Long Day Short Blog

If you are seeing this without a photo know we are getting back too late and I am not up to it. But I will play catch-up on Thursday.
Dennis is amazing with the dogs so fun is the operative word.
Made it home after 10pm. More later.
Reader Comments (6)
Glad you’re home safe
Try to get a good sleep!
Worried about you and Nathan. So much stress within such short period of time. Is Nathan still in Ottawa?
Yes and Nathan said you are good people - truly so. Thank you for lasagne. Feeding dogs - okay - feeding us I am still just forgetting. Maybe that is good but Jon, Dennis and I will sit down together with your lasagne and it is truly appreciated. He comes back tomorrow night. I think we are all numb - truly numb. You know its coming but it still hits you hard. Big snow coming so I need to get things in, find shovels and hopefully get washer fixed. Will find out between 2-5. Hoping not too expensive. To top it off Cinnamon is in heat. I am so trying to regroup today but much to do. May take a nap with all the dogs today!
Please take a nap Darlah and allow yourself to grieve. If there was one thing I did when my sister died it was a lot of reading about grief. I truly believe if you don't allow yourself time to grieve or try to suppress it, it comes out physically. We all care about you, Nathan, and Dennis so much. We are thinking of you during this terrible time. Shock is the numbing feeling. Time really does heal but, as you know, life is never the same. We are lucky to have had these wonderful people in our lives. RIP Mr. Potechin, your family loves you. ❤️
Darlah, Im wishing Nathan a safe drive home considering the snow we just got. And I think Ottawa usually gets more snow then here. You must miss him so much and he must miss you and the dogs tremendously.
I hope you enjoy the lasagna, thought that you might not have time to cook. I didn’t know that Dennis doesn’ like mushrooms, I shall skip that ingredient next time. ( I am a fanatic about all mushrooms :)
Thanks for clearing Tenshi pads, you didn’t have to do that considering you already have so much on your plate. So thank you thank you.
Perhaps going to the laundry mat over the weekend will allow you some quiet time to wind down and grief over the loss and talk about it