done by puppy time. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have tripped and if I really hurt myself, who is going to do the pups, the grooming, the baths, laundry and on and on. I think it is a good investment.

Interesting enough the guy at Home Depot said more people buy rolled linoleum to do just what we are doing till the pups are trained. Hmm... great idea! Our son, before he owned his house did it through his rental till his labs were trained. He had carpets throughout. Us, we haven't had carpets in a long time since a late german shepherd we had was allergic to them so we yanked them all out. Yeah, we are crazy dog people.

Ash and Grey departed today. Both were playing like crazy before departure. Levon, Trigger, Pepper and Scruffy joined us. Rocky has been playing like crazy. He plays so much he deeply naps. Actually most have this afternoon siesta to gain their energy back. Nathan takes some to bed with him - alternating or asking who wants to go. They all know. Murphy is always one of them. 

Today was a mix of weather. We had a dusting in the wee hours, balmy morn, then a drop in the afternoon. It feels downright cold out there. Dogs so far do not seem to mind.

We drove by Akasaka. They have a huge banner saying closed for renovations, opening soon. There were many contractors around. That appears hopeful. Strange time to do it.

Time for snuggles and dogs and tv watching. 


Cold Tuesday

Slowly recovering. I took photos today and got everyone groomed though it doesn't look like it in the photo gallery. That's okay as I know it is done. Charlie pictured above was playing here for the day. They had a terrible flood in their house and Charlie is not fond of workers in his home. So he came to play and we loved it! He did too as he played non stop and Rocky was pleased he was here too! Grey was as well. Oh okay, they all were. :-) It is cold enough that no one is getting snowballs or wet and mucky. Thank you to whomever I need to thank!

Dogs are truly having fun today. 

I am looking forward to heats going away. Pups are coming soon. Xrays on December 7th. I am waiting till after the anniversary (December 2nd) to get things ready in here and enjoy the space for a bit more. It's going to be a crazy winter but a fun one and I suppose a busy one especially during the Christmas Break. We still have no clue where we are eating. I was hoping Akasaka was still open but we haven't driven by to see if it was a closing or a remodel. argh I should look at an alternative but as much as Nathan would like Ruth Chris, it is simply way too expensive. Sorry dear...

I truly believe th edogs like when it is cool but dry as they are simply playing like crazy. They will sleep tonight. Maybe we will get to sleep till 7am. LOL

Hope everyone is surviving the holiday shopping craziness and life is treating you well. Give hugs to yoyr little ones from us.

The snow is starting to fly though it's trily not sticking yet and there is really not that much. But I say better than rain. The dogs love it too. 

Although Inula thinks she is a havanese she really has excitement come to her life when Ash and Grey arrive. It is as if she says - ah bigger dogs - finally. 

Scruffy and Pepper, Levon and Trigger are arriving tomorrow. Hopray for that!

Murphy was missing her Saffron so much that I am now taking her in with the gals in heat and she is delighted. No matter what goes on, Saffron and Murphy are ever so tight - sisters and all. Their relationship is truly special. 


Messy Crew

This is a treat. (sarcastic) With all this rain I have been grooming myself to death and here in the gallery you can see they come in sopping wet and then veg. Sky doesn't want to come in at all. 

Those going home today did not go out after their baths. You can easily see why.

Our water meter was changed out. It took about 15 minutes even though they said an hour. Glad that was done.

Grey pounces on Nathan every morning to wake him up by standing on him. LOL I get snuggles and kisses. He gets dogs walking up him.

The house is emptying out. The dogs are quiet. Yes, when its not busy they get into chilling mode especially with rain. 

They say wet snow is coming so snowsuits for the sane. Me - I have already lost it. LOL

Did you know Hannukah is early this year? It falls on our anniversary. When it is around the same time it surely makes the malls crazy. 


That Look

I love when you have that look when you click. That's Sky. She was a muddy mess before her bath and she is halfway a mess again. Oh boy!

Here is the gallery.

