Two Blog Days Through Holidays

This is Shlomo having a great time.
More later as well as a gallery. I have lots of puppes to wash plus other dogs that are departing.
Well here we are with the gallery.
Dogs are having fun but oh my gad snowballs so I am rinsing and drying and rinsing and drying. Poor Skylar was screaming get this off me. So, I rinsed her off first and she licked me. The dogs do not like the snowballs either. Only Skylar reacted like that but she was a snowball mess. It had to be downright cold.
Thank you to Debbie for letting me see Coco - yes another Coci. It was delightful! Sky instead comes in with snowballs and lays on the heat register. Eho is smart?
As we have puppy visits for the next 2 days, I am going to try to relax for an hour tonight. Not sure if its diable but I am blogging early so I can try.
Happy Holidays everyone.
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