
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from June 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024


Long Day

Here is the gallery.

Jeannie is all smiles after her dental cleaning as mommy is allowing her to kiss her face. LOL Jeannie is my dog through and through. It is interesting how some pick you and no one else. That is her. 

It's another long day and I am taking a break to do the blog. Then I am back to grooming. Many are supposed to go home tonight or tomorrow but many are struggling to get home due to Westjet. I have to get them groomed in case a miracle happens.

Dogs had fun today. No one swam. Dogs had fun!!


Outside or In?

Here is the gallery. 

Well, they said rain all day but the sun just came out. The dogs did not want to go out but we kept taking them out anyways. 

We feel bad for all those flying West Jet. Some made it away. How will they get back? Some cancelled. It is hard on everyone. Thank you to those that brought their dogs so they could have a holiday despite strikes.

Good news - still no watering plant pots. There has to be something good from all this rain. The water on the shrub seem to be glistening. As it is Dennis day off, Nathan is getting food ready for the dogs. Usually he does the morning and Dennis the evening. 

Hopefully no rain tomorrow.

How are you faring this fine holiday weekend?


Clean Yard

Here is the gallery.

My deepest thank you to Dorothy and her husband for cleaning up the weeds. What an amazing surprise and deepest appreciation.

We had a dental clinic and they came up to get their dogs done. As you will see in the gallery, it is amazing what they accomplished. Thank you again. Many dogs have nice beautiful teeth. One it was impossible to do. It happens.

Dogs went out as if to say new yard?

I had a ton of grooming to do. I just finished another and need to do 1 more. I have no time to breath, LOL

Due to the long weekend, we have a full house with most departing Tuesday. The dogs ARE having fun. 

It looks like rain may be coming. We shall see.


Rabbits Where Are You?

Here is the gallery.

It is trying to find the rabbits time. What I can tell you is Harlow is already under the brush seeking them out. 

The dogs enjoyed the not too hot weather. I was grooming all day. I took slight breaks to see what the dogs were up to. It is Nathan's day off as it is dental clinic time tomorrow. I will be grooming tomorrow.

Nathan went off to Montanas to spend some giftcards as we are watching the debate tonight. It's 3 hours away but he also is getting popcorn for later. I am a glutton for punishment. Unless it is lively, Nathan will fall asleep and I have to do water bowls, make coffee for next day etc so late night. I hope it is worth it.

It is the start of the weekend starting tomorrow and we will have a full house. It's going to be fun but oh I wish I could swim. Nathan got a good swim in today.

I am looking forward to couch cuddles. Who will I cuddle with? LOL


Is it Spring?

Here is the gallery.

It is about to rain and Ellie is using the new bed I got off marketplace. It was dirt cheap. Came with no instructions but we managed to get it together. I wanted to get one so they could feel cool off the cement when it is hot. Well, it's not hot now but trying to rain yet again as if it is spring.

Today my ipad died. Nathan took it into the apple store after Dennis tried to fix. They couldn't fix it and said as I had it repaired previously at a non apple store - well it is toast. I can't turn it off and it just keeps sitting with an apple icon on the screen. It is an older ipad. Of course my case doesn't fit on the new ipad pro. We have Coco and 

I use my ipad all day, every day while I groom - to do learning in zoom etc. I even play a couple of games in it. I was gutted that they couldn't fix it. Nathan picked me up a new one and I will pay him my tips till it is paid but I am up and going. It wasn't fun as I am on IOS 18 and it didn't want to update me with IOS 18 but I managed to figure out a work around. It is nice to have a new ipad but not the cost. Apple charges way too much. If anyone wants to have had it on my old one to fix, will pay or may have Nathan take it into the last place we had it fixed but maybe they screwed it up? What a day...

Coco and Ellie, Lachlan are here and so is Brodie and Brewer. They have been having a TON of fun. It is nice when they come in and hear all the barking. Then it calms down and they go - oh time to play!

Nathan is off tomorrow as he didn't want dental clinic Friday off. I get that. Dennis is off this Saturday. It's all the wrong days off but that's okay. You have to adjust. 

