
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018


Very Small Gallery

Shady and Nora has been playing up a storm. Everyone has. I only had time and inclination for a small gallery.

Here is the gallery.

We spent the morning trying to get a washer working. That attempt was a bust. I did clean floors, move out all my grooming equipment and it is now in the entry way where it will remain till a repairman comes. I must do dogs tomorrow and well only place I can due to electricity constraints from 2 commercial dryers. I didn't need the expense nor the time we had to put into this.

I have been working on 4 hours sleep a night. We had an extremely long day visiting dad with the daughter on Thursday and then its been non stop go, arranging a kitchen to accomodate many. I am just literally exhausted. 

Thank gad for phones and ipad so Nathan and I can connect, which we do many times a day. It is hard on him too. 

This is not fun but the dogs bring me such joy. I wish Nathan had that at this moment. 

Inula got all those sticky seeds on her face and body. It took Dennis an hour to get them off. No one else got them on them and we can't figure out where they are. We did hunt. Like I said - fun day - not.

But the dogs get us by. Shady and Nora here just for the day. Harlow came in owning the place. Murphy was snuggling on my neck and competing with Saffron. Raven's not feeling so hot. Perhaps morning sickness. 

Everyone else is jumping all over each other as I type. 

It's Sunday.... we will see what Monday brings. Now to video conference with Nathan.


Bitter Cold

Sky is saying what is this white stuff? This is the pups first experience with this cold white stuff and they LOVE it!

Here is today's gallery.

The dogs are having fun. Last night Brewer and Sky slept with our daughter. She requested them both. They were pleased, I guess they could tell she is a true dog person. 

Dogs are running around like crazy but I am taking in outside cushions, washing and putting them away. Yes, they were still outside. We have been busy.

The daughter cut down Inula with clippers. I am off and on trimming and shaping to finish her (daughter left that to me) but boy she doesn't look like her without hair. Nathan maintains her. Hair grows and yes, I like Inula in longer hair but she has a beautiful shape and it changed her hair colour which often happens when you shave them down. Wrong time of year to shave down though. I may have to get her a coat. LOL

Dogs love this brisk wind but they want to come in sooner and so do I. 

We are dealing with the roller coaster rides that someone dying brings but the dogs make us smile. Nathan... he will be in Ottawa for the duration. 

Really going to miss the daughter. I love how she so loves the dogs like we do. There is love and then there is love!


Trying to Regroup

Here is this mornings gallery.

We had a long day yesterday. We got in around 1am then off to bed by 2am as it took us that long to let dogs out again and then figure who was going to sleep with the daughter, the 2 sons and me. I crashed.

Nathan is staying for the duration. I am here carless. But Jon has a car and can run errands between his work and school. Will it be a week, weeks - who knows. He is declining but he ate yesterday and he was so looking forward to seeing Kendra and facetiming with our daughter in Portland. It was a good visit. Today not as up. So wise that we went last night. I ate too much fast food. My stomach was a mess. Today on less than 4 hours sleep we are awaiting family to come over tonight for dinner. 

Our daughter had a blast with the dogs. Me, with this weather I am grooming way too much. They get soaked especially dogs like Sky and Spirit that will stay out and get soaked despite saying I am going in. 

I took photos. Not a ton but all I could do at the moment. 

Kendra fell in love with Brewer who she slept with last night. She loves dogs as much as me. It's nice - truly.

Dogs are getting repeatedly soaked but hey maybe its a good distraction. Glad for messenger as I can talk  to Nathan so he can update us. It's hard being here and him there. He's missed his time with his daughter. He is feeling it. What a weight on his shoulder. Guess me too but he's sitting there. Me, I have teh dogs, distractions etc


No Gallery Day

The daughter's plane is late. Plane isn't in till 1206 now. Our plans is to drive straight to Ottawa. We also plan on after our daughter gets to see her grandpa that we will drive home making us arrive at 1am to 2am. Long day...

Dogs are quiet today. Dennis will be with them today. Weather is lousy yet again. Dennis will wait for our arrival before going to bed. That means a late night for the dogs to go to sleep but hey they will nap wherever. We should learn a thing or two from them. 

I did get everyone brushed out but already they don't appear that way. It is what it is. The daughter is looking forward to seeing her dad, her grandfather - us too and sleeping with the dogs. She's a groomer in her day job. :-) 

Till tomorrow.... I just hate to miss a day so this is it!


2 Updates Today

We have had wild, fun play despite the weather.

I cleaned up a guest bedroom that we were using for puppy stuff. That was a chore and now it is ready for our daughter. Nathan is in Ottawa or will soon be. I have no car. I helped him pack. Boy did he need the help. Poor guy! The daughter is coming in tomorrow and the local daughter will get her and then we too will go to Ottawa depending on Nathan's assessment. Waiting to hear tonight. We are on a roller coaster ride and not a fun drive for Nathan alone. 

So, Dennis will be here tomorrow. I will groom before I depart. Who knows if it is wet how they will look tomorrow night. 

Here is the gallery from today.

Dogs have been playing a great deal inside. Thunder is all over Stormy. He thinks she shoots the moon. 

I have cancelled my groomings. So much to do. It keeps one busy. 

Ali and Cinnamon is so tight. It is great to see their relationship.

I was giving everyone a small treat today and I go to hand it to Stone and they all backed away, let him eat. It was interesting to watch. He would let them have it. He's a laidback dog but they all gave him respect. They let him eat and then they all did. I only ever saw that with Risa. She never growled, barked, used a might as right reaction. She would just look and they all paid her respect. I miss that gal but looks like we have a male most like her. So interesting.


