
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from December 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021


Oh My

I brushed this boy this morning - seriously I did. I must laugh.

Here is the gallery.

We had dogs come to play and then depart or remain. Ripley departs anytime now. Harlow departs tomorrow. Chester arrives and Ty and Daisy comes for a play date. 

People who have reported in going to various destinations said the airport is running smoothly. 

We are doing a short blog tonight as i want ti relax for an hour - imagine that!


Two Updates Today: Lots of Rain

Noah and Zoe are departing tomorrow. We will miss them. It has been awhile.

Here is the gallery.

Alfie, Charlotte, Meadow and Coco the Maltese arrived. Meadow departs tonight. Charlotte departs tomorrow and Alfie is here till just after Christmas. We have the black and white crew here, LOL Can you disntinguish between them?

Everyone is having a blast even though it kept raining off and on. Nathan is now out with them again while its still clear in the air. Meadow best not get dirty....

 Dennis is up with the pups. I am blogging. People are still travelling and dogs are coming.


Happy 3rd

Happy 3rd birthday to Charlie and his siblings Willow, Sully, DeeDee and Gucci.  Thank you Darlah and Nathan for our precious boy who is just so special and so loved.  Thank you to momma Raven. Here is Charlie in his favourite position


It's Holiday Play Time

It is the holiday season and the dogs are on holidays too. I have to laugh watching them.

Here is the gallery.

Dennis did the last vacuum of the leaves and I will tell you that the dogs love messing up his plans. It's like telling them don't cross that line and they must - oh they must. It makes you laugh but finally Dennis said dogs inside - I must finish. This is the last leaf pickup this week. I guess winter can begin but they say 81f weather is coming in a couple of days. If so, we will get the pups outside.

I have to say Dennis made a shepherds like pie called cottage pie and it was simply amazing. I could get used to it. He is still grumbling it takes too long. The best Shepherds pie I ever had was Ty's moms. I ask her for the recipe and she says a little this or that. I guess the best cooks cook like that. 

I did manage to get everyone combed out. I need a machine that I can step through that sucks all the hair off you effectively. I am still in a hunt to get a lab coat that goes way below my knees. Yes, I am laughing. I had one years ago.

Tomorrow Nathan has an office visit with the doctor - just a check up. We have Meadow, Coco the Maltese. Alfie and Charlotte coming. How exciting is that? Noah and Zoe stays an additional day. Fun!

Tchibo has to be glad that Brewer is gone as he has his fave spot on the recliner back. Brewer had insisted on it. I say this as Tchibo has been hogging it all day and I swear smiling. He does allow Ali to sit up next to him on it. Habits are hard to break especially when they are comfie ones.

We had a good day. Nathan is food shopping. The list is long but he enjoys it. He even brings back the things we request most times. LOL


Short Blogging It

Dante and Luna just departed. Their fun will be missed. Coco arrived - how exciting and she is already playing.

Here is the gallery.

The dogs had a grand amount of fun but they need to be combed - especially Rebel who 2 minutes later has her hair ripped and looks like a junkyard dog. I should be satisfied she has no knots but I look at her and shake my head. She loves to play and so does Astro. Now Coco will joining in on the fun. Then Tchibo will arrive tonight. Mr. Ollie and Tchibo enjoy each other!

I have videos to upload and dogs to comb out. You will see Spirit all combed out and then an absolute mess. I combed her out at 730am. Silly me.


Just a Sunday

Astro arrived today.

Here is the gallery. Leo, Phoenix, Tia, Benji and Murphy departed. Coco and Lexi arrives tomorrow. As we head into the holiday season, we get to see more havs. Last year - zero so we are excited that we are seeing some. Lucky, Luna and Dante are coming for the day. 

I can't believe it is almost Christmas. Then a New Year... wow.

The dogs are having fun. The wind is now gone but the cold has set in. So blankets and snuggles and tv time are some of the best moments.


Happy 3rd Birthday

Ollie, who is visiting here will be celebrating tonight. He will have to forgive us as we have puppy visits today. He wishes his littermates a huge happy celebration.

Ozzy wishing a happy birthday to his brothers Ollie, Ajax, Pingo & Meelo!

Hi Nathan and Darlah,

Hope all is well at Talemaker Havanese.

