Mucky, Dirty and Icy

What a combo. Dogs don't want to run. Dennis and Jon has been walking the dogs but its a wash each dog that comes in - paws, undersides - oh my. He just finished with Coops and Doozie and thank god for blowers. They are not crazy about the sound but its the only way to quickly blow out the excess water and then I will brush out when dry. I find this saves me time but at least they are getting their exercise this way. In the back they are just walking and standing as its too icy. Usually they are running around like banshees. Dennis said when he is finished walking he will take them upstairs and get them chasing him from room to room. Glad he loves the dogs so!
Here are a few photos of them outside and in the kitchen.
Doozie was watching Jeannie throw the toy up. She had her eye on her intently and I couldn't figure out why. One of those times it went up in the air Doozie grabbed it midair and was off running with it. You should have seen Jeannie's face. She sure didn't expect that.
We do play retrieve on icy days like this too to expel energy. Sparky was in no hurry to bring the toy back. I just laughed. Slow, deliberate and okay you can throw it again!
Cali and Jeannie were into the off the ground antics in the kitchen. Jeannie is going to make such a great mom. You can see it the way she plays.
Ty was over for play and he did play but he did a lot of investigating. Must be lots of smells with the ice melting. I will tell you I never saw so many leaves, sticks and mud as I have this year.
Doozie and Coco came in and only their immediate paws were dirty. Dennis said they walked around every dirty spot. heh
Coco is enjoying the fresh air so even though they are not running they are enjoying. Add in the runs in the house and the walks they have expelled lots of energy. A tired dog is a happy dog I say.
Coops came in the door immaculate bearing gifts Lamaze ones for the pups and I will have you know they ADORE them especially the crinkle one. Thank you from the bottom of the pups hearts! I will try to get a video of it. Is it just my house or is this the Coops but he seems to make a mess out of his face playing. I call that a good thing - maybe not for photos but it tells me he is having fun.
The dogs are almost finished with the walks so we are going to do some snuggle and tv time. Tomorrow baths for 12 pups - oh my!