Look Who's 2

There isn’t a day that goes by that my boys don’t express how happy they are with Zoey as part of our family. We have the Talemaker family to thank for bringing so much joy into our lives.

Can’t believe it’s been 2 years. Zoey wishes her siblings a very Happy 2nd Birthday!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Marco and siblings! Wow 2 already....

Hope all of you are enjoying YOUR day!


Photos and Gallery Arrived

I am having a 'repair drive' hour on my computer. It is sitting at 9% for the last 2 hours so I will update without photos and galleries till I have access.

I had a very long day grooming. My ipad was knocked down by Nathan by accident and the case broke. The ipad survived. The case was 200 dollars. I found a replacement at Best Buy for 169. I kept looking and found it on Amazon for 145. It will be delivered tomorrow but no Chinese food. It was the case that I had to have or Chinese. Oh well. It meant after grooming I cooked.

Dogs played hard today. They are tired.

The dogs had a wet day but the sun came out in the afternoon. It remained mucky. I groomed and groomed and groomed and now I am typing on the portable surrounded by dogs including Tenshi.

We are watching the election. I have my gin and tonic - thnx Lynda. Will it be celebratory or defeating. Time will tell. No matter which the dawgs will get me by - I hope!

 I am looking at Roxie as I type. She is such a stunning dog. I know I am biased but.....

Here is the gallery.


Wet and Damp

It's been a miserable wet day and I have to say I hate how dark it gets early. 

Here is the gallery.

We have a dog that has never been here before. Her name is Willow. She is a Havanese, poodle mix I believe but looks more havanese to me. She is having a great time. She is highly playful and fun! We are enjoying her but now when we say Willow she looks and so does our Willow. 

I am hoping for dry. I have a very busy grooming schedule tomorrow. Maybe good with elections and all the rest. I am telling Nathan Chinese and gin and tonic and let's hope I am celebrating! We shall see. 

Dogs hate this weather. 

Sherry and I had an adventure today and when all was said and done we created memories. Sometimes when you just breathe, it all comes together. 


Sunday After Time Change

Short blog tomorrow. I got my gopro working again and I am flubbing through learning it again. LOL I even found a dog show on the device that I didn't realize was there. It seemed all I needed was a new battery. Go figure. 

Here is today's gallery.

I am beyond stressed. Dani is home - great news. That was fast so looks like its all working.

Dad, family and all that it brings is highly stress-filled.

The dogs woke us up at 6am. Murphy and Scruffy was the first to set out the alert - its morning then the rest joined in. I am a zombie. 2 more hours till bedtime.  I am taking tomorrow off from grooming. Nathan will brush out those going home. I am so done so I need 1 day to regroup. 

Look forward to bed and cuddling. 


2 Updates Today

Lola says Happy 7th to Simba, Poppins, Benji, Chloe - did I forhet anyone?

Be sure to check out Jeannie's blog today too!


2 Updates Today

Sky FlyingI washed Kat today and I am not even going to post a photo of him. He looked great. He went outside and well he is worse than before the bath. I am going to blow the needles out of him from the trees, rinse the mud off - blow him out but I know if I bathe him yet again he will do it again. Does that make sense. It's a losing proposition. I feel so defeated. I love him but this is so ridiculous. 

Truffie also rolled after his bath but at least it was INSIDE.

Charlie went home today. She will be missed. We heard Marcie slept a whole day after all the play here. That's what happens. They play and play and play then go home and sleep. You get an extra break. 

Magic was also over for a spa day. Amy is here hanging out. Bria came spilling in running and chasing and having a blast. It was as if she said ah play!

Scruffy and Pepper just arrived for an overnight. They came running into the TV room. Oh, it's that time already. How did they know?

Dani is improving finally. She had a slower than they thought should occur rallying. One more thing to relax about. 

We enjoyed the movie. 

Sky is getting mighty brave these days. She jumps up and down on the furniture. They grow up too fast, I say.

Here is today's gallery.


Stella Passed

Hi Nathan and Darlah, Stella passed her child friendly evaluation this morning., following in her sister Molly’s steps. They said she was a lovely dog. I’m very proud of her, I wish I could tell my dad. He would be bragging to all his coffee shop friends.


From us: Bravo Stella and Valerie. We are ever so proud of you!


Play Indoor Day

Yes, we are playing indoors with all this rain. 

Here is the gallery.

We did manage to get them out but oh boy wet city.

We are off to the movies for the 430 matinee. Nathan is napping before we depart. :-) 

I may lay down with the rest of the dogs. It's one of THOSE days. 

Dogs... need a nap too after all the play!


Two Updates Today

It is wet and yucky out there but Saffron was sitting out chilling. I did get the dogs to go out but boy did they get a mess.

Here is a gallery.

We also had Beau visit. Check Leti's blog to see how that went.

Saffron is starting to get her hair back and she is getting round - not fat - just wider. Murphy is indeed lighter - so is Tenshi. :-) Maybe Saffron needs to get exercise like me. LOL

Sebastian and Charlie had a blast today as you will see in the photos.

Dani's surgery went well. The surgeon is positive - yeah - one less thing. She will be out of school for 6 to 8 weeks. It's a long haul but no outside bad now. Her j-pouch is inside. 

We are going to go to an early evening movie tomorrow - 430. We need a distraction. Nathan picked up his suit from alterations. Life....

I groomed my ahem off due to this weather. I now officially give up for the day. Last night Dennis was still handing me dogs to clean up. TV - what's that?


Toupie Update: Spicy and Envy Baby

Her litter mates are Farley, Cinnamon, Moxie, Ines, Secret, Archie, Velvet and Murphy. I just love those ponytails. We do not get to see Toupie as she lives in Quebec. There were more photos but what a wonderful photo shoot. 

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