I hate this mucky weather. I have a friend that has 13 inches of snow in Utah. I think I would rather have that. At least I could get stunning photos. Love snow photos. But today I groomed literally all day so hardly any photos. Tomorrow I groom all day again. Oh boy.

Dogs are having a blast. It's not fun keeping the girls in heat separate. I believe Raven and Stormy are pregnant. They are getting round and are eating like crazy. In a week we will get an appointment for xrays. 

Did I do classes like planned? No. Did I get things cleaned - just the desk, the closet but not the tv room. I am almost out of time. Yikes

Tomorrow I do 5 dog groomings and 7 go home. :-) We are emptying out on Cyber Monday. So many were shopping this weekend. Do we really have Cyber Monday?

Time to snuggle with dogs....


Rainy Saturday

Grey (schnauzer) loves all the dogs - Ash too but Grey is in total love with Stormy. Not sure if Dennis caught it on the photos in the gallery but everyone seems to be in total love with the Stormy. Here he is with Coach which he also enjoys playing with. Could it be the perfume or that Stormy is most likely pregnant so she has a different smell? 

Here is the gallery.

We have a lot of pheromones going on. Saffron is now in heat as well. Sounds like one way or another we will have puppies. LOL

We went to the show today. We bought treats - of course, a tunnel bed and some hair things. I took a video of the havanese in the ring. We watched the tibetan terriers and went to Bow Ring who is in liquidation. Then a smoked meat sandwich and home. I love, love Centre Street Deli but each time we used to go there I had an upset tummy due to grease as I have no gallbladder. Grease tends to wreck havoc but no issue this time. Hooray. 

It was nice to get out. Then we got back just after Addie got dropped off at noon. I then groomed myself to death with all this rain then I gave up. I am hoping we do not have any more rain. What is worse - snowball or rain? I am not sure. Give me sun or powder snow that doesn't stick. 

Tomorrow the Frannie gets a bath and goes home. We will miss that gal!

We have a busy house but a fun one. 


Cold Before Rain

This is Beau and this was taken today. He was here for a bath, nails, pads and rounding out the feet and tummy shave. Their vet did the tummy shave and bum cleanup. I just evened it out. What a delight to have him visit. You will see him with Leti and Spirit. Leti is Beau's mom. 

Here is the gallery. It includes a few videos with Beau. The rest of the photos, if the dogs were being dogs and liting their leg, laugh or ignore it. Dogs will be dogs.

I do believe Brewer is in love with the cold. He's as bad as Inula. 

Harlow departs tonight. We have a full house and everyone adores the schnauzers. We have a great group. 

Addie comes tomorrow. We head to the dog show for a small bit. Adele and River departs tomorrow and Cinnamon and Ella are still in heat. I do believe Stormy and Raven are pregnant. We will get conformation next week for Stormy then a week later for Raven or maybe we will just do them together. We haven't booked anything yet. Stay tuned. But I guess I will lose my living-room again. LOL

I did get a table today on Amazon that goes on the chair so I can use my laptop or tablet. It was on sale for 37.00 lol Black Friday and all. My big spend. Tomorrow anything purchased is for the dogs. 

Dennis did a big spend for pants and sweaters which is sorely needed. Hope they fit. Prices were almost too good to be true so he will find out by December 11th (Thanks Sherri for letting us know about the sale)- yes that's how long shipping is from Old Navy and the Gap. 

Each year I think of getting Dennis an electric shovel but I never do. Do you think the snow will fall hard this year? They say rain tomorrow. Not sure what is worse - snowballed dogs or soaking dogs. You tell me? What do you prefer?

Dogs are waiting for their snuggle and tv watching. 


Coldest 11/22 Ever?

Yes, they say it was the coldest day but we still managed to have fun. I even went to Loblaws which I truly abhor. 

Tomorrow I have a very heavy grooming schedule and Saturday Nathan and I are going to go to the All About Pet Show. No Black Friday for me. :-) You have to be a brave soul besides going out tomorrow to shop.

Here is the gallery.

