Down Day

Here is Murphy getting her bath. This is a gallery of just Murphy, Shoshi, Spirit and a cameo of Raven I believe who needs a bath and is looking worse the wear. Dennis slept in till afternoon. I washed dogs and groomed them from early morning till now. I am mentally and physically exhausted. You will notice I had my table at the front door in the hall. Each day I have to unplug all the items, dryers, clippers etc and put everything away so no one trips on lots of cords then in the morning I get to do it again till this washer gets fixed. Tomorrow I have another full day of grooming.
Shoshi had a special day having a bone she couldn't hold in her mouth.
We still have 2 girls in heat. I am pretty sure Raven and Stormy are pregnant or in full bloom false pregnancy. I doubt it's the latter.
Nathan got home yesterday and the dogs were so pleased - me too. Inula, the crazy dog that she is went nuts. It is a TT thing.
Today Nathan took a nap. Sparky arrived and is settling right in. Is he a ladies man or what!
Thanks to Sylvia and Sherry for food. Truly appreciated as I am not up to cooking but I need to be so I need to do something about that.
I so needed a couch today but didn't get it and don't see a day when I can. Glad Nathan gets it. Someone needs to. LOL
Hope you enjoy Murphy and her dramatic shakes.
Till tomorrow. So much for tons of snow....
Reader Comments (6)
Always enjoy seeing your beautifully groomed dogs. Murphy has quite the coat of hair. When will the pregnancies be confirmed ?
Thank you so much for the gallery of Murphy! It’s amazing to see the transformation.
Darlah you never cease to amaze me. Love that Murphy.
Murphy is truly beautiful. Nice to see Shoshi, the birthday gal 🌺
Kathy: We usually do not do an ultrasound any longer. It makes no sense as they can't tell you how many. One week before the due date - probably 1st week of December we will have an xray on Stormy then a week later Raven. Not planned but we had an oops with Jeannie but I think it was too late with Stone. We already had a date for spaying set for her and Roxie. Jeannie was supposed to be done her heat so post day 21. I only had Wasabi take on day 21. Usually they take day 9 on and usually not after day 18. You never know but hope not. When all is said and done its been a truly difficult time with dad and the day she connected, Nathan was on the phone as they thought dad was declining. No excuse but distracted and she was either day 21 or day 22. We knew 6 years ago that dad was time limited but since that day his wife and 1 sister thought it was his last day every other day. So, interesting timing. Roller coaster ride for almost a month and we will see who gets pregnant. A week before we feel kicking and according to Kat they smell different which occurs after a pregnancy. Dogs can be wrong and well he is after Jeannie too but maybe he is losing it at his old age. More than you want to know...
Oh dear. So much going on. I did not think that Roxie and Jeannie were finished being mommies, but then I am not up on all that sort of info. They both created the best babies.