Snow Came

The snow arrived. We didn't get as much as they were saying but it was enough to have Dennis shovel, me clean off the car and warm it up for Nathan. Roads were awful this morning. They really didn't get even the main sanded so it was slippery. On the way back the main roads were clear.
Dennis tried an electric shovel that a friend gave us. They bought a snowblower and is never looking back. As this is a cheap one, you can't direct the snow. It just goes forward and when it is windy, your glasses and face gets the brunt which happened to Dennis today. He was so frustrated. I promised him next year a snowblower. He went out at 7am and I fed the dogs as he wanted it all done before Nathan's appointment. We had to leave at 10am. The dog's just looked at Dennis as if he was really nuts. That's okay. they needed some comic relief and they got it.
By the time Ellie and Brewer arrived he had some paths done so Ellie didn't have to do the jump and sink like Rebel did. Rebel puts her whole face in it and Nami does snow angels much like Harlow except she also tunnels through the snow like a shovel.
Here is the gallery. I took photos and Dennis took photos.
I finally got everyone brushed and well they look like I did nothing after Dennis' took them out for a run. I wish Dennis allowed videos or photos of him but it is a bloody riot. He jumps like a pogo stick all over the backyard and the dogs jump and chase and have a grand time. Then they come in for me to comb. I am not done yet so back to it. LOL They truly have a crazy fun time with Dennis. If I hadn't been so busy, I was going to do snow angels with them. Till next time!
Looks like Nami is holding her colour. I thinj she is darker than her mom.
Reader Comments (3)
Sounds like a full day! Murphy likes to put her nose in the snow.
Glad you didn't have early morning appts, that would have been brutal. Is it back at the hospital? Long drive if it is.
Funny thing today, ours usually bark to high heaven to be let out and run like a flash and bark in the backyard, 'wakeup everybody', today, 'WHAT IS THIS STUFF' quick pee/poo but not in the deep snow, it's 'too deep', Pixie's look ' my bum will get cold'. We did make paths for them later, and zoom, off they went, adding short cuts thru the perennial stalks. They could still smell the rabbit poo through the snow.
We have a small snowblower, it didn't start, even though it was tested in the fall, so we just joined the rest of the neighbors and shoveled driveways and walkways, we have no sidewalks. It is quite pretty here when the snow falls.
I hear more snow Thursday thru Friday.
It was at 10am and the roads were actually horrid. The van slipped and slided but when the appt was done the road was clear.
they can smell rabbit poo a mile away. Ours keep chasing a rather large one in our yard.
Pixie is smart! WHO WANTS A COLD BUM. lol
Maybe get the snowblower fixed, if you can. More snow is coming. When I told Dennis more snow was coming he let out this sigh - not a happy one.
All our neighbours have services or a snowblower. I usually shovel too but not this time. Too much with Nathan etc. One of our neighbours just before we departed ran their car into the snowdrifts and couldn't get out. Dennis offered to help and he got upset with him saying what you don't think I can handle this myself. The car was gone when we got back. Dennis said he had it towed. Dennis said I hope he didn't pay for that service as I really could have helped.