It's a Brisk One

This is Chloe, Ali's sister. She looks a lot like Sky due to the colouring. She has just as much enthusiasm as Ali dies. She's just had a bath and a trim.
We have a bunch of fun dogs here. Dennis was out using the leaf blower (it only lasts 10 minutes) and the dogs were jumping through everything he did. I said use the mower but he has to do it his way. That's okay. As long as its not me and the dogs think it is great fun. Nothing like creating a pile of leaves so the dogs can redistribute them.
I did not have a great night and woke the dogs and Nathan up around 2am. He had his annual physical so was not pleased to not have sleep. Me, I had none. Nathan is napping as he says the physical was draining. I bet it was. Me, I could fall asleep if I sat on the couch. But I will wait for tonight.
He asked who wanted to go up with him and Ella decided it was me and this room she wanted to be in. I will never hear the end of it as he says Ella is his. LOL Murphy decided to go, Oreo, Marlie, Chester and Mabel. Velvet decided to stay with me. I got everyone groomed except Kat and Jeannie.
The dogs are back out in the cold windy day having a blast.
Raven has been bred to Stone. Stormy still likes the tv room with the gals. LOL
Tomorrow afternoon, I am out so short blog, I suspect.
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