Very Small Gallery

Shady and Nora has been playing up a storm. Everyone has. I only had time and inclination for a small gallery.
We spent the morning trying to get a washer working. That attempt was a bust. I did clean floors, move out all my grooming equipment and it is now in the entry way where it will remain till a repairman comes. I must do dogs tomorrow and well only place I can due to electricity constraints from 2 commercial dryers. I didn't need the expense nor the time we had to put into this.
I have been working on 4 hours sleep a night. We had an extremely long day visiting dad with the daughter on Thursday and then its been non stop go, arranging a kitchen to accomodate many. I am just literally exhausted.
Thank gad for phones and ipad so Nathan and I can connect, which we do many times a day. It is hard on him too.
This is not fun but the dogs bring me such joy. I wish Nathan had that at this moment.
Inula got all those sticky seeds on her face and body. It took Dennis an hour to get them off. No one else got them on them and we can't figure out where they are. We did hunt. Like I said - fun day - not.
But the dogs get us by. Shady and Nora here just for the day. Harlow came in owning the place. Murphy was snuggling on my neck and competing with Saffron. Raven's not feeling so hot. Perhaps morning sickness.
Everyone else is jumping all over each other as I type.
It's Sunday.... we will see what Monday brings. Now to video conference with Nathan.