
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from December 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021


Happy New Year's Eve Folks

Here is the gallery.

The weather is still inbetween so we are playing inside more than outside.

We have some fun things planned with the dogs. As we do with the pups, we will do some run games. I have treats I will be hiding and no one misses a treat, even if they can't find them all. They seem to enjoy the game. The idea is to work their minds. We will also have tv time but that's an every day thing that they enjoy.

I did some brushouts. Nathan is putting in some steak to their meals - yum yum for them and yes good quality. LOL

I can't believe that in less than 8 hours it will be 2022.

I hope the new year brings many smiles for each of you. No matter what goes on - havanese make out hearts skip a beat and I hope it does the same for you. To a better new year.

If you need a laugh, Bailey and the Misty puppy gal was playing in our guestroom. It made me smile. I hope it does you too. Here is the video.


Okay What Is It?

Here is the gallery.

Shall I go out? Shall I go in? In the gallery you will see my bulbs starting togrow. Even the plants are confused about this weather.

I comb out and they look a mess minutes later. Ollie who had a bath a couple of days ago looks like he never had one.

In laps, out of laps. Everyone says it's almost New Year's Eve. What fun things do you have planned? I started figuring out places for treats. We will do a hunt. We will do running games inside as they say it will be warm and raining tomorrow. I want to eat something good and ring in teh New Year but I will probably snore my way in. How about you?

One thing I am sure of is in bed I will have a mound of dogs surrounding me. Now that is special and a grand way to say hello 2022.


Departure and Fun

Have to groom a dog departing so blog will be late. Sorry... Here is Phoenix who will depart shortly (smile). He will be missed.

Here is the gallery.

I listen to a dear friend in Utah and all the snow she is getting. She has to go out and pack teh snow - can you believe and then there is us, wet inbetween weather. I can't let Phoenix out as he will get dirty. You have to laugh. I hate inbetween weather and so do the dogs. They do go out many times but they play indoors. I hope January brings powder snow. So does our son who tricks ski.

Rocco and Reggie remember each other - brothers - it is nice. Shady gets jealous of Nora if she gets lap time and he didn't notice and then when he does he's right up in the lap.

I have that sherpa bag that was missing. Seems it has been at the front door all along. Our new sherpa bag that we ordered to replace the one that was missing arrives tomorrow. So now I forget took ours and had the missing one. It is here. My mind is a dangerous thing - not usually. I usually remember everything but its busy and well it happens.

Ms Harlow departs tomorrow night to join in the New Year festivities at home. Everyone else will be celebrating with us. We will play games and I will sing and they will howl. It will be fun!


A Day

Ms Ellie's brother wanted to surprise his mom and dad  by having Ellie home when they arrived. Thing is he forgot to tell us so we looked at him at our door and said you are a day too early. Ellie has not had a bath. How far away are you from us? Oh close so go home and come back in 2 hours so I can give her a full groom.

Very nice to plan a surprise but he overlooked telling us. I am so laughing and with lunch getting cold, I groomed her and here she is. If I never had kids, I would have shook my head in disbelief but how can you get upset at a kid wanting to make his parents happy. It is precious.

Here is the gallery.

It's another wet and mucky day. Dogs do not like the wet no matter what we think. You can see the play but its not as crazy as usual. It; like us walking out in the muck but they come inside and play their hearts out.

Leo arrived today and is having a great time. Thank you immensely for the Summerhill prepared meals. Wow - so nice and with it being so busy - thank you!

Reggie arrives tonight. Phoenix departs tomorrow. Reggie and Rocco are brothers. Will they remember? It's going to be fun to see.


Festive Photos Continues: 2 Blog Posts

Hi Darlah, Nathan and Dennis,

Wishing you all the best for the holiday season.

Benji would especially like to wish his Talemaker friends all the best for 2022.

Happy New Year.

Vivien, Glenn and Stephen


Wishing you all the best in the new year!

Abby and Zoey and I sending our wishes of a safe , peaceful and Happy Holiday season to all ..Susan


Powder Snow

The dogs like this snow much better than the snowball type or the rain. They are enjoying it.

Here is the gallery.

We miss many events as we do not carry a camera around with us and sometimes you go to grab the camera and the action stops. It's just life. We apologize if we miss shots. But everyone and I mean everyone is enjoying. We make sure they enjoy each day.

