
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from February 1, 2021 - February 28, 2021


Short Blog

Luna, Rusty and Holly arrived today along with Brewer. Fun was had by all.

Here is the gallery.

Thank you to Sue for driving all the way here and making me laugh about grumpy! Treasured indeed!

Tomorrow we see Gucci, Daisy and Magic!! Our front landing is icy despite me using an entire container of the paw friendly deicer.

Till tomorrow...


Long Day

Harlow is smiling and running - how nice.

Here is the gallery.

I think the world has gone crazy. I slipped and fell catching the fall with my left wrist on our front landing. I had run out of deicer and was going out to warm up the car for Nathan to go to the doctors - just a checkup. I also had my side door registering as it was open but frozen. It was tense but I could talk about the side car driver in my car but I won't. I will talk about Pet Valu where I stopped to get deicer. I don't shop there but I drove by there to come home. It was an experience. They had lineups down the front of the store - the door was wide open so I entered. He said no, no, no. What do you want? I said deicer. He said throw your card on the ground and I will ring it up. I said WHAT. He said if you want the deicer throw your card and I will ring it up. So I threw the debit card. Never had to put a pin in and he rang it up. I am confused. I guess he waved it for me. I didn't feel good about this process but off I went home.

Dogs were excited to see me. Ellie had a spa experience. My wrist hurt but now its the whole arm so I am going to make aleve my pal. I took one and it did nothing.

I am tired. Dogs jumped all over me in the recliner today. Made my day. Tomorrow I am going to try a new game with them. I am still jazzed the washer is running. I know silly but no handwashing for me. I suck at it. LOL How can anyone suck at handwashing but I do. We all suck at something, I imagine.

I can't move when I lay down. I have to play dead or they kiss me all over!


Game Playing

Stone has been having fun - crazy fun today. He has been playing up a storm.

Here is today's gallery.

The dogs appreciated the crisp cool air today.It tends to infuse them with deep joy!

Murphy departed today, We miss her already but are happy that we get time with some of the dogs. It feels grand to have them in our lives.

Reggie is really into a groove. He so loves the snuggles and plays with everyone.

Nathan found his music to exercise with on sirius. He has not had a 12 string acoustic guitar for eons as he gave his last one to our son to learn and it burned in a fire. So, I promised Nathan my tips are now getting saved up so he can have one in his life again. This way his fingers can get calloused again. LOL I want him to enjoy every day!

Girls are back eating well now so morning sickness is over. HOORAY!!!


Saturday in February

Here is the gallery.

Don't worry Sherry - Ms Murphy eventually got a comb out by Dennis as my hand is still messed up. I will follow up tomorrow. He did better than I thought he would.

Dogs had fun. I did my 1st cook in the winter BBQing today for Nathan. Dogs had some treats too.

We did a hide a treat game today and Murphy must be an expert as she almost found them all. I had to take her out of the game as she would have had them ALL. Have you been working with her, Sherry?

The dogs ran and ran with Dennis. Now they are tuckered out. Then Nathan came down and they went crazy. Too much still for him so Dennis sent him back upstairs. LOL

I am watching a CRAZY tv show for the 1st time in a long time called the Righteous Gemstones with dogs all over me. Oh my...


Happy 9th Missed Yesterday Photo

A little late, time got away on me. Here’s a collage of photos for Tre’s 9th birthday.

Darlah and Nathan

Tre is my best boy, with blonde streaks from Abbey and Phantom’s  amber eyes. He’s the most fun loving dog, with a truly infectious smile. Tre sends birthday wishes to his siblings and extra big hugs to both of you.


Snow Angels: 2 Updates Today

Here is today's gallery.

Two updates today. This is Harlow getting her snow angel thing going on. It rained today so it was mighty wet out there. Why can't we have a decent snow fall? Today we also had Brewer, Marcie, Ollie and Rocky visiting. They truly had a blast.

My hand is a bit screwed up so I am resting it tomorrow. Opening gates problematic. Aleve and tylenol 1s are my friend. This too shall pass.

7pm and want to crawl into bed. LOL What is new.

Been updating Misty and Raven's blog every now and then.


Happy 9th Birthday

Laci wishes her 3 brothers a very Happy 9th Birthday! 

Hope you have a great day! I’m smiling at Mommy singing to me. She thinks I like it!  🎶 Heehee.

Hugs to Uncle Nathan!  Hope he gets better soon so he can run around and play with all the dogs again. 🤗 ♥️ xoxo


Happy 9th Birthday

Shady wants to say happy birthday to his litter mates.

He also wants to send well wishes to Nathan to continue getting better.

Shady is having a great bday full of treats and long walks. He even saw his niece (and Nora’s sister) little Olive on his bday walk.  Shady is loving the lockdown and having everyone at home. He’s happy Ontario is doing so badly vaccinating us.

Brie's mom sent me a link to a gallery but I can't access it. Happy Birthday, Brie!

2 updates today!


Maui and Fun

Maui was here and what a cute face he has - so thoroughly smirking and smiling always. It was a dream to watch him play today.

Here is the gallery.

Nami was in 7th heaven to have him play and she wasn't the only one. It was a good day. I think Harlow is upset we don't have snow. She tried to do her rub on the ground and with just wet ice, well snow angels is not easy. LOL She made the best of it!


