Lazy Day

We met Gracie at a Whos Walking Who class when they had classes in Markham and I always called her Crazy Gracie. She was the most over the top havanese I ever did see. But she has calmed down since those classes. It happens. I rather like her!
I took a lazy day. I did a few baths and cuts but I didn't comb anyone out, I needed one day to regroup. I combed them out last night when I arrived home. Today they are a bloody mess and well they are enjoying themselves and that is okay. Tomorrow I go back to combing them out.
We may be going back to Ottawa Monday. Dad is highly itchy and that's a sign of his liver failing. There are other things including the cancer but one more thing added on and he fell. He also sleeps now for part of the visit. He is tired. He is mighty depressed today so that makes it tough especially for someone who has a high sense of humour. Oh well so I took a semi day off.
As you will see Mabel is still smittened with Stone. Velvet watches and then gets in the middle as if to say - she's mine. They are so funny.
Levon and Trigger are not jealous of each other this stay. Harlow is running her fool head off enjoying. We have a great crew here.
Tomorrow starts a new day!
Reader Comments (6)
I am so sorry for what you are all going through Darlah. Such a sad time of life. You are in our hearts and thoughts. ❤️
Glad you took some time for yourself. It’s very stressful to watch someone you love suffer. Big hug.
Yeah its not a fun ride. I want to either eat good food or crawl into bed. Now isn't that ridiculous?
Darlah, thank you for taking the picture of Tenshi running like a bullet. Love that pic.
It’s so heart wrenching to see your dad leaving this world slowly, there’s no words in this world that can describe that pain. You travelling to visit him every week means a lot. Is there a dog that he had a special bond with? I’m wondering if you can bring one of your dogs to visit him too.
Our thoughts are always with you and Nathan, very difficult times. Thank goodness for the dogs who bring so much comfort.
I' m so sorry for what you, Nathan and your family are going through. I know how difficult this is and feel for you all and Nathan's dad. thinking of you often.