Long Day Short Blog

Today was a fun cold and mild day all at once with the dogs.
Nathan surprised me with an iphone. But he couldn't surprise me. It is an anniversary/holiday gift. Our phone services is or was in my name alone so after 2.5 hours we finally got it handled and then he had to drive to a store where they said they had it and only to find out they only had the bigger version. Then although we learned about activation costs and 2 year plans after having no plan for 4 years. He did settle on the larger one. In his words - I have to truly love you to go through this today. Now that made it special. It was truly a nightmare.
We are getting rid of our house phone. That number by Sunday night will be on my new phone. Right now we have a temporary number. Dennis is freaking as he is not sure how dog people will contact him. I said they will contact me and I will send you a message or they can contact you directly. It is 35 dollars cheaper to get rid of the house phone and share data so it makes sense but I am sure we will have blips but the house phone will be my phone. My cell phone will be Nathans permanently instead of having to share. It drove him crazy. When we were in a store he could not just message me and say where the hey are you?
To add to the craziness Nathan had the new phone (wishful thinking) set up as his phone so when he handed it to me everything was in his name so I had to redo icloud and so much more. It was not fun and Dennis was drooling out of the side of his mouth so he left it to me muttering why didn't he just call with your password so it was set up right?
But he brought me back Shawarma and laffa bread and the dogs got handouts - tsk tsk me - I know. But they so loved me not him today. Yes, I am laughing.
I combed out everyone. We snuggled. We played. We had a yummy treat. We played hide and seek. I sadly failed as they always found me and everything. They are improving!
Nathan took a nap with some as after today he sadly needed it. Me, I am having a gin and tonic and signing out. Time to play with the phone and snuggle with dogs. Maybe Nathan too. LOL
Reader Comments (11)
What model iPhone did you get Darlah? I have wanted to get rid of my house phone for a long time but never thought about transferring the phone number to my iPhone. What an ingenious idea because all and sundry have the house phone number. Thanks for the idea.
We got an Apple Iphone xs max. We had a data plan that was attached to an ipad 3 years ago (our ipads are wifi only now) and they were supposed to cancel the services. Packrat that I am I still had the confirmation of cancellation. For 3 years we have been paying without realizing till we called in and they said what do you want to do with this data plan. So we got 3 years worth of credit after talking to everyone up the line. Plus signing a 2 year plan and going on a family share made it all doable. It was not a fun process but by Sunday night we will no longer have a house phone. Instead the number will be on my cell phone. We needed the house line transferred as all our talemaker contact is with this phone number and we have had it over 30 years. Here's to 30 more on a cell phone. Now that's dreaming! I am sure we will have to adjust to no house phone but if it wasn't for Dennis, the adjustment would be easy.
Look forward to hearing how you like the new phone. I’m interested in it’s camera features I’ve heard good things. I tried to get rid of my landline, but it’s attached to my security system and the company wanted to raise my monthly bill if I did that. So I talked to my phone company who basically gave me the landline for free ( I also have cell and internet with them). I kinda like it as I give out my cell number only to those I want to talk with. When the landline rings I know it’s likely a telemarketer or someone on my no chat list 😂
Ih my ours is attached to the security too - so we shall see about that. We do not use the security system at all.
Your security system is all the dogs greeting everyone who comes to the door😊
It seems if you have wifi there is a work around to your phone line. Due to being able to sever a phone line easily, we were just told this is the way to go and no phone line required and control over your phone is a perk. Different options for different plans. What is interesting is we are up for our yearly service so time to negotiate. We only have the system due to insurance but we never arm it. We have too much activity to deal with sensors etc Now I am trying to figure out a phone for Dennis that allows me to tether my line to it so he can receive calls if needed. Haven't figured that out and not sure it is necessary. I can probably tether to the computer. Still exploring. On Sunday no more home line. My only concern is we get a lot of telemarketing calls on the house line so blocking was a necessary feature but I am told apple has that built in? I do like the camera on this phone. It is too slippery so looking forward to a case that arrives today.
Hi Darlah, I have had cell phone security on my alarm system for a couple of years in addition to my landline but really don't need the landline attached to it. I think it works well. If you have ADT, you can negotiate, I just recently did it for my monitoring charges. I don't know if it is only on the iPhone X but I have an iPhone 6S Plus and still get telemarketing calls. 🙁
Angela: Do you block the phone numbers?
We have had pre-lock security forever - think 30 plus years so our system is old too. LOL Nathan is calling now to see what the costs are as each year they bill us and yesterday we got the yearly bill. He has to figure it out by Sunday as the alarm will go off 24 hours if a phone is disconnected, I am told.
So it looks like we can add a piece to our old system. They do not advertise it. They like you to buy new. So they will make our system not sound an alarm on our house when the phone transfers. Then next week they will install the part and our bill will go up a dollar a month. So, no landline - no problem. You can either use a radio device that bounces off the towers or wifi.
Wow,Darlah, you are full of good advice. Thanks for the hints.
It’s easy to block a number on a cell phone. I will show you tomorrow