Too Hot to Handle

As the heat arrived, we take the dogs out frequently for short bursts as it really is too hot for an extended period. They also love coming back in to air conditioning. I am thankful we have air and it works.
Dennis had this brilliant idea we should weed. I did a little early today and a little this afternoon but really not the right time. We now have a semi path in the middle bed so the dogs can have a path. We shall see how this goes but really who has time? Not me!
Despite the weather, play has been crazy today inside.
Fudge and Buddy departs tonight
The rest of us will chill and hopefully relax. We shall see.
Reader Comments (2)
Too funny, Dennis wanted to weed in this weather, I was planning to come up today and weed but I was so tired from weekend bathing my 2, all the extra doggy bedding/towels, our laundry and cleaning 2 velvet side chairs of dad's, I ached too much. Wanted to try out Tom's father's day gift to himself, a new battery powered line trimmer. Been so busy this spring, sorry I haven't been up to help. Maybe once this heat cools down.
Not to worry, Dorothy. It is way too hot and we did weed yesterday and today. I am not weeding tonight. LOL I need to hire someone.