Hey You
Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 6:08PM

Here is the gallery.

Axel says to Rain - you look like me. Are you my mirror? LOL

It was a great day for Axel and Bohnham despite the humidity being off the charts. It is hot - so hot. It rained all last night here and come morning we had steam rising in the yard. I did get in the pool for 10 minutes (all the time I had) and it was too hot to float. So, I did laps while a few dogs watched me. Then we all went into the shade. Then I got back to grooming Axel who thought he wanted to dance on the table. He made me laugh in a huge way. I was also trying to fit in doing an anniversary present - a windspinner with the 4 of them on it but realized he is so tall that either half his head was cut off or the dogs were cut off. So, I will wait till I get a better photo. Sorry to be so late. 

Dogs enjoyed the air more than outdoors today. 

I had Nathan go to some warehouse to get one of those elevated beds for $35 to have it sit at the pool to get the dogs off the cement. We will see if its a complete jumk but I am so trying to help them enjoy but not break the bank. The box looks really banged up so we shall see if it even has all the parts. My luck...

Sun has gone down so I may sit outside with the dogs for a bit if its not too hot. Off I go.

Hope you are managing to survive this heat!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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