Charlie who arrived yesterday was batting the other dogs trying to engage them in play. It was so funny.

Ms Astro, Thunder, Coco the maltese and Older Coco departs today. They will need a brushout despite baths. Who can say no to snow play?


Boxing Day: 2 Blog Day

It is so funny that after eating you can often see then hanging out as if they are having a gabfest. I have to laugh. 

Here is the gallery.

If you do not see your dog, blame Nathan and Dennis. With the 8 week puppy visit concluding today. I also had 5 dogs to groom to depart. I start out at 7am tomorrow to get tomorrow's visitors done before they depart. No one seems to be having any issues at the airport. I am glad. I miss these dogs when they depart.

Everyone really is having fun - seriously. 

Right now, tv time with Dennis and Nathan and they all enjoy the spots they choose. Nathan got up to get a drink and they scrambled to fill in his spot. Hey - he's coming back.


Festive Photos Continues

Lola wants to wish everyone a happy Holiday Season!

Dear Darlah, Nathan, and Talemaker Havanese Family!

We hope that your Holidays have been going well.  Wishing you all the very best during this season and in the New Year 2021!

Inga, Dave, Cassie, Sylvia and Lola


2 Blog Day Merry Christmas Photos

Hi Darlah and Nathan,

Brandon, Teddy and I wish you a very Merry Christmas! See photo attached! Hope you enjoy the holidays!

Here’s a picture of Magic next to the tree and presents. Hope you like it!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Bill, Phyllis, and Caitlin

Ripley and I wish everyone celebrating a safe and joyous holiday

Sue & Ripley

From Darlah - he looks pretty regal, I must say. 

Pablo says:

Thinking of my wonderful Talemaker Parents, Dennis, buddies and girlfriends today!  Visits with you are what makes life special! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. See you in the New Year!


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the Talemaker family.

Dorothy,Tom,Pixie and Leo

Hi Darlah, 

Wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and share some holiday photos of Vivi. Our house is so bright this year with her in our family. She adds so much to our lives everyday and can’t imagine not having her. She will be have chicken for dinner tonight and is receiving ALL of the attention, so I’d imagine she is thinking Christmas is pretty great too. 

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to you and your family, dogs and humans! 



Merry Christmas Happy 25th 2021

This is before the rain began. Now the dogs do not want to go out.

Here is a mini gallery. You do not want to see them soaked or me brushing. LOL

We have 2 puppy visits today, 1 tomorrow and a vet visit on Monday. So, we are extra busy. We could not delay a week for visits as it would be too late to assign pups, get paperwork and bags done. These last 2 weeks are the busiest for me and add on the holidays and boarders and extra grooming, it's well very busy. So bear with us. Blogs will be short.

Nathan is pushing to have those that couldn't come come today next week but to be honest, I am not sure I can as I am really busy. He doesn't carry the weight of what it takes to finish. He does the departure. I do the rest. So, he is the nice guy here. Me - well it's called realistically what can you do without breaking? I am really that busy.

I am deeply thankful to those that brought their dogs to us. Last year was a financial hit like no other. This year some and last minute so we couldn't replace but those that came - thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We hope 2022 is much better!

We hope those that are able to come enjoy the puppies immensely. They have changed in 2 weeks. Soon they will be departing and new little ones will arrive.

No cooking here. No time but share what you cooked so I can be happy for your culinary experience. Nathan did buy a small roast but who has time? Not me!

I guess I should start cleaning the house. LOL I also have 3 dogs to groom that are departing and Rocco who is arriving. I adore Rocco! Charlie is coming and will have a blast. The dogs do and we need to learn from them to live and enjoy despite it all even if you are extra busy.


Christmas Eve Sharing

Merry Christmas from Newfoundland!Meadow and her dad...

Season's Greetings,

Kitty, Jim and Derek wanted to wish all the Talemaker families a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

All the best in 2022!


From now till after the New Year, we will be posting holiday photos. All photos received today will be here and all tomorrow and on will be on their respective days. That means there will be 2 blogs in a day - a regular one and a festive holiday one.


Two Blog Days Through Holidays

This is Shlomo having a great time.

More later as well as a gallery. I have lots of puppes to wash plus other dogs that are departing.

Well here we are with the gallery.