Just wanted to send you Meelo’s 3rd birthday photo and thank you for such a wonderful dog.  He is our everything.  He is just so affectionate and his personality is contagious.  Whenever I am feeling down I just need to play with him for 5 minutes and all is forgotten.  Hopefully he can come by in 2022 for a visit and some play!


Take care and hope to see you


Visiting Fun

Teddy and Charlie have arrived and are having a grand time. They fit in immediately. Leo and Murphy are regulars and just said - we are here!

Here is the gallery.

It was wet, dry and everything inbetween but the dogs love it.

Phoenix arrives tomorrow. Let the holidays begin. I am so excited we have visitors! After last year of none - it feels mighty good! May it continue!

Hope we get white stuff while the dogs are here. Now wouldn't that be fun?

Today Dennis dropped my camera and broke my lens protector. The camera is still working. He took the lens broken out but he can't unscrew it so now my lens is not protected BUT IT WORKS! Thank gad for little things.


Short Blog

Here is Mr. Shlomo. He just departed today.

Here is the gallery.

The dogs had a wonderful time in that white stuff. I had a full day of grooming. Ruth, Katie is in the gallery jumping on Stone. Sorry - best I can do with what I have on my plate.

Mr. Ollie arrived and already is playing the Casanova part. He turns 3 this Saturday.

Noah and Zoe - its been a long time but they fit right in like a glove. I guess they remember this place. Pepper, Coco and Rocky was here for the day.  Teddy, Leo, Charlie and Murphy boy arrives tomorrow. It will be a fun house!

Why is this a short blog? I have 2 moms to wash tonight, blogs to finish and tomorrow 11 pups to wash and each pups between photos, baths, dry, nails, pads take about 20 minutes each. I was going to do moms tomorrow too but really no time. So, tonight is the night. On Saturday I will be washing before, between and after. I must be plain nuts.

So - short blogging!


Cold But Having Fun

Momma says does Gucci play and have a good time - teh answer is YES = look at that smile.

Ms Luna wanted to still play. Shall I go - shall I play?

The dogs had fun.

Here is the gallery.

It was a full day of grooming for me and the same all the way through the puppy visits. I can't wait to see fluffy puppies on Friday.

It was cool again outside. We had a dusting. It is better than rain. We threw a bunch of blankets in the tv room. They adore the soft blankets to cuddle with much like us humans. We do the same at bedtime. Do not tell me they do not like extra soft blankets. They do.

So what are you watching that is interesting? We can't watch anything without dogs in it, The dogs bark back. LOL


Frigid Cold

Well, it feels frigid cold - don't you think? It wanted to snow but other than a few flakes in the air, it did not.

Here is the gallery.

Does it look like Dennis got most of the leaves? Never had leaves fall so late.

Corey and Chiclet departed. Ms Coco maltese was here and a character. Nathan took her for a nap and she kept barking him awake. Guess that nap was not meant to be. It happens.

Mr. Shlomo is here as the family had a death. I am ever so sad for them. Shlomo is having fun.

I caught up on laundry. Now that was an amazing feat. It only ended up being 12 loads between yesterday and today. Dennis and Nathan kept bringing and I kept looking cross-eyed at them.

The dogs appear to like the cold - humans not so much but Nathan or Dennis goes out with them. I do too but mostly I am grooming or blogging or doing pups so that is my excuse not to freeze.

TV time is still the best after a cold brisk air surrounding you. I almost want to say - hot chocolate guys but of course they can't have any and I am just being funny and wanting them to be warm. I did heat up some chicken broth for them with fresh chicken - yum! Anything for the dogs...


Change of Weather

Rain then wet then dry then cold. Stupid weather people had me cancelling appts as I was afraid people would be driving on roads like we had last night. We went to drop off presents at the daughters last night. It was great to see everyone! The roads were slick.

Here is the gallery.

Last night I was extremely tired and didn't pay attention to the condition of the dogs after their 930ish outside. It seems when we all woke up the beds were blacker than black. I have been washing blankets and dog beds all day. I still have about 5 more loads as we also had Nathan's clothes - silly day to do them and puppy stuff. I so hate laundry but can you imagine if I had to go to a laundry place to do them? 