Cool and Where's the Snow

They still have that mighty strong bond. Sure the others play with her but something special about the 2 how they play. She is getting very used to the grooming and the treat at the end.

Here is the gallery.

Nothing like capturing the shake. Nothing like Harlows! She loves to roll and catch the wind!

Toys - lost or not. They take them out and sometimes they disappear till spring. Then they get heaved from being out so long. Stormy thinks the toys are the very best!

Going to do a short blog tonight. They say snow is coming and I surely hope so. I need some magical photos in the white stuff.


Dare Devils

It used to drive me crazy having them walk the edge but they are mountain goats. This was the dug out I designed so the kids had a safe way to get out of the basement. Before we put a walkout they would have had to climb up to these small windows. I didn't feel it was safe and not sure how the builder 30+ years ago felt it was okay. We put it in at the same time as the pool eons ago.

Nathan and I was talking about it and he said his heart is full with everyone that has helped, gave well wishes - all of you. He sincerely means it and so do I. Thank you truly. No one wants surgery especially during covid but to know we have many that care - wow. Thank you!

Here is today's gallery.

We start the day at 645am these days. Bring the dogs down, put out the waters, make Nathan breakfast. Then meds, shower, nitro patch, check blood pressure and send and now check rate with an EKG mobile unit. We get to do it again at noon and at night. I am learning. LOL

Nathan is better each day in small increments. It is only 6 days since he got discharged. It takes time. I am tired all the time. Just work but it will get better. I dropped 10lb. Don't know if that is all as I don't weigh myself and just started weighing a week and a half ago. Maybe those stairs are making me work. I hate them by the way. LOL

If Nathan walks a minute or 2 more we say bravo! If he needs less pain meds - we say bravo. He so wants off the hydromorphone.

I did comb out all the dogs. I decided I am going to wash mine 1 at a time here and there.

The washer is fixed - oh my gad it is fixed and no cost as it is under warranty. I had damp smelly blankets that need 2 washes but they are coming clean! I am now doing load after load. LOL It feels so good to not hand wash items. Thank you to Julie and Sherry that offered to do clothes for me but I just felt mighty guilty and no one needs to do laundry for someone. In a non covid day we would have went to the Laundromat. In a non covid day we would have had family coming in from Ottawa etc to help with Nathan.

The dogs today - most had Nathan time. We are getting into a rhythm as to how to have them snuggle with him without hurting him. He just had Rebel as she is so light on his side but then it was too much. A few minutes at a time is good for his soul, he says.

A friend says her temps got up to 50f today. She lives in the mountains outside of Salt Lake City and she was in a t-shirt. Here it was hovering around 0. Who is lucky? It all depends on your perspective. The right mindset matters. Tough to get there at times but so important.

Misty and Raven have morning sickness.



Ellie comes once a week and usually I comb her out but time got away from me. So very sorry! Next week for sure!

I wanted to wash 2 of my own dogs today but never happened. Got to fit them in and I will as it bothers me not to.

Here is the gallery.

The repair guy comes tomorrow for the washer. He told the company that sends out their parts that they had someone that needs their washer going as he just had surgery so they expedited it. Wow a stranger being nice. Yes - wow!

I thank Sherry for sitting in a car today getting Nathan's prescription after he had a very long day from doctor to the lab. Our pharmacy doesn't deliver. I can't begin to tell you... I really can't. Those doing food or picking up food - and I will do it back in return in a heartbeat. I owe you so much and I think this caretaking is overwhelming with the rest that I have on my plate but I find myself laughing how crazy it all is.  Thank you! I asked Nathan would he do the same? He said I would hire someone.

Nathan has too much fruit. He so appreciates it but I need ideas on how to sustain its freshness.  I may start making mixed drinks - fruity margarita - heh. So send me recipes on making juice or maybe I can freeze for drinks later? Yes, send me ideas, please! Did get chocolate covered fruit and that I am eating. Thank you!

Ellie, Reggie, Harlow and Brewer had a blast. I mean a ton of fun today. Ellie is truly better off through this pandemic to have these wild play sessions. I can see her blooming! Harlow comes off and on throughout the month and really happy to come, really happy to go home. Perfect... Brewer is the same.

I so love the dogs. Isolation with dogs is good for us but they too need the play. It is all so hard. Pandemic - GO AWAY.

Nathan goes to dr visits weekly so Monday is it for 6 weeks. He has a referral for his arthritis to get his pain under control, visits with Cardiologist, Surgeon and I have to do blood pressure twice a day and heart monitoring that gets send to them. Wednesday I have to redo pill slots and tomorrow I need to call cardiologist about the meds and changes. It's supposed to be the GP but he sais they want me to do it?

Nathan saw more dogs. Sage reacted to him like Rebel did at first. Ella was crazy over the top so we had to hold and contain her. Ellie was way excited. Brewer sniffed and sniffed. Murphy had a major tail wagging. Jeannie wanted her belly rubbed. Harlow wanted to lick his wounds. Poor Nathan relishes being the dog whisperer so it bothers him - the reaction but he will regain that. He's confuserd by the Rebel like reaction.

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