Today Rain was literally playing a game and jumping over dogs as if it was hurdles. I wish I had the camera going but that Ipad was demanding attention. Next time but she has found a new game on her own.


Life is Grand

Here is the gallery.

The above photo is Ollie happy as a clam. I have to laugh as it keeps raining off and on here. 

Dogs mostly had fun indoors. Outdoors is - well wet. The extreme heat is gone. Rain - well we don't have to water the pots. Silver linings and all. 

We put extra blankets out so they could cuddle in. They are happy.

We have the dental clinic this Friday. Still got room. 

It's a TV and snuggling night. The weather demands it. Well, that is my excuse!


Warm But Not Hot

Here is the gallery.

We still have some spots open for the dental clinic. Send mail to Nathan, if interested.

It wasn't hot but wasn't cold. It was just right. 

I attempted to use a weed whacker out front and only got half done when the battery died. I will have to get back to it when the battery is charged. I have never used one so it was an experience. 

Dogs enjoyed the weather and chilling. I had a lot of grooming. Between my hand hurting badly after weed whacking and grooming, I want to sit on the couch with a few dogs and not move - I mean literally not move. 

Dennis rearranged the lounge chairs out back to put them under the trees in the shade. Dennis loves them this way and so do the dogs. Even Nathan is caught in them. 

Dennis did a hunt for the treats game today. The dogs were in heaven.


Windy Times

Here is the gallery.

It is windy outside. The dogs go out to leaves strewn all over. 

It is lovely to feel the wind without the high heat. 

Dogs are happier. Lawn is happy as it is totally saturated. 

As I am typing, Willow is nagging me for pistachios. 

Tomorrow is a huge day of grooming. Watch it be a pool day. LOL

My berries are ripening and so are my tomatoes. It is lovely to have things without pesticides on them as no matter how much you wash you wonder how much remains. Call me crazy. LOL

Harlow is back chasing birds, squirrels and rabbits. She is in heaven. 

Noah and Zoe fared the thunderstorms without issue. I think the solidarity of the others seem to distract them as no one else here reacts. They did really well. For that, I am glad!


Birds and Dogs

We have a cardinal out back building a nest. It is carrying sticks here and there. 

Here is the gallery.

The dogs are going crazy watching this activity but it is fun.

It is now raining so we are back indoors.

I finished grooming except to brush out Logan and Panda and of course the rain came but we made it to Woodstock. It was fun to see everyone. Rain was hugely sociable. She had a blast.It was lovely to see the humans and the dogs. 

It was a good day!!!


Wet Outdoors and Hot

Here is the gallery.

I still have another dog to groom and after Woofstock tomorrow, I have to return to groom. Whenever I do anything, I groom like crazy the day before and the day after. This time, I will groom when I return home. 

I am literally exhausted. 

I am looking forward to seeing those that can come. I am pondering if I should bring my camera or just bring my phone. My phone is certainly lighter but I have to manually transfer all the photos to my computer so I can put them in the gallery. I am still thinking it through.

It has been wet and hot today. I haven't been outside so Dennis took a few photos. Dennis has been playing games with them inside. It is Nathan's day off. 

Good news no plants have to be watered. Maybe it is me that needs to be watered. 

There has been a ton of indoor play today. I watch as they run by while I groom. It brings a smile.

Hope to see you tomorrow. Directions are on the right side and so is the time. 


Hey You

Here is the gallery.

Axel says to Rain - you look like me. Are you my mirror? LOL

It was a great day for Axel and Bohnham despite the humidity being off the charts. It is hot - so hot. It rained all last night here and come morning we had steam rising in the yard. I did get in the pool for 10 minutes (all the time I had) and it was too hot to float. So, I did laps while a few dogs watched me. Then we all went into the shade. Then I got back to grooming Axel who thought he wanted to dance on the table. He made me laugh in a huge way. I was also trying to fit in doing an anniversary present - a windspinner with the 4 of them on it but realized he is so tall that either half his head was cut off or the dogs were cut off. So, I will wait till I get a better photo. Sorry to be so late. 

Dogs enjoyed the air more than outdoors today. 

