Trying for Early

Ms Harlow departs at 8pm and I can't wash her not clip her or even do nails till 6pm as she knows its going home time. She does this every time and when she gets back she's running in to have fun. She is definately one of the gang and has human Daddy for one on one and visits to party hearty and these days she is into partying. LOL But she has her faves and she loves squirrel hunting and relishes when Brewer comes as he tend to love that game.
It's a crazy cold day today. Tomorrow Benji for play and groom comes, Barney and Bria also arrive. Today Chester arrived and Daisy and Ty came dor the day.
Thank you to Holly's mom, Ruth and Daisy's mom for thinking about us. Dennis said he is going to use the exercise bike today. So laughing.
Nathan made chicken thighs and legs for us - nah the dogs. Dennis did a crazy session of running with the dogs and some are surpassing him. Ollie thinks its a marvelous game and he is not the only one. Run and jump and Dennis jumps too getting them having a grand time. After such a session they come inside and nap. Dennis also crashes. The only ones we can't do that game with is the old ones like Benny but he watches and you wonder if he remembers doing this game. They do other things with me more sedate but fun.
We have been maintaining our house at 66f. We always opted for 70. Now I put sweaters on. They say you can save money by 4 degrees. Anyone know how much? Every little bit as we can. I keep stacking the blankets on and the dogs - well they LOVE it!
Nothing like tv time with a bunch of blankets with a blanket of dogs. It is actually quite special.
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