Rocky arrived tonight, Coach and Sassy this morning. They have been mixing it up already. The 2 schnauzers are here and playing well. We have a fun, busy crew. Harlow goes home tomorrow. 

I am still obsessed with Stan Lee's the Lucky Man. Best of all when I watch the dogs cuddle with me. I rather like that!


No Gallery Day

This is Tchibo and his new human brother Maximilian. They live in Russia now so we don't get to see them but they are great updating us and filling us in. We miss them.

I have had such a heavy schedule playing catch-up on grooming that l had to cancel. The price you pay for having to reschedule. Sorry.  I am not there yet but getting there. 

Dogs have been having fun. This cold is something else but we are surviving. As I type I have my tablet and dogs all over me in the recliner and some on my neck. I can't move but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I have photos on my desktop but I will post them tomorrow. Till then, stay warm.


2 Blogs Today

This is Ali's sister, Chloe. Hard to keep her still. She was a walking, playing moving action gal on the table today. Kept me on my toes. 

Here is a mini gallery.

I had a heavy grooming schedule today picking up from taking time off. I am exhausted but I have a washer. LOL


Happy 6th Birthday

Pepper celebrating in style.Nora wants to say happy sixth birthday to her litter mates too. 
Brewer wants to wish his siblings a happy birthday. Let's see - we have Darcy, Kora, Che, Rafi, Lily, Pepper and Nora a happy birthday! This crew is from Spicy and Phantom! 


Monday Monday

Here is today's gallery. This is Sparky all cleaned up. No matter what I did he was looking messy. As I have many dogs to groom tomorrow I just finished doing Sparky and will freshen him up in the morning. 

Fenton and Cali is going home tonight. Our washer was fixed - hooray and now I have this love hate thing going on with it as I did laundry all day. LOL

Brewer had a bath and trim up today as it is his birthday tomorrow. He goes home to celebrate tomorrow night.

Nathan is off to the dentist tomorrow as his temporary falls out and has been since the day after they did it then dad happened so.... hoping he gets it fixed.

I am supposed to be watering the plants today. It's not happening. 

Harlow has Dennis figured out. each time he eats she's his new best friend. hahahaha

Can I go to sleep yet?


Falling Down

I am falling down on getting a lot of photos but it is what it is.

Here is the gallery.

The dogs have been having a blast. They don't care if it is indoors or outdoors. They play. This is Fenton and Cali in the photo above. 

The snow is pretty much melted with pockets here and there. Inula loves to eat the snow. 

Needless to say, we have a great mix of dogs that rather enjoy each other. 


Down Day

Here is Murphy getting her bath. This is a gallery of just Murphy, Shoshi, Spirit and a cameo of Raven I believe who needs a bath and is looking worse the wear. Dennis slept in till afternoon. I washed dogs and groomed them from early morning till now. I am mentally and physically exhausted. You will notice I had my table at the front door in the hall. Each day I have to unplug all the items, dryers, clippers etc and put everything away so no one trips on lots of cords then in the morning I get to do it again till this washer gets fixed. Tomorrow I have another full day of grooming. 

Mini Gallery

Shoshi had a special day having a bone she couldn't hold in her mouth.

We still have 2 girls in heat. I am pretty sure Raven and Stormy are pregnant or in full bloom false pregnancy. I doubt it's the latter.

Nathan got home yesterday and the dogs were so pleased - me too. Inula, the crazy dog that she is went nuts. It is a TT thing.

Today Nathan took a nap. Sparky arrived and is settling right in. Is he a ladies man or what!

Thanks to Sylvia and Sherry for food. Truly appreciated as I am not up to cooking but I need to be so I need to do something about that. 

I so needed a couch today but didn't get it and don't see a day when I can. Glad Nathan gets it. Someone needs to. LOL

Hope you enjoy Murphy and her dramatic shakes.

Till tomorrow. So much for tons of snow....


First Snow Nov 2018

Here is the gallery.

Dogs are loving it but I stayed up till midnight taking snowballs off the dogs. Buy a snowsuit to avoid this on wet snow. Powder doesn't stick like this. The 4 legged kind is the best!

