Fall Day With the Dogs

Such fun watching laughter. That is indeed what is happening in this photo.
They have been playing all day long.
Here is a short video of a few that Dennis took. Mabel was a riot!
Lexi is in the thick of things. She is the sable that is Ali's sister. She holds her own with Ali and then some. She is such a fun dog.
Winston, Brewer, Tenshi, Cha Cha, Satch and Ty came for a day visit. It was a busy household with a ton of fun.
Charlie is coming late tonight. She is a Saffron pup - Sage sister. We are looking forward to it!
Raven is out of heat. Hooray - now we wait for Willow. Soon....
Velvet has decided the recliner is HERS and hers alone. LOL TV time and we shall see how that goes!
Reader Comments (10)
What a great video of the Havs playing! I so enjoyed it. Thanks Dennis for taking it.
Wow, Dennis did an amazing job doing that video. So wonderful all those Havanese having so much fun together. I guess the more the merrier 🐶
Keep watching it, so much fun.
Nice to see Ty again.. The 'Blonde Girls' (it is hard to identify who is who) were having such a great time. The Black / Dark dog is that Velvet ? In any case, the video was great it really showed how the dogs all know how to have fun. Great work Dennis.
Wow, the video certainly explains why our dogs are all tuckered out when they come home!
Yes - they get great exercise off and on all day. :-)
Thank Dennis for the great video!
It is so wonderful to see her having such a good time!
Thank you for taking such good care of our girls!
We can go away and not worry when they are there with you.
Very grateful to you Nathan and Dennis! xo
Also Happy Birthday to Mama Spice!
Love the pictures! ❤️
Interesting Velvet plays but is more into comfort. I want that recliner, that bed, that lap, that chair. She really really loves Willow but she is in heat. I put her in with Willow in the tv room and they play their hearts out. Everyone wants the comfort of the tv room. Both are lovely with different personalities!
Spice does make lovely puppies!
Velvet does like to find the comfortable places. Lol
Mabel is always bringing toys
to Velvet to encourage her to play :)
Jayne: Right now Dennis is playing a video game in the tv room and Velvet is his wig.
Lol!! What a good sport Dennis is!