Happy 7th Birthday and Happy 65

Here is a picture of Katie and I celebrating our birthdays. Katie turned 7 yrs yesterday!! Where does the time go? I turned 65 yrs old on the 11th! Can't believe I'm now an official senior citizen! Katie wishes her brother Odin a happy birthday.
Hi Nathan & Darlah,
Long long long time no chat/see. Like everyone else, we haven't been going away for a long time. I can't believe its Odin's 7th birthday today. Odin would like to say "Happy Birthday" to his big sister. He wants to say "Get well soon" to Nathan too.
Appending a recent picture of Odin here, he misses u guys....
Reader Comments (2)
Happy Birthday to both the Girls ๐ and to Odin too!
Happy Birthday to Katie and Odin. I hope you are being spoiled ๐๐ Turning 65 was unbelievable to me too until I turned70 ๐๐