Dogs were back out looking rather messy after outdoors so I have been doing feet - each dog. I am tired but the dogs had fun. They always have fun. Dennis is making dinner - a new dish. He keeps asking me to look at something or other to see if it is done. I hope it is good. Dogs do not seem tired. Hmm maybe I need them to learn to groom. So laughing.



Here is the gallery. It's a very small gallery but Dennis is immersed in a game so I am not sure I will get many more but if I do, I will add them in and note it here.

Noah and Zoe has not been here for a long time and well they came in, ran upstairs - hey Nathan is it nap time? They went outside. They greeted everyone and they were very happy. One thing that is wonderful is you can have a number of visitors and they all get along. Sure they want their spots and know the routine and love the find the treat games and may be competitive but they all get along. Dennis even puts chairs on each side of him while playing a game so dogs can sit with him.

He now knows he can't play a game with a dog barking. The dogs will bark back. So laughing!


Short Blogging Tonight

Thank you goes out to Sherry and Dorothy for the starter mousse. It has always been so hard to come by the last year. 

Here is the mini gallery today.

Teddy had visitors and it looks like he may be departing tomorrow. 

We have a family event at the daughters and we have to drop off funny saying mugs (1 above) that I made for everyone and deliver ski equipment that is on our basement so... timing may not work out tomorrow. We shall see. Teddy is a really nice dog so no rush for him to move on but he is getting attached to especially Nathan. 

Mr. Brewer departs tonight. We will miss him. He has played a ton. Noah and Zoe are arriving, We look forward to it. 

Thank you to Sherry for Purdy's Cherry Cordials - yum and Sweet Georgia Browns from Purdy's for Dennis. 

Stormy was throwing her dolly around and I will be uploading that video shortly. The dogs ARE having fun.


What a Fun Day

Inside and outside they had a ton if fun.

Here is the gallery.

Dennis was continuing to do leaves till it got too dark too early. The dogs tried to minimize his progress every chance they got. It was almost a riot!

We are short blogging tonight but everyone had fun.

I am going to watch a new show The Wheel of Time.


What a Day

The dogs were in their element. As you can see Brewer loves the tackle play. LOL Ripley, Bonham and all the rest playing and playing today. I could go on and on. This is our anniversary and well the dogs gave us the best present - just watching them enjoy.

Here is the gallery.

Ms Daisy, Bonham and Ripley depart today and Ms. Coco and Winston arrived. Hate when they go happy to see them excited to see their humans.

We are back on the hunt for Starter Mousse. It's on short supply again. Somehow I have to make it to Scarborough as they are the closest that has stock at Rens. They won't ship. tsk Spirit is being difficult as she always is at this stage and the pups enjoy theirs too. We managed to get some cans at Aurora but not enough. Nathan also picked me up a clipper as one of mine died. I know it's for work but still working with just 1 has been difficult. He also went and bought a lobster roll for both of us. Wonderful dinner.

Thank you to Magic's mom for delivering a cheese cake. Wonderful. I may have a gin and tonic tonight. Dennis got up extra early to help us for our day. He's bringing the pups upstairs now so I can finish the blog.

It was not a typical anniversary. But the dogs - well visitors and all are wonderful!

I also did get out and stopped at the Dollar Tree in Aurora while Dennis held down the fort. Terrible Dollar Tree unlike the one in Woodbridge. A lady heading out just before me took her hand and licked it then rubbed it all over the handle on the door. Still do not know why but I used the handicap button with my elbow and departed. How strange is that? I think this was my 1st outdoors in a long time and Rens had no one in it and Dollar Tree had 2 cashiers and 2 other people. It was a treat but now I want to go to Woodbridge. LOL

630 and done with the blogs - can you believe? Saturday someone is visiting Teddy as a potential family.


Cold Play

Here is the gallery.

We had a full day but a too busy one. Tomorrow Daisy goes home. It may be a short day as we will be busy and it's the anniversary. Hopefully some downtime occurs. We shall see.

Dogs have been full out playing. It's a great crew. Jersey gal seems to be all over Sage and Misty. It is fun to see. Brewer has taken over his spot in the tv room. It's like home week. :-)

We have another dental clinic coming ip. If interested, send me mail as we have a limited amount of spaces.

January 17th will be teeth cleaning day.

It is $230.00 including tax. Cash please as we pay her cash for all the dogs before she leaves. She also appreciates a tip, if you can do do but that is optional.

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