Keeper Departs & More

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The Keeper has departed. We are going to miss this one! We hope to see him from time to time. He settled in so easily. Here you can see him with Stephanie (human mom) and human daughter Chloe) and havie sister Lucy. We want to hear how it goes - don't forget!
We also had a busy day. Molly dropped in for play and a bath. Daisy dropped in for a stay and you will see photos of her tomorrow. By the time she dropped in we didn't click any photos. But she has been her usual play monkey self. Pepper and Scuffy have been playing their hearts out. It's been such a fun day!
Here are a few photos from this morning.
The last photo I imagine its Risa saying to Panda, okay Panda now tell me why you are good enough for my son.
Reader Comments (6)
Oh, I love that last comment between Risa and Panda. My kind of humour!@ @
It was a gorgeous winter day today and while I didn't have time, I decided to make the time to take a long walk w/ Laci. So glad I did. Sometimes we have to let things fall by the way side to just "enjoy!" :-)
Molly said she had a wonderful day playing and bathing. Thank you so much Darlah and Nathan.
We wish Keeper and his family a wonderful journey. I had the opportunity to meet Keeper and he is a wonderful puppy. Congratulations!
Lol, Risa. She cracks me up. ;)
Congrats to Keeper's family!
Susan: WE had a WONDERFUL time with Molly!
I just imagined what Risa would be saying to Panda. I thought it was funny!
Wow taking a long walk - good for you. They say it will be warm Thursday.
Darlah - then hopefully another walk tomorrow. Laci loves her rides in the car so that's a good thing but the lack of exercise is another, so we love the walking when we can. After that last heavy snowfall it has taken me since then to get mats/knots out of her hair. I'm beginning to enjoy it now as I decide when grooming is enuf for both Laci and I. Tomorrow is another day and we start over. I seem to find them when we're snuggling in bed and now she's caught on that I "search." LOL I'll find out tonight if I was successful! LOL