Dennis also did a few videos. Check them out here.

The dogs are tired of me brushing these snowballs out and putting them under the dryer. It is a fruitless undertaking.

Nathan arrives home and then we head to the laundrymat. Hopefully it is empty and 7 loads later it will all be done and that's not all of it as we have gazebo curtains and chairpads that can wait. 7 is enough. 

If he says hello to the dogs before me I will swat him. LOL He will be physically and emotionally tired.

All the snow fell off the gazebos by themselves - hooray. Last gazebo Dennis would have to take a pole with a brush to take the snow off or it would collapse. Nice to have a true metal roof. Dogs like that it leaves them a snowless section underneath too. We are thankful for no wind. 

so what happened to this huge snowstorm? For shame is the weather people wrong again?

Dogs are enjoying heated blankets and staying warm. Yeah we are silly like that. We heat them up so they are comfie.

Washer may be fixed Monday or not. Motor for pump may come in on time or not. When you have no more socks, or sheets or hahahaha. It will be almost 2 weeks without a washer before it gets fixed. 

I will be so glad when we have normalcy - whatever that is. It's not here yet in so many ways but still those dogs are snuggled, loved and bring us much comfort - all from visitors to our own.



Wishing for warmer weather, Nathan home, not feeling so - not sure. I am not going to truly do a gallery today. I got the curtains done now outside, closed the trug, statues inside, pool cleaner inside. So, no gallery today. Storm can now come after I find the snow shovels.

Dennis is tuning out playing video games surrounded by dogs. Cinnamon is in heat. Raven will only eat mousse where Stormy would eat the wall if allowed - well not literally but she is starved and if pregnant a week ahead of Raven.

I am awaiting the repair guy. I need to regroup. 

Dogs are running like crazy while I was taking curtains down which was fun - not as each plastic piece that held it up was frozen. So, about 240 had to be removed. I waited too long. But as I was doing it the dogs were crazy running around. I wish I had a camera attached to my head but I didn't. I will update daily but it may take a few days to do galleries. Sorry. 


Long Day Short Blog

If you are seeing this without a photo know we are getting back too late and I am not up to it. But I will play catch-up on Thursday. 

Dennis is amazing with the dogs so fun is the operative word.

Made it home after 10pm. More later.


Indeed a Day

You can tell it was wet and mucky outside. Dogs are literally a mess. I had to wash and cut all dogs departing tomorrow as I head into Dad's funeral. I will be back late tomorrow night. It's been a day that felt like forever. Jon our son has school Thursday at 8am and I need to get back for Dennis. Nathan will be back sometime over the weekend.

Here is the gallery.

Dennis will be staying home to take care of the dogs. I also cancelled groomings and a water meter install. 

Dogs had a treat tonight. As Raven has not been eating well I gave her starter mousse so everyone got a heaping spoonful. They were pleased.

I think I needed extra hugs today so I think I hugged each dog at least 6 times even with the grooming schedule I had. Hugs are important. :0

Tomorrow's update may be late. Not sure when we will get back. I figure maybe at 10-11pm



This is today's gallery. It includes a few photo of the daughter with leti hanging off the recliner.

I am trying to get motivated to remove the curtains but I can't wash them. The repair places says Thursday afternoon. Not sure we will be able to do Thursday but that depends on dad. 

Dogs are playing. They are so wild and crazy at 7am. LOL

I will have my grooming table and all the equipment at the door all week so I can groom fun - not but makes no sense to put it back each day. Last night Murphy and Raven wrapped around my head in deep sleep. Then Stormy tried to walk up it at 1am, 315am, 6am. I know these times as I looked at the clock. I need sleep guys.

Despite that bedtime is the best as they surround me with love - each and every one. Though till I hear from Nathan its a wait and wonder experience. 

Ali almost caught a squirrel today. Yes, she is that fast. 

I need to groom. Figure I may get that in tonight as I need a nap. Think they will nap with me?