Dogs are having fun but oh my gad snowballs so I am rinsing and drying and rinsing and drying. Poor Skylar was screaming get this off me. So, I rinsed her off first and she licked me. The dogs do not like the snowballs either. Only Skylar reacted like that but she was a snowball mess. It had to be downright cold.

Thank you to Debbie for letting me see Coco - yes another Coci. It was delightful! Sky instead comes in with snowballs and lays on the heat register. Eho is smart?

As we have puppy visits for the next 2 days, I am going to try to relax for an hour tonight. Not sure if its diable but I am blogging early so I can try.

Happy Holidays everyone.


Cold Brr

Here is the gallery. Ms Katie says this is a short blog as we are so busy and we are blogging late.

Thank you to Bonham's mom and Dad and Pepper's parents for truly thinking about us.

Dogs had a ton of fun but it was really cold out.

We just received a note in snail mail that Trouble's human Daddy was diagnosed with Leukemia and has been in hospital more than not. Our thoughts are with them. I will be writing a snail mail back but keep them in your prayers.

Oakley, Harper and Coco departed - very missed. Nit to worry we have a few Cocos still here and one is a Maltese with a huge personality. Coco, Coco, Shlomo, Logan, Panda and Skylar arrived. Logan and Panda are here just overnight.

Tomorrow Harlow departs and I wash a lot of puppies. LOL Chase arrives too!


3 Days Before Christmas Lull

This is Harlow chilling after playing her heart out. She's known to take a serious nap and always on HER bed in the tv room. 

This was a freshly groomed Ellie about an hour before this photo. I may try a rubber band as she is forever trying to get this hair tie out. I love her faces at me.

Thunder has decided that the gals are his. I so laugh. 

Here is the gallery.

My Remy arrived today - exciting. Mr Ollie is staying longer and well we need his fun. Alfie has become a player. How nice. Sure he always played but he is a play monkey now. Mr Oakley departs tomorrow. He plays and plays. Mr Brewer was here for the day and well I wished he lived around the cornet still as we got to see Brewski more.

I want to say thank you to Pippa for the presents and the gift certificate will go to dog treats for New Years as we will party here dog style. LOL

Brewer, Bailey and Winston came for the day.

Tomorrow brings us new Cocos - 2 more. Harper and Oakley departs - missed already! Amy comes for groom and Skylar comes to stay. We have not seen Skylar for sometimes so a huge treat! Bonus Mr. Shlomo will arrive for a stay. It is going to be a fun Christmas. 

I could go on but I am late and well it's been a long day. I need to catch a breath!



This as Trigger 8 years ago. He is not holidaying with us this week but this came up in my memories and went oh what a cutie and oh my look at that ice. Thankfully on the Winter Solstice this year unlike 9 years ago, it is not trecherous out there.

Here is the gallery.

Dogs are playing outdoors today but they are making shorter trips outdoors and going out more frequently. Nathan says he can feel it in his bones. I said at least you have an insulated jacket and toque on. LOL

I was doing combouts today with visitors. Not sure if Nathan took photos before or after I combed out. Astro, who plays like a crazy dog and Oakley had much to be combed out - so laughing. I still have Alfie to do and may trim his bangs ahead of time. 

It is getting yellow again so we need more snow or melt. You can only shovel so much so sorry about the pix. We do try to have it white looking and I don't edit the photos. I have no time.

The dogs are having a great time. One Coco departs tonight. Two more comes. How many is that?



Ms Coco - hey time to go in - no? 

Here is the gallery.

We have 3 Cocos here. Two look so alike then there is Coco above. No confusion. I think there are 2 more Cocos coming this week. I need nicknames for them so you know which Coco I am talking about. 

Tomorrow Coco the non maltese departs but not the Natasha Coco. Are you following that? Chester departs and Phoenix and Chase arrives.

Mr. Ollie is player of the year this week. LOL All the dogs are having fun. 

As you will hear in some videos, Mr Benny resident bark for your meal makes one laugh. I just love it. I am glad at his age he is so in love with the food. Now that Harlow is here they bark back and forth till dinner is placed in front of them. It's a riot!

I will tell you NO dogs sit out the play sessions. At bedtime, I can tell you it takes an hour of play before they settle in and sometimes they walk right over me and treat me as if I am a bed.