I had Nathan go to some warehouse to get one of those elevated beds for $35 to have it sit at the pool to get the dogs off the cement. We will see if its a complete jumk but I am so trying to help them enjoy but not break the bank. The box looks really banged up so we shall see if it even has all the parts. My luck...

Sun has gone down so I may sit outside with the dogs for a bit if its not too hot. Off I go.

Hope you are managing to survive this heat!



Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Here is the gallery.

It is simply too hot today even to be in the pool. I spent 20 minutes. Nathan spent 45 minutes. It was enough. 

I watered the plants early and steam rose. It was funny. It was as if I was in a sauna.They say only a couple of days left. We shall see. 

Dogs are not happy. They literally go out, come back in and sometimes lay in the heat and quickly come indoors. They are smart. 

Harlowe went on for short periods of time many many times. Some said talk to the paw when I suggested we go out again. Some went out for short times. They know it is hot. 

We play a lot indoors. Wed were running the halls upstairs. That they loved!

Reminder dental clinic this month.

Hope everyone has air conditioning. It has to be brutal without. Hugs if you are one of those!



We have Woofstock meetup this Saturday (see the details on the side menu on the main page) and a dental clinic on the 28th. If interested in the dental clinic, send Nathan mail, please.

Here is the gallery.

It is way too hot for the dogs outside but early today before the heat got bad we did have Charlie highly curious with the squirrels running all over. It was fun to watch, Usually Harlow takes the lead in this but as I said, the older dogs can't handle this heat - nor can I this afternoon. I did weed 1st thing in the morning but won't today. Maybe I will try again tomorrow morning. I do not seem to have the stamina. Perhaps it is due to doing what Nathan usually does on top of everything. He is on ozempic for diabetes and since they doubled his dose, he's not in a good place so I am exploring anti nasuea non drowsy over the counter meds. Wish me luck. 

I did put a ton of ice in the water bowls and a couple of the dogs literally placed their face in it and left it there without drinking. Maybe I should try that. Does that work?

I am thankful for air for the dogs and for us. Despite this heat dome, we do take them out early to play at say 730ish and after the sun goes down then quick ins and outs throughout the day. Mostly they just want to lay in the shade - not weed. Who is smarter. Not I!


Too Hot to Handle

Here is the gallery.

As the heat arrived, we take the dogs out frequently for short bursts as it really is too hot for an extended period. They also love coming back in to air conditioning. I am thankful we have air and it works. 

Dennis had this brilliant idea we should weed. I did a little early today and a little this afternoon but really not the right time. We now have a semi path in the middle bed so the dogs can have a path. We shall see how this goes but really who has time? Not me!

Despite the weather, play has been crazy today inside.

Fudge and Buddy departs tonight

The rest of us will chill and hopefully relax. We shall see. 


Father's Day

Here is the gallery.

Shout out to all the dads! Hope ot was an amazing day.

We had a very busy day and I just finished washing all the dishes. We had Mary Brown's chicken and a Baskin and Robbins cake - Nathan's choice but I had to handwash all the dishes as these outdoor plates that I gathered over the years can't be put in the dishwasher - of course.

Dogs had an immense amount of fun today. I am glad. Only Ella, River and Adele swam. That's okay. Sarah brushed out Adele and River and I got to do Ella after i finish the blog when all I want to do is grab the couch and conk out.

Poor Nathan has spent half the day with nausea due to Ozempic that he just had to double dose for his diabetes. He is semi okay now but it sure put a dent in his day. I hope his body adjusts.

We saw rabbits and the dogs - well Harlow found them was chasing them. I bet they disappear again.

I had a wasp sting me in the pool. I have a golf ball red welt. Still do not understand why it stung me. 

A few dogs depart tomorrow so I need to get up at 7am and start washing. Then my day off is Tuesday and heat arrives I think starting tomorrow. It's going to be a hot heatwave. Thank gad for the pool. 

Dogs ate extra late tonight as we had visitors. They now just finished. Certain dogs was looking at Dennis as if to say what the... Can you blame them? We usually feed at 430-5.

It was a good day today. We celebrated 2 birthdays and Father's day.

