Play Fun

Ripley has been over for the day and really connected with Stone. It was such a pleasure to have him today. He departs tonight.
We had a doctors appt today with Nathan and he was told he is in really great shape. It seems his arthritis has fused so now he has just aches now and then. He also told him he most likely has 30 plus years with all his recent test results. The doctor kept going on and on how wonderful he is no longer on pain meds and that he did that himself. He said most people live on pain pills the rest of their lives and if he had he wouldn't have realized he hardly has an arthritis issue any longer. I told him he has till Monday till normalcy - chores and all. LOL I need my day off before pups.
Truffie is still crying for the girls but Sage is no longer interested and Spirit - well it's not time yet. I will need a break after this - for sure. I did wash Spirit and Sky today. Both dogs I wash with different shampoos as their hair is different. Spirit hardly needs any conditioner at all. Sky's hair does well with a good quality conditioner. Each dog is different. Sort of like our own hair. We can't all use the same shampoo but that would be easier if we could.
Does anyone have a large ultrasonic machine they want to sell? I am in a need for my grooming stuff.
Also, if anyone has old towels, full size, hand towels and face cloths they were going to heave, I am in need. I need them for the whelping box as most of mine has gone rough from too many washes. If anyone wants to sell baby comforters, I may be interested in that as well. Interesting enough the dogs complain about rough. No lie! We are back in concentrating on pups once again.
Belly shots are up on Misty and Raven's blog.
Reader Comments (18)
Wonderful news for Nathan, and your entire family. You’ll all sleep better tonight.
Great news about Nathan,
Found a bunch of towels, etc. I had extra that I don't use with the couch covering, etc. I'll bring them up tmrw with the other goodies.
Interesting that decreased pain med with the fusing, great news for Nathan.
You do need to rest and recuperate prior to the pups.
Yay Nathan!!! Such great new for all!
Now to get him downstairs and helping, I said I give you till Monday. LOL I need a solid day off before pups. I have been waiting on him hand and foot. So time consuming still so Monday - here we come please!
Dorothy: I just saw your note. I groomed all day so I am playing catchup in mail before crawling into bed. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
The fusing is interesting. When I think of fusing, I think of fusing wrong so it cripples you. In his case it fused in a way to decrease pain. If he had never got off the pain pills, he wouldn't have known.
Wonderful news about Nathan ! Very interesting about the arthritis. Good to know.
So glad to hear recovery is going well! Enjoying following along with the pup updates.
Great news about Nathan. Glad to hear things will begin to get back to “normalcy.
Great news about Nathan!
It doesn't always fuse in a 'good' way like his does. Sometimes it fuses in a crippling way. He was impressed with Nathan and his health. He may outlive me by far yet!
Thank you thank you towels!!
That's the BEST news about Nathan! So very happy to hear that! I'm sure all the excellent, dedicated home care he received is largely responsible for his great recovery!
Wow, what great news about Nathan. Glad to hear Nathan is doing so well. I think his recovery is because of the excellent care he had at home.
WONDERFUL NEWS re Nathan’s recovery and health over all. It was such a rollercoaster for you both and then that big hill of recovery to climb. But you both made it to the tops - you must be overjoyed and so relieved to get this wonderful news. Bring on the puppies :)
Great news, Nathan! 🙏. That news alone will help with your continued recovery. Not sure if u have OA, but I do and have experienced the improvement from fusion. I was told years ago that I no longer had cartilage in my wrists and they would eventually fuse. I asked at the time if that meant reduced pain and my physiotherapist said it would. Initially, I could barely grasp the steering wheel it was so bad. Now while I have much less mobility, I’m in little pain. Yoga has helped a great deal. Getting on all fours was uncomfortable, but eventually I could from a little more mobility and modifications. You’ll find your way! Wishing you continued success in your daily improvements.
Darlah, I sent you mail RE grooming advice. Did u get it? I know you’re busy so if course understand. Just checking. Thanks
He has osteo, rheumatoid and ankalosing spondalitis/ Debi, I sent you mail. May have to go digging to find it as it was a bit ago.
PS: I look forward to Monday when he doesn't stay upstairs all day long. He did go to brunos on his own. I know I couldn't as I had 7 dogs to do and really want to do one of mine but running out of steam.
Darlah: you’re a rock, a Superwoman, and the Wind beneath his wings.
So glad Nathan is recovering quickly just in time for the puppies arrival.
You two are quite a team. Hope you can get some rest before the big event.