When we take boarders in, we must cap the amount we can take in at any given time, turning away others. Starting in March for the Break, if we get last minute cancellations, we will be charging a cancellation fee. We have no choice. Last year we had 100% cancellations. We depend on the income of these services to make ends meet and I say make them meet, not do a happy dance making money. Starting in January, our grooming fees will go up $10. I am so sorry but I just put in an order to Deboers and most of what I ordered went way up in price. I checked Ren's as well with the product Dirty Dog which I use heavily on dogs that are greasy. This product alone DOUBLED in price. Most went up significantly.

We struggle with giving you an inexpensive price and being able to buy products, never mind time and effort. There are other groomers. They all cost more and reading the messages in the groomers only threads, we realize everyone had to raise prices due to product and cancellation costs. 

Again, apologies. If we do not raise prices, we will not exist as a service.


A Fun Day Indeed

Here is the gallery.

It was fun to have Vivi here as Astro is her sibling and they played and played and played with the pups as you will see in the videos.

Today Coco the Maltese arrived. She is a cheeky thing -  play bowing, backing up and playing. I know it was hard for his parents to drop her off but she is going to have the time of her life if anything is like today. Thank you for the box of goodies!

Mia departed. She will be missed. Maggie cancelled as the human's mom had a stroke. Our hearts go out to them. Vivi also went home as she was just here for the day. Her human brought brownies - yum!

Ms Ellie arrived and was jumping, pouncing and plain having a grand time. She is here for 10 days and I have no doubt she will enjoy every minute.

Was talking to a dear friend saying I wished we lived near summerhill market. I would buy some frozen dinners to cook at home seeing we are highly busy. It seems grocery stores already have lineups - some. Nathan should have shopped YESTERDAY!

If anyone is going to Costco, can you get bacon bits and 2 bags of pistachios - please. One day Nathan has to get a membership.

Tomorrow Ms Bria departs and she will miss the fun but nothing like home. She is playing and playing! Misty's Bailey arrives tomorrow. I wonder if she will play with the pups. Ms Coco - yes another Coco - are you confused yet comes to stay overnight and get spruced up.

This is the last week before Christmas. Dogs will come, go and we have puppy visits this weekend and baths. Oh boy - now you know why I needed frozen meals. So laughing!

I hope everyone has their shopping done. You know what I miss? You will laugh but shopping just before Christmas all the socks on sale. Crazy silly stuff!


Snow Fun

Ellie was here for the day to get groomed and play. Ellie and Alfie was playing like crazy.

Here is the gallery.

The dogs simply loved the snow. Even senior Benny pushed his face in it as if to say welcome back white stuff. 

Nathan took a couple of videos. You can find them here.

I hope it snows more but I do not think it will. It's wonderful to see the dogs love it so. Even the pups got out in it.

Bria arrived for a couple of days. Barney arrived till after the New Years. Mr. Benji was here for grooming and play. Ms Mia is here till tomorrow. Vivi comes tomorrow for grooming and play and Coco the Maltese that delicious one is here for a week. So nice to have the home filling up with holiday visitors.


Trying for Early

Ms Harlow departs at 8pm and I can't wash her not clip her or even do nails till 6pm as she knows its going home time. She does this every time and when she gets back she's running in to have fun. She is definately one of the gang and has human Daddy for one on one and visits to party hearty and these days she is into partying. LOL But she has her faves and she loves squirrel hunting and relishes when Brewer comes as he tend to love that game.

Here is the gallery.

It's a crazy cold day today. Tomorrow Benji for play and groom comes, Barney and Bria also arrive. Today Chester arrived and Daisy and Ty came dor the day.

Thank you to Holly's mom, Ruth and Daisy's mom for thinking about us. Dennis said he is going to use the exercise bike today. So laughing.

Nathan made chicken thighs and legs for us - nah the dogs. Dennis did a crazy session of running with the dogs and some are surpassing him. Ollie thinks its a marvelous game and he is not the only one. Run and jump and Dennis jumps too getting them having a grand time. After such a session they come inside and nap. Dennis also crashes. The only ones we can't do that game with is the old ones like Benny but he watches and you wonder if he remembers doing this game. They do other things with me more sedate but fun.

We have been maintaining our house at 66f. We always opted for 70. Now I put sweaters on. They say you can save money by 4 degrees. Anyone know how much? Every little bit as we can. I keep stacking the blankets on and the dogs - well they LOVE it!

Nothing like tv time with a bunch of blankets with a blanket of dogs. It is actually quite special.