The dogs have headed outside after dinner and are now chilling with Nathan as the weather is mighty comfortable.

Hope you had a wonderful day too!


Day and Night Play

Here is the gallery.

I am a dead person. I have had to demat 3 dogs. Two took several days of doing a couple of hours a few times in a day. I hope I get a tip. 1 didn't tip after hpurs and hours. I may have a gin and tonic but its too late. LOL I wake up tomorrow to do full grooms starting at 7am so I can be ready for family arriving. Nathan gets to stay in bed for the 2nd time this week. What a lucky boy!

I am also trying to get ready for Father's day as we have company coming, food to get ready and dogs to finish to depart. I am glad that family doesn't come till 3. I have way too much to do before then. My hand hurts bad and I am exhausted. 

I look forward to my day off. I think that is Tuesday and its supposed to be VERY hot. 

We had pups galore here today and they had a blast. Harper is the one sitting on Nathan's lap. 

The dogs really had an outstanding time today. I am not sure I did. Yes, I am laughing but I did stop here and there to snuggle and love up the dogs. 

Wish I could tell you more but the brain is truly on vacation.


Surveying Pups and Dawgs

Here is the gallery.

Hot week is coming up but today it was comfortable. Dogs departed. Dogs arrived. We have puppies in the house. Harper, Daisy, Petey and Coco. They are so delicious. We have adults in the house and they are having a magnificent time. Harper is back and laid on the pool step and cooled off. LOLThat's the way to do it!

Some we captured. Some the camera was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Life...

Nathan spent lunch at a childhood friends to eat and gab and hopefully get him to laugh. He had his smoke meat sandwich which he enjoys!

The dogs are in and out and having fun. Mr. Theo departed without his swim but did get groomed and they brought us yummy chocolates. Thank you!!!

Life is simply better with dogs.

Woofstock is coming up a week from Saturday. Are you going? Love to see you and the dogs there!


Tongues Have It

Here is the gallery.

Can your tongue hit your nose? hahahaha

It is a hot day. We have Father's Day this Sunday and I am fully booked for groomings on Saturday and a few at night on Sunday. 

It's supposed to be hot and cloudy so good pool day for part of the family. I am hoping to get Theo in swimming if he desires before he goes home. We shall see.

I have to time swimming right as they need to be bathed after and dried so if they are getting a grooming, it is best to do it the night before or the day of departure. 

I have much gardening to do and seriously need help so if anyone knows of someone who can do garden cleanup, please let me know.

The dogs have been lazing and playing but oh boy they like to run then chill. I have curtains up on the gazebos to give them shade but sometimes they simply appreciate the sun. 

They do have such a grand life, ours and visitors alike!


Play In and Out

Here is the gallery.

It was warm - not too hot but enjoyable. Nathan went swimming. I groomed as we had a number of departures. 

We have Theo the puppy come to stay and he is wonderful. This visit will be good for him. He is such a good boy and Nathan and him have such a crazy fun relationship. Oh, I remember you!

Jax just departed and Tenshi, Logan and Panda will depart soon.

We saw rabbits in the front yard today. Hmmm we were wondering where they went. 

Nathan went out to run errands and he felt like he was in a new car it was so clean.

The dogs are about to eat and go play again. It is still sunny and perfect weather for outdoor play!


Slow Day

Here is the gallery.

The boys got the van detailed for Nathan's birthday. It was the most outstanding detailing job I ever did see and he came to the house. The interior looks brand new. Plus the son mowed the lawn. Now let's see if it is swimming weather for Father's Day.

Not many photos in the gallery. Dennis just was too busy. I will try to make up for it tomorrow though I have a lot of grooming. That's okay - especially if it stays cool. They say we are in for a heatwave. We shall see.

I went out to eat at Wimpy's for breakfast with Sherry. I think the last time we had breakfast - or I had breakfast was a long time ago. The breakfast was outstanding. 

As I sit and type, it looks like rain.

The dogs here visiting is having a really great time. But - we will keep them out of the grass or we may have green legs. 

Everyone ate heartily tonight. It does my heart good when they eat with such gusto. Food - play - nap - can't get better than that.