It is the holiday season and the dogs are on holidays too. I have to laugh watching them.
Here is the gallery.
Dennis did the last vacuum of the leaves and I will tell you that the dogs love messing up his plans. It's like telling them don't cross that line and they must - oh they must. It makes you laugh but finally Dennis said dogs inside - I must finish. This is the last leaf pickup this week. I guess winter can begin but they say 81f weather is coming in a couple of days. If so, we will get the pups outside.
I have to say Dennis made a shepherds like pie called cottage pie and it was simply amazing. I could get used to it. He is still grumbling it takes too long. The best Shepherds pie I ever had was Ty's moms. I ask her for the recipe and she says a little this or that. I guess the best cooks cook like that.
I did manage to get everyone combed out. I need a machine that I can step through that sucks all the hair off you effectively. I am still in a hunt to get a lab coat that goes way below my knees. Yes, I am laughing. I had one years ago.
Tomorrow Nathan has an office visit with the doctor - just a check up. We have Meadow, Coco the Maltese. Alfie and Charlotte coming. How exciting is that? Noah and Zoe stays an additional day. Fun!
Tchibo has to be glad that Brewer is gone as he has his fave spot on the recliner back. Brewer had insisted on it. I say this as Tchibo has been hogging it all day and I swear smiling. He does allow Ali to sit up next to him on it. Habits are hard to break especially when they are comfie ones.
We had a good day. Nathan is food shopping. The list is long but he enjoys it. He even brings back the things we request most times. LOL